! Thanks for helping with the translation of Stand into your language! ! Before you begin, I guess you need to know a little about the project so you can work efficiently. ! Lines starting with "# LABEL=" need to be translated except for the "LABEL=" part and to indicate that it has been translated, you need to remove the "# ", which might be a bit annoying at first, but this will become practical for updating the translation. ! There are some things that you shouldn't translate: ! - The name "Stand" ! - Pairs of curly brackets, e.g. {} or {player} ! - Folders or files like %appdata%/Stand/Theme ! - Emojis (unless there's a culturally different meaning) ! - Technical Terms, i.e. anything that would make less sense if translated ! Alright, I think you're ready to unleash your powers now! ;D !!!!!!!!!!!!! !! General !! !!!!!!!!!!!!! HI=You're a [Stand User] now! :D HI_TRCK=Welcome back to Stand! HI_TRCK_0=None of your tracked players are currently online. HI_TRCK_1={} is currently online. HI_TRCK_M={} are currently online. HKFAIL=One or more game function necessary for {} could not be changed presumably because of another menu that you're using. :/ WOT1=On my journey to fulfill your most recent request, I have taken the following actions: WOT2=• Nothing WOT3=• Nada WOT4=• None WOT5=Please note that this list is by no means a complete representation of everything that has occurred. 2FAST=You're doing this too quickly. Take a sip, and then try again. ARGNME=[name] ! E.g. Command: wanted [0 to 5] ARGRNGE=to ARGVAL=[value] ARGVALOPT=(value) NRML=Normal INVARG=That's an invalid argument. :? GENWARN=Are you absolutely sure you want to do this? IRREV=This action cannot be undone. GENFAIL=Hmm, that didn't work. :/ IPSUM=Here's some text to feast your eyes upon PRCD=Proceed ABRT=Abort SHW=Show HDE=Hide HIDE=Hidden NONE=None JUSTON=On OFF=Off ON=Enabled DOFF=Disabled DOFF2=Disable ALL=All ! Thousands separator, e.g. 1,000,000 THSNDSEP=, ! "Not Applicable" NA=N/A GEMINI=Opening the third eye... RCMD=Recommended NRCMD=Not Recommended CPYF=Copy {} GENWAIT=Please wait... CMDLEN=This can't be more than {} characters. AND={} and {} ! A more fancy way of saying "this is local" GEN_H_LOC=This will only affect your game. ! When the user is seeing an empty list: ETYLST=Nothing to see here. NPHYS=[Command Has No Physical Form] ! Repetitions in log: LOG_REP_S=+ repeated 1 time LOG_REP_P=+ repeated {} times IPNAM={ip} (seen before as {name}) CHRCNT={cur}/{max} characters PLYCNT={cur}/{max} players PTCCNT={cur}/{max} participants !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Search Commands !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SRCH=Search ARGCLU=[clue] SRCHNRES=Got no results. :/ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Error Handling !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ERR_L_B=ERROR INFORMATION BEGINS ERR_L_E=ERROR INFORMATION ENDS ERR_T_GEN=Find error information in %appdata%/Stand/Log.txt. ERR_T_CAU=Caught an exception. ERR_T_GME=The game had a fatal error and may need a restart now. ERR_T_OTH=Stand encountered an unexpected problem. ERR_LUA=Note: This error happened while executing a Lua script. SVM=Script Error Recovery 4FMONLY=Only For Freemode SVM_ERR=Prevented {script} script death on {operation}. SVM_DIE={script} script died on {operation}. SVM_EXP=Caught an exception while executing {script} script. SVM_BLM_S=This may have been caused by {player}'s most recent event. SVM_BLM_D=This may have been caused by {player}'s most recent event ({event}). SVM_INVOP=Invalid opcode {opcode} in {script} script; killing it instead of crashing the game. SVM_FRZ={} script seems to be stuck in an infinite loop; killing it instead of freezing the game. !!!!!!!!!! !! Tabs !! These are to be on the left side of the menu which shouldn't be too wide so keep these as short as possible !!!!!!!!!! ACTVTE=Activate TUT_ONE=One TUT_TWO=Two SLF=Self VEH=Vehicle Online=Online PLYLST=Players WRLD=World GME=Game !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! References !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLY=Player STTNGS=Settings KPCRSR=Keep Cursor When Revisiting TABS=Tabs KPCRSRR_H=Will make tabs like "Self" remember the cursor position you had when you last visited them. LSTS=Lists KPCRSRS_H=Will make lists like "Settings" remember the cursor position you had when you last visited them. KPCRSR_L_RDC=Lists: Reduced Effect For Huge Lists !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Tutorial & Help !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TUT=Tutorial TUT2=Stand Tutorial RPT=Repeat ! Or "Skip" DISM=Dismiss TUT_LD=Stand is injected. Load the game to proceed. TUT_OPEN=To toggle the visibility of your Stand, use {}. TUT_OPEN2=To toggle the visibility of your Stand, use {numpad} or {alt} if you don't have a numpad. TUT_USE=Press {} to use the focused command. TUT_BK=Press {} to go back. TUT_DN2=Press {} to go down. TUT_RUP=To go back up, press {}. TUT_TABS=Excellent navigating. Brace yourself, I'm gonna enable tabs now! TUT_RNXT=Press {} to go to the next tab. TUT_RPRV=Press {} to go to the previous tab. TUT_CMD2=Notice how it says "Command: " here. This means you can use this feature via Stand's Command Box! You can open the Command Box at any time by pressing {}. TUT_SLIDER=Use {} and {} to manipulate sliders. TUT_PROFILES=If you want Stand to remember the state of commands the next time you inject it, you can use profiles (Stand > Profiles). TUT_CTX2=Use {} to open the context menu, which allows you to configure hotkeys, correlations, and more. TUT_HDE=Use {} to hide your Stand again. HLP_CTRLLR=You can open Stand with your controller using {}. HLP_CMDCHAIN=You can chain commands together using a semicolon, e.g. "{}". !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Commands !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! CMD=Command B_CB=Command Box CMDPRMPT=Stand Command Box KB_CMDPRMPT=Open Command Box CMDUNK=Sorry, "{}" is not a command that I know. :/ CMDAMBIG=Sorry, "{}" could mean multiple things. :/ CMDISS={} is not available for other players. :/ CMDPERM=You're not allowed to use {}. MORE=... and {} more. MANYMORE=... and many more. CMDONL=This command is only available in GTA Online. CMDONLONC=This command is only available after you've joined GTA Online. CMDNEEDHOST=This command is only available when you're the host. :| CMDNH=This command is not available on the host. :| CMDOTH=This command is not available for yourself. :| CMDDISA=This command is currently disabled. Check our announcements for more information. CMD_DR_S=Command executed successfully. :) FRMTSEL_AVAIL=Text formatting is supported here. Press {} for a selection. FRMTSEL_H=Use arrow keys to navigate and {} to insert the code. FRMTSEL_H_R=Reset: Clears applied formatting. FRMTSEL_H_N=New line. B_CTX=Context Menu CTX_MIN=Set To Min Value CTX_MAX=Set To Max Value CTX_UNAVAIL={option} is not available on {command}. AUTOSTATE=Correlate State With AUTOSTATE_OFF=Nothing AUTOSTATE_OPN=Stand Being Open AUTOSTATE_OFT=Being On Foot AUTOSTATE_AIM=Aiming AUTOSTATE_FRE=Being in Freeroam AUTOSTATE_CHT=Chatting AUTOSTATE_HST=Being Session Host AUTOSTATEINV=Invert Correlation IVRT=Invert AUTOSTATE_H=Correlation: {command} will be {state} while {condition}. ! This will be used to substitute {state} in AUTOSTATE_H AUTOSTATE_H_ON=enabled ! This will be used to substitute {state} in AUTOSTATE_H AUTOSTATE_H_OFF=disabled ! This will be used to substitute {condition} in AUTOSTATE_H AUTOSTATE_H_OPN=Stand is open ! This will be used to substitute {condition} in AUTOSTATE_H AUTOSTATE_H_OFT=you're on foot ! This will be used to substitute {condition} in AUTOSTATE_H AUTOSTATE_H_AIM=you're aiming ! This will be used to substitute {condition} in AUTOSTATE_H AUTOSTATE_H_FRE=you're in a freeroam session ! This will be used to substitute {condition} in AUTOSTATE_H AUTOSTATE_H_CHT=you're chatting ! This will be used to substitute {condition} in AUTOSTATE_H AUTOSTATE_H_HST=you're the session host CMDSTATE_L=Set {0} to {1}. :) CMDSTATE_L_E={0} is already {1}. :) CMDSTATE_LON=Enabled {}. :) CMDSTATE_LOFF=Disabled {}. :) CMDSTATE_LON_E={} is already on. :) CMDSTATE_LOFF_E={} is already off. :) CMDSTATE_OON=Successfully enabled. :) CMDSTATE_OOFF=Successfully disabled. :) CMDSTATE_OON_E=It's already enabled. :) CMDSTATE_OOFF_E=It's already disabled. :) ! E.g. "Freeze on Herobrine" or "Freeze on All Players". Used for command box completion hints and state notifications like CMDSTATE_LON. PLY_A={command} on {player} ! E.g. "WiriScript's Immortality on Herobrine". Used for command box completion hints and state notifications like CMDSTATE_LON. PLY_A_LUA={script}'s {command} on {player} SUPPGEN=Suppress Generic Responses SUPPGEN_H=Suppress generic responses like "Command executed successfully". SUPPGEN_CB_H=Includes the Stand Command Box, the command box on the web interface, and chat commands. WARNS=Warnings WARNAUTOPROC=Automatically Proceed On Warnings WARNSKIPPROC=Skip Already-Accepted Warnings WARNFRCERD=Force Me To Read Warnings HOTKEY=Hotkey ARGHOTKEY=[hotkey] HOTKEYS=Hotkeys HOTKEY_A=Add Hotkey HOTKEY_C2=Change Hotkey HOTKEY_R2=Remove Hotkey HOTKEY_U=Press the key that you would like to serve as the hotkey for {}. HOTKEY_T=Saved {}'s hotkeys to %appdata%/Stand/Hotkeys.txt. :) HOTKEY_HOLD=Hold Mode !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Keyboard Keys !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! K_UNK=Unknown Key K_R=Right {} K_L=Left {} K_SHFT=Shift K_ALT=Alt K_CTRL=Ctrl ! E.g. "Hold W" K_HOLD=Hold K_SPC=Space K_ISRT=Insert K_DEL=Delete K_HME=Home K_END=End K_PGUP=Page Up K_PGDN=Page Down K_RET=Enter K_BACK=Backspace K_ESC=Escape K_A_U=Arrow Up K_A_L=Arrow Left K_A_R=Arrow Right K_A_D=Arrow Down K_TAB=Tab K_LMB=Mouse Left K_MMB=Mouse Middle K_RMB=Mouse Right K_X1=Mouse 4 K_X2=Mouse 5 K_MPP=Media Play/Pause K_MS=Media Stop K_NT=Next Track K_PT=Previous Track K_CAPS=Caps Lock HMB=Modifier Key Matching HMB_H=How ctrl, shift, & alt are handled. STRCT=Strict HMB_STRCT_H=No additional modifier keys may be pressed. So, pressing Ctrl+Shift+G would not trigger G nor Ctrl+G. SMRT=Smart HMB_SMRT_H=Strict if hotkey has modifier keys, lax otherwise. So, pressing Ctrl+Shift+G would trigger G but not Ctrl+G. LAX=Lax HMB_LAX_H=Additional modifier keys may be pressed. So, pressing Ctrl+Shift+G would trigger G and Ctrl+G. DHK=Disable Hotkeys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Controller Buttons !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CK=Controller Button CK_LT=Left Trigger CK_RT=Right Trigger CK_LB=Left Bumper CK_RB=Right Bumper CK_LS=Left Stick (L3) CK_RS=Right Stick (R3) CK_D_U=D-Pad Up CK_D_D=D-Pad Down CK_D_L=D-Pad Left CK_D_R=D-Pad Right CK_STRT=Start CK_BCK=Back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Authentication !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UPDAVAIL=Stand {} is available. FREE_T=This command is not available in the Free Edition of Stand. ;) CMDFULLSP=To use this command, go to Story Mode or upgrade to the Regular Edition of Stand. CMDNEDR=This command is only available with Regular Edition or higher. CMDNEDU=This command is only available with the Ultimate Edition of Stand. ACTVTE_H=Activate Stand to get access to the full menu, even when in GTA Online. ACTVTE_PSTE2=Paste Activation Key ACTVTE_RGST=Create An Account ACTVTE_ERR_F2=The contents of your clipboard don't match the format of a Stand activation key. :? ACTVTE_STRT2=Validating your activation key... ACTVTE_SUCC2=Stand has successfully been activated. :D ACTVTE_ERR_I2=Your activation key is invalid. :/ ACTVTE_RGN=Your activation key has been regenerated. AUTHSHR2=Your activation key is being used elsewhere. Regenerate it or try again later. AUTH_X=Your activation has expired. AUTH_CE=A connection error occurred. CONHELP=If your device is online, make sure there's nothing interfering with Stand's connections. TELEKOM_OFF=Welcome back online! :D VER_UNSUPP=Your version of Stand is no longer supported. VER_UNSUPP_AUTHONLY=Your version of Stand is no longer supported and we will not support authentication for this version for much longer. UPDHELP=You can easily update Stand by unloading it, pressing "Check For Updates" in the Launchpad, then finally injecting Stand again. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Filesystem !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FWERR=Failed to open {} for writing. :| WRDR=Wardrobe OPNFLD=Open Folder OPNSTND=Open Stand Folder OPNSTND_H=Opens your %appdata%/Stand folder. OPNASI=Open ASI Mods Folder OPNASI_H=Opens your %appdata%/Stand/ASI Mods folder. OPNGTA=Open GTA V Folder OPNTHME=Open Theme Folder OPNTHME_H=Opens your %appdata%/Stand/Theme folder. !!!!!!!!!!!! !! Colour !! !!!!!!!!!!!! C_H=Hue C_S=Saturation C_V=Value CR_HSV=HSV Representation CR_RGB=RGB Representation OPCTY=Opacity C_R=Red C_G=Green C_B=Blue CN_A=Rainbow CN_R=Red CN_R_WINE=Wine Red CN_G=Green CN_G_D=Dark Green CN_G_LIME=Lime Green CN_OLIVE=Olive CN_MOSS=Moss CN_TUR=Turquoise CN_B=Blue CN_B_D=Dark Blue CN_B_COOL=Cool Blue CN_B_ROYAL=Royal Blue CN_C=Cyan CN_AQUA=Aqua CN_PLUM=Plum CN_Y=Yellow CN_Y_D=Dark Yellow CN_P=Pink CN_P_H=Hot Pink CN_SALMON=Salmon CN_U=Purple CN_U_D=Dark Purple CN_M=Magenta CN_O=Orange DN_O_L=Light Orange CN_O_RUST=Rust Orange CN_BR=Brown CN_BR_L=Light Brown CN_EARTH=Earth CN_W=White CN_L=Black CN_GR=Grey CN_GR_D=Dark Grey C_PAT={colour} Pattern OTHR=Other CLRHEX=Enter Hex Code CURRCLRHEX=Current Colour (Hex) LGBT=Rainbow Mode LGBT_H=Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. CLR=Colour LGBTQ={}: Rainbow Mode ! As in "colour finish" CLRFIN=Finish ! "LSC" is Los Santos Customs CLRSTD=LSC Colours CLRSTD_1=Graphite CLRSTD_2=Black Steel CLRSTD_3=Dark Steel CLRSTD_4=Silver CLRSTD_5=Bluish Silver CLRSTD_6=Rolled Steel CLRSTD_7=Shadow Silver CLRSTD_8=Stone Silver CLRSTD_9=Midnight Silver CLRSTD_10=Cast Iron Silver CLRSTD_11=Anthracite Black CLRSTD_12=Matte Black CLRSTD_13=Matte Grey CLRSTD_14=Matte Light Grey CLRSTD_15=Util Black CLRSTD_16=Util Black Poly CLRSTD_17=Util Dark Silver CLRSTD_18=Util Silver CLRSTD_19=Util Cast Iron Silver CLRSTD_20=Util Shadow Silver CLRSTD_21=Worn Black CLRSTD_22=Worn Graphite CLRSTD_23=Worn Silver Grey CLRSTD_24=Worn Silver CLRSTD_25=Worn Bluish Silver CLRSTD_26=Worn Shadow Silver CLRSTD_28=Torino Red CLRSTD_29=Formula Red CLRSTD_30=Blaze Red CLRSTD_31=Grace Red CLRSTD_32=Garnet Red CLRSTD_33=Sunset Red CLRSTD_34=Cabernet Red CLRSTD_35=Candy Red CLRSTD_36=Sunrise Orange CLRSTD_37=Classic Gold CLRSTD_39=Matte Red CLRSTD_40=Matte Dark Red CLRSTD_41=Matte Orange CLRSTD_42=Matte Yellow CLRSTD_43=Util Red CLRSTD_44=Util Bright Red CLRSTD_45=Util Garnet Red CLRSTD_46=Worn Red CLRSTD_47=Worn Golden Red CLRSTD_48=Worn Dark Red CLRSTD_50=Racing Green CLRSTD_51=Sea Green CLRSTD_52=Olive Green CLRSTD_53=Bright Green CLRSTD_54=Gasoline Green CLRSTD_55=Matte Lime Green CLRSTD_56=Util Dark Green CLRSTD_57=Util Green CLRSTD_58=Worn Dark Green CLRSTD_59=Worn Green CLRSTD_60=Worn Sea Wash CLRSTD_61=Galaxy Blue CLRSTD_63=Saxon Blue CLRSTD_65=Mariner Blue CLRSTD_66=Harbor Blue CLRSTD_67=Diamond Blue CLRSTD_68=Surf Blue CLRSTD_69=Nautical Blue CLRSTD_70=Ultra Blue CLRSTD_71=Schafter Purple CLRSTD_72=Spinnaker Purple CLRSTD_73=Racing Blue CLRSTD_74=Light Blue CLRSTD_75=Util Dark Blue CLRSTD_76=Util Midnight Blue CLRSTD_77=Util Blue CLRSTD_78=Util Sea Foam Blue CLRSTD_79=Util Lightning Blue CLRSTD_80=Util Maui Blue Poly CLRSTD_81=Util Light Blue CLRSTD_82=Matte Dark Blue CLRSTD_83=Matte Blue CLRSTD_84=Matte Midnight Blue CLRSTD_85=Worn Dark Blue CLRSTD_86=Worn Blue CLRSTD_87=Worn Light Blue CLRSTD_89=Race Yellow CLRSTD_90=Bronze CLRSTD_91=Dew Yellow CLRSTD_93=Champagne CLRSTD_94=Feltzer Brown CLRSTD_95=Creek Brown CLRSTD_96=Chocolate Brown CLRSTD_97=Maple Brown CLRSTD_98=Saddle Brown CLRSTD_99=Straw Brown CLRSTD_100=Moss Brown CLRSTD_101=Bison Brown CLRSTD_102=Woodbeech Brown CLRSTD_103=Beechwood Brown CLRSTD_104=Sienna Brown CLRSTD_105=Sandy Brown CLRSTD_106=Bleached Brown CLRSTD_107=Cream CLRSTD_108=Util Brown CLRSTD_109=Util Medium Brown CLRSTD_110=Util Light Brown CLRSTD_111=Ice White CLRSTD_112=Frost White CLRSTD_113=Worn Honey Beige CLRSTD_114=Worn Brown CLRSTD_115=Worn Dark Brown CLRSTD_116=Worn Straw Beige CLRSTD_117=Brushed Steel CLRSTD_118=Brushed Black Steel CLRSTD_119=Brushed Aluminium CLRSTD_120=Chrome CLRSTD_121=Worn Cream CLRSTD_122=Util Cream CLRSTD_123=Worn Orange CLRSTD_124=Worn Light Orange CLRSTD_125=Pea Green CLRSTD_126=Worn Yellow CLRSTD_127=Police Car Blue CLRSTD_128=Matte Green CLRSTD_129=Matte Brown CLRSTD_130=Worn Orange CLRSTD_131=Matte Ice White CLRSTD_132=Worn White CLRSTD_133=Worn Olive Green CLRSTD_134=Util White CLRSTD_136=Salmon Pink CLRSTD_137=Pfister Pink CLRSTD_138=Bright Orange CLRSTD_140=Bright Blue CLRSTD_141=Midnight Blue CLRSTD_142=Midnight Purple CLRSTD_144=Hunter Green CLRSTD_145=Bright Purple CLRSTD_146=Metallic Midnight Purple CLRSTD_147=Carbon Black CLRSTD_148=Matte Schafter Purple CLRSTD_149=Matte Midnight Purple CLRSTD_150=Lava Red CLRSTD_151=Matte Forest Green CLRSTD_152=Matte Olive Drab CLRSTD_153=Matte Dark Earth CLRSTD_154=Matte Desert Tan CLRSTD_155=Matte Foliage Green CLRSTD_156=Default Alloy Color CLRSTD_157=Epsilon Blue CLRSTD_158=Pure Gold CLRSTD_159=Brushed Gold CLRSTD_160=Gold CLRFR=Primary Colour CLRSEC=Secondary Colour CLRINT=Interior Colour CLRPRL=Pearlescent Colour VEHMOD20=Tyre Smoke CLRTIRE=Tyre Smoke Colour TIREINDEP=Independence Day Tyre Smoke NEONLGHTS=Neon Lights APOS_F=Front APOS_B=Back CLRBR=Background Colour CLRFT=Focused Text Colour CLRFRT=Focused Right-Bound Text Colour CLRFS=Focused Texture Colour CLRBT=Unfocused Text Colour CLRBRT=Unfocused Right-Bound Text Colour CLRBS=Unfocused Texture Colour CLRHU=HUD Colour CLRAR=AR Colour CLRMGME=Minigame Colour HAIR_V=Hair Colour HAIRHI=Hair Colour: Highlight HAIRR=Hair Colour: Rainbow Mode GUNTINT=Current Weapon: Tint GUNTINTR=Current Weapon: Tint: Rainbow Mode WINTINT=Window Tint ! "Livery" is VEHMOD48 RFTLIV=Roof Livery !