988 lines
34 KiB
988 lines
34 KiB
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using RageCoop.Core;
using GTA;
using GTA.Native;
using GTA.Math;
using System.Linq;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace RageCoop.Client
public enum ETasks
internal static partial class Util
#region -- POINTER --
private static int _steeringAngleOffset { get; set; }
public static unsafe void NativeMemory()
IntPtr address;
address = Game.FindPattern("\x74\x0A\xF3\x0F\x11\xB3\x1C\x09\x00\x00\xEB\x25", "xxxxxx????xx");
if (address != IntPtr.Zero)
_steeringAngleOffset = *(int*)(address + 6) + 8;
// breaks some stuff.
address = Game.FindPattern("\x32\xc0\xf3\x0f\x11\x09", "xxxxxx"); // Weapon / Radio slowdown
if (address != IntPtr.Zero)
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
*(byte*)(address + i).ToPointer() = 0x90;
public static unsafe void CustomSteeringAngle(this Vehicle veh, float value)
IntPtr address = new IntPtr((long)veh.MemoryAddress);
if (address == IntPtr.Zero || _steeringAngleOffset == 0)
*(float*)(address + _steeringAngleOffset).ToPointer() = value;
public static Settings ReadSettings()
XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Settings));
string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\scripts\\CoopSettings.xml";
Settings settings = null;
if (File.Exists(path))
using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(path))
settings = (RageCoop.Client.Settings)ser.Deserialize(stream);
using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Truncate, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
ser.Serialize(stream, settings);
using (FileStream stream = File.OpenWrite(path))
ser.Serialize(stream, settings = new Settings());
return settings;
public static void SaveSettings()
string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\scripts\\CoopSettings.xml";
using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, File.Exists(path) ? FileMode.Truncate : FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Settings));
ser.Serialize(stream, Main.Settings);
catch (Exception ex)
GTA.UI.Notification.Show("Error saving player settings: " + ex.Message);
public static string[] GetReloadingAnimation(this Ped ped)
switch (ped.Weapons.Current.Hash)
case WeaponHash.Revolver:
case WeaponHash.RevolverMk2:
case WeaponHash.DoubleActionRevolver:
case WeaponHash.NavyRevolver:
return new string[2] { "anim@weapons@pistol@revolver_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.APPistol:
return new string[2] { "weapons@pistol@ap_pistol_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.Pistol50:
return new string[2] { "weapons@pistol@pistol_50_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.Pistol:
case WeaponHash.PistolMk2:
case WeaponHash.PericoPistol:
case WeaponHash.SNSPistol:
case WeaponHash.SNSPistolMk2:
case WeaponHash.HeavyPistol:
case WeaponHash.VintagePistol:
case WeaponHash.CeramicPistol:
case WeaponHash.MachinePistol:
return new string[2] { "weapons@pistol@pistol_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.AssaultRifle:
case WeaponHash.AssaultrifleMk2:
return new string[2] { "weapons@rifle@hi@assault_rifle_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.SniperRifle:
return new string[2] { "weapons@rifle@hi@sniper_rifle_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.HeavySniper:
case WeaponHash.HeavySniperMk2:
return new string[2] { "weapons@rifle@lo@sniper_heavy_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.PumpShotgun:
