Tools for dealing with controls.
Gets if the player used a controller for the last input.
Checks if a control was pressed during the last frame.
The control to check.
true if the control was pressed, false otherwise.
Checks if a control is currently pressed.
The control to check.
true if the control is pressed, false otherwise.
Disables all of the controls during the next frame.
Enables a control during the next frame.
The control to enable.
Enables a specific set of controls during the next frame.
The controls to enable.
Disables a control during the next frame.
The control to disable.
Base class for all of the 2D elements.
The 1080 scaled position.
The relative position between 0 and 1.
The 1080 scaled size.
The relative size between 0 and 1.
The Position of the drawable.
The Size of the drawable.
The Color of the drawable.
The rotation of the drawable.
Creates a new with the specified Position and Size.
The position of the Element.
The size of the Element.
Recalculates the size and position of this item.
Draws the item on the screen.
A 2D item that can be drawn on the screen.
The Position of the drawable.
The Size of the drawable.
The Color of the drawable.
A Drawable screen text.
The position of the text.
The text to draw.
The color of the text.
The game font to use.
The scale of the text.
If the text should have a drop down shadow.
If the text should have an outline.
The alignment of the text.
The maximum distance from X where the text would wrap into a new line.
The width that the text takes from the screen.
The number of lines used by this text.
The height of each line of text.
A 2D rectangle.
Creates a new with the specified Position and Size.
The position of the Rectangle.
The size of the Rectangle.
Draws the rectangle on the screen.
Recalculates the position based on the size.
A text string.
The size of every chunk of text.
The absolute 1080p based screen position.
The relative 0-1 relative position.
The raw string of text.
The raw string split into equally sized strings.
The alignment of the item.
The word wrap value passed by the user.
The real word wrap value based on the position of the text.
The position of the text.
The text to draw.
The color of the text.
The game font to use.
The scale of the text.
If the text should have a drop down shadow.
If the test should have an outline.
The alignment of the text.
The distance from the start position where the text will be wrapped into new lines.
The width that the text takes from the screen.
The number of lines used by this text.
The relative height of each line in the text.
Creates a text with the specified options.
The position where the text should be located.
The text to show.
Creates a text with the specified options.
The position where the text should be located.
The text to show.
The scale of the text.
Creates a text with the specified options
The position where the text should be located.
The text to show.
The scale of the text.
The font to use.
Adds the text information for measurement.
Slices the string of text into appropiately saved chunks.
Recalculates the size, position and word wrap of this item.
Draws the text on the screen.
A 2D game texture.
The dictionary where the texture is loaded.
The texture to draw from the dictionary.
Creates a new with a Position and Size of Zero.
The dictionary where the texture is located.
The texture to draw.
Creates a new with a Position and Size of zero.
The position of the Texture.
The size of the Texture.
The dictionary where the texture is located.
The texture to draw.
Requests the texture dictionary for this class.
Draws the texture on the screen.
Draws a specific part of the texture on the screen.
Recalculates the position based on the size.
Extensions for the float class.
Converts an absolute X or Width float to a relative one.
The float to convert.
A relative float between 0 and 1.
Converts an absolute Y or Height float to a relative one.
The float to convert.
A relative float between 0 and 1.
Converts an relative X or Width float to an absolute one.
The float to convert.
An absolute float.
Converts an relative Y or Height float to an absolute one.
The float to convert.
An absolute float.
Extensions for the Point and PointF classes.
Converts an absolute 1080-based position into a relative one.
The absolute PointF.
A new PointF with relative values.
Converts a normalized 0-1 position into an absolute one.
The relative PointF.
A new PointF with absolute values.
Extensions for the Size and SizeF classes.
Converts an absolute 1080-based size into a relative one.
The absolute SizeF.
A new SizeF with relative values.
Converts a normalized 0-1 size into an absolute one.
The relative SizeF.
A new SizeF with absolute values.
Represents a container that can hold other UI Elements.
Adds the specified item into the Container.
The item to add.
Removes the item from the container.
The item to remove.
Removes all of the items that match the function.
The function to check items.
Clears all of the items in the container.
Checks if the item is part of the container.
The item to check.
if the item is in this container, otherwise.
Represents an item that can be drawn.
Draws the item on the screen.
Interface for items that can be processed in an Object Pool.
If this processable item is visible on the screen.
Processes the object.
Interface for classes that have values that need to be recalculated on resolution changes.