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Collision !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GHOST=Reduced Collision GHOST_H=Enables walking through walls and vehicles. COLSNS=Collisions GHOSTVEHS=No Collision With Other Vehicles NOCOLPED=No Collision With Peds NOCOLOBJ=No Collision With Objects NOCOLOBJ_H=Note this excludes stationary map objects like trees. GHOSTRIDE=No Collision GHOSTRIDE_H=Completely disables collision for your current vehicle (not recommended for non-flying vehicles). !!!!!!!!!! !! Self !! !!!!!!!!!! MVMNT=Movement VIS=Appearance OTFT=Outfit HEAD=Head HEAD_V=Head Variation FACIALHAIR=Facial Hair FACIALHAIR_V=Facial Hair Colour MASK=Mask MASK_V=Mask Variation HAIR=Hair TOP1=Top TOP1_V=Top Variation TOP2=Top 2 TOP2_V=Top 2 Variation TOP3=Top 3 TOP3_V=Top 3 Variation BAG=Bag / Parachute BAG_V=Bag / Parachute Variation PCHUTE=Parachute / Bag PCHUTE_V=Parachute / Bag Variation TORSO=Gloves / Torso TORSO_V=Gloves / Torso Variation GLOVES=Gloves GLOVES_V=Gloves Variation PANTS=Pants PANTS_V=Pants Variation SHOES=Shoes SHOES_V=Shoes Variation ACCESSORIES=Accessories ACCESSORIES_V=Accessories Variation DECALS=Decals DECALS_V=Decals Variation HAT=Hat HAT_V=Hat Variation GLASSES=Glasses GLASSES_V=Glasses Variation EARWEAR=Earwear EARWEAR_V=Earwear Variation WATCH=Watch WATCH_V=Watch Variation BRACELET=Bracelet BRACELET_V=Bracelet Variation SVEOTFT=Save Outfit ! Alternatively, "What Will Be Saved" SVESEL=What To Save BADFILE=I can't save a file with a name like that. :/ LDOTFT_E1=Outfit didn't specify which model it was made for. :? LDOTFT_E2=Outfit was made for an invalid model: {} LDOTFT_E3=Outfit was made for a different model. :? LDOTFT_TF=This outfit was made for {}, would you like to transform? DOTFTRESTR=Disable Outfit Restrictions DOTFTRESTR_H=Allows you to save outfits with duffel bags, etc. NVEHHAIRSCL=Disable In-Vehicle Hair Scaling LKOTFT=Lock Outfit LKOTFT_H=Disallows outfit changes outside of Stand which breaks the Casino Heist and possibly other missions. ⚠️ CHNGMDL=Transform PLYBLCHRS=Playable Characters GRNDANMLS=Ground Animals WTRANMLS=Water Animals FLYNANMLS=Flying Animals NPCS=NPCs ONLN_MALE=Online Male ONLN_FEMALE=Online Female CHNGMDL_W=You need to be in water to turn into a water animal. :) MDL=Model FNDMDL_H=Allows you to find models to transform into using their name. CURMDL=Current Model OP=Prefabricated Outfits OP_D=Current Model: Default OP_D_H=The Rockstar-defined default outfit for your current model. OP_RNG=Current Model: Random RNG=Random OP_0=Online Female: Topless OP_COP_M=Online Male: Cop OP_COP_F=Online Female: Cop WNTDLVL=Wanted Level WNTD=Set Wanted Level LKWNTD=Lock Wanted Level FKWNTD=Fake Wanted Level FKWNTD_H=Changes the number of wanted stars shown in the top-right corner. PTFXTRAIL=PTFX Trails BONES=Bones WLKSTL=Walk Style WLKSTL_1=Ballistic WLKSTL_3=Holding Trash WLKSTL_4=Running WLKSTL_5=Franklin (Tough) WLKSTL_8=Fleeing WLKSTL_9=Scared WLKSTL_10=Sexy WLKSTL_12=Injured WLKSTL_13=Lester (Cane) WLKSTL_14=Bag WLKSTL_15=Bail Bond WLKSTL_16=Bail Bond (Tazered) WLKSTL_17=Brave WLKSTL_18=Casual WLKSTL_19=Moderately Drunk WLKSTL_20=Moderately Drunk (Head Up) WLKSTL_21=Slightly Drunk WLKSTL_22=Very Drunk WLKSTL_23=Tough WLKSTL_24=Gangster (Slow) WLKSTL_25=Gangster (Shy) WLKSTL_26=Gangster WLKSTL_27=Jogging WLKSTL_28=Prison Guard WLKSTL_30=Franklin (Briefcase) WLKSTL_31=Michael (Janitor) WLKSTL_32=Michael (Slow) WLKSTL_33=Bucket WLKSTL_34=Crouched WLKSTL_35=Mop WLKSTL_36=Femme (Male) WLKSTL_37=Femme (Female) WLKSTL_38=Gangster (Male) WLKSTL_39=Gangster (Female) WLKSTL_40=Posh (Male) WLKSTL_41=Posh (Female) WLKSTL_42=Tough Guy (Male) WLKSTL_43=Tough Guy (Female) WLKSTL_44=Buzzed WLKSTL_45=Relaxed WLKSTL_46=Handcuffed WLKSTL_47=Sad WLKSTL_48=Sassy (Male) WLKSTL_49=Sassy (Female) WLKSTL_50=Arrogant WLKSTL_51=Confident WLKSTL_52=Heels WLKSTL_53=Hiking WLKSTL_54=Garbage Man WLKSTL_55=Shady WLKSTL_56=Hipster PRSVRWALK=Preserve Walk Style During Combat PRSVRWALK_H=Prevents your character from going into "combat mode" whenever violence is around you. WALKONAIR=Walk On Air AIRSWM=Swim In Air WTRWLK=Walk Underwater DRNKMODE=Drunk Mode TNISMDE=Tennis Mode FLOPPY=Floppy Mode FLOPPY_SYNCH=Prioritise Syncing FLOPPY_SYNCH_H=Caps the speed and disables ascend, descend, and sprint to ensure this will sync. DEMIGOD=Auto Heal DEMIGOD_H=Keeps your character at maximum health and armour. DEMIGOD_H_O=Keeps their character at maximum health and armour. MXHLTH=Maximum Health CLUMSY=Clumsiness CLUMSY_H=Makes your character fall over more often. NOROLLCL=No Combat Roll Cooldown RESPWRCL=Respawn At Place Of Death RESPWDLY=Respawn Delay RESPWDLY_H=Changes the respawn time in GTA Online to the given amount of seconds. EWO=Suicide SPCSH=Set Story Mode Cash SPCSH_H=Allow you to change how much money Michael, Franklin, & Trevor have. SCHR_M=Michael SCHR_F=Franklin SCHR_T=Trevor HLTH=Health ARMR=Armour REGEN=Regeneration Rate REGEN_H_H=Increases your health by this amount, per second. REGEN_A_H=Increases your armour by this amount, per second. ONLYINCOVER=Only In Cover RFHLT=Refill Health RFARM=Refill Armour GOD=Immortality GOD_H=Makes your character unable to die. NRGDL=Gracefulness NRGDL_H=Makes your character unable to fall over. NO_GRACE=Pro Tip: Don't enable Gracefulness and {feature_name} simultaneously. ;) SEATGLUE=Glued To Seats SEATGLUE_H=Makes your character unable to fall off bikes. INFSTAM=Infinite Stamina PARALCK=Lock Parachutes LCK_FULL=Full LCK_ETY=Empty WET=Set Wetness WETLCK=Lock Wetness SCLE=Scale SCLE_H=Changes the height, width, and depth of your character *locally*. SCLECAM=Scale Affects Camera SCLESPD=Scale Affects Speed VISZ=Visual Z Correction VISZ_H=Corrects your characters visual Z position, to be used with scale. ! {Self > Appearance > Invisibility} & {Vehicle > Invisibility} INVIS=Invisibility INVIS_H=Note: When in a vehicle, other players will still be able to see you unless you also make your vehicle invisible. ! Player > Trolling > Ram > Invisibility RAM_INVIS=Invisibility LOCVIS=Locally Visible LEV=Levitation NOCLIP=No Clip LEV_AP=Apply Pitch to Entity KPMOMNTM=Keep Momentum MOVSPD=Movement Speed ! Used in button instructions to mean "go faster" SPRNT=Sprint SPRNTMUL=Sprint Multiplier SPRNTMUL_H=How fast you go while you press {}. ACCEL=Acceleration ACCEL_H=Acceleration increases the speed of levitation the longer you move. Resets once you sprint or stop moving. OROM=Only Rotate On Movement PASSMOV=Passive Movement PASSMOV_MIN=Min Distance From Ground PASSMOV_MAX=Max Distance From Ground SPD=Speed MAXDIST=Max Distance ASS=Assistant FRC_U=Upward Force FRC_D=Downward Force ASS_D=Downward Deadzone ASS_D_H=How far from the ground you have to be before the assistant stops trying to pull you down. SNAP=Snapping WLKSPD=Walk And Run Speed INCFRCT=Increased Friction INCFRCT_H=Reduces the slipperiness when turning with a high walk/run speed. SWMSPD=Swim Speed NOBLD=No Blood NOBLD_H=Keeps your character free of blood. SONIC=Super Run FLY=Super Flight ASC=Ascend DESC=Descend FLY_LAND=Land BI_CLSMNU_MOV=Hide your Stand for more movement options SHWBI_JMP2FLY=Button Instructions: Super Jump To Flight SHWBI_CTRLS=Button Instructions: Controls FROG=Super Jump FROG_H=You can hold the jump button to jump higher. GRCELND=Graceful Landing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Self > Animations !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANIM=Animations CANCL=Cancel SCENARIOS=Scenarios LOOPED=Looped Animations LOOPED_H=This does not apply to scenarios. PART_MVMT=Partial Movement PART_MVMT_H=Allows you to move while performing an animation, at the cost of the animation's fidelity. AUTO_CANCL=Automatically Cancel AUTO_CANCL_H=Automatically cancels your current animation when you attempt to move. ANIM1=Flex ANIM2=Smoke ANIM3=Sleep ANIM4=Clap ANIM5=Guard ANIM6=Hammer ANIM7=Idle Cop ANIM8=Search Bin ANIM9=Shocked Filming ANIM10=Hangout ANIM11=Impatient ANIM12=Texting ANIM14=Tend To Dead ANIM15=Wait ANIM16=Clean ANIM17=Use ATM ANIM18=Yoga ANIM19=Statue ANIM20=Weld ANIM21=Sunbathe ANIM22=Sunbathe Back ANIM23=High-Class Prostitute ANIM24=Low-Class Prostitute ANIM25=Notepad ANIM26=Kneel ANIM27=Jog ANIM28=Binoculars ANIM29=Standing Bum ANIM30=Gardening ANIM31=Sit On Ground ANIM32=Stand & Fish ANIM33=Browse ANIM34=Sit ANIM_DANCE=Dances ANIM35=Buttwiggle ANIM36=Clown Dance 1 ANIM37=Clown Dance 2 ANIM38=Dance 1 ANIM39=Dance 2 ANIM40=Dance 3 ANIM41=Dance 4 ANIM42=Dance 5 ANIM43=Slow Dance 1 ANIM44=Slow Dance 2 ANIM45=Slow Dance 3 ANIM46=Podium Dance ANIM47=Solo Dance ANIM48=Shy Dance 1 ANIM49=Shy Dance 2 ANIM50=Silly Dance 1 ANIM51=Silly Dance 2 ANIM52=Silly Dance 3 ANIM53=Tao Dance ANIM54=The Woogie ANIM55=Drink ANIM56=Beast ANIM57=Chill ANIM58=Cloudgazer ! To prone, as in to lie on your stomach ANIM59=Prone ANIM60=Pull Over ANIM62=Drunk 1 ANIM63=Drunk 2 ANIM64=Drunk 3 ANIM65=Air Guitar ANIM66=Air Synth ANIM67=Argue 1 ANIM68=Argue 2 ANIM69=Bartender ! Aka. Air Kiss ANIM70=Blow Kiss ANIM71=Sarcastic ANIM72=Bring It On ANIM73=Come At Me ANIM75=Use Radio ANIM74=Arms Crossed 1 ANIM76=Arms Crossed 2 ANIM77=Arms Crossed 3 ! As in "damn it" ANIM78=Damn ANIM79=Stealing ANIM81=Facepalm 1 ANIM82=Facepalm 2 ANIM83=Fall Over ANIM84=Fall Asleep ANIM85=Inspect ANIM86=Jumping Jacks ANIM88=Knock ANIM89=Lap Dance 1 ANIM90=Lap Dance 2 ANIM91=Lap Dance 3 ANIM92=Lap Dance 4 ANIM93=Twerk ANIM94=Lean ANIM95=Flirty Lean ANIM96=Mechanic ANIM97=Meditate ANIM98=Out Of Breath ANIM99=Push Up ANIM100=Race Start Countdown ANIM101=Shrug ANIM102=Yoga Pose ANIM103=Laugh ANIM104=Gang Sign ANIM105=Faint ANIM106=Crawl ANIM107=Flip 1 ANIM108=Flip 2 ANIM109=Slide 1 ANIM110=Slide 2 ANIM111=CPR ANIM112=Stretch ANIM113=Celebrate ANIM114=Clown ANIM115=Nervous 1 ANIM127=Nervous 2 ANIM116=Namaste ANIM117=DJ ! Being arrested ANIM118=Hands Up ! Being arrested ANIM121=Surrender ANIM119=Whistle ANIM120=Lean, Arms Crossed ANIM122=Type On Keyboard ANIM123=Stand By Fire ANIM124=Thumbs Up ! As in, bending your body towards someone to show respect. ANIM125=Bow ANIM126=Superhero ANIM128=Bend Over ANIM129=Shower ANIM130=Clean Face ANIM131=Karate ANIM132=Boxing ANIM166=Shuffle 1 ANIM167=Shuffle 1 (Low) ANIM168=Shuffle 2 ANIM169=Shuffle 2 (Low) OBJANIM=Object Animations ANIM133=Briefcase ANIM134=Drink Beer ANIM135=Drink From Can ! As in begging ANIM136=Panhandle ANIM137=Play Bongos ANIM138=Read Book ANIM139=Give Flowers ANIM140=Sweep With Broom ANIM141=Carry Box of Beer ANIM142=Carry Pizza ANIM143=Hold Champagne ANIM144=Drink Coffee ANIM145=Tiny Duffel Bag ANIM146=Hand Bag ANIM147=Play Guitar ! In this animation, the teddy bear known as "Mr. Raspberry" gets sexed ANIM148=Poor Mr. Raspberry ANIM149=Sit in Lawnchair (Female) ANIM150=Sit in Lawnchair (Male) ANIM151=Examine Map ANIM152=Hold Camera ANIM153=Hold Microphone ANIM154=Walk With Cane ANIM155=Cellphone 1 ANIM156=Cellphone 2 ANIM157=Hold Sign ANIM158=Hold Rose ANIM159=Hold Freeway Sign ANIM160=Hold "No Parking" Sign ANIM161=Hold Umbrella ANIM162=Hold Whiskey Glass ANIM163=Hold Whiskey Bottle ANIM164=Hold Wine Glass ANIM165=Hold Wine Bottle ANIM170=Dance With Wine ANIM171=Dance With Beer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Self > Bodyguards !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BDYGUARD=Bodyguards COUNT=Count WPN_SINGULAR=Weapon BDYGUARD_DEL=Delete All Bodyguards BDYGUARD_TP=Teleport When Far FORMATION=Formation LINE=Line CIRCLE=Circle ALT_CIRCLE=Alternative Circle BEHVR=Behaviour PRIM_WEAP=Primary Weapon SCND_WEAP=Secondary Weapon WEAP_H=Bodyguards will use their primary weapon whenever possible. Otherwise, they will try to use their secondary weapon. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Self > Weapons !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WPN=Weapons GETGNS=Get Weapons DELGNS=Remove Weapons ALLGNS=All Weapons GAIMPNSH=When Aiming... GSHTPNSH=When Shooting... GRTYGUN=Gravity Gun CTRVPHYS=Contrived Physics FRCMUL=Force Multiplier COL=Collision VEHGUN=Vehicle Gun VEHGUN_H=Makes your guns shoot vehicles. WEAPCOMPS=Components WEAPCOMPS_H=Allows you to view and modify what components your selected weapon has. WEAPLOCK=Lock Weapons TINT=Weapon Tint ! "Livery" is VEHMOD48 WEAPLIVTNT=Livery Tint SVPRST=Save Preset VWPRSTS=View Presets LOADS=Loadouts SVLOAD=Save Loadout VWLOADS=View Loadouts SVLOAD_H_WEAP=Saves your currently-equipped weapons into a Command Box Script to easily apply the loadout to Lock Weapons. WEAPLOCK_INV=Only Remove Selected Weapons WEAPLOCK_INV_H=Turns "Lock Weapons" into a "Blacklist Weapons", such that selected weapons will only be removed. AIMBT=Aimbot AIMBT_LCKOUT=Re-engage Time (ms) AIMBT_LCKOUT_H=How long the aimbot will stay disabled for after you've moved the camera. SMTHNG=Smoothing LOSCHECK=Line-of-Sight Check TGTBONE=Target Bone NECK=Neck RELBOW=Right Elbow LELBOW=Left Elbow RHAND=Right Hand LHAND=Left Hand PELVIS=Pelvis RCALF=Right Calf LCALF=Left Calf RFOOT=Right Foot LFOOT=Left Foot TRIGBT=Triggerbot MAGICB=Magic Bullets MAGICB_H=Makes sure the triggerbot never misses. TRGSEL=Target Selection PROXYROCKET=Proximity Rockets PROXYROCKET_H=Proximity rockets only work on other players. SPRMELEE=Super Melee SPRMELEE_H=Slings NPCs and vehicles away from you after you melee-attack them. Will not work on other players. INSTAPROXY=Instant Proximity Mine Detonation FILAMMO=Fill All Ammo RMVAMMO=Remove All Ammo INFAMMO=Infinite Ammo SKPRLD=Skip Reloading NOSPOL=No Spooling NOSPOL_H=Removes the delay before firing from applicable weapons. NOSPRD=No Spread NORECL=No Recoil RAPFRE=Rapid Fire RAPFREVEH=Rapid Fire Vehicle Weapons DMG=Damage Multiplier DMG_H=Applies a multiplier to the damage dealt by your fists and guns. RNGMUL=Range Multiplier RKSPDMUL=Rocket Speed Multiplier ! Or "Bullets Per Shotgun Shot" SHTGNSZE=Bullets In Shotgun Batch INSTLKNON=Instant Lock-On EXPAMMO=Explosive Hits EXPTYP=Explosion Type EXPTYP_H=Lets you select the explosion type of Explosive Hits. EXP_TAG_GRENADE=Grenade EXP_TAG_GRENADELAUNCHER=Grenade Launcher EXP_TAG_STICKYBOMB=Sticky Bomb EXP_TAG_MOLOTOV=Molotov EXP_TAG_ROCKET=Rocket EXP_TAG_TANKSHELL=Tank Shell EXP_TAG_HI_OCTANE=High Octane EXP_TAG_CAR=Car EXP_TAG_PLANE=Plane EXP_TAG_PETROL_PUMP=Petrol Pump EXP_TAG_BIKE=Bike EXP_TAG_DIR_STEAM=Steam EXP_TAG_DIR_FLAME=Flame EXP_TAG_DIR_WATER_HYDRANT=Water Hydrant EXP_TAG_DIR_GAS_CANISTER=Gas Canister Flame EXP_TAG_BOAT=Boat EXP_TAG_SHIP_DESTROY=Ship EXP_TAG_TRUCK=Truck EXP_TAG_BULLET=Bullet EXP_TAG_SMOKEGRENADELAUNCHER=Smoke Grenade Launcher EXP_TAG_SMOKEGRENADE=Smoke Grenade EXP_TAG_BZGAS=BZ Gas EXP_TAG_FLARE=Flare EXP_TAG_GAS_CANISTER=Gas Canister EXP_TAG_EXTINGUISHER=Extinguisher EXP_TAG_PROGRAMMABLEAR=Programmable AR EXP_TAG_TRAIN=Train EXP_TAG_BARREL=Barrel EXP_TAG_PROPANE=Propane EXP_TAG_BLIMP=Blimp (Blue) EXP_TAG_DIR_FLAME_EXPLODE=Flame Explode EXP_TAG_TANKER=Tanker EXP_TAG_PLANE_ROCKET=Plane Rocket EXP_TAG_VEHICLE_BULLET=Vehicle Bullet EXP_TAG_GAS_TANK=Gas Tank EXP_TAG_BIRD_CRAP=Bird Crap EXP_TAG_RAILGUN=Railgun EXP_TAG_BLIMP2=Blimp (Red & Cyan) EXP_TAG_FIREWORK=Firework EXP_TAG_SNOWBALL=Snowball EXP_TAG_PROXMINE=Proximity Mine EXP_TAG_VALKYRIE_CANNON=Valkyrie Cannon EXP_TAG_AIR_DEFENCE=Air Defense EXP_TAG_PIPEBOMB=Pipe Bomb EXP_TAG_VEHICLEMINE=Vehicle Mine EXP_TAG_EXPLOSIVEAMMO=Explosive Ammo EXP_TAG_APCSHELL=APC Shell EXP_TAG_BOMB_CLUSTER=Cluster Bomb EXP_TAG_BOMB_GAS=Gas Bomb EXP_TAG_BOMB_INCENDIARY=Incendiary Bomb EXP_TAG_BOMB_STANDARD=Bomb EXP_TAG_TORPEDO=Torpedo EXP_TAG_TORPEDO_UNDERWATER=Torpedo (Underwater) EXP_TAG_BOMBUSHKA_CANNON=Bombushka Cannon EXP_TAG_BOMB_CLUSTER_SECONDARY=Cluster Bomb (Secondary) EXP_TAG_HUNTER_BARRAGE=Hunter Barrage EXP_TAG_HUNTER_CANNON=Hunter Cannon EXP_TAG_ROGUE_CANNON=Rogue Cannon EXP_TAG_MINE_UNDERWATER=Underwater Mine EXP_TAG_ORBITAL_CANNON=Orbital Cannon EXP_TAG_BOMB_STANDARD_WIDE=Bomb (Wide) EXP_TAG_EXPLOSIVEAMMO_SHOTGUN=Explosive Ammo (Shotgun) EXP_TAG_OPPRESSOR2_CANNON=Oppressor Mk II Cannon EXP_TAG_MORTAR_KINETIC=Kinetic Mortar EXP_TAG_VEHICLEMINE_KINETIC=Kinetic Vehicle Mine EXP_TAG_VEHICLEMINE_EMP=EMP Vehicle Mine EXP_TAG_VEHICLEMINE_SPIKE=Spike Vehicle Mine EXP_TAG_VEHICLEMINE_SLICK=Slick Vehicle Mine EXP_TAG_VEHICLEMINE_TAR=Tar Vehicle Mine EXP_TAG_SCRIPT_DRONE=Script Drone EXP_TAG_RAYGUN=Up-n-Atomizer (Raygun) EXP_TAG_BURIEDMINE=Buried Mine EXP_TAG_SCRIPT_MISSILE=Script Missile EXP_TAG_RCTANK_ROCKET=RC Tank Rocket EXP_TAG_BOMB_WATER=Water Bomb EXP_TAG_BOMB_WATER_SECONDARY=Water Bomb (Secondary) EXP_TAG_MINE_CNCSPIKE=Spikes EXP_TAG_BZGAS_MK2=BZ Gas Mk II EXP_TAG_FLASHGRENADE=Flash Grenade EXP_TAG_STUNGRENADE=Stun Grenade EXP_TAG_CNC_KINETICRAM=Kinetic Ram EXP_TAG_SCRIPT_MISSILE_LARGE=Script Missile (Large) EXP_TAG_SUBMARINE_BIG=Submarine (Big) EXP_TAG_EMPLAUNCHER_EMP=EMP Launcher EMP EXP_TAG_RAILGUNXM3=Railgun (MP) EXP_TAG_BALANCED_CANNONS=Balanced Cannons (F35) IMPPART=Impact Particles IMPPART_H=Lets you select the particle to use for Impact Particles. TTLFRDM=Total Freedom TTLFRDM_H=Allows you to use weapons in interiors and in passive mode. TTLFRDM_MOV_H=Allows you to sprint, sneak, and jump in interiors. TPGUN=Teleport Gun ! "Sticky" as in "Sticky Bomb" INCSTICK=Increased Sticky Limit INCFLARE=Increased Flare Limit INCPROJ_H=This refers to the amount you can put into the world, not into your inventory. LASGUN=Laser Sights !!