case WeaponHash.PumpShotgunMk2:
return new string[2] { "weapons@rifle@pump_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.Railgun:
return new string[2] { "weapons@rifle@lo@rail_gun_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.SawnOffShotgun:
return new string[2] { "weapons@rifle@lo@sawnoff_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.AssaultShotgun:
return new string[2] { "weapons@rifle@lo@shotgun_assault_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.BullpupShotgun:
return new string[2] { "weapons@rifle@lo@shotgun_bullpup_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.AdvancedRifle:
return new string[2] { "weapons@submg@advanced_rifle_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.CarbineRifle:
case WeaponHash.CarbineRifleMk2:
case WeaponHash.CompactRifle:
return new string[2] { "weapons@rifle@lo@carbine_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.Gusenberg:
return new string[2] { "anim@weapons@machinegun@gusenberg_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.Musket:
return new string[2] { "anim@weapons@musket@musket_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.FlareGun:
return new string[2] { "anim@weapons@pistol@flare_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.SpecialCarbine:
case WeaponHash.SpecialCarbineMk2:
return new string[2] { "anim@weapons@rifle@lo@spcarbine_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.CombatPDW:
return new string[2] { "anim@weapons@rifle@lo@pdw_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.BullpupRifle:
case WeaponHash.BullpupRifleMk2:
return new string[2] { "anim@weapons@submg@bullpup_rifle_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.AssaultSMG:
return new string[2] { "weapons@submg@assault_smg_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.MicroSMG:
case WeaponHash.MiniSMG:
return new string[2] { "weapons@submg@lo@micro_smg_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.SMG:
case WeaponHash.SMGMk2:
return new string[2] { "weapons@rifle@smg_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.GrenadeLauncher:
case WeaponHash.GrenadeLauncherSmoke:
case WeaponHash.CompactGrenadeLauncher:
return new string[2] { "weapons@heavy@grenade_launcher_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.RPG:
case WeaponHash.Firework:
return new string[2] { "weapons@heavy@rpg_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.CombatMG:
case WeaponHash.CombatMGMk2:
return new string[2] { "weapons@machinegun@combat_mg_str", "reload_aim" };
case WeaponHash.MG:
return new string[2] { "weapons@machinegun@mg_str", "reload_aim" };
GTA.UI.Notification.Show($"~r~Reloading failed! Weapon ~g~[{ped.Weapons.Current.Hash}]~r~ could not be found!");
return null;
public static Model ModelRequest(this int hash)
Model model = new Model(hash);
if (!model.IsValid)
//GTA.UI.Notification.Show("~y~Not valid!");
return null;
if (!model.IsLoaded)
return model.Request(1000) ? model : null;
return model;
public static bool IsBetween<T>(this T item, T start, T end)
return Comparer<T>.Default.Compare(item, start) >= 0 && Comparer<T>.Default.Compare(item, end) <= 0;
public static bool Compare<T, Y>(this Dictionary<T, Y> item, Dictionary<T, Y> item2)
if (item == null || item2 == null || item.Count != item2.Count)
return false;
foreach (KeyValuePair<T, Y> pair in item)
if (item2.TryGetValue(pair.Key, out Y value) && Equals(value, pair.Value))
