using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using GTA;
using GTA.Native;
using GTA.Math;
using RageCoop.Core;
using RageCoop.Core.Scripting;
namespace RageCoop.Server.Scripting
/// Server-side object controller
public abstract class ServerObject
/// Server that this object belongs to
internal readonly Server Server;
internal ServerObject(Server server) { Server=server; }
/// Pass this as an argument in CustomEvent or NativeCall to convert this object to handle at client side.
public Tuple Handle
return new(GetTypeByte(), BitConverter.GetBytes(ID));
private byte GetTypeByte()
switch (this)
case ServerProp _:
return 50;
case ServerPed _:
return 51;
case ServerVehicle _:
return 52;
throw new NotImplementedException();
/// The client that owns this object, null if it's owned by server.
public Client Owner { get; internal set; }
/// Network ID of this object.
public int ID { get; internal set; }
/// The object's model
public Model Model { get; internal set; }
/// Gets or sets this object's position
public virtual Vector3 Position
get { return _pos; }
set { _pos=value; Owner.SendNativeCall(Hash.SET_ENTITY_COORDS_NO_OFFSET, Handle, value.X, value.Y, value.Z,1, 1,1 ); }
internal Vector3 _pos;
/// Gets or sets this object's rotation
public virtual Vector3 Rotation
get { return _rot; }
set { _rot=value; Owner.SendNativeCall(Hash.SET_ENTITY_ROTATION, Handle, value.X, value.Y, value.Z ,2,1); }
internal Vector3 _rot;
/// Send updated information to clients, would be called automatically.
/// Delete this object
public virtual void Delete()
Owner?.SendCustomEventQueued(CustomEvents.DeleteEntity, Handle);
/// Freeze this object, will throw an exception if it's a ServerProp.
public virtual void Freeze(bool toggle)
if (GetTypeByte()==50)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't freeze or unfreeze static server object");
Owner.SendNativeCall(Hash.FREEZE_ENTITY_POSITION, Handle, toggle);
/// Represents an prop owned by server.
public class ServerProp : ServerObject
internal ServerProp(Server server) : base(server) { }
/// Delete this prop
public override void Delete()
/// Gets or sets this object's position
public override Vector3 Position
get { return _pos; }
set { _pos=value; Server.API.SendNativeCall(null, Hash.SET_ENTITY_COORDS_NO_OFFSET, Handle, value.X, value.Y, value.Z, 1, 1, 1); }
/// Gets or sets this object's rotation
public override Vector3 Rotation
get { return _rot; }
set { _rot=value; Server.API.SendNativeCall(null, Hash.SET_ENTITY_ROTATION, Handle, value.X, value.Y, value.Z, 2, 1); }
/// Send updated information to clients, would be called automatically.
internal void Update()
Server.API.Server.BaseScript.SendServerPropsTo(new() { this });
/// Represents a ped from a client
public class ServerPed : ServerObject
internal ServerPed(Server server) : base(server) { }
/// Get the ped's last vehicle
public ServerVehicle LastVehicle { get; internal set; }
/// Get the attached to this ped.
public PedBlip AttachedBlip { get; internal set; }
/// Attach a blip to this ped.
public PedBlip AddBlip()
AttachedBlip = new PedBlip(this);
return AttachedBlip;
/// Health
public int Health { get; internal set; }
/// Represents a vehicle from a client
public class ServerVehicle : ServerObject
internal ServerVehicle(Server server) : base(server) { }
/// Gets or sets vehicle rotation
public override Vector3 Rotation
get { return _quat.ToEulerAngles().ToDegree(); }
set { Owner.SendNativeCall(Hash.SET_ENTITY_ROTATION, Handle ,value.X, value.Y ,value.Z); }
internal Quaternion _quat;
/// Get this vehicle's quaternion
public Quaternion Quaternion
get { return _quat; }
set { _quat = value ;Owner.SendNativeCall(Hash.SET_ENTITY_QUATERNION, Handle, value.X, value.Y, value.Z, value.W); }
/// A static blip owned by server.
public class ServerBlip
private readonly Server Server;
internal ServerBlip(Server server)
Server = server;
/// Pass this as an argument in CustomEvent or NativeCall to convert this object to handle at client side.
public Tuple Handle
return new(60, BitConverter.GetBytes(ID));
/// Network ID (not handle!)
public int ID { get; internal set; }
internal BlipColor _color;
/// Color of this blip
public BlipColor Color {
get { return _color; }
set { _color=value; Update(); }
internal BlipSprite _sprite=BlipSprite.Standard;
/// Sprite of this blip
public BlipSprite Sprite {
get { return _sprite; }
set { _sprite=value; Update();}
internal float _scale =1;
/// Scale of this blip
public float Scale
get { return _scale; }
set { _scale=value;Update(); }
internal Vector3 _pos = new();
/// Position of this blip
public Vector3 Position
get { return _pos; }
set { _pos=value; Update(); }
internal int _rot;
/// Rotation of this blip
public int Rotation
get { return _rot; }
set { _rot=value; Update(); }
internal string _name="Beeeeeee";
/// Name of this blip
public string Name
get { return _name;}
set { _name=value; Update(); }
/// Delete this blip
public void Delete()
Server.API.SendCustomEventQueued(null, CustomEvents.DeleteServerBlip,ID);
private bool _bouncing=false;
internal void Update()
// 5ms debounce
if (!_bouncing)
Task.Run(() =>
private void DoUpdate()
// Server.Logger?.Debug("bee");
// Serve-side blip
Server.BaseScript.SendServerBlipsTo(new() { this });
/// Represent a blip attached to ped.
public class PedBlip
/// Get the that this blip attached to.
public ServerPed Ped { get;internal set; }
internal PedBlip(ServerPed ped)
Ped = ped;
internal BlipColor _color;
/// Color of this blip
public BlipColor Color
get { return _color; }
set { _color=value; Update(); }
internal BlipSprite _sprite=BlipSprite.Standard;
/// Sprite of this blip
public BlipSprite Sprite
get { return _sprite; }
set { _sprite=value; Update(); }
internal float _scale = 1;
/// Scale of this blip
public float Scale
get { return _scale; }
set { _scale=value; Update(); }
private bool _bouncing = false;
internal void Update()
// 5ms debounce
if (!_bouncing)
Task.Run(() =>
private void DoUpdate()