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Vehicle !! !!!!!!!!!!!!! NOVEHFND=Please put your ass in/on a vehicle first. :) VEHALRDIN=You're already in/on it. :? VEHCTRL=Failed to get control over your vehicle. :| PVS=Personal Vehicles INSUR=Insurance ADDINSUR=Add Insurance DSTRYD=Destroyed UINSRD=Uninsured INSURCLM=Make Insurance Claim REQ=Request REQNDRV=Request & Drive At Spawned Position REQNCALL=Request & Drive At My Position PVRPLC=Replace With Current Vehicle PVRPLC_H=Saves the data of the vehicle you are currently driving in place of this personal vehicle. PVSVE_H=Saves the data of this personal vehicle in Stand's garage. PVSVEA=Save All To Garage PVSVEA_H=Saves the data of all your personal vehicles to Stand's garage. ! "Garage" must use same translation as GRG. "Personal Vehicles" must stay as-is. PVSVEA_S=Your personal vehicles have been saved to Garage > Personal Vehicles. :D CURPV=Current Personal Vehicle PVEHNTFND=I couldn't find your personal vehicle. :/ LSTVEH=Last Vehicle LSTVEHNTFND=I couldn't find your last vehicle. :/ CALLVEH=Teleport To Me & Drive RC=Remote Control RC_STCK=Press {} if you are stuck. GTARC=Imani Tech Remote Control GTARC_E=This vehicle does not support the Imani Tech Remote Control and "Remote Control Any Vehicle" is not enabled. RCANYVEH=Remote Control Any Vehicle RETSTOR=Return To Storage VEHFOLLOW=Follow Me SPWNR=Spawner SPWND=Spawned ! The act of doing it, to spawn SPWN=Spawn SPWNR_CLASSES=Classes VEH_CLASS=Class VEH_SEATS=Seats DLC=DLC DLCS=DLCs DLC_10=Game Launch DLC_60=Beach Bum DLC_100=Valentine's Day Massacre DLC_110=Business DLC_130=High Life DLC_140=I'm Not a Hipster DLC_150=Independence Day DLC_160=SA Flight School DLC_170=Last Team Standing DLC_180=Next Gen Release DLC_190=Festive Surprise 2014 DLC_210=Heists DLC DLC_270=Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 DLC_280=Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 DLC_300=Lowriders DLC_301=Halloween Surprise DLC_310=Executives and Other Criminals DLC_311=Festive Surprise 2015 DLC_320=January 2016 DLC_321=Be My Valentine DLC_330=Lowriders: Custom Classics DLC_340=Further Adventures in Finance and Felony DLC_350=Cunning Stunts DLC_360=Bikers DLC_370=Import/Export DLC_380=Special Vehicle Circuit DLC_400=Gunrunning Pack DLC_410=Smuggler's Run DLC_420=The Doomsday Heist DLC_430=Southern SA Super Sport Series DLC_440=After Hours DLC_460=Arena War DLC_480=Diamond Casino & Resort DLC_490=Diamond Casino Heist DLC_510=LS Summer Special DLC_520=Cayo Perico Heist DLC_570=LS Tuners DLC_580=The Contract DLC_610=The Criminal Enterprises DLC_640=Drug Wars DLC_670=San Andreas Mercenaries DLC_680=The Chop Shop DLC_690=Bottom Dollar Bounties MANUFNS=Manufacturer Names SPWNTUNE=Tune Spawned Vehicles SPWNTUNE_H=Lets you select the tuning profile for vehicles spawned via Stand. TUNE_PRESETS=Preset Tunings TUNE_STCK=Stock TUNE_PERF=Performance TUNE_PERF_H=Only upgrades Engine, Brakes, Transmission, Armour and Turbo. TUNE_PERFWSPL=Performance, Including Spoiler TUNE_FULL=Fully SPWCLR=Colour Spawned Vehicles SPWPLATE=Spawned Vehicles License Plate TUNE=Upgrade TUNE_H=Fully upgrades your current or last vehicle. RTUNE=Random Upgrade RTUNE_VIS=Only Visually RTUNE_PERF=Only Performance RTUNE_PERF_S=Only Performance & Spoiler PERF=Performance Upgrade PERF_H=Upgrades your current or last vehicle's EMS, Brakes, Transmission, Armour and Turbo. PERF_T=Gave your vehicle a performance upgrade. :D PERF_E=Your vehicle is already fully upgraded, performance-wise. :) PERFWSPL=Performance Upgrade, Including Spoiler DNGRD=Downgrade DNGRD_H=Resets your current or last vehicle to stock tuning. GRG=Garage SVEVEH=Save Vehicle PARA=Parachute PARA_GEN=Generic Parachute PARA_BRK=Broken Parachute SECUROSERV=SecuroServ XTRA=Extra XTRAS=Extras XTRAS_N=Your vehicle has no extras. PARAON=Enable Parachute PARAON_H=Doesn't have an effect on all vehicles, e.g. not on motorcycles. PARA_H_VIS=Note that after you have opened the vehicle's parachute, not all changes will apply. VEHFIN0=Normal VEHFIN1=Metallic VEHFIN2=Pearlescent VEHFIN3=Matte VEHFIN4=Metal VEHFIN5=Chrome VEHFIN6=Chameleon WHLS=Wheels WHLSCLR=Wheels Colour WHLTYP=Wheels Category VEHMOD23=Front Wheels VEHMOD0=Spoilers VEHMOD1=Front Bumper / Countermeasures VEHMOD2=Rear Bumper VEHMOD3=Side Skirt VEHMOD4=Exhaust VEHMOD5=Frame VEHMOD6=Grille VEHMOD7=Hood VEHMOD8=Fender VEHMOD9=Right Fender VEHMOD10=Roof / Weapons VEHMOD11=Engine VEHMOD12=Brakes VEHMOD13=Transmission VEHMOD14=Horns VEHMOD15=Suspension VEHMOD16=Armour VEHMOD18=Turbo VEHMOD24=Back Wheels VEHMOD25=Plate Holders ! Alternatively, "Benny's Plates" VEHMOD26=Vanity Plates VEHMOD27=Trim Design VEHMOD28=Ornaments VEHMOD29=Dashboard VEHMOD30=Dial Design VEHMOD31=Door Speaker VEHMOD32=Seats VEHMOD33=Steering Wheel VEHMOD34=Shift Lever VEHMOD35=Plaques VEHMOD36=Speakers VEHMOD37=Trunk VEHMOD38=Hydraulics VEHMOD39=Engine Block VEHMOD40=Boost / Air Filter VEHMOD41=Struts VEHMOD42=Arch Cover VEHMOD43=Aerials VEHMOD44=Trim VEHMOD45=Tank VEHMOD46=Left Door VEHMOD47=Right Door VEHMOD48=Livery VEHMOD49=Lightbar VEHDRFTYR=Drift Tyres VEHBPTYR=Bulletproof Tyres SCRCHD=Scorched TONK=Remove Turret BHVONFT=On Foot Behaviour BHVINVEH=In Vehicle Behaviour SPWNDRVE=Drive Spawned Vehicles SPWNDRVE_H=Instantly puts you into the driver seat of vehicles that you spawn via Stand. SPWNAIR=Spawn Aircraft In The Air SPWNFRNT=Spawn In Front SPWNFRNT_H=Puts vehicles that you spawn via Stand a few metres in front of you. SPWLIKEPV=Spawn Like Personal Vehicle SPWNDEL=Delete Previous Vehicle SPWNVEL=Keep Velocity INPTVEHMDL=Input Model Name ARGMDLNME=[model name] INPTVEHMDL_H=The "expert mode" way of spawning vehicles. INPTOBJMDL_H=The "expert mode" way of spawning objects. INPTMDL_E=Unfortunately, {} is not a valid model name. :/ INPTVEHMDL_E=Unfortunately, {} is not a valid vehicle model name. :/ ARSPD=AR Speedometer ARSPD_H=Gives your character AR glasses running a speedometer app. CM=Countermeasures CM_AUTO=Auto-Deploy CM_OF=Only In Aircraft CM_PERIOD=Periodic Deployment CM_PERIOD_D=Periodic Deployment: Delay FLARE=Flares CHAFF=Chaff BOTH=Both CM_FLARE=Deploy Flares CM_CHAFF=Deploy Chaff CM_BOTH=Deploy Flares & Chaff CM_PT=Pattern CM_HOR=Horizontal CM_HOR_UP=Horizontal, Upwards CM_HOR_DOWN=Horizontal, Downwards CM_VERT=Vertical CM_VERT_DOWN=Vertical, Downwards AUTODRIVE=Auto-Drive AUTODRIVE_C=Cruise Speed AUTODRIVE_SDB=Show Destination Beacon AUTODRIVE_ACOI=Cancel On Input AUTODRIVE_ACOI_H=Automatically terminates when you attempt to control the vehicle. AUTODRIVE_NOCLIP=No Vehicle Collision While Auto-Driving AUTODRIVE_NOCLIP_H=Disables collision with other vehicles while auto-driving. Helpful to compensate for poor path-finding while aggressively driving. AUTODRIVE_STORE=Store AUTODRIVE_MOVIE=Movies AUTODRIVE_CLUBHOUSE=Motorcycle Gang Clubhouse AUTODRIVE_FACILITY=Facility AUTODRIVE_AGENCY=Agency AUTODRIVE_OFFICE=Office AUTODRIVE_HANGAR=Hangar AUTODRIVE_ERR2=Auto-Drive is not available for this vehicle type. AUTODRIVE_ERR3=I was unable to find a proper destination, sorry. :( AUTODRIVE_ERR4=You're already at your destination. :P AUTODRIVE_ARRIVE=We have reached your destination. ^_^ AUTODRIVE_DRIVE=Driving Style AUTODRIVE_LAW=Lawful AUTODRIVE_NOTSOLAWFUL=Lawful, Ignore Stop Lights AUTODRIVE_BACK=Backwards AUTODRIVE_DEST=Drive To... AUTODRIVE_DEST_NONE=Wherever The Wind Takes Us AUTODRIVE_DEST_NONE_H=Drives you around with no specific destination. LGTSIGS=Light Signals TRNSIG=Turn Signal TRNSIG_HAZ=Hazard TRNSIG_AUTO=Automatically Disable Turn Signals BRAKELIGHTS=Use Brake Lights When Stopped MTESIRENS=Mute Sirens AUTORKTBST=Auto Rocket Boost AUTORKTBST_H2=Automatically uses the rocket boost when it's charged. RKTBST=Rocket Boost OVRD=Override RKTBST_H_OVRD=Allows you to change whether the vehicles you drive have rocket boost. VERTRKTBST=Vertical Rocket Boost CHRGBHV=Charge Behaviour RKTBST_NVREND=Infinite RKTBST_NVREND_H=Makes the boost never end unless you crash. RKTBST_INSTRFLL=Instant Refill RKTBST_INSTRFLL_H=Refills the boost immediately after it runs out. RKTBST_NORFLL=No Refill Time RKTBST_NORFLL_H=Refills the boost immediately when its conditions are met. RKTBST_EMPTY=Always Empty RMP=Ramp RMMSCOOP=Ramming Scoop INCRMMFRC=Increased Ramming Force LSC=Los Santos Customs VDO=Open/Close Doors VEHDOOR_A=All Doors VEHDOOR_0=Front Left VEHDOOR_1=Front Right VEHDOOR_2=Back Left VEHDOOR_3=Back Right VEHDOOR_4=Hood VEHDOOR_5=Trunk VEHDOOR_6=Back VEHDOOR_7=Back 2 LOCKD=Lock Doors LOCKD_O=Only When Vacant XCLUDEPVS=Exclude Other's Personal Vehicles ENGTGL=Toggle Engine On/Off ENGTGL_H=Note that pressing forwards or backwards will cause your character to turn the engine back on in most vehicles. FLIPVEH=Turn Vehicle Upright FLIPVEH_H=Turns your current or last vehicle upright. ATRNSUBCAR=Auto Transform Submarine Cars NANIM=No Animation DRBYINANY=Driveby In All Vehicles DRBYWITHANY=Driveby With All Weapons WHEELONWHEELS=Weapon Wheel In Vehicles WHEELONWHEELS_H=Note that you can still use scroll wheel up to go through one-by-one, which you need to do to go through vehicle weapons. BMBTRJC=Show Bomb Trajectory FLYTHRUWND=Fly Through Windscreen ! "Glued To Seats" is SEATGLUE FLYTHRUWND_H=Throws you out of the vehicle on high-speed frontal collisions like in Story Mode. This overrides "Glued To Seats". ANTINLCKON=Lock On To All Vehicles ! "Can't Be Locked On" is NLCKON ANTINLCKON_H=Allows you to lock onto Imani Tech vehicles. This also bypasses features like "Can't Be Locked On". SETSEAT=Set Vehicle Seat DRV=Driver LVENGRUN=Leave Engine On When Exiting NOJACK=Can't Be Dragged Out PEG=Set As Pegasus Vehicle PEG_H=Allows you to put certain spawned aircraft in your hangar by making the game think it's a Pegasus vehicle. DSTRY=Destroy DELVEH_H=Deletes your current or last vehicle. FIXVEH=Fix Vehicle FIXVEH_H=Repairs your current or last vehicle. VEHGOD=Indestructible VEHGOD_H=Makes any vehicle that you pilot or drive unable to be damaged. SPWNGOD=Make Spawned Vehicles Indestructible SPWNLIST=List Of Spawned Vehicles VEH_DRV=Drive VEH_ENT=Enter VEH_EMPTY=Empty DEL=Delete SPWNBLIP=Blips On Spawned Vehicles SPWNBLIP_TXT=Spawned Vehicle ({}) CLRBLIP=Remove Blips ONLYLTST=Only For Latest Vehicle MINT=Permanent Mint Condition MINT_H=Keeps your vehicle free of dents and scratches. PLATE=License Plate PLATESPEED=Speedometer PLATESPEED_A=License Plate Speedometer CHARLIMIT=Can't exceed {number} characters. :| RNDISE=Randomise SCRLTXT=Scrolling Text LCKPLT=Lock License Plate Text BADCHAR="{}" is not a valid character for this. :| HORNBOOST=Horn Boost SPRDRV=Super Drive SPRDRVCAM=Super Drive Uses Camera SPRDRVCAM_H=Changes the definition of "forward" for Super Drive to be where you're looking instead of where your vehicle is going. SPRHBRK=Super Handbrake DRVONWTR=Drive On Water DRVUNDWTR=Drive Underwater SPDLMT=Speed Limit (KMH) SPDLMT_H=Sets the speed limit of vehicles that you pilot or drive. (Default: 540) JMPABL=Jump Ability JMPABL_H=Note that if have both the jump and rocket boost ability, the game will move the boost to the secondary key. GLDABL=Glide Ability HEADLIT=Headlights HEADLITMUL=Headlights Intensity H_HILOCAL=*higher values are only reflected locally* GRVTYMTPLY=Gravity Multiplier NOTAIR=Not In Aircraft HNEDIT=Handling Editor HNE_BASE=Base HNE_AIRCRAFT=Aircraft ! Motorcycles and bicycles alike. HNE_BIKES=Bikes HNE_FLYING=Flying HNE_VERTFLY=Vertical Flying HNE_SPECFLY=Special Flight HNE_SEAPLANE=Seaplanes HNE_SUBMARINE=Submarines HNE_TRAILER=Trailers HNE_CAR=Car SPECFLY_H=Note that for vehicles other than the Deluxo, the "roof" input (Hold H or D-Pad Right) is used to toggle special flight. DELUXO=Deluxo OPP2=Oppressor Mk II SHWNA=Show Non-Applicable HNE_VWSCR=View Handling Scripts HNE_VWSCR_H=View scripts in the "Handling" sub-folder of your Command Box Scripts folder. HNE_NA=This category is not applicable to your current vehicle. CSTWNGBVHR=Custom Wings Behaviour CSTWNGBVHR_H=Allows you to customise the behaviour of the wings on the original oppressor. LESSENBURN=Lessen Tyre Burnouts SMTHCST=Smooth Coasting SMTHCST_H=Reduces the idle deacceleration of your vehicle to a more realistic pace. DRFTMDE=Drift Mode DRFTMDE_H=Our recreation of the drift tuning, which is only available for a handful of vehicles. Our version works for much more vehicles, but some vehicles will not feel as smooth as others. MINPOS=Min Position MAXPOS=Max Position CSTWNGBVHR_SPD=Speed MAXPOS2SPD=Set Speed Based On Max Position SMTHFLY=No Turbulence HELIAUTOSTAB=Disable Heli Auto-Stabilisation HELIAUTOSTAB_H=Originally inspired by Murten's BetterHeliMode script. NLCKON=Can't Be Locked On INSTASEAT=Instantly Enter & Exit Vehicles INSTASEAT_H=Skips your character walking to the vehicle, turning on the engine and getting out/off. EXITSTOP=Stop Vehicles When Exiting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Vehicle Classes !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! off_road=Off-Road sport_classic=Sports Classic Military=Military Compacts=Compacts sport=Sports Muscle=Muscle motorcycle=Motorcycles open_wheel=Open Wheel Super=Super van=Vans suv=SUVs Commercial=Commercial plane=Planes sedan=Sedans Service=Service Industrial=Industrial helicopter=Helicopters boat=Boats Utility=Utility Emergency=Emergency cycle=Cycles coupe=Coupes rail=Trains !!!!!!!!!!! !! World !! !!!!!!!!!!! PLCS=Places INHAB=Inhabitants ATMO=Atmosphere DWNTWN=Downtown ! GTA calls a point on the map a "blip" BLIPS=Blips BLIPNFND=I couldn't find a matching blip. :/ TP=Teleport DEDFX=Death Effect RESPFX=Respawn Effect TPFX=Teleportation Effect TPS=Teleport To... TPWAIT=Preparing Teleport... WP=Waypoint WPS=Waypoint On... OBJCTV=Objective TP_MP=Teleporting here will ensure the Online world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly. TP_CAYO=Ensure that the Cayo Perico world state or IPLs are enabled before teleporting to avoid ending up in water. RPLTP=Repeat Last Teleport RP_E=Nothing to repeat. :? UNDOTP=Undo Teleport UNDOTP_E=Nothing to undo. :? STORS=Stores AMMUNAT=Ammu-Nation SHTNGRNGE=Ammu-Nation with Range BARBR=Barber Shop CLTHST=Clothes Store TATTOO=Tattoo Parlor LNDMRKS=Landmarks LSIA=Los Santos International Airport FRTZNC=Fort Zancudo MTCHIL=Mount Chiliad CAYO=Cayo Perico CSNO=Casino ! Translate "Tower" & "Helipad" MAZEHELIPAD=Maze Bank Tower Helipad HIGHPLACE=Very High Up AUTOTPWP=Auto Teleport To Waypoints AUTOTPWP_H=Automatically teleports you to any waypoint you set. AUTOTPWP_T=You have been automatically teleported to your waypoint. :) WPORTAL=Teleport To Waypoints With Portals CBPOS=Position From Clipboard CBPOS_H=Scans your clipboard for a 3D or 2D vector. CBPOS_T=I was unable to find a 3D or 2D vector in your clipboard. :? POS=Position ! Stand > Settings > Appearance > Position MNUPOS=Position ! World > Places > Position MYPOS=Position POS_Z=Z (Altitude) SVDPLCS=Saved Places SVDPLCS_H=You can save places in {}. SVPLC_M=Save My Position SVPLC_W=Save Waypoint Position CPPOS=Copy Position To Clipboard CPSUCC=Copy to clipboard succeeded. :D CPERR=Copy to clipboard failed. :| IPLS=IPLs IPLS_H=Allows you to load and unload parts of the world ("IPLs") *locally*. IPLTP=Teleport To IPLs IPLTP_H=Will teleport you to IPLs when you enable them below. IPL_MP=Enabling this IPL will ensure the Online world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly TRFC=Traffic TRFCLR=Traffic Colour DPEDS_A=Disable Pedestrians DTRFC_A=Disable Traffic DTRFC_2=Enabled, Including Parked Cars SWRLDST=Set World State SWRLDST_H=Note that changing the world state might make the game unresponsive shortly. SP=Story Mode S_SP=SP S_MP=MP INT=Interior INTS=Interiors INT_BKR=Bunker STYL=Style SECTY=Security EQUIPUPGR=Equipment