// TryGetValue() or Equals failed
return false;
// No difference between item and item2
return true;
public static Vector3 LinearVectorLerp(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, ulong currentTime, int duration)
return new Vector3()
X = LinearFloatLerp(start.X, end.X, currentTime, duration),
Y = LinearFloatLerp(start.Y, end.Y, currentTime, duration),
Z = LinearFloatLerp(start.Z, end.Z, currentTime, duration),
public static float LinearFloatLerp(float start, float end, ulong currentTime, int duration)
return (end - start) * currentTime / duration + start;
public static float Lerp(float from, float to, float fAlpha)
return (from * (1.0f - fAlpha)) + (to * fAlpha); //from + (to - from) * fAlpha
public static byte GetPedSpeed(this Ped ped)
if (ped.IsSprinting)
return 3;
if (ped.IsRunning)
return 2;
if (ped.IsWalking)
return 1;
return 0;
public static VehicleDataFlags GetVehicleFlags(this Vehicle veh)
VehicleDataFlags flags = 0;
if (veh.IsEngineRunning)
flags |= VehicleDataFlags.IsEngineRunning;
if (veh.AreLightsOn)
flags |= VehicleDataFlags.AreLightsOn;
if (veh.BrakePower >= 0.01f)
flags |= VehicleDataFlags.AreBrakeLightsOn;
if (veh.AreHighBeamsOn)
flags |= VehicleDataFlags.AreHighBeamsOn;
if (veh.IsSirenActive)
flags |= VehicleDataFlags.IsSirenActive;
if (veh.IsDead)
flags |= VehicleDataFlags.IsDead;
if (Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_HORN_ACTIVE, veh.Handle))
flags |= VehicleDataFlags.IsHornActive;
if (veh.IsSubmarineCar && Function.Call<bool>(Hash._GET_IS_SUBMARINE_VEHICLE_TRANSFORMED, veh.Handle))
flags |= VehicleDataFlags.IsTransformed;
if (veh.HasRoof && (veh.RoofState == VehicleRoofState.Opened || veh.RoofState == VehicleRoofState.Opening))
flags |= VehicleDataFlags.RoofOpened;
if (veh.IsAircraft)
flags |= VehicleDataFlags.IsAircraft;
return flags;
public static PedDataFlags GetPedFlags(this Ped ped)
PedDataFlags flags = PedDataFlags.None;
if (ped.IsAiming || ped.IsOnTurretSeat())
flags |= PedDataFlags.IsAiming;
if (ped.IsReloading)
flags |= PedDataFlags.IsReloading;
if (ped.IsJumping)
flags |= PedDataFlags.IsJumping;
if (ped.IsRagdoll)
flags |= PedDataFlags.IsRagdoll;
if (ped.IsOnFire)
flags |= PedDataFlags.IsOnFire;
if (ped.IsInParachuteFreeFall)
flags |= PedDataFlags.IsInParachuteFreeFall;
if (ped.ParachuteState == ParachuteState.Gliding)
flags |= PedDataFlags.IsParachuteOpen;
if (Function.Call<bool>(Hash.GET_IS_TASK_ACTIVE, ped.Handle, ETasks.CLIMB_LADDER)) // USING_LADDER
flags |= PedDataFlags.IsOnLadder;
if (ped.IsVaulting && !Function.Call<bool>(Hash.GET_IS_TASK_ACTIVE, ped.Handle, ETasks.CLIMB_LADDER))
flags |= PedDataFlags.IsVaulting;
if (ped.IsInCover || ped.IsGoingIntoCover)
flags |=PedDataFlags.IsInCover;
return flags;
public static bool HasFlag(this PedDataFlags flagToCheck,PedDataFlags flag)
return (flagToCheck & flag)!=0;
public static bool HasFlag(this VehicleDataFlags flagToCheck, VehicleDataFlags flag)
return (flagToCheck & flag)!=0;
public static Dictionary<byte, short> GetPedClothes(this Ped ped)
Dictionary<byte, short> result = new Dictionary<byte, short>();
for (byte i = 0; i < 11; i++)
short mod = Function.Call<short>(Hash.GET_PED_DRAWABLE_VARIATION, ped.Handle, i);
result.Add(i, mod);
return result;
public static Dictionary<uint, bool> GetWeaponComponents(this Weapon weapon)
Dictionary<uint, bool> result = null;
if (weapon.Components.Count > 0)
result = new Dictionary<uint, bool>();
