# working dir: scripts # python ./natives_gen.py import os natives_hpp = open("../src/natives.hpp", "r") cpp_print_buf = "" hpp_print_buf = "" hpp_lua_native_wrappers_print_buf = "" def print_cpp(text): global cpp_print_buf cpp_print_buf += text + "\n" def print_hpp(text): global hpp_print_buf hpp_print_buf += text + "\n" class Arg: def __init__(self, name, type_): self.name = name self.type_ = type_.replace("BOOL", "bool") if self.type_ == "const char*": self.type_ = self.type_.replace("const char*", "sol::stack_object") self.is_string = True else: self.is_string = False self.is_pointer_arg = "*" in type_ and "const char" not in type_ self.type_no_star = self.type_.replace("*", "") def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.type_) + " " + str(self.name) class NativeFunc: def __init__(self, namespace, lua_name, cpp_name, args, return_type): self.namespace = namespace self.lua_name = lua_name self.cpp_name = cpp_name self.args = args self.return_type = return_type.replace("BOOL", "bool") self.out_params = [] if self.return_type != "void": retvalArg = Arg("retval", self.return_type) # Any* case: this is incorrect but # we'd need a custom lua usertype and write code for it inside the native function wrappers, # it also only affect some of the DATAFILE natives. retvalArg.is_pointer_arg = False self.out_params.append(retvalArg) for arg in self.args: if arg.is_pointer_arg: self.out_params.append(arg) def __str__(self) -> str: s = "" returning_multiple_values = False tuple_type = "" fixed_return = self.return_type if len(self.out_params) > 1: fixed_return = "std::tuple<" for out_param in self.out_params: if out_param.is_pointer_arg: fixed_return += out_param.type_no_star + ", " else: fixed_return += ("const char*" if out_param.is_string else out_param.type_) + ", " fixed_return = fixed_return[:-2] + ">" returning_multiple_values = True tuple_type = fixed_return elif len(self.out_params) == 1: if self.out_params[0].is_pointer_arg: fixed_return = self.out_params[0].type_no_star else: fixed_return = ("const char*" if self.out_params[0].is_string else self.out_params[0].type_) fixed_params = "" if len(self.args) > 0: for arg in self.args: if not arg.is_pointer_arg: fixed_params += arg.type_ + " " + arg.name + ", " else: fixed_params += arg.type_no_star + " " + arg.name + ", " fixed_params = fixed_params[:-2] s += ( fixed_return + " " + "LUA_NATIVE_" + self.namespace + "_" + self.lua_name + "(" + fixed_params + ")" ) s += "\n" s += "\t{\n" if self.cpp_name == "ADD_OWNED_EXPLOSION": s+= "\t\tbig::explosion_anti_cheat_bypass::apply();\n\n" call_native = "\t\t" if len(self.out_params) > 0: if returning_multiple_values: tuple_declaration = tuple_type + " return_values;" s += "\t\t" + tuple_declaration + "\n" if self.return_type != "void": call_native += "std::get<0>(return_values) = " if self.return_type == "bool": call_native += "(bool)" elif self.return_type != "void": call_native += "auto retval = " if self.return_type == "bool": call_native += "(bool)" call_native += self.namespace + "::" + self.cpp_name + "(" else: call_native += self.namespace + "::" + self.cpp_name + "(" if len(self.args) > 0: for arg in self.args: if arg.is_pointer_arg: if arg.type_ == "bool*": call_native += "(BOOL*)" call_native += "&" if arg.is_string: call_native += f'{arg.name}.is() ? {arg.name}.as() : nullptr, ' else: call_native += arg.name + ", " call_native = call_native[:-2] call_native += ");" s += call_native if self.cpp_name == "ADD_OWNED_EXPLOSION": s+= "\n\n\t\tbig::explosion_anti_cheat_bypass::restore();" if returning_multiple_values: assign_return_values = "\n" if self.return_type != "void": i = 1 else: i = 0 for arg in self.args: if arg.is_pointer_arg: assign_return_values += ( "\t\tstd::get<" + str(i) + ">(return_values) = " + arg.name + ";\n" ) i += 1 s += assign_return_values return_statement = "" if len(self.out_params) > 0: if returning_multiple_values: return_statement = "return return_values;" elif self.return_type != "void": return_statement = "return retval;" else: for arg in self.args: if arg.is_pointer_arg: return_statement = "return " + arg.name + ";" s += "\n\t\t" + return_statement