Upgrade GUNLKR=Gun Locker PSNLQRTS=Personal Quarters GUNRNGE=Gun Range INT_VW=Vehicle Warehouse INT_VW_2=Branded INT_VW_1=Urban INT_VW_0_1=Basic (Colours 1) INT_VW_0_2=Basic (Colours 2) INT_VW_0_3=Basic (Colours 3) INT_VW_0_4=Basic (Colours 4) INT_IF=IAA Facility INT_SR=Server Room INT_BS=Bogdan's Submarine INT_HL=Humane Labs INT_FR=FIB (Bureau Raid) INT_LFB=La Fuente Blanca INT_SSWCC=Split Sides West Comedy Club INT_BM=Bahama Mamas INT_TR=Torture Room INT_MR=Motel Room INT_OG=Omega's Garage INT_CIN=Cinema INT_RCYL=Recycling Plant INT_PYSC=Friedlander's Office INT_SOL=Solomon's Office INT_FH=Floyd's House INT_JH=Janitor's House INT_LH=Lester's House INT_BENNY=Benny's Original Motor Works INT_HAYES=Hayes Autos INT_TEQ=Tequi-La-La INT_FDRY=Foundry INT_UDG=Union Depository Garage INT_ESR=Epsilon Storage Room INT_CC=Character Creation Room INT_ME=Mission End Carpark INT_NG=Nightclub Garage INT_WEED=Weed Farm INT_STILT=Stilt House INT_A_H=High-End Apartment INT_A_M=Mid-End Apartment INT_A_L=Low-End Apartment INT_G_H=High-End Garage INT_G_M=Mid-End Garage INT_G_L=Low-End Garage INT_W_L=Large Warehouse INT_W_M=Medium Warehouse INT_W_S=Small Warehouse YANK=North Yankton YANKMAPRDR=North Yankton Map & Radar IPL_USSLUX=USS Luxington IPL_HOSPITAL=Pillbox Hill Medical Center FMEORSHME=Fame or Shame FCEBK=Lifeinvader IPL_JEWEL=Vangelico Fine Jewelry IPL_MXRD=Max Renda IPL_UFOEYE=Mount Chiliad UFO IPL_FINBANK=Union Depository IPL_PLNCRSH=Plane Crash Trench ! Translate "Factory" IPL_CLKNBLLFCTRY=Clucking Bell Factory IPL_LSTRFCTRY=Lester's Factory ! Translate "Morgue" IPL_MORGUE=Morgue ! Translate "Heist" and "Yacht" IPL_AYACHT=Series A Heist Yacht ! Translate "Ranch" and "Fire" IPL_RANCH=O'Neil Brothers Ranch IPL_RANCH_LIT=O'Neil Brothers Ranch Fire ! Translate "Clubhouse" IPL_LOSTHOUSE=Lost MC Clubhouse ! Translate "House" IPL_BCHOUSE=Banham Canyon House IPL_TRNWRCK=Train Crash IPL_REDCRPT=Red Carpet ! Translate anything but "FIB" IPL_FIBLBBY=FIB Lobby ! Translate anything but "FIB" IPL_FIBHELI=FIB Helicopter Crash ! Translate anything but "FIB" IPL_FIBRBBL=FIB Rubble ! Translate "Triathlon" IPL_TRIA2=Alamo Sea Triathlon ! Translate "Triathlon" IPL_TIRA1=LSIA Triathlon ! Translate "Gates" IPL_ZGATES=Fort Zancudo Gates ! Translate "Airfield" and "Boxes" IPL_BOXES=Sandy Shores Airfield Boxes IPL_SPNN=Car Wash Spinners ! Translate "Billboard" and "Graffiti" IPL_MAZEGRFF=Maze Bank Billboard Graffiti ! Translate "Billboard" and "Graffiti" IPL_OILGRFF=Ron Oil Billboard Graffiti ! Translate "Billboard" and "Graffiti" IPL_FRUITBB=iFruit Billboard ! Translate "Billboard" and "Graffiti" IPL_MBILL1=Meltdown Billboard 1 ! Translate "Billboard" and "Graffiti" IPL_MBILL2=Meltdown Billboard 2 ! Translate "Church" and "Grave" IPL_GRVE=Hill Valley Church Grave XSTPNSH=NPC Existence Punishments NPRXPNSH=NPC Proximity Punishments PRX=Proximity NAIMPNSH=NPC Aim Punishments NAIMPNSH_H=Punish NPCs for aiming in your area. NHOSPNSH=NPC Hostility Punishments INCLUDE_EVERYONE=Include Everyone INCLUDE_EVERYONE_M=Include Everyone, In Missions INCLUDE_FRIEND=Include Friends INCLUDE_PASS=Include Passengers INCLUDE_CREW=Include Crew Members INCLUDE_ORG=Include Organisation Members INCLUDE_H1=Instead of only you, punishments will apply when this demographic is a target too. INCLUDE_H2=Same as above, but only effective inside missions. PAIMPNSH=Player Aim Punishments PAIMPNSH_H=Punish players for aiming in your area. AIMME=Punish Only If Aiming At Me AIMMEN=If disabled, NPCs will be punished for aiming in your area, regardless of who they're aiming at AIMMEP=If disabled, players will be punished for aiming in your area, regardless of who they're aiming at PNSH_EXPANON=Anonymous Explosion PNSH_EXP=Owned Explosion PNSH_BRN=Burn PNSH_DIE=Die PNSH_REV=Revive PNSH_UNRM=Disarm PNSH_UNRM_H=Will leave them with nothing but their fists. PNSH_INTRP=Interrupt PNSH_CWR=Cower PNSH_FLEE=Flee PNSH_PSH=Push Away PNSH_MRK=AR Marker PNSH_SHWMDLNME=Show Model Name PSNH_FIX=Repair PSNH_WEKN=Weaken PSNH_WEKN_H=Reduces their health so they'll die easily. ! "ESP" as in "Extra Sensory Perception" NESP=NPC ESP ! "ESP" as in "Extra Sensory Perception" PESP=Player ESP ! "ESP" as in "Extra Sensory Perception" BONESP=Bone ESP XCLDED=Exclude Dead ! "ESP" as in "Extra Sensory Perception" BOXESP=Box ESP RNDR_LWLTCY=Low Latency Rendering RNDR_LGCY=Legacy Rendering RNDR_NTV=Native Rendering ! "ESP" as in "Extra Sensory Perception" NAMESP=Name ESP MINTXTSCL=Min Text Scale MAXTXTSCL=Max Text Scale INVTXTSCL=Invert Text Scaling ! "ESP" as in "Extra Sensory Perception" LINESP=Line ESP ESPTAGS_H=Tags are sorted in this list by their display priority. CLRARE=Clear Area IGMISSENT=Ignore Mission Entities NDLY=No Delay DELROPES=Delete All Ropes DOORS=Enhanced Open World DOORS_H=Opens the world up more and allows you to enter many interiors at your own leisure. DOORS_ENT=Press {input} to enter {interior}. DOORS_EXT=Press {} to leave. DEDSEC=Watch_Dogs-Like World Hacking DEDSEC_HACK=Hacks DEDSEC_HACK_H=Allows you to configure which hacks appear on your screen. DEDSEC_GENAC=General Actions DEDSEC_VEHAC=Vehicle Actions DEDSEC_VEHAC_H=Applies if you're selecting a player inside of a vehicle. DEDSEC_NPCAC=NPC Actions DEDSEC_PLRAC_H=Applies if you're selecting a player on foot. DEDSEC_TUT_ESP=Look in the general direction of a player, NPC, or vehicle. DEDSEC_TUT_OPT=Use {} to show hacking options for your current target. DEDSEC_TUT_OPTMSE=the middle mouse button or {} DEDSEC_TUT_SEL=Move your camera to select an option and release the button to use it. DEDSEC_OPT_FRZ=Freeze DEDSEC_OPT_UFRZ=Unfreeze DEDSEC_OPT_EXP=Explode DEDSEC_OPT_UNRM=Disarm DEDSEC_OPT_DEL=Delete DEDSEC_OPT_DSTRY=Destroy DEDSEC_OPT_DRV=Drive DEDSEC_OPT_ENT=Enter DEDSEC_OPT_EMPTY=Empty DEDSEC_OPT_IGNITE=Ignite DEDSEC_OPT_SLINGSHOT=Slingshot DEDSEC_OPT_BRN=Burn DEDSEC_OPT_FLEE=Flee DEDSEC_OPT_CWR=Cower DEDSEC_OPT_REV=Revive DEDSEC_OPT_KLL=Kill DEDSEC_OPT_CGE=Cage DEDSEC_OPT_MNU=In Stand DEDSEC_STICKY=Sticky Selection DEDSEC_STICKY_H=Hacks are only deselected after the specified delay in milliseconds. This is helpful for controllers. DEDSEC_PASSIVE=When No Target Selected... DEDSEC_ACTIVE=When Target Selected... SHWRETCL=Show Reticle DRWLINE=Show Line DRWBOX=Show Box DEDSECDELAY=Phone Open Deadline DEDSECDELAY_H=Allows you to open your phone despite having a hacking target if you release the key within the given amount of milliseconds. GGSR=GeoGuessr GGSR_H=How well do you know San Andreas? GGSR_VIEW=View Target GGSR_SBMT=Take Your Guess GGSR_SBMT_H=Input a position by setting a waypoint, using freecam, or moving/teleporting your character. GGSR_WIN=You got it! GGSR_OFF=Your guess is {} metres from the target. ARWP=AR Waypoint ARWP_H=Places a beacon at your waypoints and gives you a way to see the height associated with some waypoints placed via Stand. ARGPS=AR GPS ARGPS_H=Navigates you to your waypoints. ARBCNPLY=AR Beacon On Focused Players ARBCNPLY_P=In Player List ARBCNPLY_S=Within A Player's List WHNENTPLY=When Entering Player's List... SPCPLY=Spectate Them WHNLVEPLY=When Leaving Player's List... STPSPECPLY=Stop Spectating Them STPSPEC=Stop Spectating SRT=Sorting SRTBY=Sort By SRTREV=Reverse Order ! Or "Raised Tags" HOISTFLGS=Hoisted Tags HOISTFLGS_H=Players with hoisted tags will be placed above players without any hoisted tags. NME=Name SRTBY_SLT=Slot SPID2=Session Player ID / Slot LANG_EN=English LANG_FR=French LANG_DE=German LANG_IT=Italian LANG_ES=Spanish (Spain) LANG_BR=Portuguese LANG_PL=Polish LANG_RU=Russian LANG_KR=Korean LANG_TW=Traditional Chinese LANG_JP=Japanese LANG_MX=Spanish (Mexico) LANG_CN=Simplified Chinese DSCVYTME=Discovery Time CTOS=Blackout CTOS_2=Enabled, Including Vehicles NOSKY=Disable Skybox OVRDWTR=Override Weather OVRDWTR_H=Overrides the weather *locally*. OVRDOFF=Don't Override WTR_EXTRASUNNY=Extra Sunny WTR_CLEAR=Clear WTR_CLOUDS=Clouds WTR_SMOG=Smog WTR_FOGGY=Foggy WTR_OVERCAST=Overcast WTR_RAIN=Rain WTR_THUNDER=Thunder WTR_CLEARING=Clearing WTR_NEUTRAL=Neutral WTR_SNOW=Snow WTR_BLIZZARD=Blizzard WTR_SNOWLIGHT=Snowlight WTR_XMAS=Xmas WTR_HALLOWEEN=Clear Halloween WTR_RAIN_HALLOWEEN=Rainy Halloween WTR_SNOW_HALLOWEEN=Snowy Halloween AESLGHT=Aesthetic Light PLCMNT=Placement PLCMNT_CHR=Character PLCMNT_CHR_H=A single light shining out of your character. PLCMNT_CAM=Camera PLCMNT_CAM_H=A single light shining out of the camera. PLCMNT_OVL=Oval Of Lights PLCMNT_OVL_H=81 lights arranged in an oval around your character. RNGE=Range ITNST=Intensity ! Might also be called "falloff" or "edge gradient", I'm no expert on lights DFFRCTN=Diffraction WRLDBDR=World Border WRLDBDR_H=Shows the world border if you're within the specified amount of metres to it. WAT=Water WVEBHV=Wave Behaviour SMTH=Smooth MGNT=Magnetic ZDIFF=Z Differential WATZDIFFLOC=Only Apply Z Differential To Nearby Water STROVR=Strength Override OPCDIF=Opacity Differential WATOD_H=Allows you to add and remove water opacity *locally*. TRAINS=I Like Trains TRAINS_H=Makes trains much more common in the world. CLK=Clock TIME=Time CLKSYNC=Use Session Time LKTIME=Lock Time SYSTIME=Use System Time SMTHTRNS=Smooth Transition CLKPRST_12=Noon CLKPRST_6=Morning CLKPRST_0=Midnight CLKPRST_18=Afternoon !!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Players !! !!!!!!!!!!!!! ALLPLY=All Players XCLDS=Excludes XCLDF=Exclude Friends XCLDM=Exclude Me XCLDCM=Exclude Crew Members XCLDSU=Exclude Stand Users XCLDPR=Exclude Players XCLDOG=Exclude Organisation Members XCLD50=Exclude Authorities XCLDMIS=Exclude Missions XCLDMDR=Exclude Modders XCLDLMDR=Exclude Likely Modders XCLD_GRD=Prevents your bodyguards from attacking this demographic. PS_ON_H=Includes friends, strangers, & yourself. PS_F_S=Friends & Strangers PS_S=Strangers PSC_M=Me PSC_FM=Friends & Me PSC_CFM=Crew Members, Friends, & Me PLYFTRLST=[Player] SLFHRM=Are you sure you want to do that to yourself? FLAGS=Tags FLAGS_A=Player Tags BRCKTS=Brackets FLAG_SELF=Self FLAG_FRIEND=Friend FLAG_CREW=Crew Member FLAG_ATTACKED=Attacked You FLAG_HOST=Host FLAG_SCRIPT_HOST=Script Host FLAG_SPEC=Spectating FLAG_GOD=Invulnerable FLAG_VEHGOD=Indestructible Vehicle FLAG_INVEH=In Vehicle FLAG_RC=RC Vehicle FLAG_OTR=Off The Radar FLAG_INT=In An Interior FLAG_TYPING=Typing FLAG_DEAD=Dead FLAG_VPN=VPN FLAG_INVISIBLE=Invisible FLAG_ORG_MEMBER=Organisation Member NXTHST=Next Host ! Plural version of FLAG_FRIEND FLAG_FRIEND_P=Friends ! Plural version of FLAG_CREW FLAG_CREW_P=Crew Members ! Plural version of FLAG_MOD FLAG_MOD_P=Modders ! Plural version of FLAG_ATTACKED FLAG_ATTACKED_P=Attacked You PLYTP=Teleport To Them PLYTP_A=Teleport To {} PLYTPVEH=Teleport Into Their Vehicle PLYNVEH={} isn't in a vehicle. :/ PLYAPT=Teleport To Apartment... OFFICE_GARAGE={office}, Garage {num} NEAR_ME=Near Me NEAR_WP=Near My Waypoint APTID=Apartment ID INTID=Interior ID PLY_VISIT=Teleport Into Their Apartment PLYSMMN_D=Teleport/Summon Them PLYSMMN=Teleport To Me PLYSMMNPLY=Teleport To Player... PLYSMMNWP2=Teleport To My Waypoint PLYSMMNOBJ=Teleport To My Objective PLYWPTP=Teleport To Their Waypoint PLYWPTP_N={} has no waypoint set. COPYWP=Copy Their Waypoint PLYNAPT={} isn't in an apartment. :/ PLYCASINOTP=Teleport To Casino PLYFRND=Send Friend Request PLYINHIST=In Player History PLYENGMULT=Engine Power Multiplier PLYGIFT=Gift Spawned Vehicle PLYGIFT_H=Allows them to put any vehicle into their garage regardless of value. PLYGIFT_W=Once you proceed, {} will be able to put the vehicle that they are currently in into their garage. However, for this to have the intended effect, they must not have any personal vehicle out, and they must put the vehicle into a full garage, e.g. filled with low-end NPC cars, such that they can choose "replace." PLYGIFT_T=If everything was done correctly, {} can now drive the vehicle into their garage. :) PLYVEHNCTRL=Failed to get control of {}'s vehicle. :| FRGMDL=Forge Model FRGMDL_W=Please only use a vehicle with a forged model to drive it into your garage as any other action could easily crash the game. ! "Wanted" as in "Wanted Level", we don't want our ~~poor~~ criminals to be forever alone PLYBAIL=Never Wanted PLYBEAST=Turn Into Beast PLYGRVNPC=Gravitate NPCs PLYAGRNPC=Aggressive NPCs PARTICLE=Particle PLRPTFXSPM=Particle Spam HDELCL=Hide Locally HDELCL_H=Prevents you from also being spammed by the particles. PLYMUGLOP=Mugger Loop PLYRAGDOLL=Ragdoll PLYSHAKECAM=Shake Camera GIVESH=Give Script Host PLYARM=Give All Weapons PLYARM_P=Give Weapons PLYAMMO=Give Ammo PLYAMMO_H=Gives them ammo for their current weapon. PLYAMMO_T={} is not currently holding a weapon that I can give them ammo for. :/ PLYPARA=Give Parachute BNTY=Place Bounty BNTY_T=The bounty has to be between $0 and $10.000, inclusive. :) BNTYSLF=Place Bounty On Self BNTYSLF_H=Also place a bounty on yourself to avoid drawing suspicion. LOOPBNTY=Loop Bounty FRNDLY=Friendly TROLL=Trolling RAM=Ram PLYBLME=Blame For Killing... PLY_NOTIFY=Send Notifications PLY_NOTIFY_REMO=Cash Removed PLY_NOTIFY_STOL=Cash Stolen PLY_NOTIFY_BANK=Cash Banked PLY_NOTIFY_SPAM=Notification Spam CPOTFT=Copy Outfit CPVEH=Copy Vehicle CMDBHLF=Issue Commands On Their Behalf CMDBHLFALL=Issue Commands On Everyone's Behalf PLYCHTMCK=Mock Chat Messages PLYCHTOWO=OwO-ify Chat Messages SHWCAM=Show Camera SMS=Send Text Message SMS2=Text Message SMSS=Text Messages DTS=Detections DT_ANY=Any Detection ADT=Anti-Detection ADT_SPEC_H=Regardless of this, your camera position is always synced and you can still be detected spectating based on it. CLSFN=Classification CLSFNS=Classifications CLSFN_ANY=Any Classification DT_T={player} triggered a detection: {reason} CLSFN_T={player} is now classified as {classification} DT_CLSFN={player} triggered a detection ({reason}) and is now classified as {classification} REACT_T={toast} — applying {reaction} reaction. ! Substitute for {reaction} in REACT_T. REACT_T_K=kick ! Substitute for {reaction} in REACT_T. REACT_T_C=crash ! Substitute for {reaction} in REACT_T. REACT_T_T=timeout CLSFN_N_H=This player has not triggered any modder or admin detections. CLSFN_PM=Possible Modder CLSFN_LM=Likely Modder FLAG_MOD=Modder FLAG_MODAMN=Modder or Admin CLSFN_MA_H=Stand is investigating if this player is a modder or a Rockstar admin. FLAG_AMN=Admin ! Plural version of CLSFN_LM CLSFN_LM_P=Likely Modders ! Plural version of FLAG_AMN FLAG_AMN_P=Admins CLSFNTAGSLF=Classification Tags On Self MDDRDT_H=Click to remove this detection. MDDRDT_H_LUA=This detection was added by {}. Click to remove it. DT_H_PREMPT=This is a pre-emptive detection. C2C=Click to copy value. C2CN=Click to copy name. C2OL=Click to open {link} C2IN=Click to input a value. C2APPLY=Click to apply value. C2SEL=Click to select a value. MDDRDT_SUI=Stand User Identification SUI=Stand User Identification (SUI) MDDRDT_SUI_H=Identifies fellow Stand Users but also allows them to identify you. DT_SU=Stand User DT_SU_C=Stand User (Co-Loading) CLNG=Co-Loading CMDSUI=This command requires you to have Stand User Identification enabled. CMDSTAND=This command is only available on fellow Stand Users who have Stand User Identification enabled. HS=HostShare™ HS_H=When you are the host, allows fellow Stand Users to leverage your host privileges, as long as both of you have S.U.I. enabled. MDDRDT_SID=Other User Identifications MDDRDT_SID_T={} User MDDRDT_RAC=Rockstar Anti Cheat MDDRDT_HLTH=Modded Health MDDRDT_LNGDED=Dead For Too Long MDDRDT_LNGOTR=Off The Radar For Too Long MDDRDT_ARMR=Too Much Armour MDDRDT_PRES=Presence Spoofing MDDRDT_PRES_H=Detects session spoofing as well as more subtle manipulation. NMECHNG=I've seen {newname} before as {oldname}. :O MDDRDT_RID3=Rockstar Employee RID MDDRDT_T2IP=Take-Two IP Address DT_HT_2=Spoofed Host Token (Aggressive) DT_HT_1=Spoofed Host Token (Sweet Spot) DT_HT_0=Spoofed Host Token (Handicap) DT_HT_3=Spoofed Host Token (Other) MDDRDT_TRFRM=Modded Character Model MDDRDT_GODATK=Attacking While Invulnerable MDDRDT_RSDEV=Rockstar Developer Flag MDDRDT_RSDEV_H=Makes players unable to legitimately vote kick you. MDDRDT_RSQA=Rockstar QA Flag MDDRDT_CHEAT=Cheater Flag SPF_H_FLAG=Only other modders will be able to see this. MDDRDT_RP2=Invalid Rank/RP MDDRDT_RP3=RP-Rank Mismatch MDDRDT_RP4=Spoofed Rank MDDRT_NONET=Blocked Network Event MDDRT_NONET_H=Indicates that a player may've blocked essential network events, such as requesting control of an entity. MDDRT_DRIVEB=Modded Driveby Weapon MDDRT_SILENTCHAT=Chatting Without Typing MDDRT_BOUNTYSPAM=Bounty Spam MDDRT_BOUNTYSPAM_H=Indicates that a player has placed bounties at an impossible rate, e.g. a bounty for everyone in the session. MDDRT_SUSSYBOUNTY=Modded Bounty MDDRT_SUSSYBOUNTY_H=Indicates that a player has placed a bounty with an illegitimate value, e.g. 6969. MDDRT_EXPBLAME=Explosion Blaming MDDRT_EXPBLAME_H=Note that this may also detect when a modder gives someone explosive hits. MDDRT_EXPL=Modded Explosion MDDRT_EXPL_B=Prevents the explosion from syncing to you. This won't help others. MDDRT_EXPL_H=Primarily detects when modders