workspace "BigBaseV2" architecture "x64" startproject "BigBaseV2" configurations { "Debug", "Release", "Dist" } outputdir = "%{cfg.buildcfg}" IncludeDir = {} IncludeDir["fmtlib"] = "vendor/fmtlib/include" IncludeDir["json"] = "vendor/json/single_include" IncludeDir["MinHook"] = "vendor/MinHook/include" IncludeDir["ImGui"] = "vendor/ImGui" IncludeDir["ImGuiImpl"] = "vendor/ImGui/examples" IncludeDir["g3log"] = "vendor/g3log/src" IncludeDir["GTAV_Classes"] = "vendor/GTAV-Classes" CppVersion = "C++17" MsvcToolset = "v143" WindowsSdkVersion = "10.0" function DeclareMSVCOptions() filter "system:windows" staticruntime "Off" floatingpoint "Fast" vectorextensions "AVX2" systemversion (WindowsSdkVersion) toolset (MsvcToolset) cppdialect (CppVersion) defines { "_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS", "NOMINMAX", "WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN", "_WIN32_WINNT=0x601" -- Support Windows 7 } disablewarnings { "4100", -- C4100: unreferenced formal parameter "4201", -- C4201: nameless struct/union "4307", -- C4307: integral constant overflow "4996" -- C4996: deprecated in C++17 } end function file_exists(name) local,"r") if f~=nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end end function DeclareDebugOptions() filter "configurations:Debug" defines { "_DEBUG" } symbols "On" filter "not configurations:Debug" defines { "NDEBUG" } end project "ImGui" location "vendor/%{}" kind "StaticLib" language "C++" targetdir ("bin/lib/" .. outputdir) objdir ("bin/lib/int/" .. outputdir .. "/%{}") files { "vendor/%{}/imgui.cpp", "vendor/%{}/imgui_demo.cpp", "vendor/%{}/imgui_draw.cpp", "vendor/%{}/imgui_tables.cpp", "vendor/%{}/imgui_widgets.cpp", "vendor/%{}/backends/imgui_impl_dx11.cpp", "vendor/%{}/backends/imgui_impl_win32.cpp" } includedirs { "vendor/%{}" } DeclareMSVCOptions() DeclareDebugOptions() project "fmtlib" location "vendor/%{}" kind "StaticLib" language "C++" targetdir ("bin/lib/" .. outputdir) objdir ("bin/lib/int/" .. outputdir .. "/%{}") files { "vendor/%{}/include/**.h", "vendor/%{}/src/**.cc" } includedirs { "vendor/%{}/include" } DeclareMSVCOptions() DeclareDebugOptions() project "MinHook" location "vendor/%{}" kind "StaticLib" language "C" targetdir ("bin/lib/" .. outputdir) objdir ("bin/lib/int/" .. outputdir .. "/%{}") files { "vendor/%{}/include/**.h", "vendor/%{}/src/**.h", "vendor/%{}/src/**.c" } DeclareMSVCOptions() DeclareDebugOptions() project "g3log" location "vendor/%{}" kind "StaticLib" language "C++" targetdir ("bin/lib/" .. outputdir) objdir ("bin/lib/int/" .. outputdir .. "/%{}") includedirs { "vendor/%{}/src" } if(file_exists("vendor\\g3log\\src\\g3log\\generated_definitions.hpp") == false) then file ="vendor\\g3log\\src\\g3log\\generated_definitions.hpp", "w") if(file == nil) then premake.error("Failed to locate vendor directories. Try doing git pull --recurse-submodules.") end file:write("// AUTO GENERATED MACRO DEFINITIONS FOR G3LOG\n\n\n/* ==========================================================================\n*2015 by This is PUBLIC DOMAIN to use at your own risk and comes\n* with no warranties. This code is yours to share, use and modify with no\n\n*strings attached and no restrictions or obligations.\n* \n* For more information see g3log/LICENSE or refer refer to\n\n*============================================================================*/\n#pragma once\n\n\n// CMake induced definitions below. See g3log/Options.cmake for details."); end files { "vendor/%{}/src/**.hpp", "vendor/%{}/src/**.cpp" } removefiles { "vendor/%{}/src/crashhandler_unix.cpp" } DeclareMSVCOptions() DeclareDebugOptions() project "BigBaseV2" location "BigBaseV2" kind "SharedLib" language "C++" targetdir ("bin/" .. outputdir) objdir ("bin/int/" .. outputdir .. "/%{}") PrecompiledHeaderInclude = "common.hpp" PrecompiledHeaderSource = "%{}/src/common.cpp" files { "%{}/src/**.hpp", "%{}/src/**.h", "%{}/src/**.cpp", "%{}/src/**.asm" } includedirs { "%{IncludeDir.fmtlib}", "%{IncludeDir.json}", "%{IncludeDir.MinHook}", "%{IncludeDir.ImGui}", "%{IncludeDir.ImGuiImpl}", "%{IncludeDir.g3log}", "%{IncludeDir.GTAV_Classes}", "%{}/src" } libdirs { "bin/lib" } links { "fmtlib", "MinHook", "ImGui", "g3log" } pchheader "%{PrecompiledHeaderInclude}" pchsource "%{PrecompiledHeaderSource}" forceincludes { "%{PrecompiledHeaderInclude}" } DeclareMSVCOptions() DeclareDebugOptions() flags { "NoImportLib", "Maps" } filter "configurations:Debug" flags { "LinkTimeOptimization", "MultiProcessorCompile" } editandcontinue "Off" defines { "BIGBASEV2_DEBUG" } filter "configurations:Release" flags { "LinkTimeOptimization", "NoManifest", "MultiProcessorCompile" } defines { "BIGBASEV2_RELEASE" } optimize "speed" filter "configurations:Dist" flags { "LinkTimeOptimization", "FatalWarnings", "NoManifest", "MultiProcessorCompile" } defines { "BIGBASEV2_DIST" } optimize "speed"