s += "\n\t}" return s def get_natives_func_from_natives_hpp_file(natives_hpp): functions_per_namespaces = {} current_namespace = "" start_parsing = False for line in natives_hpp.readlines(): if "namespace SYSTEM" not in line and not start_parsing: continue else: start_parsing = True if not start_parsing: continue if "namespace " in line: current_namespace = line.replace("namespace ", "").strip() functions_per_namespaces[current_namespace] = [] elif "FORCEINLINE constexpr" in line: line = line.replace("FORCEINLINE constexpr", "") words = line.split() # remove NATIVE_DECL from the words array words.pop(0) func_name = "" for word in words: if "(" in word: if func_name == "": func_name = word.split("(")[0] continue # Sol somehow choke on this, terrible software if func_name == "DRAW_TEXTURED_POLY_WITH_THREE_COLOURS": continue args = [] args_start = line.split("(")[1] if args_start[0] == ")": # no args pass else: args_str = args_start.split(")")[0] i = 0 for arg in args_str.split(","): arg_type = arg[: arg.rfind(" ")].strip() arg_name = arg[arg.rfind(" ") :].strip() args.append(Arg(arg_name, arg_type)) i += 1 return_type = ( line[: line.find(func_name)].replace("NATIVE_DECL", "").strip() ) lua_name = func_name if lua_name.startswith('_'): lua_name = lua_name.removeprefix("_") lua_name = lua_name + "_" native_func = NativeFunc(current_namespace, lua_name, func_name, args, return_type) functions_per_namespaces[current_namespace].append(native_func) return functions_per_namespaces functions_per_namespaces = get_natives_func_from_natives_hpp_file(natives_hpp) def generate_native_binding_cpp_and_hpp_files(functions_per_namespaces): generated_function_name = "void init_native_binding(sol::state& L)" print_hpp("#pragma once") # print_hpp('#include "lua/sol.hpp"') print_hpp("") print_hpp("namespace lua::native") print_hpp("{") print_hpp("\t" + generated_function_name + ";") print_hpp("") for namespace_name, native_funcs in functions_per_namespaces.items(): print_hpp("\t" + "void init_native_binding_" + namespace_name + "(sol::state& L);") print_hpp("}") print_cpp('#include "lua_native_binding.hpp"') print_cpp("") print_cpp("namespace lua::native") print_cpp("{") i = 0 for namespace_name, native_funcs in functions_per_namespaces.items(): file_name_cpp = "../src/lua/natives/lua_native_binding_" + namespace_name + ".cpp" if os.path.exists(file_name_cpp): os.remove(file_name_cpp) f = open(file_name_cpp, "a") file_buffer = "" file_buffer += '#include "lua_native_binding.hpp"\n' file_buffer += '#include "natives.hpp"\n' if namespace_name == "FIRE": file_buffer += '#include "util/explosion_anti_cheat_bypass.hpp"\n' file_buffer += "\n" file_buffer += "namespace lua::native\n" file_buffer += "{\n" for native_func in native_funcs: file_buffer += "\tstatic " + str(native_func) + "\n\n" file_buffer += "\t" + "void init_native_binding_" + namespace_name + "(sol::state& L)\n" file_buffer += "\t{\n" file_buffer += "\t\tauto " + namespace_name + ' = L["' + namespace_name + '"].get_or_create();\n' for native_func in native_funcs: i += 1 file_buffer += "\t\t"+ namespace_name+ '.set_function("'+ native_func.lua_name+ '", '+ "LUA_NATIVE_"+ native_func.namespace+ "_"+ native_func.lua_name+ ");\n" file_buffer+= "\t}\n" file_buffer+= "}\n" f.write(file_buffer) f.close() print_cpp("\t" + generated_function_name) print_cpp("\t{") for namespace_name, native_funcs in functions_per_namespaces.items(): # call each binding functions inside generated_function_name print_cpp("\t\t" + "init_native_binding_" + namespace_name + "(L);") print_cpp("\t}") print_cpp("}") print(f"Wrote binding for {i} native functions") generate_native_binding_cpp_and_hpp_files(functions_per_namespaces) def write_cpp_code(cpp_print_buf): file_name = "../src/lua/natives/lua_native_binding.cpp" if os.path.exists(file_name): os.remove(file_name) f = open(file_name, "a") f.write(cpp_print_buf) f.close() def write_hpp_code(hpp_print_buf): file_name = "../src/lua/natives/lua_native_binding.hpp" if os.path.exists(file_name): os.remove(file_name) f = open(file_name, "a") f.write(hpp_print_buf) f.close() write_cpp_code(cpp_print_buf) write_hpp_code(hpp_print_buf)