2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00

58 lines
1.8 KiB

#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "Utlvector.h"
#include "tier1/UtlSortVector.h"
class CRoomTemplate;
// alphabetical sorting of room templates by name
class CRoomTemplateLessFunc
bool Less( CRoomTemplate* const &pRoomTemplateLHS, CRoomTemplate* const &pRoomTemplateRHS, void *pCtx );
// class holding data about a particular level theme
class CLevelTheme
CLevelTheme(const char *szName, const char *szDescription, bool bRequiresVMFTweak);
char m_szName[64]; // name of this theme
char m_szDescription[512]; // short description of the theme
bool m_bRequiresVMFTweak; // should the vmf_tweak step run on this theme?
bool m_bSkipErrorCheck;
Vector m_vecAmbientLight; // color of ambient light
// saves this theme to disk
bool SaveTheme(const char *pszThemeName); // pass just the theme name like "GreyCorridor" (no extension/path)
void LoadRoomTemplates(); // makes this theme load in all its room templates
CRoomTemplate* FindRoom( const char *szRoomTemplate );
CUtlSortVector<CRoomTemplate*, CRoomTemplateLessFunc> m_RoomTemplates; // all the room templates that belong to this theme
// loads in every level theme in tilegen/themes/
static void LoadLevelThemes();
static CLevelTheme* FindTheme( const char *szThemeName );
static CUtlVector<CLevelTheme*> s_LevelThemes;
static bool s_bLoadedThemes;
static void SetCurrentTheme(CLevelTheme* pTheme);
static CLevelTheme* s_pCurrentTheme;
static CLevelTheme* s_pPreviousTheme;
static bool SplitThemeAndRoom( const char *szFullName, char *szThemeOut, int nThemeOutSize, char *szRoomOut, int nRoomOutSize );
void LoadRoomTemplatesInFolder( const char *szPath );