#undef DEBUG
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using RageCoop.Core;
namespace RageCoop.Client.Scripting
/// Provides vital functionality to interact with RAGECOOP
public static class API
/// Client configuration, this will conflict with server-side config.
public static class Config
/// Get or set local player's username, set won't be effective if already connected to a server.
public static string Username
get { return Main.Settings.Username; }
if (IsOnServer || string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
Main.Settings.Username = value;
/// Enable automatic respawn for this player.
public static bool EnableAutoRespawn { get; set; } = true;
/// Base events for RageCoop
public static class Events
public delegate void EmptyEvent();
public delegate void CustomEvent(int hash, List args);
/// The local player is dead
public static event EmptyEvent OnPlayerDied;
/// A local vehicle is spawned
public static event EventHandler OnVehicleSpawned;
/// A local vehicle is deleted
public static event EventHandler OnVehicleDeleted;
/// A local ped is spawned
public static event EventHandler OnPedSpawned;
/// A local ped is deleted
public static event EventHandler OnPedDeleted;
/// This is equivalent of .
public static event EmptyEvent OnTick;
/// This will be invoked when a CustomEvent is received from the server.
public static event CustomEvent OnCustomEventReceived;
#region INVOKE
internal static void InvokeVehicleSpawned(SyncedVehicle v) { OnVehicleSpawned?.Invoke(null, v); }
internal static void InvokeVehicleDeleted(SyncedVehicle v) { OnVehicleDeleted?.Invoke(null, v); }
internal static void InvokePedSpawned(SyncedPed p) { OnPedSpawned?.Invoke(null, p); }
internal static void InvokePedDeleted(SyncedPed p) { OnPedDeleted?.Invoke(null, p); }
internal static void InvokePlayerDied() { OnPlayerDied?.Invoke(); }
internal static void InvokeTick() { OnTick?.Invoke(); }
internal static void InvokeCustomEventReceived(int hash, List args)
OnCustomEventReceived?.Invoke(hash, args);
internal static void ClearHandlers()
/// Send a local chat message to this player
/// Name of the sender
/// The player's message
public static void LocalChatMessage(string from, string message)
Main.MainChat.AddMessage(from, message);
/// Get a that RAGECOOP is currently using.
public static Core.Logging.Logger GetLogger()
return Main.Logger;
/// Queue an action to be executed on next tick.
public static void QueueAction(Action a)
/// Disconnect from the server
public static void Disconnect()
/// Check if the player is already on a server
public static bool IsOnServer
get { return Networking.IsOnServer; }
/// Get the local player's ID
/// PlayerID
public static int LocalPlayerID
get { return Main.LocalPlayerID; }
/// Check if a RAGECOOP menu is visible
public static bool IsMenuVisible
get { return Menus.CoopMenu.MenuPool.AreAnyVisible; }
/// Check if the RAGECOOP chat is visible
public static bool IsChatFocused
get { return Main.MainChat.Focused; }
/// Check if the RAGECOOP list of players is visible
public static bool IsPlayerListVisible
get { return Util.GetTickCount64() - PlayerList.Pressed < 5000; }
/// Get the version of RAGECOOP
public static string CurrentVersion
get { return Main.CurrentVersion; }
/// Send an event and data to the specified clients.
/// An unique identifier of the event
/// The objects conataing your data, supported types:
/// byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, float, bool, string.
public static void SendCustomEvent(int eventHash, List args)
var p = new Packets.CustomEvent()
Networking.Send(p, ConnectionChannel.Event, Lidgren.Network.NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered);