using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using RageCoop.Core;
using Lidgren.Network;
using GTA.Math;
using RageCoop.Core.Scripting;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
namespace RageCoop.Server
/// Represents a ped from a client
public class ServerPed
/// The that is responsible synchronizing for this ped.
public Client Owner { get; internal set; }
/// The ped's ID (not handle!).
public int ID { get;internal set; }
/// The ID of the ped's last vehicle.
public int VehicleID { get; internal set; }
/// Position of this ped
public Vector3 Position { get; internal set; }
/// Health
public int Health { get; internal set; }
public class PlayerConfig
#region CLIENT
/// Whether to enable automatic respawn for this player. if set to false, player will just lay on the ground when it's dead
public bool EnableAutoRespawn { get; set; }=true;
/// Whether to show the player's blip on map.
public bool ShowBlip { get; set; } = true;
/// Whether the player's nametag is visible to other players.
public bool ShowNameTag { get; set; } = true;
/// The blip's color.
public GTA.BlipColor BlipColor { get; set; } = GTA.BlipColor.White;
internal PlayerConfigFlags GetFlags()
var flag=PlayerConfigFlags.None;
if (ShowBlip)
flag|= PlayerConfigFlags.ShowBlip;
if (ShowNameTag)
flag |= PlayerConfigFlags.ShowNameTag;
return flag;
/// Represent a player connected to this server.
public class Client
private readonly Server Server;
internal Client(Server server)
internal long NetID = 0;
internal NetConnection Connection { get;set; }
/// The instance representing the client's main character.
public ServerPed Player { get; internal set; }
/// The client's latncy in seconds.
public float Latency { get; internal set; }
private PlayerConfig _config { get; set; }=new PlayerConfig();
/// The client's configuration
public PlayerConfig Config { get { return _config; }set { _config=value;Server.SendPlayerInfos(); } }
internal readonly Dictionary> Callbacks = new();
internal byte[] PublicKey { get; set; }
/// Indicates whether the client has succefully loaded all resources.
public bool IsReady { get; internal set; }=false;
public string Username { get;internal set; } = "N/A";
public void SetData(string name, T data)
if (HasData(name))
_customData[name] = data;
_customData.Add(name, data);
public bool HasData(string name)
return _customData.ContainsKey(name);
public T GetData(string name)
return HasData(name) ? (T)_customData[name] : default;
public void RemoveData(string name)
if (HasData(name))
/// Kick this client
public void Kick(string reason="You have been kicked!")
/// Kick this client
/// Reasons to kick
public void Kick(params string[] reasons)
Kick(string.Join(" ", reasons));
/// Send a chat messsage to this client, not visible to others.
public void SendChatMessage(string message, string from = "Server")
NetConnection userConnection = Server.MainNetServer.Connections.Find(x => x.RemoteUniqueIdentifier == NetID);
if (userConnection == null)
Server.SendChatMessage(from, message, userConnection);
catch (Exception e)
Server.Logger?.Error($">> {e.Message} <<>> {e.Source ?? string.Empty} <<>> {e.StackTrace ?? string.Empty} <<");
/// Send a native call to client and do a callback when the response received.
/// Type of the response
public void SendNativeCall(Action