FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

353 lines
12 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#ifndef FUNC_TANK_H
#define FUNC_TANK_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "triggers.h"
#define SF_TANK_ACTIVE 0x0001
#define SF_TANK_PLAYER 0x0002
#define SF_TANK_HUMANS 0x0004
#define SF_TANK_ALIENS 0x0008
#define SF_TANK_LINEOFSIGHT 0x0010
#define SF_TANK_CANCONTROL 0x0020
#define SF_TANK_DAMAGE_KICK 0x0040 // Kick when take damage
#define SF_TANK_AIM_AT_POS 0x0080 // Aim at a particular position
#define SF_TANK_NPC 0x0200
#define SF_TANK_NPC_CONTROLLABLE 0x0400 // 1024
#define SF_TANK_NPC_SET_CONTROLLER 0x0800 // 2048
#define SF_TANK_ALLOW_PLAYER_HITS 0x1000 // 4096 Allow friendly NPCs to fire upon enemies near the player
#define SF_TANK_IGNORE_RANGE_IN_VIEWCONE 0x2000 // 8192 Don't use range as a factor in determining if something is in view cone
#define SF_TANK_NOTSOLID 0x8000 // 32768
#define SF_TANK_SOUNDON 0x10000 // FIXME: This is not really a spawnflag! It holds transient state!!!
#define SF_TANK_HACKPLAYERHIT 0x20000 // 131072 Make this func_tank cheat and hit the player regularly
#define FUNCTANK_DISTANCE_MAX 1200 // 100 ft.
// Effect handling
// If the func_tank has a chosen method of handling effects, use that
// instead of the individual effect settings. (muzzleflash, sound, tracer, etc)
EH_NONE, // Use the effect settings
EH_AR2, // Use AR2 effects
EH_COMBINE_CANNON // Large Combine cannon
// Custom damage
// env_laser (duration is 0.5 rate of fire)
// rockets
// explosion?
class CFuncTank : public CBaseEntity
DECLARE_CLASS( CFuncTank, CBaseEntity );
void Spawn( void );
void Activate( void );
void Precache( void );
bool CreateVPhysics( void );
bool KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue );
void UpdateOnRemove();
void SetYawRate( float flYawRate ) { m_yawRate = flYawRate; }
void SetPitchRate( float flPitchRate ) { m_pitchRate = flPitchRate; }
int ObjectCaps( void )
return ( BaseClass::ObjectCaps() | FCAP_IMPULSE_USE | FCAP_USE_IN_RADIUS );
void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value );
virtual void FuncTankPreThink() { return; }
void Think( void );
virtual void FuncTankPostThink() { return; }
int GetAmmoCount( void ) { return m_iAmmoCount; }
// NPC
bool NPC_FindManPoint( Vector &vecPos );
bool NPC_HasEnemy( void );
void NPC_Fire( void );
void NPC_InterruptRoute( void );
void NPC_JustSawPlayer( CBaseEntity *pTarget );
void NPC_SetInRoute( bool bInRoute ) { m_bNPCInRoute = bInRoute; }
void NPC_SetIdleAngle( Vector vecIdle ) { m_vecNPCIdleTarget = vecIdle; }
// LOS
bool IsEntityInViewCone( CBaseEntity *pEntity );
bool HasLOSTo( CBaseEntity *pEntity );
// Controller
CBaseCombatCharacter *GetController( void );
bool StartControl( CBaseCombatCharacter *pController );
void StopControl( void );
Vector GetTargetPosition() { return m_vTargetPosition; }
void SetTargetPosition( const Vector &vecPos ) { m_vTargetPosition = vecPos; }
const float YawCenter() const { return m_yawCenter; }
const float YawCenterWorld() const { return m_yawCenterWorld; }
const float YawRange() const { return m_yawRange; }
const float PitchCenter() const { return m_pitchCenter; }
const float PitchCenterWorld() const { return m_pitchCenterWorld; }
const float PitchRange() const { return m_pitchRange; }
virtual void PhysicsSimulate( void );
virtual void OnStartControlled() {}
virtual void OnStopControlled() {}
// SF Tests.
