#pragma once #include "../types.hpp" #include "../Timer.hpp" #include "../HudColor.hpp" enum class eActivityType { HeistPrep = 233, Gunrunning = 180, Sightseer = 142, HeadHunter = 166, BuySpecialCargo = 167, SellSpecialCargo = 168, DefendSpecialCargo = 169, StealVehicle = 178, ExportVehicle = 188, Gunrunning2 = 225, GunrunningSell = 226, GunrunningDefend = 227, BikerSell = 190, BikerDefend = 191, BusinessResupply = 192, Survival = 3, Darts = 14, ArmWresling = 15, GangAttack = 6, PilotSchool = 122, Golf = 11, ShootingRange = 13, Tennis = 12, BaseJump = 8, Deathmatch = 1, ImpromptuDeathmatch = 5, Mission = 0, Race = 2, ExecutiveDeathmatch = 148, MarkedForDeath = 151, PiracyPrevention = 152, MostWanted = 153, AssetRecovery = 157, HostileTakeover = 159, Point2Point = 162, AmphibiousAssault = 216, Velocity = 219, GunsForHire = 185, ByThePound = 182, RippingItUp = 194, RaceToPoint = 189, HitAndRide = 193, CriminalMischief = 205, WeaponOfChoice = 186, FragileGoods = 207, Torched = 208, Outrider = 209, WheelieRider = 210, POW = 183, ExecutiveSearch = 199, StandYourGround = 201, AutoBuyout = 163, DueDiligence = 160, MarketManipulation = 154, CourierService = 155, Skydive = 267 }; enum class eBossGoonFlags { kOneOnOneDM = 4, kJoinSuccess = 7, kJoinFail = 8, kSpectating = 24 }; enum class eGoonInviteType { DEBUG, NEARBY, FRIENDS, CREW, INDIVIDUAL, LOOKING_FOR_WORK }; enum class eBossVehicleState { NONE, SPAWNED, DESTROYED = 3 }; enum class eMCRole { PROSPECT = -1, VICE_PRESIDENT, ROAD_CAPTAIN, SERGEANT_IN_ARMS, ENFORCER }; enum class eClubhouseActivity { NONE = -1, DARTS, ARM_WRESTLING }; struct MP_SCRIPT_DATA { SCR_INT Index; // this is an enum uint64_t Args[15]; SCR_INT InstanceId; uint64_t MoreArgs[4]; }; static_assert(sizeof(MP_SCRIPT_DATA) == 21 * 8); struct MC_STYLE { SCR_BOOL Enabled; SCR_INT BossOutfitType; SCR_INT GoonOutfitType; SCR_ARRAY GoonOutfitIndices; // one outfit for each goon, size is 7 instead of 8 for some reason SCR_ARRAY GoonOutfitIndicesOverride; SCR_INT PAD_0019; SCR_BOOL HeadgearEnabled; SCR_BOOL EmblemEnabled; }; static_assert(sizeof(MC_STYLE) == 22 * 8); struct VEHICLE_EXPORT { SCR_ARRAY SellingVehicleIndices; SCR_INT PAD_0005; // this is set to zero in all export scripts and never read }; static_assert(sizeof(VEHICLE_EXPORT) == 6 * 8); struct HANGAR_CARGO { SCR_INT PAD_0000; // unused? SCR_ARRAY DeliverableTypes; SCR_INT CargoType; }; static_assert(sizeof(HANGAR_CARGO) == 23 * 8); struct CASINO_HEIST_PREP { SCR_INT PrepIndex; SCR_INT SupportCrewMemberIndex; // only set on preps 1 through 3 SCR_INT LoadoutIndex; // only set on prep 1 and 2 }; static_assert(sizeof(CASINO_HEIST_PREP) == 3 * 8); struct LEAVE_IN_HELI { SCR_INT Flags; PLAYER_INDEX Owner; SCR_INT SeatIndex; }; static_assert(sizeof(LEAVE_IN_HELI) == 3 * 8); struct BOSS_GOON { PLAYER_INDEX Boss; // leader of CEO/MC SCR_INT TimeBecameBoss; SCR_INT TimeBecameGoon; SCR_INT LastPayTime; SCR_BITSET Flags; SCR_INT Flags2; // TODO SCR_INT Flags3; // TODO SCR_INT TotalBossGoonTime; SCR_ARRAY BossGoonUUID; SCR_ARRAY Goons; SCR_INT GoonsRequestingJoin; // bitset SCR_INT PayGrade; SCR_INT InvitesByBosses; // bitset SCR_INT TransitionBossPersistanceStage; SCR_INT EndBeingGoonReason; SCR_INT PAD_0025; // TODO PLAYER_INDEX