Recalculates the values.
Represents a badge that can be applied to a .
The texture dictionary where the normal texture is located.
The texture to use when the item is not hovered.
The texture dictionary where the normal texture is located.
The texture to use when the item is hovered.
Creates a new empty .
Creates a new where both textures are in the same dictionary.
The dictionary where the textures are located.
The normal texture name.
The hovered texture name.
Creates a new where both textures are in different dictionaries.
The dictionary where the normal texture is located.
The normal texture name.
The dictionary where the hovered texture is located.
The hovered texture name.
Stores the different colors required to make the colors of a dynamic.
The color of the when the is not hovered and enabled.
The color of the when the is hovered.
The color of the when the is disabled.
The color of the when the is not hovered and enabled.
The color of the when the is hovered.
The color of the when the is disabled.
The color of the arrows when the item is not hovered and enabled.
The color of the arrows when the item is hovered.
The color of the arrows when the item is disabled.
The color of the when the is not hovered and enabled.
The color of the when the is hovered.
The color of the when the is disabled.
The color of the or checkbox when the is not hovered and enabled.
The color of the or checkbox when the is hovered.
The color of the or checkbox when the is disabled.
The normal color of the custom background if is set to .
The hovered color of the custom background if is set to .
The disabled color of the custom background if is set to .
Rockstar-like checkbox item.
The image shown on the checkbox.
If this item is checked or not.
If this item is checked or not.
Event triggered when the checkbox changes.
Creates a new .
The title used for the Item.
Creates a new .
The title used for the Item.
If the checkbox should be enabled or not.
Creates a new .
The title used for the Item.
The description of the Item.
Creates a new .
The title used for the Item.
The description of the Item.
If the checkbox should be enabled or not.
Inverts the checkbox activation.
Updates the texture of the sprite.
Recalculates the item positions and sizes with the specified values.
The position of the item.
The size of the item.
If this item has been selected.
Draws the Checkbox on the screen.
The Style of title for the Color Panel.
Does not shows any Title.
The count will still be shown if is set to .
Shows a Simple Title for all of the Colors.
Shows the Color Name as the Title.
Represents the Color Information shown on the Panel.
The name of the color.
The RGBA values of the color.
Creates a new Color Panel information.
The name of the color.
The RGBA values of the color.
A Panel that allows you to select a Color.
The space difference for the colors and opacity bar on the left.
The space difference for the colors and opacity bar on the left.
The position reported after the last Recalculation.
The Width reported after the last Recalculation.
The title of the Color Panel.
The rectangle used for marking the item selection on the screen.
The "Opacity" text when the opacity bar is enabled
The zero percent text when the opacity bar is enabled.
The 100 percent text when the opacity bar is enabled.
The top section of the opacity bar.
The background of the opacity bar.
If the opacity bar is available to the user.
The current value of the opacity slider.
The current index of the Colors.
The position of the first item.
The maximum number of items shown at once.
The generic title for this color.
The style of the title.
If the number of colors should be shown.
The items that are currently visible on the screen.
The default sound used for the Color Navigation.
If the Opacity selector should be shown.
The opacity value from 0 to 100.
Returns the currently selected color with the opacity taken into account.
Returns the currently selected .
The index of the currently selected Color.
The Title used for the Panel when is set to .
The style of the Panel Title.
If the count of items should be shown as part of the title.
THe maximum number of items shown on the screen.
The colors shown on this Panel.
The sound played when the item is changed.
Creates a color panel with no Items or Title.
Creates a Panel with a specific Title and set of Colors.
The title of the panel.
The colors of the panel.
Updates the Text of the Title.
Updates the position of the Items.
Updates the size of the opacity bar.
Recalculates the Color panel with the last known Position and Width.
Moves to the Previous Color.
Moves to the Next Color.
Adds a color to the Panel.
The color to add.
Removes a color from the panel.
The color to remove.
Removes all of the
Removes all of the colors from the Panel.
Checks if the Color Data is present on this Panel.
The Color Data to check.
Recalculates the position of the Color Panel.
The position of the panel.
The width of the menu.
Draws the Color Panel.
Dynamic Items allow you to dynamically change the item shown to the user.
The type of item.
The currently selected item.
Event triggered when the user has changed the item.
Creates a new Dynamic List Item.
The Title of the item.
Creates a new Dynamic List Item.
The Title of the item.
The Item to set.