foreach (var comp in weapon.Components)
result.Add((uint)comp.ComponentHash, comp.Active);
return result;
public static Dictionary<int, int> GetVehicleMods(this VehicleModCollection mods)
Dictionary<int, int> result = new Dictionary<int, int>();
foreach (VehicleMod mod in mods.ToArray())
result.Add((int)mod.Type, mod.Index);
return result;
public static VehicleDamageModel GetVehicleDamageModel(this Vehicle veh)
// Broken windows
byte brokenWindows = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (!veh.Windows[(VehicleWindowIndex)i].IsIntact)
brokenWindows |= (byte)(1 << i);
// Broken doors
byte brokenDoors = 0;
byte openedDoors = 0;
foreach (VehicleDoor door in veh.Doors)
if (door.IsBroken)
brokenDoors |= (byte)(1 << (byte)door.Index);
else if (door.IsOpen)
openedDoors |= (byte)(1 << (byte)door.Index);
// Bursted tires
short burstedTires = 0;
foreach (VehicleWheel wheel in veh.Wheels.GetAllWheels())
if (wheel.IsBursted)
burstedTires |= (short)(1 << (int)wheel.BoneId);
return new VehicleDamageModel()
BrokenDoors = brokenDoors,
OpenedDoors = openedDoors,
BrokenWindows = brokenWindows,
BurstedTires = burstedTires,
LeftHeadLightBroken = (byte)(veh.IsLeftHeadLightBroken ? 1 : 0),
RightHeadLightBroken = (byte)(veh.IsRightHeadLightBroken ? 1 : 0)
public static Dictionary<int,int> GetPassengers(this Vehicle veh)
Dictionary<int,int> ps=new Dictionary<int, int>();
var d = veh.Driver;
if (d!=null&&d.IsSittingInVehicle())
ps.Add(-1, d.GetSyncEntity().ID);
foreach(Ped p in veh.Passengers)
if (p.IsSittingInVehicle())
ps.Add((int)p.SeatIndex, (int)p.GetSyncEntity().ID);
return ps;
public static void SetOnFire(this Entity e,bool toggle)
if (toggle)
Function.Call(Hash.START_ENTITY_FIRE, e.Handle);
Function.Call(Hash.STOP_ENTITY_FIRE, e.Handle);
public static SyncedPed GetSyncEntity(this Ped p)
if(p == null) { return null; }
var c = EntityPool.GetPedByHandle(p.Handle);
if(c==null) { EntityPool.Add(c=new SyncedPed(p)); }
return c;
public static SyncedVehicle GetSyncEntity(this Vehicle veh)
if(veh == null) { return null; }
var v=EntityPool.GetVehicleByHandle(veh.Handle);
if (v==null) { EntityPool.Add(v=new SyncedVehicle(veh)); }
return v;
public static void SetVehicleDamageModel(this Vehicle veh, VehicleDamageModel model, bool leavedoors = true)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
var door = veh.Doors[(VehicleDoorIndex)i];
if ((model.BrokenDoors & (byte)(1 << i)) != 0)
else if (door.IsBroken)
// The vehicle can only fix a door if the vehicle was completely fixed
if ((model.OpenedDoors & (byte)(1 << i)) != 0)
if ((!door.IsOpen)&&(!door.IsBroken))
else if (door.IsOpen)
if (!door.IsBroken) { door.Close(); }
if ((model.BrokenWindows & (byte)(1 << i)) != 0)
else if (!veh.Windows[(VehicleWindowIndex)i].IsIntact)
foreach (VehicleWheel wheel in veh.Wheels)
if ((model.BurstedTires & (short)(1 << (int)wheel.BoneId)) != 0)
if (!wheel.IsBursted)
else if (wheel.IsBursted)
veh.IsLeftHeadLightBroken = model.LeftHeadLightBroken > 0;
veh.IsRightHeadLightBroken = model.RightHeadLightBroken > 0;
public static double DegToRad(double deg)
return deg * Math.PI / 180.0;
public static Vector3 RotationToDirection(Vector3 rotation)
double z = DegToRad(rotation.Z);
double x = DegToRad(rotation.X);
double num = Math.Abs(Math.Cos(x));
return new Vector3
X = (float)(-Math.Sin(z) * num),
Y = (float)(Math.Cos(z) * num),
Z = (float)Math.Sin(x)
public static VehicleSeat getNearestSeat(Ped ped, Vehicle veh, float distanceToignoreDoors=50f)