spawn explosions on people or use explosive ammo. Note that this may rarely also trigger for legit players. VICTIM=Victim: {} MOD_ORGNAME=Modded Organisation Name MDDRT_CAYO=Hidden From Player List MDDRT_MISC=Modded Data ATTKRS=Attackers ATTRKS_PRE_1=Send Jets ATTRKS_PRE_2=Send Bikers ATTRKS_PRE_3=Send Clowns ATTRKS_PRE_4=Send Helicopters ATTRKS_PRE_5=Send BMX Gang ATTRKS_PRE_6=Send Farmers ATTRKS_PRE_7=Send Minitanks ATTRKS_PRE_8=Send Military (Combined Arms) ATTRKS_PRE_9=Send Spooky Phantoms ACCURACY=Accuracy AGGR=Aggression AGGR1=Friendly AGGR1_H=Defends you and others from AI attackers. Won't attack players. AGGR2=Defensive AGGR2_H=Defends you from any hostile targets. AGGR3_H=Defends you from hostile targets, but often engages on sight. DEL_ATTKRS=Delete All Attackers FILL_VEH=Fill Vehicles FILL_VEH_H=Instead of creating a new vehicle for each attacker, existing vehicles will be fully populated before a new one is created. ! As in "Kill the engine" KLL=Kill ! The "EMP" projectile in-game that turns your car off. EMP=EMP FLIPPLRVEH=Flip SPINVEH=Spin POP_TYRES=Pop Tyres DETACH_AIR=Detach Wing DETROIT=Detach Wheel SLIPPERY=Slippery Tyres SLIPPERY_H=Takes some time to deactivate. DEL_DOORS=Remove Doors IGNITE=Ignite TURNAROUND=Turn Around DSTRYPROP=Destroy Propellers BREAKBOOM=Break Off Tail Boom SLINGSHOT=Slingshot V_F=Forward V_B=Backward PLYDDVEH=Disable Driving Vehicles PLYDDVEH_H=Puts them into a state where they can't drive vehicles among other things which can be fixed with an apartment invite. INFLOAD=Infinite Loading Screen INFRING=Infinite Phone Ringing FRZ=Freeze FAKEDROP=Fake Money Drop NOPSSVE=Block Passive Mode ! Putting someone in a cage PLYCGE=Cage PLYCAGE_TINY=Tiny Cage PLYCAGE_GOLD=Gold Cage PLYCAGE_FNCE=Fence Cage PLYCAGE_STNT=Stunt Tube ! Being put in a cage CGE=Cage PLYKLL=Kill PLYEXP=Explode ! For reference: Block Blaming is PTX_PSV PLYKLL_H=Does not work with block blaming or if you're in passive mode. CGES=Cages PLYKCK=Kick PLYKCK_T_H=Too easy. ;P ! Single target version of PLYKCK_T_C. PLYKCK_T_C=I'll try to convince them to leave. :) ! Multiple targets version of PLYKCK_T_C_M. PLYKCK_T_C_M=I'll try to convince them to leave. :) PLYKCK_SMRT=Smart PLYKCK_SMRT_A=Smart Kick PLYKCK_SMRT_H2=Removes the player by any means necessary. PLYKCK_BL=Blacklist PLYKCK_BL_A=Blacklist Kick PLYKCK_BL_H=Adds the player to the blacklist like they were vote kicked, but kicks them like a desync. PLYKCK_H=Host PLYKCK_H_H=Kicks the player using the vote kick mechanism. PLYKCK_NH=Non-Host PLYKCK_PC=Pool's Closed PLYKCK_B=Breakup PLYKCK_B_G=Breakup Kick BRKUR=Breakup Kick Reactions BRKUR_H=This will only have an effect for breakup kicks used against other people. KBKR=Knockoff Breakup Kick Reactions KBRK_E=Knockoff Breakup Kick GEN_H_HOST=This will only have an effect when you're the session host. GEN_H_NHOST=This will only have an effect when you're not the session host. PLYBAN=Ban PLYKCK_O=Orgasm PLYKCK_L=Love Letter PLYKCK_L_G=Love Letter Kick PLYKCK_H_DSCRT=A discrete kick that won't tell the target who did it. PLYKCK_H_B_H=Unblockable when you are the host. PLYKCK_H_HO=Only available when you are the host. PLYKCK_H_B_P=Blocked by popular menus. PLYKCK_H_B_M=Blocked by most menus. BE_K=BattlEye Kick BE_B=BattlEye Ban BE_B_H=Causes recipients to be unable to join GTA Online until they restart the game. PLYCRSH=Crash SUI_ET=The chance of this working on a fellow Stand User is very small. But who am I to question the divine user? :^) PLYCRSH_H_AOE2=Note: This may also crash other players close to your target. PLYCRSH_E=Elegant PLYCRSH_G=Burger King Foot Lettuce PLYCRSH_V=Vehicular Manslaughter PLYCRSH_T=Steamroller ! Type may be a codename such as XA, or a human-readable name, such as "Attachment Loop". CRSH_T=Prevented a crash ({type}). ! Type may be a codename such as XA, or a human-readable name, such as "Attachment Loop". CRSH_T_BLM=Prevented a crash ({type}), likely caused by {player}. ! To be used within CRSH_T and CRSH_T_BLM CRSH_TRNLOOP=Train Loop ! To be used within CRSH_T and CRSH_T_BLM CRSH_ATTLOOP=Attachment Loop ! Buffer overruns cause memory corruption, which could go unnoticed, but could also crash the game. ! Type may be a codename such as XA, or a human-readable name, such as "Ped Outfit Texture". BU_T=Prevented a buffer overrun ({type}). ! To be used within BU_T BU_TEX=Ped Outfit Texture BU_VEHLIT=Vehicle Lights INVTASK=An NPC is running an invalid task, aborting it. TIMEOUT=Timeout FLAG_TIMEOUT=In Timeout TIMEOUT_H=Temporarily blocks most network traffic from and to this player. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Player > Information !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INFO=Information NME_S=Name (Stand) NME_H=Name (Session) NME_R=Name (Social Club) STUS=Status DMG_WEAP=Weapon Damage Multiplier DMG_MELEE=Melee Damage Multiplier ORG=Organisation ORGT_SV=SecuroServ ORGT_MC=Motorcycle Club BOSS=Boss STS=Stats NDATA=No Data CHAR1=Character 1 CHAR2=Character 2 CHAR1_ACT=Character 1 (Active) CHAR2_ACT=Character 2 (Active) CNNTN=Connection IP=IP Address RLYIP=Relay IP LANIP=LAN IP PRT=Port RLYPRT=Relay Port CONVIA=Connected Via CONVIA_P2P=P2P CONVIA_RLY=Relay CONVIA_RLY_S=Connected via relay CONVIA_PLY_S=Connected via {} PING=Ping MS=ms MNY_W=Money In Wallet MNY_B=Money In Bank MNY_A=Money In Total DIST=Distance KLLS=Kills DTHS=Deaths KD=K/D Ratio FAVVEH=Favourite Vehicle FAVWEAP=Favourite Weapon FAVRDSTAT=Favourite Radio Station OWNBKR=Owns Bunker OWNFAC=Owns Facility OWNCLB=Owns Nightclub HOSTKN=Host Token HOSTQPOS=Host Queue Position HQSA_NH=Name Hash GIP_Q=Request Pending GIP_P=Performing Request GIP_F=Request Failed CT=City RGION=Region CTRY=Country ! E.g. "Discovered: 10 seconds ago" DSCVAGO=Discovered ! E.g. "Invulnerable For: 10 seconds" GODTIME=Invulnerable For CRW=Crew CRWTG=Tag MOTTO=Motto ALTBDG=Alternative Badge !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Durations !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUR_AGO={} ago DUR_S=second DUR_S_P=seconds DUR_M=minute DUR_M_P=minutes DUR_H=hour DUR_H_P=hours DUR_D=day DUR_D_P=days !!!!!!!!!!!! !! Online !! !!!!!!!!!!!! SESS=Session NWSESS=New Session NWSESS_CHAR=Pit Stop At Character Selection NWSESS_SP=Create Public Session NWSESS_IO=Create Invite Only Session NWSESS_CC=Create Closed Crew Session NWSESS_C=Create Crew Session NWSESS_CF=Create Closed Friend Session NWSESS_S=Create Solo Session NWSESS_FF=Join A Friend NWSESS_FC=Join Crew Members NWSESS_FP=Find Public Session NWSESS_NP=Find New Public Session NWSESS_NP_H=Like "Find Public Session" but puts you in a fresh session first so you hopefully don't end up in the same session. NWSESS_CTOR=Creator Mode NWSESS_SCTV=Social Club TV TRK=Tracking TRKD=Tracked HISTTRK=Tracked Players HIST_KEEP_TRA=Keep Tracked TRK_H=Provides you with notifications when this player switches sessions, comes online, or goes offline. TRK_T_CNF=On Tracking Update... INJTRKINFO=Show Online Tracked Players On Injection META=Meta RSADMINS=Rockstar Admins ! SC = Social Club SCFRIENDS=SC Friends ADDMISS=Add Missing PLYNOTESET=Set Note PLYNOTESET_H_A=Sets the note of every admin in your history. TRCKALL=Track All UTRCKALL=Untrack All WHTLALL=Whitelist All UWHTLALL=Unwhitelist All HIST_DNG=Danger Zone HIST_CLR=Clear History ONLSTS=Online Status ONLSTS_O2=Offline ONLSTS_S=In Story Mode ONLSTS_H=Hosting {} ONLSTS_C=In {session_type} ONLSTS_CH=In {session_type} hosted by {host} TRK_T={name} is now {activity}. ONLSTS_TRK_O=offline ONLSTS_TRK_S=in Story Mode ONLSTS_TRK_H=hosting {} ONLSTS_TRK_C=in {} ONLSTS_TRK_CH=in {session_type} hosted by {host} ST_S=a solo session ST_I=an invite-only session ST_F2=a closed friend session ST_CC=a closed crew session ST_C=a crew session ST_P=a public session ST_O=a session of unknown type ! Short online statuses: SHTONLSTS_O2=Offline SHTONLSTS_S=Story Mode SHTONLSTS_ST_S=Solo SHTONLSTS_ST_I=Invite SHTONLSTS_ST_CF=Closed Friend SHTONLSTS_ST_CC=Closed Crew SHTONLSTS_ST_C2=Crew SHTONLSTS_ST_P=Public SHTONLSTS_ST_O=Other PTX=Protections PTX_W=Disabling protections in Stand won't make your co-load more stable. Disabling protections will just disable protections. ! Alternatively, "Protections Help Page" PTXGDE=Protections Guide COLOAD=Co-Loading COLOAD_DPTX=Disable {} When Co-Loading PTX_CRSHE=Crash Event PTX_KICK=Kick Event PTX_KICK_SH=Script Host Kick PTX_INV=Modded Event PTX_INV_H=Events that could only have been sent by a modder. PTX_WEIRD=Unusual Event PTX_WEIRD_H=Events that may have been sent by a modder but could also happen legitimately under rare circumstances. VEHKICK=Kick From Vehicle INTKICK=Kick From Interior TRIGDEFD=Trigger Business Raid PLYFRCECAMFRNT=Force Camera Forward PLYFRCECAMFRNT_H=Can also disable a player's invulnerability under some circumstances. PLYMISSION=Force Into Freemode Mission PLYMISSION_H=Forces targets into the freemode mission state, which means they can't be in passive mode or enter interiors. ! Forces the recipient into a mission start screen SND2JB=Send To Job SND2JB_0=Severe Weather Patterns SND2JB_1=Half-track Bully SND2JB_2=Exit Strategy SND2JB_3=Offshore Assets SND2JB_4=Cover Blown SND2JB_5=Mole Hunt SND2JB_6=Data Breach SND2JB_7=Work Dispute PTX_BAIL=Remove Wanted Level PTX_EVTS=Events PTX_NET=Network Events PTX_NET_ANY=Any Event PTX_RAWNET=Raw Network Events PTX_RAWSYNC=Raw Syncs PTX_RAW_W=This is for advanced users. If don't know what you're doing, please don't do it, and especially don't just go blocking everything. PTX_NET_R_B_W=Remember when I told you "don't just go blocking everything" ...? Just because you can do it, doesn't mean you have to. Especially if you don't have a good reason for it. PTX_APUP=Any Pickup Collected PTX_APUP_T=You collected a pickup of type {} PTX_APUP_L=You collected a pickup PTX_CASHPUP=Cash Pickup Collected PTX_CASHPUP_T=You collected a cash pickup PTX_RPPUP=RP Pickup Collected PTX_RPPUP_T=You collected an RP pickup PLYKCK_IPUP=Invalid Pickup PTX_IPUP=Invalid Pickup Collected PTX_IPUP_H=What to do in the event that you collect an invalid pickup that would kick you from session. PTX_IPUP_T=You collected an invalid pickup PTX_APT=Apartment Invite PTX_CAYO=Cayo Perico Invite PTX_DRVCTRL=Vehicle Takeover PTX_DRVCTRL_H=When someone tries to take control of a vehicle you're driving which could be used to teleport you. SE=Script Event GIVE_WEAPON_EVENT=Give Weapon Event REMOVE_WEAPON_EVENT=Remove Weapon Event REMOVE_ALL_WEAPONS_EVENT=Remove All Weapons Event FIRE_EVENT=Fire EXPLOSION_EVENT=Explosion NETWORK_PTFX_EVENT=PTFX NETWORK_PLAY_SOUND_EVENT=Play Sound RCT_T=Notification RCT_L_F=Write To Log File RCT_L_C=Write To Console RCT_C=Announce In Chat RCT_C_T=Announce In Team Chat RTC_PLY=Player Actions RCT_N_B=Block Their Network Events RCT_BIS=Block Incoming Syncs RCT_BOS=Block Outgoing Syncs RCT_N_L=Log Their Network Events RCT_SI_L=Log Incoming Syncs RCT_SO_L=Log Outgoing Syncs RCT_N_T=Notifications For Their Network Events RCT_SI_T=Notifications For Incoming Syncs RCT_SO_T=Notifications For Outgoing Syncs RCT_T_OUT={event} to {player} PTX_NET_R_T_T={event} from {player} RCT_T_AGAINST={event} from {sender} against {target} PTX_NET_R_B=Block ! What "Block" does for chat messages PTX_NET_R_B_H_C=Will prevent the message reaching you but others will still see it. PTX_S=Syncs PTX_INC=Incoming PTX_OUT=Outgoing PTX_SI=Incoming Syncs PTX_SO=Outgoing Syncs PTX_SI_ANY=Any Incoming Sync OUTSBH=Block Outgoing Syncs To Host OUTSBH_H=This helps you avoid BattlEye kicks as non-host, but also means the host won't be able to interact with you. PTX_CSB=Custom Model Sync Reactions ADDMDL=Add Model PTX_CSB_T=Model sync by {player} with {hash} PTX_IMS=Invalid Model Sync PTX_IMS_T=Invalid model sync by {player} with {hash} as {type} PTX_WOS=World Object Sync PTX_ATTACH=Attachment Spam PTX_BEWARE_RESYNCH=Other players can resync objects spawned by modders, so be aware of that. PTX_S_CC=Clone Create PTX_S_CU=Clone Update PTX_S_CD=Clone Delete PTX_S_ACC=Acknowledge Clone Create PTX_S_ACU=Acknowledge Clone Update PTX_S_ACD=Acknowledge Clone Delete PLY_BOS_H_A=Stops your position being updated for other players and can even prevent other players from knowing that you're in the session if joining with this enabled. PLY_BOS_H_1=Stops your position being updated for this player. MYSLF=Myself SOMELS=Someone Else KARMA=Karma LLKT=Notification When Love Letter Kicked LLKT_T=You have been love letter kicked. DSKK=Desync Kick Karma DSKK_H2=Makes desync kick options of some other menus always backfire if used against you. LLLUBE=Love Letter Lube LLLUBE_H=Makes you a less likely candidate for when the host picks who to kick for Love Letter. LLLUBE_1=Legit LLLUBE_1_H=Some modders may detect this, misguidedly. LLLUBE_0_H=This is the most effective option, but other modders can detect this. CAMSHAKE=Camera Shaking Event EXPSPAM=Explosion Spam EXPSPAM_H=Applies when someone spams explosions on your character. RAGDOLLEVT=Ragdoll Event SNDSPM=Sound Spam MODDMGEVT=Modded Damage Event PRESES=Presence Events BFSTN=Block Friend Stat Notifications BFSTN_H=Blocks notifications like "...has collected all Letter Scraps." BJI=Block Job Invites PTX_VK=Block Vote Kicks PTX_VK_T=Blocked a vote kick. :) MAGIC=Magic PTX_VK_SP=SCTV / Spectator Mode PTX_VK_F1=Freemode Mission 1 PTX_VK_F2=Freemode Mission 2 PTX_VK_F3=Freemode Mission 3 PTX_VK_F4=Freemode Mission 4 PTX_BJ=Block Join Karma PTX_BJ_H=Detects when non-hosts try to block your join and removes them from the session, allowing you to join. PTX_BJ_T2={} is blocking your join, I will try to remove them from the session. PTX_NB=Block Bailing PTX_NB_1=Player No Longer In Session PTX_NB_2=Switching Primary Crew PTX_NB_SPC=Spectating Related PTX_NB_SPC_H=Target left, etc. PTX_NB_O=Other Reasons PTX_NB_O_H=Timeouts and whatnot. PTX_NB_T=The game would like to bail ({a1}, {a2}, {a3}); {action}. PTX_NB_T_A=allowed PTX_NB_T_B=blocked PTX_HCK=Host-Controlled Kicks PTX_HKK=Host Kick Karma PTX_HKK_H=Kicks the host in response to their host kick. Note that you will still be kicked from the session. PTX_HK=Lessen Host Kicks PTX_HK_H=Lessens host kicks such that you only get a notification that a host kick has occurred and all players will appear to have left. PTX_HK_T=Someone used a host kick on you ({method}), likely {player}. HKI=The host is going to kick you soon. HKI_BS=I suggest blocking syncs with them. ! To be used as a substitute for {method} in PTX_HK_T. PTX_HK_M_V=Vote Kick ! To be used as a substitute for {method} in PTX_HK_T. PTX_HK_M_N=Network Error PTX_PSV=Block Blaming PTX_PSV_H2=Makes you unable to damage others so that explosions blamed on you equally do no damage. Also makes other people unable to damage you. PTX_PSV_W=In case you didn't read the help text, let me reiterate: You won't be able to do any damage with this enabled. Instead of just enabling this, you might prefer using the context menu to set an inverted aiming correlation. PTX_ENTSPAM=Block Entity Spam PTX_ENTSPAM_STATUS={count} instances of {name} PTX_ENTSPAM_NEW=There seems to be too many instances of {}. Working on it. PTX_ENTSPAM_CALM=Dealt with the {} situation. :) VEHPARTS=broken off vehicle parts ACCAM=Anti-Crash Camera PTX_ENTSPAM_USECAM=Automatically Use Anti-Crash Cam PTX_ENTSPAM_CAM=Sorry to lock your camera up here, but the rendering won't gracefully deal with this for much longer. Using "tp lsia" or "tp mtchil" might resolve this more quickly. PTX_DRAW=Prevent Renderer Working To Death PTX_DRAW_H=Stops the game from rendering so much that it crashes. PTX_DRAW_T=The renderer is overworked PTX_DELSTALE=Delete Stale Objects PTX_DELSTALE_H=Deletes objects whose model info has been unloaded because this game is a flawless masterpiece. PTX_DELSTALE_T=Deleting an object with model {} where model info has unloaded. PTX_DELSTALE_T_2=Deleting a fragment object with model {} where fragment model info has unloaded. NOMODPOP=Delete Modded Pop Multiplier Areas NOMODPOP_H=Deletes modded population multiplier areas so GTA Online won't look more barren than usual. NOMODPOP_T=Deleted a modded population multiplier area. :) NOBEAST=Disable Turning Into Beast NOBEAST_H=Stops you being turned into the beast for the "Hunt The Beast" freemode event, which modders may use as a means to troll you. NOBEAST_T=Prevented you being turned into the beast by dropping the script, which is hosted by {}. NPLYMDLSWP=Block Player Model Swaps NPLYMDLSWP_H=Locally blocks players transforming into models that are not normally playable. In principle, this is not needed because we patch all related crashes (that we know of). FRCRLY=Force Relay Connections LOWFPSTIMEOUT_T=Low FPS detected — putting {} in timeout. REVOTR=Reveal Off The Radar Players REVINV=Reveal Invisible Players BEORB=Become The Orbital Cannon BEORB_H=Sends everyone who you kill to the hospital and shows the orbital cannon kill message. BESCRHST=Become Script Host BESCRHSTKLEPTO=Become A Script Host Kleptomaniac BESCRHSTKLEPTO_H=There can only be one and this is for those