Creates a new Dynamic List Item.
The Title of the item.
The Description of the item.
Creates a new Dynamic List Item.
The Title of the item.
The Description of the item.
The Item to set.
Updates the currently selected item based on the index.
Gets the previous item.
Gets the next item.
Recalculates the position of the current List Item.
The new position of the item.
The Size of the item.
If the item is selected or not.
Draws the List on the screen.
The style of the Grid Panel.
The full grid with X and Y values.
A single row on the center with the X value only.
A single column on the center with the Y value only.
Represents the method that is called when the value on a grid is changed.
The source of the event.
An with the item information.
Represents the Previous and Current X and Y values when changing the position on a grid.
The values present before they were changed.
The values present after they were changed.
Represents a grid where you can select X and Y values.
The X value between 0 and 1.
The X value between 0 and 1.
The text label shown on the top.
The text label shown on the bottom.
The text label shown on the left.
The text label shown on the right.
The style of this grid.
Event triggered when X and/or Y values are changed.
Creates a new .
Basic Rockstar-like item.
The title of the object.
The last known Item Position.
The last known Item Size.
The last known Item Selection.
The left badge of the Item.
The left badge of the Item.
The alternate title of the menu.
If this item can be used or not.
Object that contains data about this Item.
The title of the item.
The alternative title of the item shown on the right.
The font of title item.
The font of alternative title item shown on the right.
The description of the item.
The Left badge of the Item.
The Left badge set of the Item.
The Right badge of the Item.
The Right badge set of the Item.
The different colors that change dynamically when the item is used.
The Panel asociated to this .
If a custom colored background should be used.
If this item is being hovered.
Event triggered when the item is selected.
Event triggered when the item is activated.
Event triggered when the property is changed.
Creates a new .
The title of the item.
Creates a new .
The title of the item.
The description of the item.
Creates a new .
The title of the item.
The description of the item.
The alternative title of the item, shown on the right.
Triggers the Selected event.
Triggers the Activated event.
Recalculates the item with the last known values.
Recalculates the item positions and sizes with the specified values.
The position of the item.
The size of the item.
If this item has been selected.
Draws the item.
Updates the colors of the from the .
Represents the method that is called when the selected item is changed on a List Item.
The type of item that was changed.
The source of the event.
A with the information of the selected item.
The movement direction of the item change.
The Direction is Unknown.
The item was moved to the Left.
The item was moved to the Right.
Represents the change of the selection of an item.
The type of object that got changed.
The new object.
The index of the object.
The direction of the Item Changed event.
Base class for list items.
The text of the current item.
Creates a new list item with a title and subtitle.
The title of the Item.
The subtitle of the Item.
An item that allows you to scroll between a set of objects.
The index of the currently selected index.
The currently selected item.
The objects used by this item.
Event triggered when the selected item is changed.
Creates a new .
The title of the Item.
The objects that are available on the Item.
Creates a new .
The title of the Item.
The subtitle of the Item.
The objects that are available on the Item.
Triggers the event.
Updates the currently selected item based on the index.
Adds a into this item.
The to add.
Adds a in a specific location.
The position where the item should be added.
The to add.
Removes a specific .
The to remove.
Removes a at a specific location.
The position of the .
Removes all of the items that match the .
The function to use as a check.
Removes all of the from this item.
Recalculates the item positions and sizes with the specified values.
The position of the item.
The size of the item.
If this item has been selected.
Moves to the previous item.
Moves to the next item.
Draws the List on the screen.
Represents the method that is called when a new item is selected in the Menu.
The source of the event.
A with the index information.
Represents the method that is called when an item is activated on a menu.
The source of the event.
An with the item information.
Represents the selection of an item in the screen.
The index of the item in the full list of items.
The index of the item in the screen.
Creates a new .
The index of the item in the menu.
The index of the item based on the number of items shown on screen,
Represents the arguments of an item activation.
The item that was just activated.
The visibility setting for the Item Count of the Menu.
The Item Count is never shown.
The Item Count is shown when is not possible to show all of the items in the screen.
The Item Count is always shown.
Menu that looks like the ones used by Rockstar.
The default played when the current is changed or activated.
The default played when the menu is closed.
The default played when the user navigates Up and Down.
The default played when the user navigates Left and Right on a .
The default played when the user activates a that is disabled.
The search area size for the cursor rotation.
