using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using GTA; using GTA.Native; using GTA.Math; using LemonUI.Elements; namespace CoopClient { public class EntitiesPed { private bool AllDataAvailable = false; public bool LastSyncWasFull { get; set; } = false; public int LastUpdateReceived { get; set; } public int Latency { get; set; } public Ped Character { get; set; } public int Health { get; set; } private int LastModelHash = 0; public int ModelHash { get; set; } private Dictionary LastProps = new Dictionary(); public Dictionary Props { get; set; } public Vector3 Position { get; set; } #region -- ON FOOT -- public Vector3 Rotation { get; set; } public Vector3 Velocity { get; set; } public byte Speed { get; set; } private bool LastIsJumping = false; public bool IsJumping { get; set; } public bool IsRagdoll { get; set; } public bool IsOnFire { get; set; } public Vector3 AimCoords { get; set; } public bool IsAiming { get; set; } public bool IsShooting { get; set; } public bool IsReloading { get; set; } public int CurrentWeaponHash { get; set; } #endregion public Blip PedBlip; #region -- IN VEHICLE -- private int VehicleStopTime { get; set; } public bool IsInVehicle { get; set; } public int VehicleModelHash { get; set; } private int[] LastVehicleColors = new int[] { 0, 0 }; public int[] VehicleColors { get; set; } private Dictionary LastVehicleMods = new Dictionary(); public Dictionary VehicleMods { get; set; } public bool VehicleDead { get; set; } public int VehicleSeatIndex { get; set; } public Vehicle MainVehicle { get; set; } public Vector3 VehiclePosition { get; set; } public Quaternion VehicleRotation { get; set; } public Vector3 VehicleVelocity { get; set; } private float LastVehicleSpeed { get; set; } private float CurrentVehicleSpeed { get; set; } public float VehicleSpeed { set { LastVehicleSpeed = CurrentVehicleSpeed; CurrentVehicleSpeed = value; } } public float VehicleSteeringAngle { get; set; } private bool LastVehIsEngineRunning { get; set; } private bool CurrentVehIsEngineRunning { get; set; } public bool VehIsEngineRunning { set { LastVehIsEngineRunning = CurrentVehIsEngineRunning; CurrentVehIsEngineRunning = value; } } private bool LastVehAreLightsOn { get; set; } private bool CurrentVehAreLightsOn { get; set; } public bool VehAreLightsOn { set { LastVehAreLightsOn = CurrentVehAreLightsOn; CurrentVehAreLightsOn = value; } } private bool LastVehAreHighBeamsOn { get; set; } private bool CurrentVehAreHighBeamsOn { get; set; } public bool VehAreHighBeamsOn { set { LastVehAreHighBeamsOn = CurrentVehAreHighBeamsOn; CurrentVehAreHighBeamsOn = value; } } private bool LastVehIsInBurnout = false; public bool VehIsInBurnout { get; set; } private bool LastVehIsSireneActive = false; public bool VehIsSireneActive { get; set; } private VehicleDoors[] LastVehDoors; public VehicleDoors[] VehDoors { get; set; } #endregion public void DisplayLocally(string username) { /* * username: string * string: null * ped: npc * string: value * ped: player */ // Check beforehand whether ped has all the required data if (!AllDataAvailable) { if (!LastSyncWasFull) { return; } AllDataAvailable = true; } #region NOT_IN_RANGE if (!Game.Player.Character.IsInRange(Position, 250f)) { if (MainVehicle != null && MainVehicle.Exists() && MainVehicle.PassengerCount <= 1) { MainVehicle.Delete(); MainVehicle = null; } if (Character != null && Character.Exists()) { Character.Kill(); Character.Delete(); } if (username != null) { if (PedBlip == null || !PedBlip.Exists()) { PedBlip = World.CreateBlip(Position); PedBlip.Color = BlipColor.White; PedBlip.Scale = 0.8f; PedBlip.Name = username; } else { PedBlip.Position = Position; } } return; } #endregion #region IS_IN_RANGE if (PedBlip != null && PedBlip.Exists()) { PedBlip.Delete(); } bool characterExist = Character != null && Character.Exists(); if (!characterExist) { CreateCharacter(username); } else if (LastSyncWasFull) { if (ModelHash != LastModelHash) { if (characterExist) { Character.Kill(); Character.Delete(); } CreateCharacter(username); } else