who really want to be that one at all times with no compromise. BJS=Block Joins BJ_ALL=From Anyone BJ_ALL_A=Block Joins From Anyone BJ_STR=From Strangers BJ_STR_A=Block Joins From Strangers BJ_STR_H=Blocks joins from people who are not your friend on Social Club. BJ_ADS=From Known Advertisers BJ_ADS_A=Block Joins From Known Advertisers BJ_REM=From Removed Players BJ_REM_A=Block Joins From Removed Players BJ_REM_H=Blocks joins from players you have kicked or crashed. BJ_REMOVED=Removed Players BJ_REMOVED_H=A list of players who are currently blocked from joining because you removed them. BJ_KICKEDP_H=Click to remove this player. BJ_WHT=From Non-Whitelisted BJ_WHT_H=Blocks joins from any players you have not specifically whitelisted. BJ_WHT_A=Block Joins From Non-Whitelisted BJ=Block Join BJ_H=Joins can only be blocked as session host. Stand will attempt to kick them when you are a non-host. BJ_T2=Blocked {player} from joining because of {feature} MSG=Message BJMSG_ASS=Incompatible Assets BJMSG_TU=Ensure Latest Title Update BJMSG_TAR=Different Targeting Preference BJMSG_BAR=Your Account Has A Bad Reputation BJMSG_C=You Are A Cheater BJMSG_BS=You Are A Bad Sport BJMSG_DLC=Incompatible Downloadable Content BJMSG_BT=Different Build Type BJMSG_CONT=Different Content BJMSG_BSO=Bad Sports Only BJMSG_CO=Cheaters Only BJMSG_PR=Premium Race BJMSG_CON=Unable To Connect BJMSG_PRIV=Private BJMSG_F=Friends Only BJMSG_VK=You Were Already Voted Out BJMSG_ID=Invites Disabled BJMSG_POOF=No Longer Exists BJMSG_BUG=Not Intended Session LSCM=LS Car Meet SETREPLVL=Set Reputation Level SETREPLVL_H=Note that you need to become a member of the LS Car Meet before you can earn reputation with them. SETREPLVL_T=The change of your reputation level is pending; (re)enter LS Car Meet now to finalise it. UNLKPRIZRID=Unlock Prize Ride UNLKPRIZRID_T=It's all yours! Just claim it in the interaction menu inside LS Car Meet. :) H3=Casino Heist H3_RPT=Remove Repeat Cooldown H3_RPT_H=Make sure you're not inside of the arcade when using this. H3_RPT_T=The cooldown says goodbye. :D H3_POIACC=P.O.I. & Access Points SCOP=Scope H3_SCOP_H=Only use this after having completed the initial scope out mission as otherwise it will softlock. USCOP=Unscope H3_VLT=Set Vault Contents H3_VLT_H=Use this after paying for the heist but before scoping out the vault contents. H3_VLT_3=Diamonds H3_VLT_2=Art H3_VLT_1=Gold H3_VLT_0=Cash H3_VLT_T=I wonder what will be in the vault. :^) H3_FNSH1=Finish First Board H3_FNSH1_H=Use this after paying for the heist and optionally setting the vault contents. H3_FNSH1_1=Silent & Sneaky H3_FNSH1_2=Big Con H3_FNSH1_3=Aggressive H3_FNSH1_T=That's one board down. :D H3_FNSH2=Finish Second Board H3_FNSH2_T=That's two boards down. :D H3_RSTCRW=Reset Crew H3_RSTCRW_H=In case you made a poor choice for your crew that you'd like to change. H3_RSTCRW_T=Crew reset. You'll need to re-enter the arcade for the change to be visible. :) H_FNSH_W=Finishing the setup missions this way won't count for the "All In Order" and "Criminal Mastermind" challenges. H_FNSH=Finish Setup Missions H_TRGT=Set Target H4=Cayo Perico Heist H4_FNSH_T=All done. You'll need to re-enter your Kosatka for the change to be visible. :) H4_TRGT_0=Tequila H4_TRGT_1=Ruby Necklace H4_TRGT_2=Bearer Bonds H4_TRGT_3=Pink Diamond H4_TRGT_4=Madrazo Files H4_TRGT_5=Sapphire Panther H2_FNSH=Finish Doomsday Heist Setups H2_FNSH_H=Skips all setup missions for your current doomsday heist. H2_FNSH_T=Setups done. You'll need to re-enter your facility for the change to be visible. :) H1_FNSH=Finish Apartment Heist Setups H1_FNSH_H=Skips all setup missions for your current apartment heist. H1_FNSH_T=Setups done. You'll need to re-enter your apartment for the change to be visible. :) RIGOFF=Don't Manipulate WHEEL=Lucky Wheel Reward WHEEL_1=Podium Vehicle WHEEL_2=Discount WHEEL_3=Chips WHEEL_4=Cash WHEEL_6=Clothing WHEEL_7=Mystery: Vehicle WHEEL_8=Mystery: Business Supplies WHEEL_9=Mystery: Snacks WHEEL_10=Mystery: Chips WHEEL_11=Mystery: Cash WHEEL_12=Mystery: RP WHEEL_13=Mystery: Clothing MONEYLINK2=Money Guide SLOTS2=Slot Machines Outcome SLOTS_H=Do not earn more than GTA$ {} within 24 hours! Furthermore, this might not be safe if you have used or are using other menus on this account. SLOTS_WJ=Jackpot SLOTS_WS=Small Win SLOTS_L=Loss ROULETTE=Roulette Outcome CSNO_H_OPB=Other players can also benefit from this. CSNO_BJ=Always Win Blackjack CSNO_BJ_H=Makes the dealer always bust. SNKSNARMR=Refill Snacks & Armour SNKSNARMR_T=There you go, all stocked up. :D ENHNCMTS=Enhancements NOAFK=Disable Idle/AFK Kick NOMECHCDLN=Disable Mechanic Cooldown NOMKIICLDN=Disable Oppressor Mk II Cooldown NOEWOCLDN=Disable Suicide Cooldown NOGTARCFP=Disable Forced RC Perspective NODTHBAR=Disable Death Barriers NOPSSVCLDN=Disable Passive Mode Cooldown NOORBCLDN=Disable Orbital Cannon Cooldown NOSUBMSLCLDN=Disable Kosatka Missile Cooldown NOSUBMSLMAXRNGE=Disable Kosatka Missile Range Limit NOSUBMSLMAXRNGE_H=Does not have an effect on already launched missiles. NONANOMAXRNGE=Disable Nano Drone Range Limit NONANOCLDNS=Disable Nano Drone Ability Cooldown ! "Business Battle" is SCR_FE_BB NOFMBTLMSC=Disable Business Battle Music NOFMBTLMSC_H=Note that enabling this feature won't terminate offending audio that is already playing. NFMEVTENDAUD=Disable Event End Countdown Audio TGGLEMAP=Toggleable Big Map TGGLEMAP_H=Makes the minimap always behave like you're in a plane. PAWS=Allow Pausing NOINTCHK=Bypass Interior Restrictions NOINTCHK_H=Deceives checks for some interiors like the foundry so you can be inside of them without being teleported out. PASSIWPNVEH=Allow Weaponised Vehicles In Passive Mode NWRKCLD=Disable VIP Work Cooldown SLLINPRV=All Missions In Private Sessions GHSTNRBYDR=Ensure Clean Races GHSTNRBYDR_H=Ensures that opposing drivers in races play fair by ghosting them locally if they get too close. ALLPICLK=Bypass Interaction Menu Barriers ALLPICLK_H=Allows you to use most interaction menu options even when they're greyed out or unavailable. UNKLCSNO=Bypass Casino Region Lock AMTTSUIT=Bypass Time Trial Vehicle Suitability NODRIPFEED=Disable Dripfeeding NODRIPFEED_H=Allows you to spawn, drive, and buy new DLC vehicles before they're available to legit plebs. NEMTYNTFY=Disable Empty Notifications EMTYNTFY=Empty Notification BST=Bull Shark Testosterone (BST) GETBST=Get BST RMBNTY=Remove Bounty QWQPROG=Quick Progress ! Don't translate this if it doesn't help the user recognise the option; I assume most menu users know it as Recoveries. QWQPROG_H=Aka. "Recoveries". GIVECOLL=Give Collectibles GIVECOLL_0=Movie Props GIVECOLL_1=Hidden Caches GIVECOLL_2=Treasure Chests GIVECOLL_3=Radio Antennas GIVECOLL_4=Media USBs GIVECOLL_5=Shipwrecks GIVECOLL_6=Buried Stashes GIVECOLL_8=Jack O' Lanterns GIVECOLL_9=LD Organics Merchandise GIVECOLL_10=Junk Energy Skydives GIVECOLL_16=Snowmen GIVECOLL_17=G's Cache ! Tags as in graffiti GIVECOLL_19=Los Santos Tags GIVECOLLE=Give Collectible GIVECOLLE_NCEO=Give Collectible (Not My Boss) CEOPAY=CEO Money Loop CEOPAY_H2=Gives associates and bodyguards some decent pay. The recipients don't have to be your associates or bodyguards. PLYRP=Give RP PLYRP_H=Gives the player a bunch of RP. Can be used multiple times. ! "Drop" as in "drop it on the floor so that they may pick it up", might just be best translated like "give" PLYCFIG=Drop Casino Figurines PLYCFIG_H=Can be used to give RP and cash. ! "Drop" as in "drop it on the floor so that they may pick it up", might just be best translated like "give" PLYCRDS=Drop Playing Cards PLYCRDS_H=Can be used to give RP and casino chips. ! "Drop" as in "drop it on the floor so that they may pick it up", might just be best translated like "give" PLYSNK=Drop P's & Q's PLYEXPAMMO_H=Works best in close proximity. OTR=Off The Radar MNTLS=Mental State MNTL=Set Mental State MNTL_T=Your mental state is now at {}. :) LCKMNTL=Lock Mental State MNTLPULS=Pulsating Mental State MNTLPULS_H=Oscillates the mental state that is indicated by your blip colour. CLUBPOP=Set Nightclub Popularity CLUBPOP_P=Nightclub Popularity CLUBPOP_L=Lock Nightclub Popularity RNK=Rank SETLVL=Set Rank GEN_T_NEWSESS=You'll need to join a new session for the change to apply. :) ! Refering to any number of possible targets. GEN_T_NEWSESS_O=They'll need to join a new session for the change to apply. :) FSTRUN=Fast Run Ability ABILOPT=Obtain ABILUNL=Unlearn BADSPORT=Bad Sport Status RELINQ=Relinquish UNLKS=Unlocks STATEDIT=Stat Editor STAT_STR_LABEL=This expects a label. STAT_STR_RID=This expects a Rockstar ID. STAT_KD=K/D Editor STAT_POP=Popular Stats STAT_RAW=Raw Stats STAT_WARN=Do not play with the values here unless you're certain what they are and that you're setting them properly. STAT_YEAR=Year STAT_MONTH=Month STAT_DAY=Day STAT_HOUR=Hour STAT_MINUTE=Minute STAT_SECOND=Second STAT_MILLISECOND=Millisecond KDEDIT=K/D KDEDIT_H=The algorithm R* uses for this is different in some areas of the game, thus the value might be slightly off depending on where you look. TOTAL_RACES_WON=Races Won TOTAL_RACES_LOST=Races Lost TOTAL_DEATHMATCH_WON=Death Matches Won TOTAL_DEATHMATCH_LOST=Death Matches Lost TOTAL_TDEATHMATCH_WON=Team Death Matches Won TOTAL_TDEATHMATCH_LOST=Team Death Matches Lost STAT_WAIT=Loading stats, please wait... UNLKALL=Unlock All UNLKALL_H=For when you want the unlocks below all at once. UNLKONL=Unlock GTA Online (Skip Prologue) UNLKALLACHIV=Unlock All Achievements RVLMAP=Reveal Entire Map OVRDPROBNS=Override Pre-Order Bonus FREEORB=Unlock Free Orbital Cannon Shot GNDRCHNG=Unlock Gender Change GNDRCHNG_H=Allows you to change your character's gender using Style > Change Appearance in the interaction menu. GNDRCHNG_T=You may now use Style > Change Appearance in the interaction menu to finalise your transition. :D LVRIES=Unlock Exclusive Liveries LVRIES_T=Exclusive liveries have been unlocked. :D RSRCH=Unlock Bunker Research RSRCH_T=Bunker research has been unlocked. :D UNLKOSA=Unlock Kosatka For Purchase H3CLTH=Unlock Casino Heist Clothing AWCLTH=Unlock Arena War Clothing CLTH_T=Clothing has been unlocked. :D UNLKSR=Unlock Bunker Shooting Range Rewards UNLKSR_H=Unlocks the rewards for completing all 3 tiers of the shooting range including increased capacity for throwables. UNLKSR_T=Bunker Shooting Range rewards have been unlocked. :D AWDS=Unlock Awards AWDS_H=Gives you plenty of awards including clothing and tatoos they unlock. VEHCUST=Unlock Vehicle Customisations UNLKAMUTINTS=Unlock Ammu-Nation Tints UNLKAMUTINTS_H=Unlocks the Army, Green, Orange, & LSPD tints for all applicable weapons. FLLSTATS=Max Character Stats FLLSTATS_H=Maxes your Stamina, Strength, Shooting, Stealth, Flying, Driving, & Lung Capacity stats. VWRPTSTAT=View Report Stats CMEND=Commendation CMENDT=Notify On Commendation CMENDT_H=Gives you a notification when someone commends you for being helpful or friendly. CMENDT_T={player} commended you for {reason}. :D ESTAT_0=being helpful ESTAT_1=being friendly PLYISE=Increment Commend/Report Stats ISE_H=Helpful ISE_F=Friendly RPRPT=Report ISE_G2=Griefing or Disruptive Gameplay ISE_X2=Cheating or Modding ISE_B2=Glitching or Abusing Game Features ISE_TC_A=Text Chat: Annoying Me ISE_TC_H=Text Chat: Using Hate Speech ISE_VC_A=Voice Chat: Annoying Me ISE_VC_H=Voice Chat: Using Hate Speech ISE_VG=Violent or Gory Content ISE_ONC=Offensive Player Name or Content STAT_OFFENSIVE_LANGUAGE=Offensive Language STAT_OFFENSIVE_TAGPLATE=Offensive Tagplate STAT_OFFENSIVE_UGC=Offensive Content STAT_BAD_CREW_NAME=Bad Crew Name STAT_BAD_CREW_MOTTO=Bad Crew Motto STAT_BAD_CREW_STATUS=Bad Crew Status STAT_BAD_CREW_EMBLEM=Bad Crew Emblem STAT_IS_CHEATER=Is Cheater STAT_WAS_I_BAD_SPORT=Was Bad Sport STAT_IS_HIGH_EARNER=High Earner YES=Yes NO=No PLYHIST=Player History PYLFND_H2=Allows you to find players in your history using name, Rockstar ID, and note. PLYNOTE=Note PLYNOTE_T=The note remains unchanged. PLYNOTED=Noted Players HIST_KEEP_NTE=Keep Noted AGGREGS=Aggregations 1SEEN=First Seen LSEEN=Last Seen CPYNME=Copy Name CPYRID=Copy Rockstar ID PLYHIST_DEL_E=Can't delete the entry of a player who's currently in your session. CONFAIL=Failed to connect. SPF=Spoofing NSPFD=Not Spoofed SPFUPD=You will need to rejoin the session or join a new session for others to see the change. :) SPFNME_D=Name Spoofing SPFDNME=Spoofed Name HRD=Hard SFT=Soft SPFNMEFRMHST=Get Random Name From Player History SPFPRST=Name & RID Spoofing Presets YTRS=Youtubers RSEMPS=Rockstar Employees SPFHT_D=Host Token Spoofing SPFHT_H=Allows you to change your host token. Lower values improve your position in the host queue. SPFHT_W=Note that any given host token can only be used by one player in any session, and values that are too low may be detected by other modders. SPFDHT=Spoofed Host Token SPFDHTPRST_0=Handicap SPFDHTPRST_1=Sweet Spot SPFDHTPRST_2=Aggressive AKCKHST=Kick Host When Joining As Next In Queue SPFSESS=Session Spoofing HDESESS=Hide Session HDESESS_H=Cloaks your session for anyone trying to track, join, or spectate you. HDESESS_H_CPY=Note: You currently have "Copy Session Info" enabled which takes precedence over "Hide Session". Check your Player History Aggregations. HDESESS_NX=Non-Existent Session FF=Fake Friend TRK_FF=Enabled + Fake Friend TRK_FF_H=Also adds this player to the in-game friends list. MARKASFF=Mark As Fake Friend UMARKASFF=Unmark As Fake Friend CPYSESS=Copy Session Info CPYSESS_H=Effectively makes you act as a redirect to this person for anyone trying to track, join, or spectate you. CPYSESS_F=Copying Session Info From WHTJOIN=Whitelist Join ! For reference, "Block Joins From Anyone" is BJ_ALL_A WHTJOIN_H=This will allow them to bypass any join-blocking mechanisms you have in place, excluding "Block Joins From Anyone" & player-specific reactions. SESSTYP=Session Type SESSTYP_H=The session type seen by anyone trying to track you. NVLD=Invalid SPFHST=Host Spoofing SPFDHST=Spoofed Host YOU=You SPFCRW=Crew Spoofing SPFCRW_ID_H=This determines which emblem will be shown. Must be non-zero to show your crew tag. NCRW=No Crew CPY2SPFCRW=Copy To Crew Spoofing SPFCRWMINE=Copy From My Crews SPFRNK_D=Rank Spoofing SPFRNK_H=Allows you to change the rank other players see on you in the player list. SPFDRNK=Spoofed Rank SPFKD=K/D Spoofing SPFDKD=Spoofed K/D SPFPOS=Position Spoofing SPFDPOS=Spoofed Position PLYMGNT=Player Magnet PLYMGNT_H=This will accelerate how quickly your session becomes populated by other players. STRMSPF=Spoof Other Players' Names HIDEPLIST=Hide From Player List HIDEPLIST_H=Hides you from the game's HUD player list. PHNSPF=Phone Mode Spoofing PHNSPF_0=Not Using Phone PHNSPF_1=Calling PHNSPF_2=Texting PHNSPF_3=Recording RIDTOOLS=Rockstar ID Tools N2R_I=That's an invalid name. :? N2R_Q=Looking for that player's RID... N2R_E=Failed to find an RID for that name. :? R2N_Q=Looking for that player's name... R2N_E=Failed to find a name for that RID. :? PLYINV=Invite To Session INV_N=Invite To Session By Name INV_R=Invite To Session By RID PLYINV_E=It is not possible to send invites for this type of session. :/ PLYPRFL=Open Profile PRFL_N=Open Profile By Name PRFL_R=Open Profile By RID JOIN2=Join JOIN_N=Join Session By Name JOIN_R=Join Session By RID ! Join methods JM_N=Ninja Method JM_F=Friend Method JM_M=Matchmaking Method ! I mean "Nuts" as a covert way of saying crazy, just translate it as "Crazy" if you can't be sly. JM_NUTS=Nuts Method JOIN_T_A=You are already in this session. JOIN_T_N=This player is currently not in a GTA Online session. :/ PLYOFFLINE=This player is currently offline. :/ PLYSPEC=Spectate SPEC=Spectate Player SPEC_N=Spectate Player By Name SPEC_R=Spectate Player By RID NAMKICK=Kick By Name RIDKICK=Kick By RID LGTM=Legit Method RCTS=Reactions JOINR=Player Join Reactions JOINT={} is joining HISTWJOINR=Players With Join Reactions HIST_KEEP_JRE=Keep Players With Join Reactions HISTWWHT=Players With Whitelisted Join HIST_KEEP_WHT=Keep Whitelisted HISTADD2=Add Player HISTADD=Add Player By Name HISTADDRID=Add Player By RID HOSTR=Host Change Reactions HOSTR_T={} is the host now SHR=Script Host Change Reactions SHR_T={} is the script host now VKR=Vote Kick Reactions VKR_A=Voting To Kick Anyone VKR_M=Voting To Kick Me VKR_T={player} is voting to kick {target} LLKR=Love Letter Kick Reactions LLKR_T={player} is love letter kicking {target} BOUNTYR=Bounty Reactions BOUNTYR_P={} placed a bounty on you for ${}. BOUNTYR_H=This doesn't apply when an NPC places a bounty on you. PTFXSPAMR=Particle Spam Reactions PTFXSPAMR_H=Not always malicious, but can drop your FPS. LEAVET=Player Leave Notifications LOGLEAVE_T={} left LR=Player Leave Reasons LR_H=Note that the conclusions Leave Reasons comes to may be inaccurate as this feature can not be implemented non-heuristically. LR_WHERE=Where LR_WHAT=What LR_N={player} left normally LR_SN=Show "Left Normally" LR_Q={player} closed the game LR_SQ=Show "Closed The Game" LR_B={player} was blocked from joining LR_SB=Show "Was Blocked From Joining" LR_T={player} timed out