Stand/vehicle_items generator/gen.php
2024-10-16 11:20:42 +08:00

72 lines
2.7 KiB

file_put_contents("vehicles.json", json_encode(json_decode(file_get_contents(""), true), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
$dlc_names = [
"TitleUpdate" => "1.01 Game Launch",
"mpchristmas2017" => "1.42 The Doomsday Heist",
"mpheist4" => "1.52 Cayo Perico Heist",
"mpbusiness" => "1.11 Business",
"mpsmuggler" => "1.41 Smuggler's Run",
"mpgunrunning" => "1.40 Gunrunning Pack",
"mpheist3" => "1.49 Diamond Casino Heist",
"mpbiker" => "1.36 Bikers",
"mpapartment" => "1.31 Executives and Other Criminals",
"mpjanuary2016" => "1.32 January 2016",
"mpheist" => "1.21 Heists DLC",
"mppilot" => "1.16 SA Flight School",
"mpexecutive" => "1.34 Further Adventures in Finance and Felony",
"mpstunt" => "1.35 Cunning Stunts",
"mpbeach" => "1.06 Beach Bum",
"mphipster" => "1.14 I'm Not a Hipster",
"mpimportexport" => "1.37 Import/Export",
"spupgrade" => "1.18 Next Gen Release",
"mpbattle" => "1.44 After Hours",
"mpluxe2" => "1.28 Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2",
"mpchristmas2018" => "1.46 Arena War",
"mpvalentines" => "1.10 Valentine's Day Massacre",
"mphalloween" => "1.30.1 Halloween Surprise",
"mpvalentines2" => "1.32.1 Be My Valentine",
"mplowrider" => "1.30 Lowriders",
"mpassault" => "1.43 Southern SA Super Sport Series",
"mpvinewood" => "1.48 Diamond Casino & Resort",
"mpsum" => "1.51 LS Summer Special",
"mplowrider2" => "1.33 Lowriders: Custom Classics",
"mpluxe" => "1.27 Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1",
"mplts" => "1.17 Last Team Standing",
"mpspecialraces" => "1.38 Special Vehicle Circuit",
"mpbusiness2" => "1.13 High Life",
"mpchristmas2" => "1.19 Festive Surprise 2014",
"mpindependence" => "1.15 Independence Day",
"mpxmas_604490" => "1.31.1 Festive Surprise 2015",
"mptuner" => "1.57 LS Tuners",
"mpsecurity" => "1.58 The Contract",
"mpg9ec" => "1.61 The Criminal Enterprises",
"mpsum2" => "1.61 The Criminal Enterprises",
"mpchristmas3" => "1.64 Drug Wars",
"mp2023_01" => "1.67 San Andreas Mercenaries",
"mp2023_02" => "1.68 The Chop Shop",
$fh = fopen(__DIR__."/../Stand/vehicle_items.cpp", "w");
fwrite($fh, "#include \"vehicle_items.hpp\"\r\n\r\n#include \"atStringHash.hpp\"\r\n\r\nnamespace Stand\r\n{\r\n\textern const VehicleItem vehicle_items[] = {\r\n");
foreach(json_decode(file_get_contents("vehicles.json"), true) as $vehicle)
$class = strtolower($vehicle["Class"]);
if($class == "compact")
$class = "compacts";
fwrite($fh, "\t\t");
if ($vehicle["DlcName"] == "mpg9ec")
fwrite($fh, "//");
fwrite($fh, "{\"".strtolower($vehicle["Name"])."\", \"".strtolower($vehicle["Manufacturer"])."\", ATSTRINGHASH(\"".$class."\"), \"".$dlc_names[$vehicle["DlcName"]]."\"},\r\n");
fwrite($fh, "\t};\r\n}\r\n");