if (Props != LastProps) { foreach (KeyValuePair prop in Props) { Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_COMPONENT_VARIATION, Character.Handle, prop.Key, prop.Value, 0, 0); } LastProps = Props; } } if (username != null && Character.IsVisible && Character.IsInRange(Game.Player.Character.Position, 20f)) { float sizeOffset; if (GameplayCamera.IsFirstPersonAimCamActive) { Vector3 targetPos = Character.Bones[Bone.IKHead].Position + new Vector3(0, 0, 0.10f) + (Character.Velocity / Game.FPS); Function.Call(Hash.SET_DRAW_ORIGIN, targetPos.X, targetPos.Y, targetPos.Z, 0); sizeOffset = Math.Max(1f - ((GameplayCamera.Position - Character.Position).Length() / 30f), 0.30f); } else { Vector3 targetPos = Character.Bones[Bone.IKHead].Position + new Vector3(0, 0, 0.35f) + (Character.Velocity / Game.FPS); Function.Call(Hash.SET_DRAW_ORIGIN, targetPos.X, targetPos.Y, targetPos.Z, 0); sizeOffset = Math.Max(1f - ((GameplayCamera.Position - Character.Position).Length() / 25f), 0.25f); } new ScaledText(new PointF(0, 0), username, 0.4f * sizeOffset, GTA.UI.Font.ChaletLondon) { Outline = true, Alignment = GTA.UI.Alignment.Center }.Draw(); Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_DRAW_ORIGIN); } if (Character.IsDead) { if (Health <= 0) { return; } Character.IsInvincible = true; Character.Resurrect(); } else if (Character.Health != Health) { Character.Health = Health; if (Health <= 0 && !Character.IsDead) { Character.IsInvincible = false; Character.Kill(); return; } } if (IsInVehicle) { DisplayInVehicle(); } else { DisplayOnFoot(); } #endregion } private void DisplayInVehicle() { if (MainVehicle == null || !MainVehicle.Exists() || MainVehicle.Model.Hash != VehicleModelHash) { List vehs = World.GetNearbyVehicles(Character, 3f, new Model[] { VehicleModelHash }).OrderBy(v => (v.Position - VehiclePosition).Length()).Take(3).ToList(); bool vehFound = false; foreach (Vehicle veh in vehs) { if (veh.IsSeatFree((VehicleSeat)VehicleSeatIndex)) { MainVehicle = veh; vehFound = true; break; } } if (!vehFound) { MainVehicle = World.CreateVehicle(new Model(VehicleModelHash), VehiclePosition, VehicleRotation.Z); } } if (!Character.IsInVehicle() || (int)Character.SeatIndex != VehicleSeatIndex || Character.CurrentVehicle.Model.Hash != VehicleModelHash) { if (VehicleSeatIndex == -1 && Game.Player.Character.IsInVehicle() && (int)Game.Player.Character.SeatIndex == -1 && Game.Player.Character.CurrentVehicle == MainVehicle) { Game.Player.Character.Task.WarpOutOfVehicle(MainVehicle); GTA.UI.Notification.Show("~r~Car jacked!"); } Character.Task.WarpIntoVehicle(MainVehicle, (VehicleSeat)VehicleSeatIndex); Character.IsVisible = true; } #region -- VEHICLE SYNC -- if (VehicleDead && !MainVehicle.IsDead) { MainVehicle.Explode(); } else if (!VehicleDead && MainVehicle.IsDead) { MainVehicle.Repair(); } if (VehicleColors != LastVehicleColors) { Function.Call(Hash.SET_VEHICLE_COLOURS, MainVehicle, VehicleColors[0], VehicleColors[1]); LastVehicleColors = VehicleColors; } // Only works for "Pfister Comet Safari"?? if (VehicleMods != LastVehicleMods) { foreach (KeyValuePair mod in VehicleMods) { MainVehicle.Mods[(VehicleModType)mod.Key].Index = mod.Value; // Same effect //Function.Call(Hash.SET_VEHICLE_MOD, MainVehicle, mod.Key, mod.Value, false); } LastVehicleMods = VehicleMods; } if (Character.IsOnBike && MainVehicle.ClassType == VehicleClass.Cycles) { bool isFastPedaling = Function.Call(Hash.IS_ENTITY_PLAYING_ANIM, Character.Handle, PedalingAnimDict(), "fast_pedal_char", 3); if (CurrentVehicleSpeed < 0.2f) { StopPedalingAnim(isFastPedaling); } else if (CurrentVehicleSpeed < 11f && !Function.Call(Hash.IS_ENTITY_PLAYING_ANIM, Character.Handle, PedalingAnimDict(), "cruise_pedal_char", 3)) { StartPedalingAnim(false); } else if (CurrentVehicleSpeed >= 11f && !isFastPedaling) { StartPedalingAnim(true); } } if (CurrentVehIsEngineRunning != LastVehIsEngineRunning) { MainVehicle.IsEngineRunning = CurrentVehIsEngineRunning; } if (CurrentVehAreLightsOn != LastVehAreLightsOn) { MainVehicle.AreLightsOn = CurrentVehAreLightsOn; } if (CurrentVehAreHighBeamsOn != LastVehAreHighBeamsOn) { MainVehicle.AreHighBeamsOn = CurrentVehAreHighBeamsOn; } if (VehIsSireneActive != LastVehIsSireneActive) { MainVehicle.IsSirenActive = LastVehIsSireneActive = VehIsSireneActive; } if (VehDoors != null && VehDoors != LastVehDoors) { int doorLength = VehDoors.Length; if (VehDoors.Length != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < (doorLength - 1); i++) { VehicleDoor door = MainVehicle.Doors[(VehicleDoorIndex)i]; VehicleDoors aDoor = VehDoors[i]; if (aDoor.Broken) { if (!door.IsBroken) { door.Break(); } continue; } else if (!aDoor.Broken && door.IsBroken) { // Repair? //MainVehicle.Repair(); } if (aDoor.FullyOpen) { if (!door.IsFullyOpen) { door.Open(false, true); } continue; } else if (aDoor.Open) { if (!door.IsOpen) { door.Open(); } door.AngleRatio = aDoor.AngleRatio; continue; } door.Close(true); } } LastVehDoors = VehDoors; } if (VehIsInBurnout && !LastVehIsInBurnout && (LastVehIsInBurnout = true)) { Function.Call(Hash.SET_VEHICLE_BURNOUT, MainVehicle, true); Function.Call(Hash.TASK_VEHICLE_TEMP_ACTION, Character, MainVehicle, 23, 120000); // 30 - burnout } else if (!VehIsInBurnout && LastVehIsInBurnout && (LastVehIsInBurnout = false)) { Function.Call(Hash.SET_VEHICLE_BURNOUT, MainVehicle, false); Character.Task.ClearAll(); } if (VehicleSteeringAngle != MainVehicle.SteeringAngle) { Util.CustomSteeringAngle(MainVehicle.Handle, (float)(Math.PI / 180) * VehicleSteeringAngle); } Function.Call(Hash.SET_VEHICLE_BRAKE_LIGHTS, MainVehicle, CurrentVehicleSpeed > 0.2f && LastVehicleSpeed > CurrentVehicleSpeed); // Good enough for now, but we need to create a better sync if ((CurrentVehicleSpeed > 0.2f || VehIsInBurnout) && MainVehicle.IsInRange(VehiclePosition, 7.0f)) { int forceMultiplier = (Game.Player.Character.IsInVehicle() && MainVehicle.IsTouching(Game.Player.Character.CurrentVehicle)) ? 1 : 3; MainVehicle.Velocity = VehicleVelocity + forceMultiplier * (VehiclePosition - MainVehicle.Position); MainVehicle.Quaternion = Quaternion.Slerp(MainVehicle.Quaternion, VehicleRotation, Math.Min(1.5f, (Environment.TickCount - LastUpdateReceived) / (float)Latency)); VehicleStopTime = Environment.TickCount; } else if ((Environment.TickCount - VehicleStopTime) <= 1000) { Vector3 posTarget = Util.LinearVectorLerp(MainVehicle.Position, VehiclePosition + (VehiclePosition - MainVehicle.Position), Environment.TickCount - VehicleStopTime, 1000); MainVehicle.PositionNoOffset = posTarget; MainVehicle.Quaternion = Quaternion.Slerp(MainVehicle.Quaternion, VehicleRotation, 0.5f); } else { MainVehicle.Position = VehiclePosition; MainVehicle.Quaternion = VehicleRotation; } #endregion } #region -- PEDALING -- /* * Thanks to @oldnapalm. */ private string PedalingAnimDict() { switch ((VehicleHash)VehicleModelHash) { case VehicleHash.Bmx: return "veh@bicycle@bmx@front@base"; case VehicleHash.Cruiser: return "veh@bicycle@cruiserfront@base"; case VehicleHash.Scorcher: return "veh@bicycle@mountainfront@base"; default: return "veh@bicycle@roadfront@base"; } } private string PedalingAnimName(bool fast) { return fast ? "fast_pedal_char" : "cruise_pedal_char"; } private void StartPedalingAnim(bool fast) { Character.Task.PlayAnimation(PedalingAnimDict(), PedalingAnimName(fast), 8.0f, -8.0f, -1, AnimationFlags.Loop | AnimationFlags.AllowRotation, 5.0f); } private void StopPedalingAnim(bool fast) { Character.Task.ClearAnimation(PedalingAnimDict(), PedalingAnimName(fast)); } #endregion private void DisplayOnFoot() { if (Character.IsInVehicle()) { Character.Task.LeaveVehicle(); } if (MainVehicle != null) { MainVehicle = null; } if (IsOnFire && !Character.IsOnFire) { Character.IsInvincible = false; Function.Call(Hash.START_ENTITY_FIRE, Character.Handle); return; } else if (!IsOnFire && Character.IsOnFire) { Function.Call(Hash.STOP_ENTITY_FIRE, Character.Handle); Character.IsInvincible = true; if (Character.IsDead) { Character.Resurrect(); } } if (IsJumping && !LastIsJumping) { Character.Task.Jump(); } LastIsJumping = IsJumping; if (IsRagdoll && !Character.IsRagdoll) { Character.CanRagdoll = true; Character.Ragdoll(); return; } else if (!IsRagdoll && Character.IsRagdoll) { Character.CancelRagdoll(); Character.CanRagdoll = false; } if (IsJumping || IsOnFire) { return; } if (IsReloading) { if (!Character.IsReloading) { Character.Task.ClearAll(); Character.Task.ReloadWeapon(); } if (Character.IsInRange(Position, 0.5f)) { return; } } if (Character.Weapons.Current.Hash != (WeaponHash)CurrentWeaponHash) { Character.Weapons.RemoveAll(); Character.Weapons.Give((WeaponHash)CurrentWeaponHash, -1, true, true); } if (IsShooting) { if (!Character.IsInRange(Position, 0.5f)) { Function.Call(Hash.TASK_GO_TO_COORD_WHILE_AIMING_AT_COORD, Character.Handle, Position.X, Position.Y, Position.Z, AimCoords.X, AimCoords.Y, AimCoords.Z, Speed == 3 ? 3f : 2.5f, true, 0x3F000000, 0x40800000, false, 0, false, unchecked((int)FiringPattern.FullAuto)); } else { Function.Call(Hash.TASK_SHOOT_AT_COORD, Character.Handle, AimCoords.X, AimCoords.Y, AimCoords.Z, 1500, unchecked((int)FiringPattern.FullAuto)); } } else if (IsAiming) { if (!Character.IsInRange(Position, 0.5f)) { Function.Call(Hash.TASK_GO_TO_COORD_WHILE_AIMING_AT_COORD, Character.Handle, Position.X, Position.Y, Position.Z, AimCoords.X, AimCoords.Y, AimCoords.Z, Speed == 3 ? 3f : 2.5f, false, 0x3F000000, 0x40800000, false, 512, false, unchecked((int)FiringPattern.FullAuto)); } else { Character.Task.AimAt(AimCoords, 100); } } else { WalkTo(); } } private void CreateCharacter(string username) { LastModelHash = ModelHash; LastProps = Props; Character = World.CreatePed(new Model(ModelHash), Position, Rotation.Z); Character.RelationshipGroup = Main.RelationshipGroup; if (IsInVehicle) { Character.IsVisible = false; } Character.BlockPermanentEvents = true; Character.CanRagdoll = false; Character.IsInvincible = true; Character.Health = Health; Character.CanBeTargetted = true; if (username != null) { // Add a new blip for the ped Character.AddBlip(); Character.AttachedBlip.Color = BlipColor.White; Character.AttachedBlip.Scale = 0.8f; Character.AttachedBlip.Name = username; Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_CAN_EVASIVE_DIVE, Character.Handle, false); Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_GET_OUT_UPSIDE_DOWN_VEHICLE, Character.Handle, false); } foreach (KeyValuePair prop in Props) { Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_COMPONENT_VARIATION, Character.Handle, prop.Key, prop.Value, 0, 0); } } private bool LastMoving; private void WalkTo() { if (!Character.IsInRange(Position, 6.0f) && (LastMoving = true)) { Character.Position = Position; Character.Rotation = Rotation; } else { Vector3 predictPosition = Position + (Position - Character.Position) + Velocity; float range = predictPosition.DistanceToSquared(Character.Position); switch (Speed) { case 1: if ((!Character.IsWalking || range > 0.25f) && (LastMoving = true)) { float nrange = range * 2; if (nrange > 1.0f) { nrange = 1.0f; } Character.Task.GoStraightTo(predictPosition); Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_DESIRED_MOVE_BLEND_RATIO, Character.Handle, nrange); } break; case 2: if ((!Character.IsRunning || range > 0.50f) && (LastMoving = true)) { Character.Task.RunTo(predictPosition, true); Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_DESIRED_MOVE_BLEND_RATIO, Character.Handle, 1.0f); } break; case 3: if ((!Character.IsSprinting || range > 0.75f) && (LastMoving = true)) { Function.Call(Hash.TASK_GO_STRAIGHT_TO_COORD, Character.Handle, predictPosition.X, predictPosition.Y, predictPosition.Z, 3.0f, -1, 0.0f, 0.0f); Function.Call(Hash.SET_RUN_SPRINT_MULTIPLIER_FOR_PLAYER, Character.Handle, 1.49f); Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_DESIRED_MOVE_BLEND_RATIO, Character.Handle, 1.0f); } break; default: if (!Character.IsInRange(Position, 0.5f)) { Character.Task.RunTo(Position, true, 500); } else if (LastMoving && (LastMoving = false)) { Character.Task.StandStill(1000); } break; } } } } }