inline bool IsControllable( void ) { return ( m_spawnflags & SF_TANK_CANCONTROL ) ? true : false; }
inline bool IsActive( void ) { return ( m_spawnflags & SF_TANK_ACTIVE ) ? true : false; }
inline bool IsNPCControllable( void ) { return ( m_spawnflags & SF_TANK_NPC_CONTROLLABLE ) ? true : false; }
inline bool IsNPCSetController( void ) { return ( m_spawnflags & SF_TANK_NPC_SET_CONTROLLER ) ? true : false; }
virtual void DoMuzzleFlash( void );
virtual const char *GetTracerType( void );
virtual float GetShotSpeed() { return 0; }
virtual Vector WorldBarrelPosition( void );
void UpdateMatrix( void );
float GetNextAttack() const { return m_flNextAttack; }
virtual void SetNextAttack( float flWait ) { m_flNextAttack = flWait; }
virtual void Fire( int bulletCount, const Vector &barrelEnd, const Vector &forward, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, bool bIgnoreSpread );
void TankTrace( const Vector &vecStart, const Vector &vecForward, const Vector &vecSpread, trace_t &tr );
int GetRandomBurst( void );
float GetRandomFireTime( void );
void CalcPlayerCrosshairTarget( Vector *pVecTarget );
void CalcNPCEnemyTarget( Vector *pVecTarget );
inline bool IsPlayerManned( void ) { return m_hController && m_hController->IsPlayer() && ( m_spawnflags & SF_TANK_PLAYER ); }
inline bool IsNPCManned( void ) { return m_hController && m_hController->MyNPCPointer() && ( m_spawnflags & SF_TANK_NPC ); }
void TrackTarget( void );
int DrawDebugTextOverlays(void);
void DrawDebugGeometryOverlays(void);
virtual void FiringSequence( const Vector &barrelEnd, const Vector &forward, CBaseEntity *pAttacker );
void StartRotSound( void );
void StopRotSound( void );
// Input handlers.
void InputActivate( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputDeactivate( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputSetFireRate( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputSetDamage( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputSetTargetDir( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputSetTargetPosition( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputSetTargetEntityName( inputdata_t &inputdata );
virtual void InputSetTargetEntity( inputdata_t &inputdata );
virtual void InputClearTargetEntity( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputFindNPCToManTank( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputStopFindingNPCs( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputStartFindingNPCs( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputForceNPCOff( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputSetMaxRange( inputdata_t &inputdata );
inline bool CanFire( void );
bool InRange( float range );
bool InRange2( float flRange2 );
void TraceAttack( CBaseEntity *pAttacker, float flDamage, const Vector &vecDir, trace_t *ptr, int bitsDamageType);
QAngle AimBarrelAt( const Vector &parentTarget );
bool OnControls( CBaseEntity *pTest );
bool HasController( void );
CBaseEntity *FindTarget( string_t targetName, CBaseEntity *pActivator );
// NPC
void NPC_FindController( void );
bool NPC_InRoute( void ) { return m_bNPCInRoute; }
bool NPC_InterruptController( void );
// Aim the tank at the player crosshair
void AimBarrelAtPlayerCrosshair( QAngle *pAngles );
// Aim the tank at the NPC's enemy
void AimBarrelAtNPCEnemy( QAngle *pAngles );
// Aim the tank at the func_tank's enemy
void AimFuncTankAtTarget( void );
// Returns true if the desired angles are out of range
bool RotateTankToAngles( const QAngle &angles, float *pDistX = NULL, float *pDistY = NULL );
// We lost our target!
void LostTarget( void );
// Purpose:
void ComputeLeadingPosition( const Vector &vecShootPosition, CBaseEntity *pTarget, Vector *pLeadPosition );
virtual void ControllerPostFrame( void );
virtual void TankActivate(void);
virtual void TankDeactivate(void);
float m_fireLast; // Last time I fired
float m_fireRate; // How many rounds/second
EHANDLE m_hTarget;
TANKBULLET m_bulletType; // Bullet type
int m_iBulletDamage; // 0 means use Bullet type's default damage
int m_iBulletDamageVsPlayer; // Damage vs player. 0 means use m_iBulletDamage
string_t m_iszAmmoType; // The name of the ammodef that we use when we fire. Bullet damage still comes from keyvalues.