JoiningBoss; alignas(8) eGoonInviteType JoinedInviteType; SCR_INT NumBossDeathsSinceLastPay; SCR_VEC3 PAD_0029; // TODO alignas(8) eActivityType UnkActivity; alignas(8) eActivityType CurrentActivity; PLAYER_INDEX JoustTarget; PLAYER_INDEX ExecutiveDeathmatchTarget; MP_SCRIPT_DATA ActiveScript; PLAYER_INDEX PAD_0057; PLAYER_INDEX PAD_0058; alignas(8) eBossVehicleState BossVehicleState; SCR_INT BossVehicleSpawnState; PLAYER_INDEX PlayerInsideBossVehicle; SCR_HASH BossVehicleModel; TIMER LastBossVehicleSpawnTimer; TIMER BossVehicleInvincibleTimer; SCR_VEC3 BossVehicleSpawnedPosition; alignas(8) HudColor BossVehicleHudColor; TEXT_LABEL_15 BossVehicleTextLabel; SCR_INT BossVehicleNetId; MC_STYLE MCStyle; uint64_t PAD_0098[3]; // unused SCR_INT FriendlyFireDisabledPlayers; SCR_INT PiracyPreventionYachtIndex; // not used by the scripts SCR_INT BossGoonMissionLaunchState; SCR_INT ColorSlot; TEXT_LABEL_63 MCName; SCR_INT Language; // can be used to get the system language of player SCR_INT SpawnableBossVehicles; SCR_INT AutoBuyoutDeliveryLocationIndex; SCR_INT AutoBuyoutDeliveryLocationSubIndex; SCR_INT PAD_0125; // unused SCR_ARRAY PAD_0126; // TODO SCR_ARRAY ContrabandPositions; // positions of cargo used to notify players to destroy them when they get near SCR_HASH ContrabandPickupModel; PLAYER_INDEX StealingContrabandVehiclePlayerIndex; SCR_INT PAD_0178; // TODO SCR_HASH ContrabandPickupModel2; SCR_BOOL DestroyedCargo; SCR_INT VIPGameplayDisabledTimer; SCR_INT SettingUpBusiness; uint64_t PAD_0183[4]; // TODO some unknown contraband struct VEHICLE_EXPORT VehicleExport; uint64_t PAD_0193[12]; // TODO SCR_ARRAY ActiveFreemodeEvents; // force thunder uint64_t PAD_0212[22]; // I'm not even going to bother with this one HANGAR_CARGO HangarCargo; uint64_t PAD_0236[23]; // not going to bother with this one either SCR_ARRAY CasinoDeliverables; SCR_INT CasinoLimoDestination; SCR_BOOL CasinoLimoActive; SCR_BOOL CasinoLuxuryCarActive; SCR_HASH CasinoLuxuryCarModel; CASINO_HEIST_PREP CasinoHeistPrep; SCR_INT CayoPrepIndex; SCR_INT CompanySUVDestination; SCR_BOOL CompanySUVActive; SCR_ARRAY ContrabandIndices; // type of selling cargo SCR_ARRAY VehicleExportIndices; // not sure what this is SCR_INT VehicleExportMissionType; // valid range is 2000 to 2010, 2000 = 0, 2001 = 1 etc SCR_ARRAY VehicleExportSellingIndices; SCR_BOOL PAD_0337; // TODO TEXT_LABEL_63 GangName; // CEO Name TEXT_LABEL_63 ClubhouseName; // cut content? SCR_INT SourcingContrabandType; SCR_INT FragileGoodsMissionType; SCR_INT SalvageMissionType; SCR_INT DoomsdayPrepIndex; SCR_INT VehicleExportIndex; // another one... SCR_INT PAD_0375; // unused SCR_INT BunkerSourceIndex; // check gb_gunrunning func_1540 SCR_ARRAY BunkerCargoIndices; uint64_t PAD_0386[5]; uint64_t PAD_0391[2]; // unused uint64_t PAD_0393[15]; // smuggler data SCR_INT LastBossWorkTime; // seconds since epoch uint64_t PAD_0409[19]; SCR_BOOL IsMC; alignas(8) eMCRole MCRole; // applies to goons only, boss is always the MC president SCR_BOOL FormationFlyingAssist; SCR_INT PAD_0431; // always set to zero and not read SCR_BOOL MCFormationActive; SCR_BOOL MCFormationHelpShown; TIMER MCFormationHealthBonusTimer; TIMER MCFormationLastHealthBonusTimer; TIMER MCFormationBreakTimer; SCR_INT PAD_0440; // unused SCR_BOOL