float num = 99f;
int result = -2;
Dictionary<string, int> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, int>();
dictionary.Add("door_dside_f", -1);
dictionary.Add("door_pside_f", 0);
dictionary.Add("door_dside_r", 1);
dictionary.Add("door_pside_r", 2);
foreach (string text in dictionary.Keys)
bool flag = veh.Bones[text].Position != Vector3.Zero;
if (flag)
float num2 = ped.Position.DistanceTo(Function.Call<Vector3>(Hash.GET_WORLD_POSITION_OF_ENTITY_BONE, new InputArgument[]
bool flag2 = (num2 < distanceToignoreDoors) && (num2 < num )&& IsSeatUsableByPed(ped, veh, dictionary[text]);
if (flag2)
num = num2;
result = dictionary[text];
return (VehicleSeat)result;
public static bool IsSeatUsableByPed(Ped ped, Vehicle veh, int _seat, bool allowJacking=false)
if (!allowJacking)
return veh.IsSeatFree((VehicleSeat)_seat);
VehicleSeat seat = (VehicleSeat)_seat;
bool result = false;
bool flag = veh.IsSeatFree(seat);
if (flag)
result = true;
bool isDead = veh.GetPedOnSeat(seat).IsDead;
if (isDead)
result = true;
int num = Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_PEDS, new InputArgument[]
bool flag2 = num > 2;
if (flag2)
result = true;
return result;
public static Vector3 GetAimCoord(this Ped p)
var weapon = p.Weapons.CurrentWeaponObject;
if (p.IsOnTurretSeat()) { return p.GetLookingCoord(); }
if (weapon!=null)
Vector3 dir = weapon.RightVector;
return weapon.Position+dir*20;
RaycastResult result = World.Raycast(weapon.Position+dir, weapon.Position+dir*10000, IntersectFlags.Everything, p.IsInVehicle() ? (Entity)p : p.CurrentVehicle);
if (result.DidHit)
return result.HitPosition;
return weapon.Position+dir*20;
return GetLookingCoord(p);
public static Vector3 GetLookingCoord(this Ped p)
EntityBone b = p.Bones[Bone.FacialForehead];
Vector3 v = b.UpVector.Normalized;
return b.Position+200*v;
public static bool IsWeapon(this Entity e)
return WeaponModels.Contains(e.Model);
public static bool IsTurretSeat(this Vehicle veh, int seat)
if (!Function.Call<bool>(Hash.DOES_VEHICLE_HAVE_WEAPONS, veh.Handle))
return false;
switch (seat)
case -1:
return (VehicleHash)veh.Model.Hash == VehicleHash.Rhino
|| (VehicleHash)veh.Model.Hash == VehicleHash.Khanjari
|| (VehicleHash)veh.Model.Hash == VehicleHash.FireTruck
|| (VehicleHash)veh.Model.Hash == VehicleHash.Riot2
|| (VehicleHash)veh.Model.Hash == VehicleHash.Cerberus
|| (VehicleHash)veh.Model.Hash == VehicleHash.Cerberus2
|| (VehicleHash)veh.Model.Hash == VehicleHash.Cerberus3;
case 0:
return (VehicleHash)veh.Model.Hash == VehicleHash.Apc;
case 1:
return (VehicleHash)veh.Model.Hash == VehicleHash.Valkyrie
|| (VehicleHash)veh.Model.Hash == VehicleHash.Valkyrie2
|| (VehicleHash)veh.Model.Hash == VehicleHash.Technical
|| (VehicleHash)veh.Model.Hash == VehicleHash.Technical2
|| (VehicleHash)veh.Model.Hash == VehicleHash.Technical3
|| (VehicleHash)veh.Model.Hash == VehicleHash.HalfTrack
|| (VehicleHash)veh.Model.Hash == VehicleHash.Barrage;
case 2:
return (VehicleHash)veh.Model.Hash == VehicleHash.Valkyrie
|| (VehicleHash)veh.Model.Hash == VehicleHash.Valkyrie2
|| (VehicleHash)veh.Model.Hash == VehicleHash.Barrage;
case 3:
return (VehicleHash)veh.Model.Hash == VehicleHash.Limo2
|| (VehicleHash)veh.Model.Hash == VehicleHash.Dinghy5;
case 7:
return (VehicleHash)veh.Model.Hash == VehicleHash.Insurgent;
return false;
public static bool IsOnTurretSeat(this Ped P)
if (P.CurrentVehicle == null) { return false; }
return IsTurretSeat(P.CurrentVehicle, (int)P.SeatIndex);