LR_DL={player} timed out trying to desync kick {other} LR_VK={player} was vote kicked LR_HK={player} was host kicked by {other} LR_SHK={player} was script host kicked by {other} LR_LL={player} was love letter kicked by {other} LR_K_B={player} was breakup kicked by {other} LR_K_O={player} was orgasm kicked LR_FMD={player} left due to freemode death LR_FMDC={player} crashed after a freemode death ! "Quit To Story Mode" is QTSP LR_MOD={player} used mods to quit to story mode LR_BAN={player} was banned from GTA Online LR_U={player} left due to an unknown reason ({id}) ! The only substitute for {reason} is NETWORK_BAIL as of now LR_E={player} left due to {reason} AIM_MODE=Set Targeting Mode AIM_MODE_0=Assisted Aim - Full AIM_MODE_1=Assisted Aim - Partial AIM_MODE_2=Free Aim - Assisted AIM_MODE_3=Free Aim RMLDR=Remove "Transaction Pending" RMLDR_H=Removes any active loading indicator at the bottom right of your screen. CHTRMLDR=No "Transaction Pending" When Chatting CHTRMLDR_H=Removes loading indicators while you have the chat open. LVINT=Leave Current Interior FRCSVE=Force Cloud Save THDR=Thunder Weather THDR_ON=Enable Request THDR_OFF=Disable Request THDR_N=Notify On Request THDR_N_T={} requested thunder. RSTFM=Restart Freemode Script RJNSESS=Rejoin Session SLFDS=Be Alone SLFDS_H=Makes you the only one in your current session without disrupting anyone else's experience. SLR_N=No Leave Reason SLR_C=Left Due To Cheating HSTTLS=Host Tools SETSESSTYP=Set Session Type CLRBLKLST=Clear Blacklist CLRBLKLST_H=Allows people who were previously vote kicked to join again. SESSTYP_S=Solo SESSTYP_I=Invite Only SESSTYP_F=Closed Friend SESSTYP_CC=Closed Crew SESSTYP_C=Crew SESSTYP_P=Public CSTMVK=Custom Vote Kick Threshold CSTMVK_H=The amount of vote kicks required before you kick somebody. ! For reference: "I'll try to convince them to leave." is PLYKCK_T_C CSTMVK_MSG={} has exceeded your vote kick threshold. I'll try to convince them to leave. THRESHOLD=Threshold AUTOREJOIN=Automatically Rejoin Desynced Sessions AUTOREJOIN_H=Automatically rejoin sessions which you have been desynced from. AUTOREJOIN_MSG=Detected a session desync, attempting to rejoin... AUTOREJOIN_FAIL=Failed to rejoin your last session. :( QTSP=Quit To Story Mode QTSPF=Force Quit To Story Mode QTSPF_H=Restarts all game systems, then loads you into story mode. NDLYXPS=Disable Daily Expenses OCWS=Open Chat When Scrolling OCWS_H=Fixes the fact that you can scroll the chat while it's closed by making it show up when scrolling. CHATAO=Always Open BBGS=Block Background Script BBGS_H=Blocks execution of the background script which Rockstar uses to tease new DLCs but also to cause complications for modders. ADMDLC=Rockstar Admin DLC ADMDLC_H2=Unlocks exclusive clothing and Social Club TV. HUDTS=Thousands Separator For Money HUDTS_H=Adds a thousands separator to money values shown in the top right. FLLPLYLST=All Players In Player List FLLPLYLST_H=Shows all players in the in-game player list, ignoring Cayo Perico state. FMBNR2T=Freemode Banners To Notifications PHNANIM=Phone Animations PHNANIM_H2=Gives your character animations when using the phone. SPDUPDIAL=Speed Up Dialing NLSCBAR=Disable LSC Restrictions NLSCBAR_H=Allows you to enter Los Santos Customs with all vehicles, including unowned ones, and fully modify them. BLIPTAGS=Player Tags On Blips RSTHDSHT=Reset Ped Headshots RSTHDSHT_H=Fixes when the player list or notifications are having black squares instead of headshots. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Online > Transitions !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRNSS=Transitions SESSHOP=Session Hopper MINPLYS=Min Players MAXPLYS=Max Players SSS=Seamless Session Switching WRLDSTCNG=World State Change WRLDSTCNG_1=Deferred WRLDSTCNG_2=Deferred, Online Only WRLDSTCNG_3=Deferred, Story Mode Only WRLDSTCNG_T=Changing world state in {}... SPDUP=Speed Up TRNS_SPDUP_BRDCST=Don't Wait For Data Broadcast TRNS_SPDUP_FMMC=Don't Wait For Mission Launcher TRNS_SPDUP_SPWN=Don't Ask For Permission To Spawn TRNS_SPDUP_BESCRHST_H=This can help speed up your join, but will leave the session in a broken state, making no one able to join after you. JGRPOVRD=Join Group Override JGRPOVRD_H=Allows you to e.g. use a spectator slot to join an otherwise-full session without actually spectating. However, this may cause issues when joining jobs. ⚠️ JGRPOVRD_0=Spectator JGRPOVRD_1=Freemoder SSWPD=Skip Swoop Down SSWPD_H=Skips the slow camera descent when joining a session. TRNSHLP=Transition Helper TRNSHLP_H=Ensures that you don't get stuck in the clouds. UNSTK=Unstuck NSPWNACTY=Disable Spawn Activities NSPWNACTY_H=Prevents your character playing an animation after loading into a session. NDLCITRO=Disable DLC Intro Movie SHWTRNSTT=Show Transition State SHWARRSYNC=Show Array Sync Progress SHWARRSYNC_T=Freemode synced {}/{} arrays ({}%) SHWRSMSG=Show Rockstar Support Message GTAOSTUS_O=GTA Online service is currently {} GTAOSTUS_O_L=limited GTAOSTUS_O_D=down GTAOSTUS_M=Rockstar Support says "{}" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Online > Transitions > Matchmaking !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MM=Matchmaking MMREGION2=Region Override MMREGION=Region Australia=Australia Europe=Europe Asia=Asia Japan=Japan LATAM=Latin America REGION_NA=North America USA_East=USA, East USA_West=USA, West MMPOOLOVRD=Pool Override MMPOOL=Pool MMPOOL_NRM=Normal MMPOOL_CHEAT=Cheater MMPOOL_BADBOY=Bad Sport MMMGNT=Player Count Preference MMMGNT_H=Puts you in sessions with around the provided number of players. MMOFF_H=Disables matchmaking so that you no longer find preexisting public sessions. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Online > Session > Session Code !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SESSCODE=Session Code SESSCODE_T_X=This session invite code has expired. CODEJOIN=Join Session Via Code CODESPEC=Spectate Session Via Code ARGCODE=[code] CPYINVL=Copy Invite Link !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Session Scripts !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SESSSCRS=Session Scripts RUNSCR=Run Script RUNSCR_PREP=Preparing remote script execution... RUNSCR_RUN=Running {} script... RUNSCRS=Running Scripts PRTCPTS=Participants STRTINST=Start Instantly SESSSCRSTRT=Session Script Start SESSSCRSTRT_T={player} started {script} script. SESSSCRSTRT_ANY=Any Script SCRCAT_GRIEF=Session Breaking NOCAT=Uncategorised SCRCAT_FA=Freemode Activity SCRCAT_AG=Arcade Game SCRCAT_RFA=Removed Freemode Activity SCRCAT_SERV=Service SCRCAT_CUT=Cutscene SCRCAT_FA_P=Freemode Activities SCRCAT_AG_P=Arcade Games SCRCAT_RFA_P=Removed Freemode Activities SCRCAT_SERV_P=Services SCRCAT_CUT_P=Cutscenes SCRCAT_MISS_P=Missions SCR_FRCEPI=Open Interaction Menu SCR_PS=Flight School SCR_STRIKE=Lightning Strike For Random Player SCR_DPSSV=Disable Passive Mode SCR_DARTS=Darts SCR_IMPDM=Impromptu Deathmatch SCR_SLASHER=Slasher !! Session Scripts: Freemode Activities SCR_FE_BB=Business Battle SCR_FE_KL=Kill List SCR_FE_CPC=Checkpoint Collection SCR_FE_C=Challenges SCR_FE_PI=Penned In SCR_FE_PI_CI=Caged In SCR_FE_PTP=Hold the Wheel SCR_FE_HP=Hot Property SCR_FE_KOTC=King of the Castle SCR_FE_CD=Criminal Damage SCR_FE_HTB=Hunt the Beast !! Session Scripts: Challenges - Types SCR_FE_C_0=Longest Jump SCR_FE_C_1=Longest Freefall SCR_FE_C_2=Highest Speed SCR_FE_C_3=Longest Stoppie SCR_FE_C_4=Longest Wheelie SCR_FE_C_5=No Crashes SCR_FE_C_6=Lowest Parachute SCR_FE_C_7=Vehicles Stolen SCR_FE_C_8=Near Misses SCR_FE_C_9=Reverse Driving SCR_FE_C_10=Longest Fall Survived SCR_FE_C_11=Low Flying SCR_FE_C_12=Inverted Flying SCR_FE_C_13=Longest Bail SCR_FE_C_14=Fly Under Bridges SCR_FE_C_15=Headshot Kills SCR_FE_C_16=Driveby SCR_FE_C_17=Melee SCR_FE_C_18=Sniper Kills !! Session Scripts: Arcade Games SCR_AG_BRII=Badlands Revenge II SCR_AG_CAM=Camhedz SCR_AG_PUZ=QUB3D SCR_AG_RAC=Race and Chase SCR_AG_SM3=Space Monkey 3 SCR_AG_TWR=The Wizard's Ruin !! Session Scripts: Removed Freemode Activities SCR_FE_DD=Dead Drop SCR_RFA_HT=Moving Target SCR_OFM_PT=Plane Takedown SCR_OFM_DC=Distract Cops SCR_OFM_DV=Destroy Vehicle !! Session Scripts: Session Breaking SCR_FMINTRO=GTA Online Intro !! Session Scripts: Services SCR_SERV_A=Airstrike SCR_SERV_AD=Ammo Drop SCR_SERV_BH=Helicopter Backup SCR_SERV_IBH=Helicopter Backup (Cayo Perico) SCR_SERV_BT=Boat Pickup SCR_SERV_HT=Helicopter Pickup !! Session Scripts: Options on running scripts SCORE=Score !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Player Bar !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PBAR=Player Bar HDEIF=Hide If PBAR_HI_1=Player List Is Visible PBAR_HI_2=XP Bar Is Visible PBAR_ALNE=Show Even If Alone SHWTGS=Show Tags HDEPNTG=Hide Players With No Tags DFLTCLR=Default Colour TGCLRS=Tag Colours UCLR=Use Colour !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Online > Chat !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHT=Chat PRFNTY=Bypass Profanity Filter PRFNTY_H=Allows you to swear in chat without it being censored for others. HTML=Bypass Character Filter HTML_H=Allows you to use naughty characters like < and > in chat. ONLYTEAM=In Team Chat MSGFILTBP=Bypassed Message Filter CHTSPM=Chat Spam CHTLG=Log Chat Messages TBCMPLT=Type Out Player Names TBCMPLT_H=Completes player names for you when you press the assigned hotkey whilst drafting a chat message. PSTE=Paste In Chat Message PSTE_H=Pastes text from your clipboard when you press the assigned hotkey whilst drafting a chat message. TPNGIDCTR2=Typing Indicator TPNGIDCTR_H=Shows a typing indicator like in Discord when other players are typing. TPNGIDCTR_1={a} is typing... TPNGIDCTR_M={} are typing... TPNGPOS_C=Closed Chat Position TPNGPOS_O=Open Chat Position SNDMSG=Send Message ITEAMCHT=In Team Chat TEXT=Text ARGTXT=[text] SPAM=Spam SPAM_H=Friendly reminder that our terms of service prohibit mass advertising, and engaging in such will result in a suspension of your account. INTVAL_MS=Interval (ms) LOCHIST=Add To Local History LOCHIST_H_SPAM=In case you also want to be spamming on your end. FRCSEND=Send All Chat Messages FRCSEND_H=Turns the chat box into an interface for the "Send Message" command, making your messages network consistently. FRCRECV=Show All Chat Messages FRCRECV_H2=Forces the game to show all received chat messages in the chat box, regardless of who sent it. TIMESTAMP_MS=Timestamp In Messages OWOMYMSGS=OwO-ify My Chat Messages OWOMYMSGS_H=OwO-ifies your outgoing messages. Note that you won't see a difference locally. SENDPM=Send Private Message SENDPM_H=Sends a chat message that only this player and you can see. CHATSING=Sing In Chat CHATSING_H=Sings the song in your %appdata%/Stand/Song.lrc. NTPNGIDCTR=Suppress Typing Indicator NTPNGIDCTR_H=Makes other players unable to see when you're drafting a chat message. PTX_TYPNGSTRT=Start Typing Event PTX_TYPNGSTOP=Stop Typing Event !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Online > Chat > Commands !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CMDS=Commands CMDS_H=Process chat messages with the chosen prefix like commands for Stand's command box but note that most commands aren't available for other players. PFX=Prefix REPLPFX=Reply Prefix REPLYVIS=Reply Visibility EVERYONE=Everyone ISSUER_N_ME=Issuer & Me ISSUER=Issuer NOONE=Nobody ON4M=Enabled For Me 4F=For Friends 4C=For Crew Members 4T=For Team Chat 4T_H=E.g., your CEO/MC members. 4S=For Strangers ! When a friend or stranger tries to kick or crash the Stand user SLFHRM_O=Don't bite the hand that feeds you. ;) CMDBXDCS=Command Box Documentation CMDLST=Command List !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Online > Chat > Reactions !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHT_ANY=Any Message CHT_ANY_G=Chat Message CHT_SPF=Spoofed Message CHT_AD=Advertisement !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Online > Session Browser !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SESSBRWS=Session Browser NFLTR=Don't Filter MREFLTR=More Filters SESSBRWS_FLTR_AST_H=If enabled, only sessions matching your current asset hashes will be shown. You may spoof your checksums for a sort of "private matchmaking." NHKNADS=Not Hosted By Known Advertiser RFRSH=Refresh SESSS=Sessions HSTPRF=View Host's Profile LSESSDETS=Getting session details... RM_PROMPT=Request Member List RM_CONFIRMED=Requesting Member List... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Online > Request Services !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REQSRV=Request Services AIRSTRK=Request Airstrike AIRSTRK_H=Gives you a flare and spawns a Merryweather jet ready to bomb at the flare's location. AM_AMMO_DROP=Request Ammo Drop AM_BOAT_TAXI=Request Boat Pickup AM_HELI_TAXI=Request Helicopter Pickup AM_HELI_TAXI_0=Maverick AM_HELI_TAXI_1=Supervolito AM_BACKUP_HELI=Request Helicopter Backup REQNANO=Request Nano Drone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Online > ATM !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ATM=ATM AUTODEPO=Auto Deposit Wallet WLTHPPR_T=Transferred ${} from your wallet to bank. :) WTHDRW=Withdraw !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! SC DM Notifications !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SCDMT=Social Club DM Notifications SCDMT_T=SC DM from {sender}: {text} ! Those thingies in the top-right corner of the screen. SCNOTIF=Social Club Notification !!!!!!!!!!!! !! CEO/MC !! !!!!!!!!!!!! CEO=CEO/MC NOCEO={} is not in an organisation or motorcycle club. CMDNBOSS=This command is only available when you're a VIP, CEO, or president. GEN_H_BOSS=This will only take effect when you're the VIP, CEO, or president. CEOKICK=CEO/MC Kick CEOKICK_E=Sorry, it's only possible to kick members of a CEO/MC. MISSIONEVT=Start Freemode Mission MISSIONEVT_NCEO=Start Freemode Mission (Not My Boss) INTTPEVT=Teleport To Interior INTTPEVT_NCEO=Teleport To Interior (Not My Boss) CEOAPPEAL=Remove CEO/MC Ban CEOJOIN=Join CEO/MC CEOJOIN_T=Attempting graceful join... CEOJOIN_E=Falling back to forced join. CEOTYP=Change Type CEOTYP_H=Changes your organisation into a motorcycle club or vice-versa. CEOCAP=Disable Member Limit CEOCOL=Colour Slots CEOCOL_H=Allocated to {}'s organisation. ORGCR_S=Register As A CEO/VIP ORGCR_M=Start A Motorcycle Club !!!!!!!!!! !! Game !! !!!!!!!!!! ! "Snake" refers to the classic game SNAKE=Snake SNAKE_1=During Session Transition SNAKE_C=Close Stand so you can play Snake with your menu navigation keys PONG_C=Close Stand so you can control Pong with your menu navigation keys INVSEND_PONG=Invite To Pong INVRECV_PONG=Accept Pong Invite INVRECV_PONG_T={player} has invited you to play Pong. Use Players > {player} > Accept Pong Invite to accept. INVSENT=Waiting for {} to accept your invitation CNLINV=Cancel Invite CNLGME_PONG=Cancel Pong Game GETREADY=Get Ready! PLYGMECNCLT={} has cancelled the game. T_M_C=Remove Notifications Above Minimap SKPCTSCN=Skip Cutscene TMSCL=Time Scale TMSCL_H=Changes the speed of time itself *locally*. AIMTMSCL=Aim Time Scale AIMTMSCL_H=Changes the speed of time itself *locally* while you're aiming. SCRNSHT=Screenshot Mode RWND=Rewind Position RWND_H2=Go back in time by pressing the assigned hotkey or special ability on controller. UNRSTRCAM=Unrestrict Gameplay Camera UNRSTRCAM_H=Allows you to move the gameplay camera in a full 360° circle. FC=Freecam FC_H=Allows you to basically take the camera anywhere you want. FC_DTP=Teleport On Disable FC_DTP_H=Teleports your character to the camera's location when you turn freecam off. FC_NZ=Movement Ignores Pitch FC_NZ_H=Disables forward and backward movement affecting height depending on where you're looking. FC_MF=Minimap Follows Freecam MOVCTRL=Movement Controls MOVCTRL_FC=Switches your movement inputs between your freecam and character EDTHCLR=Edit HUD/UI Colours EDTLB=Edit Labels ADDLB=Add Label ADDLB_H=Adds a label to the list which will allow you to edit it. ADDLB_E=Unfortunately, {} is not a valid label. :/ RVLLB=Reveal Labels RVLLB_H=Stops in-game text labels from being resolved and instead shows the label. OWOLB=OwO-ify Labels LBLST=Label List EDIT=Edit ! {} should be at the end as it could be very long RESET=Reset to {} REMOVE=Remove FOV=Field of View FOV_TP_VEH=Third-Person, In Vehicle FOV_TP_ONF=Third-Person, On Foot FOV_FP_VEH=First-Person, In Vehicle FOV_FP_ONF=First-Person, On Foot FOV_AIM=Aiming FOV_SNIP=Sniping CAMDIST=Camera Distance Multiplier 2PRSN=2nd Person Perspective ! "Heading" as in the rotation CAMPUKE=Lock Gameplay Camera Heading RDRG=Rendering VISSTTNGS=Visual Settings NITEV=Night Vision THERV=Thermal Vision SHDR=Shader Override DSTSCLMUL=Distance Scaling RDRHDOLY=Render HD Only POTAT=Potato Mode POTAT_H=Restores the game's original 2013 graphics. BLKALLDRW=Mostly Disable Rendering LKSTRMFCS=Lock Streaming Focus LKDPOS=Locked Position SELPOS_T=Once you've selected a position, press {} to commit it. SGMELNG=Set Game Language SGMELNG_H=Some languages have a different font which only gets loaded after a game restart. STUTFIX=Fix Stuttering At High FPS STUTFIX_H=Fixes the stuttering that occurs when the game approaches 188 FPS. NKBDHK=Disable Keyboard Hook NKBDHK_H=Allows you to press the Windows key with GTA focused and stops game lag resulting in keystroke lag. DBGNTVS=Override Debug Natives DBGNTVS_H=Implements and overrides the debug natives which are still used in some of the game's scripts. ! As in "Software Patch" PTCHS=Patches PRJTPOOL=Projectile Pool PTCH_PRJTPOOL_H=Instead of refusing to spawn new projectiles when the projectile pool is full, this patch will delete the oldest projectile. ANAL=Analogue Keyboard Support ANAL_H=If you have a supported analogue keyboard, this makes the game understand how strongly you are pressing your keys. ANAL_L=Supported Keyboards PRSRSUB=Pressure Subtrahend PRSRDIV=Pressure Divisor DEV=Device PRSR=Pressure EJ=Early Inject Enhancements EJ_H=Game enhancements that will be applied if Stand is injected as the game starts. GMEPOOL=Game Pools Size Multiplier GMEPOOL_H=Multiplies the size of pools for entities, script resources, etc. Also increase memory pool size to avoid "out of memory" errors. Attempting to make a replay recording with modified game pools will crash the game. MEMPOOL=Memory Pool Size (MB) SETHIPRIO2=Set Game To High Priority SPDUPSTRUP=Speed Up Startup SKPGMEITR2=Skip Intro & License SVMR=Use Script VM Reimplementation SVMR_H=Replaces the game's script runtime with a slightly more optimised version. ! Legacy as in "the old way" LGCY=Legacy YEET_W=To clarify, this will crash your game. