218 lines
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218 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Lidgren.Network;
using RageCoop.Core;
using System.Net;
namespace RageCoop.Server.Scripting
public static class API
#region INTERNAL
internal static void InvokeCustomEvent(int hash,List<object> args)
public static class Events
public delegate void EmptyEvent();
public delegate void PlayerConnect(Client client);
public delegate void PlayerDisconnect(Client client);
public static event EventHandler<ChatEventArgs> OnChatMessage;
public static event EventHandler<HandshakeEventArgs> OnPlayerHandshake;
public static event PlayerConnect OnPlayerConnected;
public static event PlayerDisconnect OnPlayerDisconnected;
public static void ClearHandlers()
foreach (Delegate d in OnChatMessage.GetInvocationList())
OnChatMessage -= (EventHandler<ChatEventArgs>)d;
foreach (Delegate d in OnPlayerHandshake.GetInvocationList())
OnPlayerHandshake -= (EventHandler<HandshakeEventArgs>)d;
foreach (Delegate d in OnPlayerConnected.GetInvocationList())
OnPlayerConnected -= (PlayerConnect)d;
foreach (Delegate d in OnPlayerDisconnected.GetInvocationList())
OnPlayerDisconnected -= (PlayerDisconnect)d;
#region INVOKE
internal static void InvokeOnChatMessage(Packets.ChatMessage p,NetConnection con)
OnChatMessage?.Invoke(null,new ChatEventArgs() {
internal static void InvokePlayerConnected(Client client)
{ OnPlayerConnected?.Invoke(client); }
internal static void InvokePlayerDisconnected(Client client)
{ OnPlayerDisconnected?.Invoke(client); }
internal static void InvokePlayerHandshake(HandshakeEventArgs args)
{ OnPlayerHandshake?.Invoke(null, args); }
/// <summary>
/// Send a native call (Function.Call) to all players.
/// Keys = int, float, bool, string and lvector3
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hash">The hash (Example: 0x25223CA6B4D20B7F = GET_CLOCK_HOURS)</param>
/// <param name="args">The arguments (Example: string = int, object = 5)</param>
public static void SendNativeCallToAll(GTA.Native.Hash hash, params object[] args)
if (Server.MainNetServer.ConnectionsCount == 0)
if (args != null && args.Length == 0)
Program.Logger.Error($"[ServerScript->SendNativeCallToAll(ulong hash, params object[] args)]: args is not null!");
Packets.NativeCall packet = new()
Hash = (ulong)hash,
Args = new List<object>(args) ?? new List<object>()
NetOutgoingMessage outgoingMessage = Server.MainNetServer.CreateMessage();
Server.MainNetServer.SendMessage(outgoingMessage, Server.MainNetServer.Connections, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered, (byte)ConnectionChannel.Native);
catch (Exception e)
Program.Logger.Error($">> {e.Message} <<>> {e.Source ?? string.Empty} <<>> {e.StackTrace ?? string.Empty} <<");
/// <summary>
/// Get a list of all Clients
/// </summary>
/// <returns>All clients as a dictionary indexed by NetID</returns>
public static Dictionary<long, Client> GetAllClients()
return Server.Clients;
/// <summary>
/// Get the client by its username
/// </summary>
/// <param name="username">The username to search for (non case-sensitive)</param>
/// <returns>The Client from this user or null</returns>
public static Client GetClientByUsername(string username)
return Server.Clients.Values.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Player.Username.ToLower() == username.ToLower());
/// <summary>
/// Send a chat message to all players
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message">The chat message</param>
/// <param name="username">The username which send this message (default = "Server")</param>
/// <param name="netHandleList">The list of connections (players) who received this chat message</param>
public static void SendChatMessageToAll(string message, string username = "Server", List<long> netHandleList = null)
if (Server.MainNetServer.ConnectionsCount == 0)
List<NetConnection> connections = netHandleList == null
? Server.MainNetServer.Connections
: Server.MainNetServer.Connections.FindAll(c => netHandleList.Contains(c.RemoteUniqueIdentifier));
Server.SendChatMessage(username, message, connections);
catch (Exception e)
Program.Logger.Error($">> {e.Message} <<>> {e.Source ?? string.Empty} <<>> {e.StackTrace ?? string.Empty} <<");
/// <summary>
/// Send CleanUpWorld to all players to delete all objects created by the server
/// </summary>
public static void SendCleanUpWorldToAll(List<long> netHandleList = null)
if (Server.MainNetServer.ConnectionsCount == 0)
List<NetConnection> connections = netHandleList == null
? Server.MainNetServer.Connections
: Server.MainNetServer.Connections.FindAll(c => netHandleList.Contains(c.RemoteUniqueIdentifier));
NetOutgoingMessage outgoingMessage = Server.MainNetServer.CreateMessage();
Server.MainNetServer.SendMessage(outgoingMessage, connections, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered, (byte)ConnectionChannel.Default);
/// <summary>
/// Register a new command chat command (Example: "/test")
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the command (Example: "test" for "/test")</param>
/// <param name="usage">How to use this message (argsLength required!)</param>
/// <param name="argsLength">The length of args (Example: "/message USERNAME MESSAGE" = 2) (usage required!)</param>
/// <param name="callback">Create a new function!</param>
public static void RegisterCommand(string name, string usage, short argsLength, Action<CommandContext> callback)
Server.RegisterCommand(name, usage, argsLength, callback);
/// <summary>
/// Register a new command chat command (Example: "/test")
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the command (Example: "test" for "/test")</param>
/// <param name="callback">Create a new function!</param>
public static void RegisterCommand(string name, Action<CommandContext> callback)
Server.RegisterCommand(name, callback);
/// <summary>
/// Register a class of commands
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The name of your class with functions</typeparam>
public static void RegisterCommands<T>()
public static void TriggerCustomEvent(int eventHash,List<object> args,List<Client> targets=null)
targets ??= new(Server.Clients.Values);
var p = new Packets.CustomEvent()
foreach(var c in targets)