The controls required by the menu with both a gamepad and mouse + keyboard.
Controls required for the camera to work.
The controls required in a gamepad.
The height of the menu subtitle background.
The height of one of the items in the screen.
The height difference between the description and the end of the items.
The height difference between the background and text of the description.
The X position of the description text.
The offset to the X value of the item title.
The offset to the Y value of the item title.
A list of GTA V Controls.
If the menu has just been opened and we should check the controls.
The list of visible items on the screen.
The subtitle of the menu, without any changes.
If the menu is visible or not.
If this menu should be aware of the Safe Zone when doing calculations.
The index of the selected item in the menu.
The width of the menu itself.
The alignment of the menu.
The offset of the menu.
The banner of the menu.
The background of the drawable text.
The text of the subtitle.
The text that shows the current total and index of items.
The image on the background of the menu.
The rectangle that shows the currently selected item.
The rectangle with the description text.
The text with the description text.
The maximum allowed number of items in the menu at once.
The first item in the menu.
The search area on the right side of the screen.
The time sice the player has been pressing the Up button.
The time sice the player has been pressing the Down button.
If the menu is visible on the screen.
The title of the menu.
The font of title menu text.
The font of subtitle text.
The font of description text.
The font of item count text.
The banner shown at the top of the menu.
The offset of the menu position.
Returns the currently selected item.
The current index of the menu.
The width of the menu.
The alignment of the menu.
The subtitle of the menu.
The description used when this menu is used as a submenu.
If the mouse should be used for navigating the menu.
If the menu should be closed when the user clicks out of bounds (aka anywhere else other than the items).
If the camera should be rotated when the cursor is on the left and right corners of the screen.
The items that this menu contain.
Text shown when there are no items in the menu.
If the cursor should be reset when the menu is opened.
The maximum allowed number of items in the menu at once.
If this menu should be aware of the Safe Zone when doing calculations.
If the count of items should be shown on the right of the subtitle.
The instructional buttons shown in the bottom right.
The parent menu of this menu.
If the menu accepts user input for navigation.
If the conflictive controls should be disabled while the menu is open.
The time between item changes when holding left, right, up or down.
This property can be set to zero to completely disable it.
The controls that are required for some menu operations.
Add controls to this list when you want to detect them as pressed while the menu is open.
The played when the menu is opened.
The played when a is activated.
The played when the menu is closed.
The played when the user navigates Up or Down the menu.
The played when the user navigates Left and Right on a .
The played when the user activates a that is disabled.
Event triggered when the menu is being opened.
Event triggered when the menu is opened and shown to the user.
Event triggered when the menu starts closing.
Event triggered when the menu finishes closing.
Event triggered when the index has been changed.
Event triggered when an item in the menu is activated.
Creates a new menu with the specified title.
The title of the menu.
Creates a new menu with the specified title and subtitle.
The title of the menu.
The subtitle of this menu.
Creates a new menu with the specified title, subtitle and description.
The title of the menu.
The subtitle of this menu.
The description used for submenus.
Creates a new menu with the specified title, subtitle, description and banner.
The title of the menu.
The subtitle of this menu.
The description used for submenus.
The drawable to use as the banner.
Updates the list of visible items on the screen.
Triggers the Selected event for the current item.
Recalculates the Position and Size of the Panel of the Selected Item.
Resets the current position of the cursor.
Updates the positions of the items.
Updates the size and text of the description.
Processes the button presses.
Draws the UI Elements.
Adds an item at the end of the menu.
The item to add.
Adds an item at the specified position.
The position of the item.
The item to add.
Adds a specific menu as a submenu with an item.
The menu to add.
The item that points to the submenu.
Adds a specific menu as a submenu with an item and endlabel string.
The menu to add.
The alternative title of the item, shown on the right.
The item that points to the submenu.
Removes an item from the menu.
The item to remove.
Removes the items that match the predicate.
The function to use as a check.
Removes all of the items from this menu.
Checks if an item is part of the menu.
The item to check.
Draws the menu and handles the controls.
Calculates the positions and sizes of the elements.
Returns to the previous menu or closes the existing one.
Opens the menu.
Closes the menu.
Moves to the previous item.
Does nothing if the menu has no items.
Moves to the next item.
Does nothing if the menu has no items.
Represents a panel shown under the description of the item description.
If this panel is visible to the user.
If the item has controls that can be clicked.
The Background of the panel itself.
