//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $Revision: $
// $NoKeywords: $


#include <vgui/VGUI.h>
#include "client_virtualreality.h"

class CViewSetup;
class C_BaseEntity;
class C_BasePlayer;
class CUserCmd;

namespace vgui
	class Panel;
	class AnimationController;

// Message mode types
	MM_NONE = 0,

abstract_class IClientMode
// Misc.

	virtual			~IClientMode() {}

	// Called before the HUD is initialized.
	virtual void	InitViewport()=0;

	// One time init when .dll is first loaded.
	virtual void	Init()=0;

	// Called when vgui is shutting down.
	virtual void	VGui_Shutdown() = 0;

	// One time call when dll is shutting down
	virtual void	Shutdown()=0;

	// Called when switching from one IClientMode to another.
	// This can re-layout the view and such.
	// Note that Enable and Disable are called when the DLL initializes and shuts down.
	virtual void	Enable()=0;

	// Called when it's about to go into another client mode.
	virtual void	Disable()=0;

	// Called when initializing or when the view changes.
	// This should move the viewport into the correct position.
	virtual void	Layout()=0;

	// Gets at the viewport, if there is one...
	virtual vgui::Panel *GetViewport() = 0;

	// Gets at the viewports vgui panel animation controller, if there is one...
	virtual vgui::AnimationController *GetViewportAnimationController() = 0;

	// called every time shared client dll/engine data gets changed,
	// and gives the cdll a chance to modify the data.
	virtual void	ProcessInput( bool bActive ) = 0;

	// The mode can choose to draw/not draw entities.
	virtual bool	ShouldDrawDetailObjects( ) = 0;
	virtual bool	ShouldDrawEntity(C_BaseEntity *pEnt) = 0;
	virtual bool	ShouldDrawLocalPlayer( C_BasePlayer *pPlayer ) = 0;
	virtual bool	ShouldDrawParticles( ) = 0;

	// The mode can choose to not draw fog
	virtual bool	ShouldDrawFog( void ) = 0;

	virtual void	OverrideView( CViewSetup *pSetup ) = 0;
	virtual int		KeyInput( int down, ButtonCode_t keynum, const char *pszCurrentBinding ) = 0;
	virtual void	StartMessageMode( int iMessageModeType ) = 0;
	virtual vgui::Panel *GetMessagePanel() = 0;
	virtual void	OverrideMouseInput( float *x, float *y ) = 0;
	virtual bool	CreateMove( float flInputSampleTime, CUserCmd *cmd ) = 0;

	virtual void	LevelInit( const char *newmap ) = 0;
	virtual void	LevelShutdown( void ) = 0;

	// Certain modes hide the view model
	virtual bool	ShouldDrawViewModel( void ) = 0;
	virtual bool	ShouldDrawCrosshair( void ) = 0;

	// Let mode override viewport for engine
	virtual void	AdjustEngineViewport( int& x, int& y, int& width, int& height ) = 0;

	// Called before rendering a view.
	virtual void	PreRender( CViewSetup *pSetup ) = 0;

	// Called after everything is rendered.
	virtual void	PostRender( void ) = 0;

	virtual void	PostRenderVGui() = 0;

	virtual void	ActivateInGameVGuiContext( vgui::Panel *pPanel ) = 0;
	virtual void	DeactivateInGameVGuiContext() = 0;
	virtual float	GetViewModelFOV( void ) = 0;

	virtual bool	CanRecordDemo( char *errorMsg, int length ) const = 0;

	virtual void	ComputeVguiResConditions( KeyValues *pkvConditions ) = 0;

	// [menglish] Save server information shown to the client in a persistent place
	virtual wchar_t* GetServerName() = 0;
	virtual void SetServerName(wchar_t* name) = 0;
	virtual wchar_t* GetMapName() = 0;
	virtual void SetMapName(wchar_t* name) = 0;

	virtual bool	DoPostScreenSpaceEffects( const CViewSetup *pSetup ) = 0;

	virtual void	DisplayReplayMessage( const char *pLocalizeName, float flDuration, bool bUrgent,
										  const char *pSound, bool bDlg ) = 0;

// Updates.

	// Called every frame.
	virtual void	Update()=0;	

	// Returns true if VR mode should black out everything around the UI
	virtual bool	ShouldBlackoutAroundHUD() = 0;

	// Returns true if VR mode should black out everything around the UI
	virtual HeadtrackMovementMode_t ShouldOverrideHeadtrackControl() = 0;

	virtual bool	IsInfoPanelAllowed() = 0;
	virtual void	InfoPanelDisplayed() = 0;
	virtual bool	IsHTMLInfoPanelAllowed() = 0;

extern IClientMode *g_pClientMode;
