mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 20:17:24 +08:00
feat(RCS): Added invalid index crash protections. (#573)
Cleaned up some of the logging.
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ include(FetchContent)
GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/Yimura/GTAV-Classes.git
GIT_TAG 07080ad71a8a98f549e8ac78f09dacd4cfd22ad6
GIT_TAG 5d2c9118aed8c1346c7b8cdc271954909bcf888d
@ -6,17 +6,18 @@
#include "rage/netSyncTree.hpp"
#include "gta/net_object_mgr.hpp"
#include "datanodes/door/CDoorCreationDataNode.hpp"
#include "datanodes/dynamic_entity/CDynamicEntityGameStateDataNode.hpp"
#include "datanodes/object/CObjectCreationDataNode.hpp"
#include "datanodes/ped/CPedAttachDataNode.hpp"
#include "datanodes/ped/CPedCreationDataNode.hpp"
#include "datanodes/ped/CPedInventoryDataNode.hpp"
#include "datanodes/pickup/CPickupCreationDataNode.hpp"
#include "datanodes/physical/CPhysicalAttachDataNode.hpp"
#include "datanodes/player/CPlayerAppearanceDataNode.hpp"
#include "datanodes/proximity_migrateable/CSectorDataNode.hpp"
#include "datanodes/train/CTrainGameStateDataNode.hpp"
#include "datanodes/vehicle/CVehicleCreationDataNode.hpp"
#include "datanodes/vehicle/CVehicleGadgetDataNode.hpp"
#include "network/netObject.hpp"
#include "natives.hpp"
#include "base/CBaseModelInfo.hpp"
#include "vehicle/CVehicleModelInfo.hpp"
#include "util/model_info.hpp"
@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ namespace big
if (is_model_a_crash_model(creation_node->m_model))
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.log)
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid door model: " << "Model: " << HEX_TO_UPPER(creation_node->m_model) << " From: " << sender->get_name();
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid door model: Model: " << HEX_TO_UPPER(creation_node->m_model) << " From: " << sender->get_name();
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.notify)
g_notification_service->push_warning(std::format("Invalid door model from {}", sender->get_name()), std::format("Model: 0x{:x}", creation_node->m_model));
return true;
@ -169,7 +170,7 @@ namespace big
if (is_model_a_crash_model(creation_node->m_custom_model))
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.log)
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid pickup model: " << "Model: " << HEX_TO_UPPER(creation_node->m_custom_model) << " From : " << sender->get_name();
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid pickup model: Model: " << HEX_TO_UPPER(creation_node->m_custom_model) << " From : " << sender->get_name();
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.notify)
g_notification_service->push_warning(std::format("Invalid pickup model from {}", sender->get_name()), std::format("Model: 0x{:x}", creation_node->m_custom_model));
return true;
@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ namespace big
if (attach_node->m_attached && attach_node->m_attached_to == object_id)
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.log)
LOG(WARNING) << "Infinite attachment: " << "Node: " << typeid(*node).name() << " From : " << sender->get_name();
LOG(WARNING) << "Infinite attachment: Node: " << typeid(*node).name() << " From : " << sender->get_name();
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.notify)
g_notification_service->push_warning(std::format("Infinite attachment from {}", sender->get_name()), std::format("Node: {}", typeid(*node).name()));
return true;
@ -190,7 +191,7 @@ namespace big
else if (attach_node->m_attached && is_attachment_infinite(attach_node, object_id))
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.log)
LOG(WARNING) << "Infinite attachment v2: " << "Node: " << typeid(*node).name() << " From : " << sender->get_name();
LOG(WARNING) << "Infinite attachment v2: Node: " << typeid(*node).name() << " From : " << sender->get_name();
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.notify)
g_notification_service->push_warning(std::format("Infinite attachment v2 from {}", sender->get_name()), std::format("Node: {}", typeid(*node).name()));
return true;
@ -203,14 +204,14 @@ namespace big
if (is_model_a_crash_model(creation_node->m_model))
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.log)
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid ped model: " << "Model: " << HEX_TO_UPPER(creation_node->m_model) << " From : " << sender->get_name();