Recalculates the menu contents.
The position of the panel.
The width of the menu.
Processes and Draws the panel.
A Blank Separator Item for creating empty spaces between menu items.
Creates a new Menu Separator.
Draws nothing.
Basic elements for a slidable item.
The arrow pointing to the Left.
The arrow pointing to the Right.
The arrow pointing to the Left.
The arrow pointing to the Right.
Whether the arrows should always be shown regardless of the visibility of the Item.
Creates a new item that can be sliden.
The title of the Item.
The description of the Item.
Recalculates the item positions and sizes with the specified values.
The position of the item.
The size of the item.
If this item has been selected.
Moves to the previous item.
Moves to the next item.
Draws the left and right arrow.
A slider item for changing integer values.
The background of the slider.
THe front of the slider.
The maximum value of the slider.
The current value of the slider.
The color of the Slider.
The maximum value of the slider.
The current value of the slider.
The multiplier for increasing and decreasing the value.
Event triggered when the value of the menu changes.
Creates a with a maximum of 100.
The title of the Item.
Creates a with a maximum of 100.
The title of the Item.
The description of the Item.
Creates a with a specific current and maximum value.
The title of the Item.
The maximum value of the Slider.
The current value of the Slider.
Creates a with a specific maximum.
The title of the Item.
The description of the Item.
The maximum value of the Slider.
The current value of the Slider.
Updates the position of the bar based on the value.
Recalculates the item positions and sizes with the specified values.
The position of the item.
The size of the item.
If this item has been selected.
Reduces the value of the slider.
Increases the value of the slider.
Draws the slider.
Represents the Information of a specific field in a .
The name of the Stats Field.
The value of the Stats bar.
Creates a new Stat Info with the specified name and value set to zero.
The name of the Stat.
Creates a new Stat Info with the specified name and value.
The name of the Stat.
Updates the values of the bars.
Recalculates the position of the stat Text and Bar.
The new position fot the Stat.
The Width of the parent Stats Panel.
Draws the stat information.
Represents a Statistics panel.
Creates a new Stats Panel.
The Statistics to add.
Adds a stat to the player field.
The Field to add.
Removes a field from the
Removes the items that match the function.
The function used to match items.
Removes all of the Stats fields.
Checks if the field is part of the Stats Panel.
The field to check.
if the item is part of the Panel, otherwise.
Recalculates the Stats panel with the last known Position and Width.
Recalculates the position of the Stats panel.
The new position of the Stats Panel.
The width of the menu.
Processes the Stats Panel.
Item used for opening submenus.
The menu opened by this item.
Creates a new Item that opens a Submenu.
The menu that this item will open.
The parent menu where this item will be located.
Creates a new Item that opens a Submenu.
The menu that this item will open.
The parent menu where this item will be located.
The alternative title of the item, shown on the right.
Represents the method that reports a Resolution change in the Game Settings.
The source of the event.
A containing the Previous and Current resolution.
Represents the method that reports a Safe Zone change in the Game Settings.
The source of the event event.
A containing the Previous and Current Safe Zone.
Represents the information after a Resolution Change in the game.
The Game Resolution before it was changed.
The Game Resolution after it was changed.
Represents the information after a Safe Zone Change in the game.
The raw Safezone size before the change.
The Safezone size after the change.
Manager for Menus and Items.
The last known resolution by the object pool.
The last know Safezone size.
The list of processable objects.
Checks if there are objects visible on the screen.
Event triggered when the game resolution is changed.
Event triggered when the Safezone size option in the Display settings is changed.
Detects resolution changes by comparing the last known resolution and the current one.
Detects Safezone changes by comparing the last known value to the current one.
Adds the object into the pool.
The object to add.
Removes the object from the pool.
The object to remove.
Performs the specified action on each element that matches T.
The type to match.
The action delegate to perform on each T.
Refreshes all of the items.
Hides all of the objects.
Processes the objects and features in this pool.
This needs to be called every tick.
Represents a generic Scaleform object.
The ID of the scaleform.
The ID or Handle of the Scaleform.
The Name of the Scaleform.
If the Scaleform should be visible or not.
If the Scaleform is loaded or not.
Creates a new Scaleform class with the specified Scaleform object name.
The Scalform object.
Checks if the specified Scaleform Return Value is ready to be fetched.
The Identifier of the Value.
Gets a specific value.
The type of value.
The Identifier of the value.