int m_iAmmoType; // The cached index of the ammodef that we use when we fire.
int m_iSmallAmmoType;
int m_iMediumAmmoType;
int m_iLargeAmmoType;
#endif // HL2_EPISODIC
int m_spread; // firing spread
EntityMatrix m_parentMatrix;
Vector m_sightOrigin; // Last sight of target
EHANDLE m_hFuncTankTarget;
int m_nBulletCount;
// This is either the player manning the func_tank, or an NPC. The NPC is either manning the tank, or running
// to the man point. If he's en-route, m_bNPCInRoute will be true.
CHandle<CBaseCombatCharacter> m_hController;
float m_flNextAttack;
Vector m_vecControllerUsePos;
float m_yawCenter; // "Center" yaw
float m_yawCenterWorld; // "Center" yaw in world space
float m_yawRate; // Max turn rate to track targets
float m_yawRange; // Range of turning motion (one-sided: 30 is +/- 30 degress from center)
// Zero is full rotation
float m_yawTolerance; // Tolerance angle
float m_pitchCenter; // "Center" pitch
float m_pitchCenterWorld; // "Center" pitch in world space
float m_pitchRate; // Max turn rate on pitch
float m_pitchRange; // Range of pitch motion as above
float m_pitchTolerance; // Tolerance angle
float m_fireTime; // How much time has been used to fire the weapon so far.
float m_lastSightTime;// Last time I saw target
float m_persist; // Persistence of firing (how long do I shoot when I can't see)
float m_persist2; // Secondary persistence of firing (randomly shooting when I can't see)
float m_persist2burst;// How long secondary persistence burst lasts
float m_minRange; // Minimum range to aim/track
float m_maxRange; // Max range to aim/track
float m_flMinRange2;
float m_flMaxRange2;
int m_iAmmoCount; // ammo
Vector m_barrelPos; // Length of the freakin barrel
float m_spriteScale; // Scale of any sprites we shoot
string_t m_iszSpriteSmoke;
string_t m_iszSpriteFlash;
string_t m_iszMaster; // Master entity (game_team_master or multisource)
string_t m_soundStartRotate;
string_t m_soundStopRotate;
string_t m_soundLoopRotate;
float m_flPlayerGracePeriod;
float m_flIgnoreGraceUpto;
float m_flPlayerLockTimeBeforeFire;
float m_flLastSawNonPlayer;
string_t m_targetEntityName;
Vector m_vTargetPosition;
Vector m_vecNPCIdleTarget;
// Used for when the gun is attached to another entity
string_t m_iszBarrelAttachment;
int m_nBarrelAttachment;
string_t m_iszBaseAttachment;
// Used when the gun is actually a part of the parent entity, and pose params aim it
string_t m_iszYawPoseParam;
string_t m_iszPitchPoseParam;
float m_flYawPoseCenter;
float m_flPitchPoseCenter;
bool m_bUsePoseParameters;
// Lead the target?
bool m_bPerformLeading;
float m_flStartLeadFactor;
float m_flStartLeadFactorTime;
float m_flNextLeadFactor;
float m_flNextLeadFactorTime;
COutputEvent m_OnFire;
COutputEvent m_OnLoseTarget;
COutputEvent m_OnAquireTarget;
COutputEvent m_OnAmmoDepleted;
COutputEvent m_OnGotController;
COutputEvent m_OnLostController;
COutputEvent m_OnGotPlayerController;
COutputEvent m_OnLostPlayerController;
COutputEvent m_OnReadyToFire;
CHandle<CBaseTrigger> m_hControlVolume;
string_t m_iszControlVolume;
float m_flNextControllerSearch;
bool m_bShouldFindNPCs;
bool m_bNPCInRoute;
string_t m_iszNPCManPoint;
bool m_bReadyToFire;
int m_iEffectHandling;
#endif // FUNC_TANK_H