MCFormationAssist; SCR_BOOL MCRidingStyleRelaxed; SCR_FLOAT PAD_0443; // set from a tunable SCR_FLOAT PAD_0444; // set from a tunable uint64_t PAD_0445[16]; // somewhat unused, a few fields are accessed in the business battle script SCR_INT ClothingValue; // total value of equipped clothing used by criminal damage PLAYER_INDEX Adversary; // for common adversary calculations? SCR_HASH ContrabandType; // unknown HASH_ENUM SCR_INT HitAndRideGangType; SCR_BOOL IsMC2; SCR_INT BossGoonVersion; SCR_INT MCTotalContributionPoints; SCR_INT MCContributionPoints; SCR_INT FavoriteBikeStyle; // not read by the scripts SCR_INT GreatestFormationTimeIndex; SCR_INT FormationTime; SCR_BOOL RidingFavoriteMotorcycle; SCR_INT ContrabandSellLocation; SCR_INT BusinessBattleType; SCR_INT PAD_0475; SCR_INT NightclubMissionIndex; SCR_INT NightclubDefendMissionIndex; uint64_t PAD_0478[18]; // TODO SCR_BOOL DoubleActionCacheLocationRevealed; }; static_assert(sizeof(BOSS_GOON) == 497 * 8); struct MC_STATS { SCR_INT FormationTime0; SCR_INT FormationTime1; SCR_INT FormationTime2; SCR_INT FormationTime3; SCR_INT MembersMarkedForDeath; SCR_INT MCKills; SCR_INT MCDeaths; SCR_INT RivalPresidentKills; SCR_INT RivalCEOAndVIPKills; SCR_INT MeleeKills; SCR_INT ClubhouseContractsComplete; SCR_INT ClubhouseContractEarnings; SCR_INT ClubworkCompleted; SCR_INT ClubChallengesCompleted; SCR_INT MemberChallengesCompleted; }; static_assert(sizeof(MC_STATS) == 15 * 8); struct GBPD_FM_3_Entry { alignas(8) eActivityType CurrentActivity; // enum is outdated SCR_INT Flags; // TODO alignas(8) eActivityType CurrentFreemodeActivity; // subset of CurrentActivity SCR_INT SeatingFlags; SCR_VEC3 CurrentFreemodeActivityObjectivePosition; SCR_INT VehiclesNearbyActivityObjective; // only used by challenges and checkpoints SCR_BOOL PassiveMode; SCR_BOOL TimeTrialActive; // verify BOSS_GOON BossGoon; uint64_t PAD_507[3]; // unused SCR_INT ScriptEventReplayProtectionCounter; TIMER CoronaForcedLaunchTimer; LEAVE_IN_HELI LeaveInHeli; SCR_INT OfficeDesktopFlags; // bit 0 -> login, bit 1 -> map uint64_t PAD_514[8]; // some IE stuff, most of it is unused SCR_INT IlluminatedClothingState; SCR_INT MatchHistoryId1; // used for telemetry SCR_INT MatchHistoryId2; alignas(8) eClubhouseActivity ClubhouseActivity; SCR_INT ClubhouseFont; SCR_INT ClubhouseColor; SCR_INT ClubhouseEmblem; SCR_BOOL ClubhouseHideSignage; uint64_t PAD_0533[2]; // facility exit uint64_t PAD_0535[6]; // no clue what this is MC_STATS MCStats; uint64_t PAD_0556[29]; SCR_HASH ForcedWeapon; SCR_INT HangarCargoMissionLocationIndex; SCR_VEC3 AvengerPosition; SCR_VEC3 TerrorbytePosition; SCR_VEC3 AcidLabPosition; PLAYER_INDEX DeliveringExportVehicleOwner; uint64_t PAD_0597[2]; // TODO SCR_INT BountyAmount; // values above 10000 will prevent payout PLAYER_INDEX BountyPlacedBy; SCR_INT PAD_0601; // unused, set to -1 by business_battles_sell and never read SCR_INT CurrentlyUsingArenaTurretIndex; // works similar to the vars found in GlobalPlayerBD SCR_INT CurrentlyUsingArenaTurretActivatedTime; SCR_INT CasinoStoryProgress; SCR_INT CasinoFlowProgress; SCR_ARRAY DailyObjectiveFlags; }; static_assert(sizeof(GBPD_FM_3_Entry) == 608 * 8); struct GPBD_FM_3 { SCR_ARRAY Entries; }; static_assert(sizeof(GPBD_FM_3) == 19457 * 8);