The value returned by the native.
Calls a Scaleform function.
The name of the function to call.
The parameters to pass.
Calls a Scaleform function with a return value.
The name of the function to call.
The parameters to pass.
Updates the parameters of the Scaleform.
Draws the scaleform full screen.
Draws the scaleform full screen.
Draws the scaleform full screen.
Marks the scaleform as no longer needed.
The type for a big message.
A centered message with customizable text an d background colors.
Used when you rank up on GTA Online.
The Mission Passed screen on PS3 and Xbox 360.
The Message Type shown on the Wasted screen.
Used on the GTA Online Freemode event announcements.
Internally called SHOW_PLANE_MESSAGE.
Development leftover from when GTA Online was Cops and Crooks.
Internally called SHOW_BIG_MP_MESSAGE.
Message shown when the player purchases a weapon.
Internally called SHOW_WEAPON_PURCHASED.
Unknown where this one is used.
A customizable big message.
The title of the message.
The subtitle or description of the message.
The color of the text.
Only used on the Customizable message type.
The color of the background.
Only used on the Customizable message type.
The Rank on Cops and Crooks.
The hash of the Weapon as an enum.
The hash of the Weapon as it's native value.
The type of message to show.
Creates a standard customizable message with just a title.
The title to use.
Creates a custom message with the specified title.
The title to use.
The type of message.
Creates a standard customizable message with a title and message.
The title to use.
The message to show.
Creates a Cops and Crooks message type.
The title to use.
The message to show.
Text to show in the Rank space.
Creates a message with the specified type, title and message.
The title to use.
The message to show.
The type of message.
Creates a standard customizable message with a title and a custom text color.
The title to use.
The color of the text.
Creates a standard customizable message with a specific title and custom colors.
The title to use.
The color of the text.
The color of the background.
Creates a Weapon Purchase message with a custom text and weapons.
The title to use.
The name of the Weapon.
The hash of the Weapon image.
Creates a Weapon Purchase message with a custom text and weapons.
The title to use.
The message to show.
The name of the Weapon.
The hash of the Weapon image.
Creates a message with all of the selected information.
The title to use.
The message to show.
The Rank on Cops and Crooks.
The hash of the Weapon image.
The color of the text.
The color of the background.
The type of message.
Creates a message with all of the selected information.
The title to use.
The message to show.
The Rank on Cops and Crooks.
The hash of the Weapon image.
The color of the text.
The color of the background.
The type of message.
Updates the Message information in the Scaleform.
Fades the big message out.
The time it will take to do the fade.
The Background of the BruteForce Hack Minigame.
A simple Black background.
A simple Purple background.
A simple Gray background.
A simple Light Blue background.
A Light Blue Wallpaper.
A Fade from Gray in the center to Black in the corners.
The status of the BruteForce Hack after finishing.
The user completed the hack successfully.
The user ran out of time.
The player ran out of lives.
Event information after an the BruteForce hack has finished.
The final status of the Hack.
Represents the method that is called when the end user finishes the BruteForce hack.
The source of the event.
An with the hack status.
The BruteForce Hacking Minigame shown in multiple missions.
The Word shown to select in the menu.
The background of the Hacking minigame.
The number of Lives of the minigame.
The current number of lives that the player has.
The messages that might appear on success.
The messages that will appear when the player fails.
After how many miliseconds should the Hack close automatically.
Set to -1 to keep the Hack window open.
If the player can retry the hack after failing.
The countdown of the Hack minigame.
If the lives of the player should be shown on the top right.
If all of the rows should be restarted after the player fails one.
Event triggered when the player finishes a hack.
Creates a new Hacking Scaleform.
Resets the entire Hacking minigame.
Sets the speed of one of the 8 columns.
The index of the column.
The speed of the column.
Runs the specified Hacking program.
The program to open.
Updates the information of the Hacking window.
An individual instructional button.
The description of this button.
The Control used by this button.
The Raw Control sent to the Scaleform.
Creates an instructional button for a Control.
The text for the description.
The control to use.
Creates an instructional button for a raw control.
The text for the description.
The raw value of the control.
Buttons shown on the bottom right of the screen.
The buttons used in this Scaleform.
Creates a new set of Instructional Buttons.
The buttons to add into this menu.
Adds an Instructional Button.
The button to add.
Removes an Instructional Button.
The button to remove.
Removes all of the instructional buttons.