public static void StayInCover(this Ped p)
Function.Call(Hash.TASK_STAY_IN_COVER, p);
public static VehicleSeat GetSeatTryingToEnter(this Ped p)
return (VehicleSeat)Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_SEAT_PED_IS_TRYING_TO_ENTER, p);
public static readonly Model[] WeaponModels = Weapon.GetAllModels();
public static extern ulong GetTickCount64();
public static int GetDamage(this Weapon w)
int damage=0;
switch (w.Group)
case WeaponGroup.AssaultRifle: damage=30;break;
case WeaponGroup.Heavy: damage=30;break;
case WeaponGroup.MG: damage=30;break;
case WeaponGroup.PetrolCan: damage=0;break;
case WeaponGroup.Pistol: damage=30;break;
case WeaponGroup.Shotgun: damage=30; break;
case WeaponGroup.SMG: damage=20; break;
case WeaponGroup.Sniper: damage=100; break;
case WeaponGroup.Thrown: damage=0; break;
case WeaponGroup.Unarmed: damage=0; break;
return damage;
public static Vector3 GetMuzzlePosition(this Ped p)
var w = p.Weapons.CurrentWeaponObject;
if (w!=null)
var hash = p.Weapons.Current.Hash;
if (MuzzleBoneIndexes.ContainsKey(hash)) { return w.Bones[MuzzleBoneIndexes[hash]].Position; }
return w.Position;
return p.Bones[Bone.SkelRightHand].Position;
public static readonly Dictionary<WeaponHash, int> MuzzleBoneIndexes = new Dictionary<WeaponHash, int>
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public static class VectorExtensions
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public static Vector3 ToVector(this Quaternion vec)
return new Vector3()
X = vec.X,
Y = vec.Y,
Z = vec.Z
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public static Quaternion ToQuaternion(this Vector3 vec, float vW = 0.0f)
return new Quaternion()
X = vec.X,
Y = vec.Y,
Z = vec.Z,
W = vW
public static float Denormalize(this float h)
return h < 0f ? h + 360f : h;
public static float ToRadians(this float val)
return (float)(Math.PI / 180) * val;
public static Vector3 ToRadians(this Vector3 i)
return new Vector3()
X = ToRadians(i.X),
Y = ToRadians(i.Y),
Z = ToRadians(i.Z),
public static Quaternion ToQuaternion(this Vector3 vect)
vect = new Vector3()
X = vect.X.Denormalize() * -1,
Y = vect.Y.Denormalize() - 180f,
Z = vect.Z.Denormalize() - 180f,
vect = vect.ToRadians();
float rollOver2 = vect.Z * 0.5f;
float sinRollOver2 = (float)Math.Sin((double)rollOver2);
float cosRollOver2 = (float)Math.Cos((double)rollOver2);
float pitchOver2 = vect.Y * 0.5f;
float sinPitchOver2 = (float)Math.Sin((double)pitchOver2);
float cosPitchOver2 = (float)Math.Cos((double)pitchOver2);
float yawOver2 = vect.X * 0.5f; // pitch
float sinYawOver2 = (float)Math.Sin((double)yawOver2);
float cosYawOver2 = (float)Math.Cos((double)yawOver2);
Quaternion result = new Quaternion()
X = cosYawOver2 * cosPitchOver2 * cosRollOver2 + sinYawOver2 * sinPitchOver2 * sinRollOver2,
Y = cosYawOver2 * cosPitchOver2 * sinRollOver2 - sinYawOver2 * sinPitchOver2 * cosRollOver2,
Z = cosYawOver2 * sinPitchOver2 * cosRollOver2 + sinYawOver2 * cosPitchOver2 * sinRollOver2,
W = sinYawOver2 * cosPitchOver2 * cosRollOver2 - cosYawOver2 * sinPitchOver2 * sinRollOver2
return result;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public static LVector3 ToLVector(this Vector3 vec)
return new LVector3()
X = vec.X,
Y = vec.Y,
Z = vec.Z
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public static LQuaternion ToLQuaternion(this Quaternion vec)
return new LQuaternion()
X = vec.X,
Y = vec.Y,
Z = vec.Z,
W = vec.W