using GTA; using GTA.Math; using GTA.Native; using RageCoop.Core; using System.Collections.Generic; using Lidgren.Network; using System.Net; using System.Linq; namespace RageCoop.Client { internal static class PlayerList { private const float LEFT_POSITION = 0.122f; private const float RIGHT_POSITION = 0.9f; private static readonly Scaleform _mainScaleform = new Scaleform("mp_mm_card_freemode"); private static ulong _lastUpdate = Util.GetTickCount64(); public static ulong Pressed { get; set; } public static bool LeftAlign = true; public static Dictionary Players = new Dictionary { }; public static void Tick() { if (!Networking.IsOnServer) { return; } if ((Util.GetTickCount64() - _lastUpdate) >= 1000) { Update(); } if ((Util.GetTickCount64() - Pressed) < 5000 && !Main.MainChat.Focused #if !NON_INTERACTIVE && !Menus.CoopMenu.MenuPool.AreAnyVisible #endif ) { Function.Call(Hash.DRAW_SCALEFORM_MOVIE, _mainScaleform.Handle, LeftAlign ? LEFT_POSITION : RIGHT_POSITION, 0.3f, 0.28f, 0.6f, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0); } } private static void Update() { _lastUpdate = Util.GetTickCount64(); _mainScaleform.CallFunction("SET_DATA_SLOT_EMPTY", 0); int i=0; foreach (var player in Players.Values) { _mainScaleform.CallFunction("SET_DATA_SLOT", i++, $"{player.Ping * 1000:N0}ms", player.Username, 116, 0, i - 1, "", "", 2, "", "", ' '); } _mainScaleform.CallFunction("SET_TITLE", "Player list", $"{Players.Count} players"); _mainScaleform.CallFunction("DISPLAY_VIEW"); } public static void SetPlayer(int id, string username, float latency = 0) { Main.Logger.Debug($"{id},{username},{latency}"); Player p; if (Players.TryGetValue(id, out p)) { p.Username=username; p.PedID=id; p._latencyToServer=latency; } else { p = new Player { PedID=id, Username=username, _latencyToServer=latency }; Players.Add(id, p); } } public static void UpdatePlayer(Packets.PlayerInfoUpdate packet) { var p = GetPlayer(packet.PedID); if (p!=null) { p._latencyToServer = packet.Latency; p.Position = packet.Position; Main.QueueAction(() => { if (p.FakeBlip?.Exists()!=true) { p.FakeBlip=World.CreateBlip(p.Position); } if (p.Position.DistanceTo(Main.PlayerPosition)>500) { p.FakeBlip.Color=Scripting.API.Config.BlipColor; p.FakeBlip.Scale=Scripting.API.Config.BlipScale; p.FakeBlip.Sprite=Scripting.API.Config.BlipSprite; p.FakeBlip.DisplayType=BlipDisplayType.Default; p.FakeBlip.Position=p.Position; } else { p.FakeBlip.DisplayType=BlipDisplayType.NoDisplay; } }); } } public static Player GetPlayer(int id) { Player p; Players.TryGetValue(id, out p); return p; } public static Player GetPlayer(SyncedPed p) { var player = GetPlayer(p.ID); if (player!=null) { player.Character=p; } return player; } public static void RemovePlayer(int id) { if (Players.TryGetValue(id,out var player)) { Players.Remove(id); Main.QueueAction(() => player.FakeBlip?.Delete()); } } public static void Cleanup() { foreach(var p in Players.Values.ToArray()) { p.FakeBlip?.Delete(); } Players=new Dictionary { }; } } internal class Player { public byte HolePunchStatus { get; set; } = 1; public string Username { get; internal set; } /// /// Universal character ID. /// public int PedID { get; internal set; } public IPEndPoint InternalEndPoint { get; set; } public IPEndPoint ExternalEndPoint { get; set; } public bool ConnectWhenPunched { get; set; } public Blip FakeBlip { get; set; } public Vector3 Position { get; set; } public SyncedPed Character { get; set; } /// /// Player round-trip time in seconds, will be the latency to server if not using P2P connection. /// public float Ping => Main.LocalPlayerID==PedID ? Networking.Latency*2 : (HasDirectConnection ? Connection.AverageRoundtripTime : _latencyToServer*2); public float PacketTravelTime => HasDirectConnection ? Connection.AverageRoundtripTime/2 : Networking.Latency+_latencyToServer; public float _latencyToServer = 0; public bool DisplayNameTag { get; set; } = true; public NetConnection Connection { get; set; } public bool HasDirectConnection => Connection?.Status==NetConnectionStatus.Connected; } }