using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip; using LemonUI.Menus; using System; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace RageCoop.Client.Menus { internal class UpdateMenu { public static bool IsUpdating { get; private set; } = false; private static NativeItem _updatingItem = new NativeItem("Updating..."); private static NativeItem _downloadItem = new NativeItem("Download", "Download and update to latest nightly"); private static string _downloadPath = Path.Combine(Main.Settings.DataDirectory, ""); public static NativeMenu Menu = new NativeMenu("Update", "Update", "Download and install latest nightly build from GitHub") { UseMouse = false, Alignment = Main.Settings.FlipMenu ? GTA.UI.Alignment.Right : GTA.UI.Alignment.Left }; static UpdateMenu() { Menu.Banner.Color = Color.FromArgb(225, 0, 0, 0); Menu.Title.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 165, 0); Menu.Opening+=Opening; _downloadItem.Activated+=StartUpdate; } private static void StartUpdate(object sender, EventArgs e) { IsUpdating=true; Menu.Clear(); Menu.Add(_updatingItem); Task.Run(() => { try { if (File.Exists(_downloadPath)) { File.Delete(_downloadPath); } WebClient client = new WebClient(); // TLS only ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true; ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls13 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return true; }; client.DownloadProgressChanged += (s, e1) => { Main.QueueAction(() => { _updatingItem.AltTitle=$"{e1.ProgressPercentage}%"; }); }; client.DownloadFileCompleted +=(s, e2) => { Install(); }; client.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri(""), _downloadPath); } catch (Exception ex) { Main.Logger.Error(ex); } }); } private static void Install() { try { Main.QueueAction(() => { _updatingItem.AltTitle="Installing..."; }); Directory.CreateDirectory(@"Scripts\RageCoop"); foreach(var f in Directory.GetFiles(@"Scripts\RageCoop", "*.dll", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { try { File.Delete(f); } catch { } } new FastZip().ExtractZip(_downloadPath, "Scripts", FastZip.Overwrite.Always, null, null, null, true); try { File.Delete(_downloadPath); } catch { } try { File.Delete(Path.Combine("Scripts","RageCoop.Client.Installer.exe")); } catch { } Main.QueueAction(() => { Util.Reload(); IsUpdating=false; }); } catch (Exception ex) { Main.Logger.Error(ex); } } private static void Opening(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) { Menu.Clear(); if (Networking.IsOnServer) { Menu.Add(new NativeItem("Disconnect from the server first")); } else if (IsUpdating) { Menu.Add(_updatingItem); } else { Menu.Add(_downloadItem); } } } }