Refreshes the items shown in the Instructional buttons.
Scaleforms are 2D Adobe Flash-like objects.
Draws the Scaleform in full screen.
Loading screen like the transition between story mode and online.
The title of the loading screen.
The subtitle of the loading screen.
The description of the loading screen.
The Texture Dictionary (TXD) where the texture is loaded.
The texture in the dictionary.
Creates a new GTA Online like loading screen with no image.
The title of the screen.
The subtitle of the screen.
The description of the screen.
Creates a new GTA Online like loading screen with a custom texture.
The title of the screen.
The subtitle of the screen.
The description of the screen.
The dictionary where the texture is located.
The texture to use on the right.
Changes the texture shown on the loading screen.
The Texture Dictionary or TXD.
The Texture name.
Updates the Title, Description and Image of the loading screen.
A warning pop-up.
The title of the Pop-up.
The subtitle of the Pop-up.
The prompt of the Pop-up.
If the black background should be shown.
The error message to show.
Creates a new Pop-up instance.
Updates the texts of the Pop-up.
Represents the internal alignment of screen elements.
Vertical Alignment to the Bottom.
Vertical Alignment to the Top.
Centered Vertically or Horizontally.
Horizontal Alignment to the Left.
Horizontal Alignment to the Right.
Contains a set of tools to work with the screen information.
The Aspect Ratio of the screen resolution.
The location of the cursor on screen between 0 and 1.
Converts a relative resolution into one scaled to 1080p.
The relative value of X.
The relative value of Y.
The value of X scaled to 1080p.
The value of Y scaled to 1080p.
Converts a 1080p-based resolution into relative values.
The 1080p based X coord.
The 1080p based Y coord.
The value of X converted to relative.
The value of Y converted to relative.
Checks if the cursor is inside of the specified area.
This function takes values scaled to 1080p and is aware of the alignment set via SET_SCRIPT_GFX_ALIGN.
The start of the area.
The size of the area to check.
if the cursor is in the specified bounds, otherwise.
Checks if the cursor is inside of the specified area.
This function takes values scaled to 1080p and is aware of the alignment set via SET_SCRIPT_GFX_ALIGN.
The start X position.
The start Y position.
The height of the search area from X.
The height of the search area from Y.
if the cursor is in the specified bounds, otherwise.
Converts the specified position into one that is aware of .
The original 1080p based position.
A new 1080p based position that is aware of the the Alignment.
Converts the specified position into one that is aware of .
The 1080p based X position.
The 1080p based Y position.
A new 1080p based position that is aware of the the Alignment.
Shows the cursor during the current game frame.
Sets the alignment of game elements like , and .
The Horizontal alignment of the items.
The vertical alignment of the items.
Sets the alignment of game elements like , and .
The Horizontal alignment of the items.
The vertical alignment of the items.
Resets the alignment of the game elements.
Contains information for a Game Sound that is played at specific times.
The Set where the sound is located.
The name of the sound file.
Creates a new class with the specified Sound Set and File.
The Set where the sound is located.
The name of the sound file.
Plays the sound for the local .
Represents a Bar with text information shown in the bottom right.
The separation between the different timer bars.
The width of the background.
The height of the background.
The background of the timer bar.
The title of the timer bar.
The information of the Timer Bar.
The title of the bar, shown on the left.
The information shown on the right.
The Width of the information text.
The color of the information text.
Creates a new with the specified Title and Value.
The title of the bar.
The information shown on the bar.
Recalculates the position of the timer bar elements based on the location of it on the screen.
The Top Left position of the Timer Bar.
Draws the timer bar information.
A collection or Set of .
If this collection of Timer Bars is visible to the user.
The s that are part of this collection.
Creates a new collection of Timer Bars.
Adds a onto this collection.
The to add.
Removes a from the Collection.
The to remove.
Removes all of the that match the function.
The function to check the .
Removes all of the in this collection.
Checks if the is part of this collection.
The to check.
Recalculates the positions and sizes of the .
Draws the known timer bars.
Represents a Timer Bar that shows the progress of something.
The background of the Progress Bar.
The foreground of the Progress Bar.
The progress of the bar.
The Foreground color of the Progress bar.
The Background color of the Progress bar.
Creates a new with the specified title.
The title of the bar.
Recalculates the position of the timer bar elements based on the location of it on the screen.
The Top Left position of the Timer Bar.
Draws the TimerBar.