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid ped model: Model: " << HEX_TO_UPPER(creation_node->m_model) << " From : " << sender->get_name();
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.notify)
g_notification_service->push_warning(std::format("Invalid ped model from {}", sender->get_name()), std::format("Model: 0x{:x}", creation_node->m_model));
return true;
else if (creation_node->m_has_prop && is_model_a_crash_model(creation_node->m_prop_model)) {
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.log)
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid ped prop model: " << "Model: " << HEX_TO_UPPER(creation_node->m_prop_model) << " From : " << sender->get_name();
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid ped prop model: Model: " << HEX_TO_UPPER(creation_node->m_prop_model) << " From : " << sender->get_name();
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.notify)
g_notification_service->push_warning(std::format("Invalid ped prop model from {}", sender->get_name()), std::format("Model: 0x{:x}", creation_node->m_prop_model));
return true;
@ -223,7 +224,7 @@ namespace big
if (attach_node->m_attached && attach_node->m_attached_to == object_id)
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.log)
LOG(WARNING) << "Infinite ped attachment: " << "Node: " << typeid(*node).name() << " From : " << sender->get_name();
LOG(WARNING) << "Infinite ped attachment: Node: " << typeid(*node).name() << " From : " << sender->get_name();
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.notify)
g_notification_service->push_warning(std::format("Infinite ped attachment from {}", sender->get_name()), std::format("Node: {}", typeid(*node).name()));
return true;
@ -231,38 +232,64 @@ namespace big
else if (attach_node->m_attached && is_ped_attachment_infinite(attach_node, object_id))
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.log)
LOG(WARNING) << "Infinite ped attachment v2: " << "Node: " << typeid(*node).name() << " From : " << sender->get_name();
LOG(WARNING) << "Infinite ped attachment v2: Node: " << typeid(*node).name() << " From : " << sender->get_name();
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.notify)
g_notification_service->push_warning(std::format("Infinite ped attachment v2 from {}", sender->get_name()), std::format("Node: {}", typeid(*node).name()));
return true;
case "?AVCPedInventoryDataNode@@"_fnv1a://CPedInventoryDataNode
const auto inventory_node = dynamic_cast<CPedInventoryDataNode*>(node);
if (inventory_node->m_num_items > 105 || inventory_node->m_num_ammos > 65)
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.log)
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid inventory data from: " << sender->get_name();
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.notify)
g_notification_service->push_warning(std::format("Invalid inventory data from {}", sender->get_name()), "Invalid inventory data.");
return true;
case "?AVCVehicleCreationDataNode@@"_fnv1a: //CVehicleCreationDataNode
const auto vehicle_creation_node = dynamic_cast<CVehicleCreationDataNode*>(node);
if (is_model_a_crash_model(vehicle_creation_node->m_model)) {
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.log)
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid vehicle model: " << "Model: " << HEX_TO_UPPER(vehicle_creation_node->m_model) << " From : " << sender->get_name();
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid vehicle model: Model: " << HEX_TO_UPPER(vehicle_creation_node->m_model) << " From : " << sender->get_name();
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.notify)
g_notification_service->push_warning(std::format("Invalid vehicle model from {}", sender->get_name()), std::format("Model: 0x{:x}", vehicle_creation_node->m_model));
return true;
case "?AVCVehicleGadgetDataNode@@"_fnv1a: //CVehicleGadgetDataNode
const auto vehicle_gadget_node = dynamic_cast<CVehicleGadgetDataNode*>(node);
if (vehicle_gadget_node->m_gadget_count > 2)
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.log)
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid vehicle gadget count from: " << sender->get_name();
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.notify)
g_notification_service->push_warning(std::format("Invalid vehicle gadget count from {}", sender->get_name()), "Invalid vehicle gadget count.");
return true;
case "?AVCObjectCreationDataNode@@"_fnv1a: //CObjectCreationDataNode
const auto creation_node = dynamic_cast<CObjectCreationDataNode*>(node);
if (is_model_a_crash_model(creation_node->m_model)) {
