# Table: gui Table containing functions for modifying the menu GUI. ## Functions (12) ### `get_tab(tab_name)` - **Parameters:** - `tab_name` (string): Name of the tab to get. - **Returns:** - `tab`: A tab instance which corresponds to the tab in the GUI. **Example Usage:** ```lua tab = gui.get_tab(tab_name) ``` ### `add_tab(tab_name)` - **Parameters:** - `tab_name` (string): Name of the tab to add. - **Returns:** - `tab`: A tab instance which corresponds to the new tab in the GUI. **Example Usage:** ```lua tab = gui.add_tab(tab_name) ``` ### `show_success(title, message)` Shows a success to the user with the given title and message. - **Parameters:** - `title` (string) - `message` (string) **Example Usage:** ```lua gui.show_success(title, message) ``` ### `show_message(title, message)` Shows a message to the user with the given title and message. - **Parameters:** - `title` (string) - `message` (string) **Example Usage:** ```lua gui.show_message(title, message) ``` ### `show_warning(title, message)` Shows a warning to the user with the given title and message. - **Parameters:** - `title` (string) - `message` (string) **Example Usage:** ```lua gui.show_warning(title, message) ``` ### `show_error(title, message)` Shows an error to the user with the given title and message. - **Parameters:** - `title` (string) - `message` (string) **Example Usage:** ```lua gui.show_error(title, message) ``` ### `is_open()` - **Returns:** - `bool`: Returns true if the GUI is open. **Example Usage:** ```lua bool = gui.is_open() ``` ### `toggle(toggle)` Opens and closes the gui. - **Parameters:** - `toggle` (boolean) **Example Usage:** ```lua gui.toggle(toggle) ``` ### `mouse_override()` - **Returns:** - `bool`: Returns true if the mouse is overridden. **Example Usage:** ```lua bool = gui.mouse_override() ``` ### `override_mouse(override)` - **Parameters:** - `override` (boolean) **Example Usage:** ```lua gui.override_mouse(override) ``` ### `add_imgui(imgui_rendering)` Registers a function that will be called every rendering frame, you can call ImGui functions in it, please check the ImGui.md documentation file for more info. **Example Usage:** ```lua gui.add_imgui(function() if ImGui.Begin("My Custom Window") then if ImGui.Button("Label") then script.run_in_fiber(function(script) -- call natives in there end) end ImGui.End() end end) ``` - **Parameters:** - `imgui_rendering` (function): Function that will be called every rendering frame, you can call ImGui functions in it, please check the ImGui.md documentation file for more info. **Example Usage:** ```lua gui.add_imgui(imgui_rendering) ``` ### `add_always_draw_imgui(imgui_rendering)` Registers a function that will be called every rendering frame, you can call ImGui functions in it, please check the ImGui.md documentation file for more info. This function will be called even when the menu is closed. **Example Usage:** ```lua gui.add_always_draw_imgui(function() if ImGui.Begin("My Custom Window") then if ImGui.Button("Label") then script.run_in_fiber(function(script) -- call natives in there end) end ImGui.End() end end) `` - **Parameters:** - `imgui_rendering` (function): Function that will be called every rendering frame, you can call ImGui functions in it, please check the ImGui.md documentation file for more info. **Example Usage:** ```lua gui.add_always_draw_imgui(imgui_rendering) ```