#undef DEBUG
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace RageCoop.Client
/// Don't use it!
public class Settings
/// Don't use it!
public string Username { get; set; } = "Player";
/// Don't use it!
public string LastServerAddress { get; set; } = "";
/// Don't use it!
public string MasterServer { get; set; } = "[AUTO]";
/// Don't use it!
public bool FlipMenu { get; set; } = false;
/// LogLevel for RageCoop.
/// 0:Trace, 1:Debug, 2:Info, 3:Warning, 4:Error
public int LogLevel = 2;
/// The key to open menu
public Keys MenuKey { get; set; } = Keys.F9;
/// The key to enter a vehicle as passenger.
public Keys PassengerKey { get; set; }=Keys.G;
/// Disable world NPC traffic, mission entities won't be affected
public bool DisableTraffic { get; set; } = true;
/// Bring up pause menu but don't freeze time when FrontEndPauseAlternate(Esc) is pressed.
public bool DisableAlternatePause { get; set; } = true;
/// The game won't spawn more NPC traffic if the limit is exceeded. -1 for unlimited (not recommended).
public int WorldVehicleSoftLimit { get; set; } = 35;