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.log)
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid object model: " << "Model: " << HEX_TO_UPPER(creation_node->m_model) << " From : " << sender->get_name();
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid object model: Model: " << HEX_TO_UPPER(creation_node->m_model) << " From : " << sender->get_name();
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.notify)
g_notification_service->push_warning(std::format("Invalid object model from {}", sender->get_name()), std::format("Model: 0x{:x}", creation_node->m_model));
return true;
else if (is_model_a_cage_model(creation_node->m_model)) {
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.log)
LOG(WARNING) << "Cage model: " << "Model: " << HEX_TO_UPPER(creation_node->m_model) << " From : " << sender->get_name();
LOG(WARNING) << "Cage model: Model: " << HEX_TO_UPPER(creation_node->m_model) << " From : " << sender->get_name();
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.notify)
g_notification_service->push_warning(std::format("Cage model from {}", sender->get_name()), std::format("Model: 0x{:x}", creation_node->m_model));
return true;
@ -274,7 +301,7 @@ namespace big
const auto player_appearance_node = dynamic_cast<CPlayerAppearanceDataNode*>(node);
if (is_model_a_crash_model(player_appearance_node->m_model_hash)) {
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.log)
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid player model: " << "Model: " << HEX_TO_UPPER(player_appearance_node->m_model_hash) << " From : " << sender->get_name();
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid player model: Model:" << HEX_TO_UPPER(player_appearance_node->m_model_hash) << " From : " << sender->get_name();
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.notify)
g_notification_service->push_warning(std::format("Invalid player model from {}", sender->get_name()), std::format("Model: 0x{:x}", player_appearance_node->m_model_hash));
return true;
@ -287,13 +314,26 @@ namespace big
if (sector_node->m_pos_x == 712 || sector_node->m_pos_y == 712 || sector_node->m_pos_z == 712)
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.log)
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid sector position." << " From : " << sender->get_name();
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid sector position from: " << sender->get_name();
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.notify)
g_notification_service->push_warning(std::format("Invalid sector position from {}", sender->get_name()), "Invalid sector position.");
return true;
case "?AVCDynamicEntityGameStateDataNode@@"_fnv1a: //CDynamicEntityGameStateDataNode
const auto game_state_node = dynamic_cast<CDynamicEntityGameStateDataNode*>(node);
if (game_state_node->m_decor_count > 11)
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.log)
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid decorator count from: " << sender->get_name();
if (g->notifications.invalid_sync.notify)
g_notification_service->push_warning(std::format("Invalid decorator count from {}", sender->get_name()), "Invalid decorator count.");
return true;
return false;
@ -309,14 +349,14 @@ namespace big
if (sync_type < eObjType::carObjType || sync_type > eObjType::unkObjType14)
if (g->notifications.out_of_allowed_range_sync_type.log)
LOG(WARNING) << "Out of Bounds sync: " << "Type: " << sync_type << " Tree name: " << tree_name << " From: " << src->get_name();
LOG(WARNING) << "Out of Bounds sync: Type: " << sync_type << " Tree name: " << tree_name << " From: " << src->get_name();
if (g->notifications.out_of_allowed_range_sync_type.notify)
g_notification_service->push_warning(std::format("Out Of Allowed Sync Range from {}", src->get_name()), std::format("Type {} in sync tree {}", std::uint16_t(sync_type), tree_name));
else if (net_obj->m_object_type != sync_type)
if (g->notifications.mismatch_sync_type.log)
LOG(WARNING) << "Mismatch sync: " << "Type: " << sync_type << " Tree name: " << tree_name << " From: " << src->get_name();
LOG(WARNING) << "Mismatch sync: Type: " << sync_type << " Tree name: " << tree_name << " From: " << src->get_name();
if (g->notifications.mismatch_sync_type.notify)
g_notification_service->push_warning(std::format("Mismatch Sync from {}", src->get_name()), std::format("Type {} in sync tree {}", std::uint16_t(sync_type), tree_name));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user