# autoexec_server.cfg
# See https://ddnet.org/settingscommands/ for all available settings.
# Everything following a # is considered a comment and ignored by the server.
# When an option can be enabled or disabled, it's enabled with 1, disabled with 0.

# ---------------

# Server port (only port range 8303-8310 show up in LAN tab,
# defaults to 0 to automatically select free port in range 8303-8310)
#sv_port 8303

# Server name
sv_name "测试服务器"

# Password for joining the server, empty for no password
password ""

# rcon (F2) passwords for admin. If you don't set one, a random one will be
# created and shown in the terminal window of the server.
sv_rcon_password "123456"

# rcon (F2) password for moderator. If you don't set one, none exists.
sv_rcon_mod_password ""

# rcon (F2) password for helper. If you don't set one, none exists.
sv_rcon_helper_password ""

# Map to start server with
sv_map "Tutorial"

# Whether this is a test server and rcon cheats are allowed. Also indicated in
# the server type, which is:
# - "DDraceNetwork" for 0 (no cheats) and
# - "TestDDraceNetwo" for 1 (cheats)
sv_test_cmds 1

# Register server (make it public)
sv_register ipv6

sv_modename "0_小草"

# ----------------

# File where server log will be stored
logfile "autoexec_server.log"

# Log level (0 = Error, 1 = Warn, 2 = Info, 3 = Debug, 4 = Trace)
loglevel 2

# Folder where map records will be saved
sv_score_folder "records"

# Max players on server
sv_max_clients 15000

# Max players with the same IP address
sv_max_clients_per_ip 4

# Tournament mode - when enabled players joins the server as spectator
sv_tournament_mode 0

# Whether players can pause their character and make it disappear with the /spec command
sv_pauseable 0

# Allow /rescue (also /r) command so players can teleport themselves out of freeze
sv_rescue 1
# Number of seconds between two rescues
sv_rescue_delay 5

# Enable ranks after rcon cheats have been used
sv_rank_cheats 1

# --------------------

# Message on chat displayed when joining
sv_welcome "整活服务器"

# File which will have the announcements (each one in new line)
sv_announcement_filename "announcement.txt"

# Number of minutes before next announcement will be displayed (from the announcement file)
sv_announcement_interval 120

# Whether announcements will be displayed in their order or chosen randomly
sv_announcement_random 1

# Message of the day to display when joining the server (use "\n" to create new line)
sv_motd "万人大服集体开团 Ikun专用服务器\n\n坤坤坤,偶像练习生\n时长两年半,背带加中分"

# Use default DDRace rules
sv_ddrace_rules 1

# Own rules (up to 10 lines)
sv_rules_line1 ""
sv_rules_line2 ""
sv_rules_line3 ""

# Reset physics tunes after a map change
sv_tune_reset 1

# Reset DDRace tunes after a map change
sv_ddrace_tune_reset 1

# Use a config file to execute whenever a map is changed
sv_reset_file "reset.cfg"

# ------------

# Format: add_vote "[vote name]" "[command 1]; [command 2]; [command 3]; [...]"
# Example: add_vote "Close server" "sv_name Private DDNet server; password My secret password"
# To create empty line in votes just use space in name of vote and command
# "info". Every "empty line" vote should have different number of spaces in its
# name, because each vote text has to be unique.
# Example: add_vote " " "info"
# You can learn more about tunes on http://ddnet.org/settingscommands/#tunings

add_vote " " "info"
add_vote "Option: Normal gravity" "tune gravity 0.50"
add_vote "Option: Moon gravity" "tune gravity 0.25"
add_vote "Option: No gravity" "tune gravity 0.00"
add_vote "  " "info"
add_vote "Option: Reset server" "exec autoexec_server.cfg"
add_vote "Option: Shutdown server" "shutdown"

# -------------------------------

# You can see all commands which are accessible for specific authentication-levels by using "access_status"
# Format: access_status [0: admin, 1: moderator, 2: helper or 3: user]
# Format: access_level [command] [0: admin, 1: moderator, 2: helper or 3: user]
# Where 0 means only accessible for admin, 1 gives access to moderator and 2 gives access to helper
# Example: mod_command ban 1

# Non-default commands to which moderators and helpers will have access
access_level left 2
access_level right 2
access_level up 2
access_level down 2
access_level super 2
access_level unsuper 2
access_level tele 2
access_level totele 2
access_level totelecp 2
access_level logout 2
access_level ninja 2
access_level grenade 2
access_level shotgun 2
access_level laser 2
access_level weapons 2
access_level unweapons 2
access_level unlaser 2
access_level unshotgun 2
access_level ungrenade 2
access_level unsolo 2
access_level undeep 2
access_level status 2

# commands for moderators only
access_level ban 1
access_level unban 1
access_level ban_range 1
access_level unban_range 1
access_level unban_all 1
access_level bans 1
access_level bans_save 1
access_level kick 1
access_level force_vote 1
access_level moderate 1

# ----------------------------------------

# Broadcast to display for players without DDNet client
sv_client_suggestion "Get DDNet client from DDNet.org to use all features on DDNet!"

# Broadcast to display for players with a very old version of DDNet client
sv_client_suggestion_old "Your DDNet client is old, update it on DDNet.org!"

# Broadcast to display for players with known botting client
sv_client_suggestion_bot "Your client has bots and can be remotely controlled!\nPlease use another client like DDNet client from DDNet.org"

# -------------

# if you do not want updates to overwrite your settings create a
# file called myServerconfig.cfg and put your config there
exec myServerconfig.cfg