using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using RageCoop.Core;
using RageCoop.Core.Scripting;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using GTA.Math;
using GTA;
namespace RageCoop.Server
/// Represents an prop owned by server.
public class ServerProp
private Server Server;
internal ServerProp(Server server)
Server= server;
/// Pass this as an argument in CustomEvent or NativeCall to convert this object to handle at client side.
public Tuple Handle
return new(50, BitConverter.GetBytes(ID));
/// Delete this prop
public void Delete()
Server.API.SendCustomEvent(CustomEvents.DeleteServerProp, new() { ID });
/// Network ID of this object.
public int ID { get; internal set; }
/// The object's model
public Model Model { get; internal set; }
/// Gets or sets this object's position
public Vector3 Position
get { return _pos; }
set { _pos=value; Server.BaseScript.SendServerObjectsTo(new() { this }); }
private Vector3 _pos;
/// Gets or sets this object's rotation
public Vector3 Rotation
get { return _rot; }
set { _rot=value; Server.BaseScript.SendServerObjectsTo(new() { this }); }
private Vector3 _rot;
/// Represents a ped from a client
public class ServerPed
internal ServerPed()
/// Pass this as an argument in CustomEvent or NativeCall to convert this object to handle at client side.
public Tuple Handle
return new(51, BitConverter.GetBytes(ID));
/// The that is responsible synchronizing for this ped.
public Client Owner { get; internal set; }
/// The ped's network ID (not handle!).
public int ID { get; internal set; }
/// Whether this ped is a player.
public bool IsPlayer { get { return Owner?.Player==this; } }
/// The ped's last vehicle.
public ServerVehicle LastVehicle { get; internal set; }
/// Position of this ped
public Vector3 Position { get; internal set; }
/// Gets or sets this ped's rotation
public Vector3 Rotation { get; internal set; }
/// Health
public int Health { get; internal set; }
/// Represents a vehicle from a client
public class ServerVehicle
internal ServerVehicle()
/// Pass this as an argument in CustomEvent or NativeCall to convert this object to handle at client side.
public Tuple Handle
return new(52, BitConverter.GetBytes(ID));
/// The that is responsible synchronizing for this vehicle.
public Client Owner { get; internal set; }
/// The vehicle's network ID (not handle!).
public int ID { get; internal set; }
/// Position of this vehicle
public Vector3 Position { get; internal set; }
/// Gets or sets this vehicle's quaternion
public Quaternion Quaternion { get; internal set; }
/// Manipulate entities from the server
public class ServerEntities
private readonly Server Server;
internal ServerEntities(Server server)
Server = server;
internal Dictionary Peds { get; set; } = new();
internal Dictionary Vehicles { get; set; } = new();
internal Dictionary ServerProps { get; set; }=new();
/// Get a by it's id
public ServerPed GetPedByID(int id)
if(Peds.TryGetValue(id,out var ped))
return ped;
return null;
/// Get a by it's id
public ServerVehicle GetVehicleByID(int id)
if (Vehicles.TryGetValue(id, out var veh))
return veh;
return null;
/// Get a owned by server from it's ID.
public ServerProp GetPropByID(int id)
if (ServerProps.TryGetValue(id, out var obj))
return obj;
return null;
/// Create a static prop owned by server.
public ServerProp CreateProp(Model model,Vector3 pos,Vector3 rot)
int id = RequestID();
ServerProp prop;
ServerProps.Add(id,prop=new ServerProp(Server)
return prop;
/// Get all peds on this server
public ServerPed[] GetAllPeds()
return Peds.Values.ToArray();
/// Get all vehicles on this server
public ServerVehicle[] GetAllVehicle()
return Vehicles.Values.ToArray();
/// Get all static objects owned by server
public ServerProp[] GetAllProps()
return ServerProps.Values.ToArray();
/// Not thread safe
internal void Update(Packets.PedSync p,Client sender)
ServerPed ped;
if(!Peds.TryGetValue(p.ID,out ped))
Peds.Add(p.ID,ped=new ServerPed());
ped.Position = p.Position;
internal void Update(Packets.VehicleSync p, Client sender)
ServerVehicle veh;
if (!Vehicles.TryGetValue(p.ID, out veh))
Vehicles.Add(p.ID, veh=new ServerVehicle());
veh.Position = p.Position;
internal void Update(Packets.VehicleStateSync p, Client sender)
ServerVehicle veh;
if (!Vehicles.TryGetValue(p.ID, out veh))
Vehicles.Add(p.ID, veh=new ServerVehicle());
foreach(var pair in p.Passengers)
if(Peds.TryGetValue(pair.Value,out var ped))
internal void CleanUp(Client left)
Server.Logger?.Trace("Removing all entities from: "+left.Username);
foreach (var pair in Peds)
if (pair.Value.Owner==left)
foreach (var pair in Vehicles)
if (pair.Value.Owner==left)
Server.QueueJob(() => Vehicles.Remove(pair.Key));
Server.QueueJob(() =>
Server.Logger?.Trace("Remaining entities: "+(Peds.Count+Vehicles.Count+ServerProps.Count)));
internal void RemoveVehicle(int id)
// Server.Logger?.Trace($"Removing vehicle:{id}");
if (Vehicles.ContainsKey(id)) { Vehicles.Remove(id); }
internal void RemovePed(int id)
// Server.Logger?.Trace($"Removing ped:{id}");
if (Peds.ContainsKey(id)) { Peds.Remove(id); }
internal void Add(ServerPed ped)
if (Peds.ContainsKey(ped.ID))
Peds.Add(ped.ID, ped);
internal int RequestID()
int ID = 0;
while ((ID==0)
|| ServerProps.ContainsKey(ID)
|| Peds.ContainsKey(ID)
|| Vehicles.ContainsKey(ID))
byte[] rngBytes = new byte[4];
// Convert the bytes into an integer
ID = BitConverter.ToInt32(rngBytes, 0);
return ID;