# Table: gui Table containing functions for modifying the menu GUI. ## Functions (7) ### `get_tab(tab_name)` - **Parameters:** - `tab_name` (string): Name of the tab to get. - **Returns:** - `tab`: A tab instance which corresponds to the tab in the GUI. **Example Usage:** ```lua tab = gui.get_tab(tab_name) ``` ### `add_tab(tab_name)` - **Parameters:** - `tab_name` (string): Name of the tab to add. - **Returns:** - `tab`: A tab instance which corresponds to the new tab in the GUI. **Example Usage:** ```lua tab = gui.add_tab(tab_name) ``` ### `show_message(title, message)` Shows a message to the user with the given title and message. - **Parameters:** - `title` (string) - `message` (string) **Example Usage:** ```lua gui.show_message(title, message) ``` ### `show_warning(title, message)` Shows a warning to the user with the given title and message. - **Parameters:** - `title` (string) - `message` (string) **Example Usage:** ```lua gui.show_warning(title, message) ``` ### `show_error(title, message)` Shows an error to the user with the given title and message. - **Parameters:** - `title` (string) - `message` (string) **Example Usage:** ```lua gui.show_error(title, message) ``` ### `is_open()` - **Returns:** - `bool`: Returns true if the GUI is open. **Example Usage:** ```lua bool = gui.is_open() ``` ### `add_imgui(imgui_rendering)` Registers a function that will be called every rendering frame, you can call ImGui functions in it, please check the ImGui.md documentation file for more info. **Example Usage:** ```lua gui.add_imgui(function() if ImGui.Begin("My Custom Window") then if ImGui.Button("Label") then script.run_in_fiber(function(script) -- call natives in there end) end ImGui.End() end end) ``` - **Parameters:** - `imgui_rendering` (function): Function that will be called every rendering frame, you can call ImGui functions in it, please check the ImGui.md documentation file for more info. **Example Usage:** ```lua gui.add_imgui(imgui_rendering) ```