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Game > Radio !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RD=Radio MBLRD=Mobile Radio MBLRD_H=Enables listening to the radio while on foot. LKRD=Lock Radio Station LKRD_H=Disallows any changes to the radio station by the game or other players. RDSTS=Radio Stations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Game > Disables !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DBLES=Disables DGMEINPT=Disable Game Inputs ! Preset for Disable Game Inputs JUSTMOUSE=Mouse DGMEINPT_H_MOUSE=Disables most game inputs while Stand is opened. ! Preset for Disable Game Inputs CTRLLR=Controller DGMEINPT_H_CTRLLR=Disables a few game inputs while Stand is opened. ! Preset for Disable Game Inputs CTRLLR_N_TABS=Controller + Tabs DGMEINPT_H_CTRLLR_N_TABS=Same as "Controller" but also disables vehicle acceleration and brake inputs. DGMEINPT_H_NUMPAD=Enables all game inputs. DGMEINPT_P=Would you like to use the {preset} Preset for {disable_game_inputs_path} to disable conflicting game inputs while Stand is open? DSBLPHNE=Straight To Voicemail DSBLPHNE_H=Blocks all incoming phone calls. NCAMSHK=Disable Camera Shake NSTNTJMP=Disable Stunt Jumps DSBLREC=Disable Recordings DSBLREC_H=Disables your ability to capture Rockstar Editor clips. NCINCAM=Disable Cinematic Camera NVEHFCSCAM=Disable Vehicle Focus Camera NVEHFCSCAM_H=Disables the hint camera when you press the cinematic camera button while in a vehicle near a friendly player, etc. NIDLECAM=Disable Idle Camera DSBLRESTRAR=Disable Restricted Areas DSBLRESTRAR_H=This might cause you to have no weapons in missions or even cause you to fail to load into missions. ⚠️ NFLTMSC=Disable Flight Music NWNTMSC=Disable Wanted Level Music PRVNUM7SCO=Prevent Numpad 7 Opening Social Club !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Game > Info Overlay !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HUDINFO=Info Overlay IGTIME=In-Game Time RWTIME=Real-World Time DPS=Draws Per Second GPUOVHD=GPU Overhead (ms) GPUOVHD_H=How many milliseconds your CPU is waiting for your GPU to finish the frame. TS=Ticks Per Second TS_H=Equal to frames per second. GEAR=Gear GEAR_R=Reverse RPM=RPM HQSA=Host Queue Factor HQSA_0=Lowest Rockstar ID HQSA_1=Highest Rockstar ID HQSA_2=Lowest Name Hash HQSA_3=Highest Name Hash WSPCW=Who's Spectating Who WSPCW_T={spectator} is spectating {spectatee} CTRYBRKDWN=Country Breakdown CTRYBRKDWN_H=Shows all countries of players in the session with the amount of players next to each country. NEPOOL=Outgoing Network Events SRTBYCTRYNME=Sort By Country Name SRTBYCNT=Sort By Count ALTDE=Altitude GRNDIST=Ground Distance ROT_ENT=Rotation (Entity) ROT_CAM=Rotation (Camera) ROT_X=Pitch ROT_Y=Roll ROT_Z=Yaw PEDS=Pedestrians VEHS=Vehicles OBJS=Objects PUPS=Pickups PROJ=Projectiles SCPROG=Script Programs SCTHDS=Script Threads EHLT=Entity Handles Last Tick NGILT=Natives GTA Invoked Last Tick NSILT=Natives Stand Invoked Last Tick CTRLREQS=Control Requests FIBS=Fibers STH=Script Tick Handlers PRSNTHDLS=Draw Handlers ! "Keep-Alive" may be kept as-is, as it's a rather technical term/concept. KACONS=Keep-Alive Connections !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Game > Minimap !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MINIMAP=Minimap SLEEK=Sleek Minimap DNWINVI=Disable New Invites Indicator DNWINVI_H=Disables the new invites indicator next to the map and on the Job List app. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Game > AR Notifications !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARNOTIFS=AR Notifications DBGMODE=Debug Mode STATSCLE=Static Scale DYNSCLE=Dynamic Scale DYNSCLG=Dynamic Scaling HOROFF=Horizontal Offset VERTOFF=Vertical Offset DPHOFF=Depth Offset FPHOROFF=First Person Horizontal Offset FPVERTOFF=First Person Vertical Offset FPDPHOFF=First Person Depth Offset RESVRDTOPSPC=Reserved Top Space ROTMODE=Rotation Mode ARNOTIFS_ROTMODE_0=Entity ARNOTIFS_ROTMODE_1=Entity, Including Pitch ARNOTIFS_ROTMODE_2=Camera ARNOTIFS_ROTMODE_3=Camera, Including Pitch ENSTXTREAD=Ensure Text Readability !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Stand > Credits !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CRED=Credits CRED_Pocakking=Created BigBaseV2, which was a great starting point. CRED_QuickNET=Shared his knowledge of GTA and C++ and answered stupid questions. CRED_UPD=Helped keep the menu up-to-date by sharing crossmaps. CRED_alloc8or=Maintains his Native DB and shared lots of useful data. CRED_SirMestre=Created LittleInjector, which helped with creating the Launchpad. CRED_Give-Two=Created a ScriptHookV implementation, which helped with DirectX rendering. CRED_gir489=Shared his knowledge of GTA and created bigbasev2-fix. ! Check the "Languages" section at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fork_(software_development) CRED_Ryan=Created Pluto, the fork of Lua that we use. CRED_BE=Helped with allowing you to use Stand despite BattlEye. CRED_UPX=Allows the Stand DLL to be smaller than it actually is. CRED_UnknownCheats=Diamonds in the mud. CRED_StackOverflow=Naturally. CRED_LANG=Translators CRED_Thimo=Maintains Stand's Dutch translation. CRED_moue=Maintains Stand's Lithuanian translation. CRED_aeronyx=Maintains Stand's Portuguese translation. CRED_zzzz=Maintains Stand's Chinese translation. CRED_IceDoomfist=Maintains Stand's Korean translation. CRED_99Anvar99=Maintains Stand's Russian translation. CRED_Lancito01=Maintains Stand's Spanish translation. CRED_Itreax=Maintains Stand's French translation. CRED_Emre=Maintains Stand's Turkish translation. CRED_DumbBird=Maintains Stand's Polish translation. CRED_JA=Maintains Stand's Japanese translation. CRED_VI=Maintains Stand's Vietnamese translation. CRED_IT=Maintains Stand's Italian translation. MISC=Miscellaneous CRED_YOU=... and you! CRED_YOU_H=Yes, you get a participation trophy. But seriously, thank you for supporting Stand, reporting bugs, and suggesting features! !!!!!!!!!!! !! Stand !! !!!!!!!!!!! CMDSCRPT=Command Box Scripts ASI=ASI Mods ASI_H=Allows you to use ASI mods with Stand's ScriptHookV implementation. ASICE=It seems like this ASI mod is not compatible or just finished its job really quickly. ASI_D_T=It seems like this ASI mod didn't unload properly. ASI_TMP=Use Temp Folder ASI_TMP_H=This allows you to restart ASI mods that don't support unloading, but might cause ASI mods to read/write configurations in the temp folder. ASI_DOC=Deceive Online Checks ASI_DOC_H=Allows you to use ASI mods that refuse to work when you're in Online. LUA=Lua Scripts LUA_H=Allows you to run scripts that were written for Stand in Lua and/or Pluto. LUA_RNNG2=Running {} LUA_START=Start Script LUA_STOP=Stop Script CMPTLY=Compatibility Layer CMPTLYS=Compatibility Layers RESTRCS=Restrictions LUA_REPODEV=You're modifying a script that was installed via the repository, so beware that your changes will be overwritten by the next update of the script. FILEGON=File no longer exists. LUACFGPRST_0=User ! Currently unused. LUACFGPRST_1=Easily-Annoyed User LUACFGPRST_2=Developer DEVHINT=It looks like you're developing a Lua script. Consider using the developer preset in Lua Scripts > Settings so you will know about potential issues. DISINACC=Disable Internet Access FRCSILNTSTRT=Force Silent Start FRCSILNTSTP=Force Silent Stop ENFRCSILNTSTRT=Enforce Silent Start ENFRCSILNTSTP=Enforce Silent Stop YES_NOTIFY=Yes + Notify WRNOS=Warn Me Before Running Dangerous Scripts LUA_W_OS=This script contains code that requests direct access to your system. Do not proceed if you don't trust its source. WRNMNY=Warn Me Before Running Money Scripts LUA_W_MNY=This script is money-related. We can not guarantee that your account won't be banned some time after using this script (because bans are delayed) as we do not perform safety tests on user-generated content. LUA_SCAM=If you paid for this script, YOU GOT SCAMMED! 99% of the content is freely available in our repository or on Discord. You paid scammers who rip it off, don't provide any further value, and don't pay the original creators. 4DEV=For Developers REPO=Repository REPO_H_LUA=The repository gives you easy access to a selection of lua scripts. REPO_P_H=You installed this from the repository. Stand will keep it up-to-date. REPO_MISNGLCL=Package {} is missing local files, performing an update to hopefully fix this. REPO_DLFAIL=Failed to download {file} for package {package} SECCONT_NCRED=To access this secured content, Stand needs to be activated. SECCONT_NAVAIL=Failed to access this secured content. VER=Version ATR=Author DEPS=Dependencies DEP_M_O=Dependency set as manually installed. DEP_M_F=Dependency no longer marked as manually installed. HELP=Get Help With Stand WEB2=Web Interface WEB2_H=The web interface allows you to use Stand from your browser, even on your smartphone. WEB=Open Web Interface WEB_T=You're using the web interface now. :O WEB_T_L=You're no longer using the web interface. RELAY_C=Connecting to {}... RELAY_E=Failed to connect to relay ({}). RELAY_L=Connection to relay lost. TESTS=Experiments CLRNOTIFS=Clear Notifications CLRNOTIFS_H=Clears Stand's notification system. EMPTYLOG=Empty Log.txt EMPTYLOG_H=Cleanses your %appdata%/Stand/Log.txt. EMPTYLOG_T=Log emptied :) FNDCMD=Find Command FNDCMD_H=Allows you to find commands in Stand by name and help text. CTXSTAR=Save CTXSTAR_H=Saves this command so you can find it in {}. CMDSTARS=Saved Commands CMDSTARS_H=Lists all commands you've saved using the respective option in the context menu. CON=Console LNDFT=Commands With Non-Default State ! In this case the file name actually changes per language, such that for German, it would be "Features (de).txt", etc. FTRLST=Generate Features (en).txt ! In this case the file name actually changes per language, such that for German, it would be "Features (de).txt", etc. FTRLST_H=Saves all currently available commands in %appdata%/Stand/Features (en).txt with their help text and syntax. ! In this case the file name actually changes per language, such that for German, it would be "Features (de).txt", etc. FTRLST_T=Saved feature list to %appdata%/Stand/Features (en).txt :D FTRLST_1OPTN=One Option FTRLST_OPTNS={} Options FTRLST_MOPTNS={} More Options PERMS=Permissions FTRLST_OTHP=Can be used by other players with the {} permission. FTRLST_R=Exclusive to the Regular Edition FTRLST_U=Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition PERM_F=Friendly Commands PERM_N=Neutral Commands PERM_S=Spawn Commands PERM_R=Rude Commands PERM_A=Aggressive Commands PERM_T=Toxic Commands UNLD=Unload Stand UNLD_H=Removes Stand from the game until you re-inject it. UNLD_T=Your Stand disappears. BADBOY=You've just tried to kick a fellow Stand User who did not do anything to deserve it. Please treat other people like how you would like to be treated by them. Your Stand will be available again in a few seconds. NWOOM=Network is out of memory for a peer. Remove the person attempting to kick you or leave the session. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! State & Profiles !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRFLS=Profiles PRFLS_H=Profiles allow you to save and load the state of all commands. NEWPRFL=Create Profile NEWPRFL_H=Save the state of every command to a new profile. DELPRFL_S=Successfully deleted the {} profile. DELPRFL_F=Failed to delete the {} profile. Try deleting the file manually. LOAD=Load LSTATE=Load State LSTATE_H_CTX2=Applies the state from your active profile to this command. LSTATE_H2=Applies the state from this profile for every command. LSTATE_T2=Applied state from {} profile. :) LSTATE_T_CTX2=Applied state from {profile} profile to {command}. :) SAVE=Save SSTATE=Save State SSTATE_H_CTX2=Saves the state of this command to your active profile. SSTATE_H2=Saves the state of every command to this profile. SSTATE_T2=Saved state to {} profile. :) SSTATE_T_CTX=Saved {command}'s state to {profile} profile. :) AUTOLOAD=Load On Inject AUTOSAVE2=Automatically Save AUTOSAVE2_H=Keeps this profile up-to-date as you use Stand. AUTOSAVE2_H_T=Auto-save will be re-enabled the next time you inject Stand. AUTOSAVE2_T=No need, this profile gets automatically saved. :) GODFLT=Apply Default State GODFLT_H=Resets all commands back to their default state. GODFLT_T=Applied default state. :) GODFLT_CTX=Applied default state to {}. :) RGODFLT=Apply Default State To Children RGODFLT_CTX=Applied default state to all children of {}. :) PRFL_H_ACTV=This is your active profile. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Stand > Appearance !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STTNGS_TXT=Font & Text STFNT=Set Font CMBINTXT=Command Box Input Text TXT_S=Small Text TXTSCL=Text Scale OFF_X=X Offset OFF_Y=Y Offset TXTBOX=Show Text Bounding Boxes FNTPRST=Use Preset Font FNTPRST_H_YAHEI=Stand's default font. FNTPRST_H_NANUMGOTHIC=Stand's auxiliary font for Korean. FNTPRST_H_BEVIETNAM=Stand's auxiliary font for Vietnamese. RLDFNT=Reload Font SPRS=Textures LFTBND=Leftbound LFTBND_1=Toggles Only LFTBND_1C=Toggles Only, Compact LFTBND_2=All Commands LFTBND_2C=All Commands, Compact RLDSPR=Reload Textures HDR=Header 2HIDE=Be Gone CUS=Custom FRMINT=Frame Interval SCRLBR=Scrollbar SCRLBR_1=Enabled For Big Lists LSTWDT=List Width LSTHHT=List Height WDT=Width HHT=Height SPCSZE=Spacer Size LERP=Smooth Scrolling BGBLR=Background Blur BGBLR_H=Note that higher values of this are extremely demanding of your GPU. HDR_BGBLR_H=Should only be enabled for headers with transparency because it would be a waste of resources to produce a visual effect that would be entirely hidden. INFOTXT=Info Text ALGN=Alignment TA=Text Alignment ALIGN_TL=Top Left ALIGN_TC=Top Centre ALIGN_TR=Top Right ALIGN_CL=Centre Left ALIGN_CC=Centre ALIGN_CR=Centre Right ALIGN_BL=Bottom Left ALIGN_BC=Bottom Centre ALIGN_BR=Bottom Right DRPSHDW=Drop Shadow SHWNME=Show Name SHWLICON=Show Icon Left SHWRICON=Show Icon Right ICUTXTCLR=Icons Use Text Colour ADDRBAR=Address Bar SHWCRLSTNLY=Show Current List Only ADDRSEP=Address Separator WDTAFFBSCRLBR=Width Affected By Scrollbar WDTAFFBCLMNS=Width Affected By Columns CTX_ADDR=Copy Address CTX_ADDR_0=My Format CTX_ADDR_1=Default Format CTX_ADDR_2=API Format CTX_ADDR_3=Focus Link BRD=Border RNDD=Rounded MAXCLMNS=Max Columns MNUHGT=Max Visible Commands CRS=Cursor SCRLGP=Scroll Gap CRSPAD_H=Sets the minimum amount of commands you will see below or above your selection unless you're at the beginning or end of a list. CMDINFOTXT=Command Info Text BLWTBS=Below Tabs RPOS_L=Left RPOS_B=Bottom RPOS_R=Right RPOS_T=Top ! As in the distance between menu components PDDGN=Padding SHWHLPTXT=Show Help Text SHWSYNTX=Show Command Syntax SHWSLDBHV=Indicate Slider Behaviour SHWOTHP=Indicate If Usable By Other Players SHWCMDOWNR=Show Owning Script SHWCMDOWNR_T=This command was added by {}. NOTFS=Notifications TYP=Type STNDNTF_M=Stand, Next To Map STNDNTF_C=Stand, Custom Position CUSTPOS=Custom Position CUSTPOS_H=This will only take effect with type set to "Stand, Custom Position". INVFLOW=Invert Flow BRDCLR=Border Colour FLSHCLR=Flash Colour FLSHNTF=Flash Notification TIMNG=Timing READSPD=Reading Speed (WPM) READSTRT=Reading Start Delay (ms) MINDUR=Min Duration (ms) MAXDUR=Max Duration (ms) SAMPNOT=Show Sample Notification SIZE_S=Small SIZE_M=Medium SIZE_L=Large MAXSHWMCHCMD=Max Shown Matching Commands KPDRFCLS=Keep Draft When Closed SHWBI=Show Button Instructions SHWCRSPOS=Show Cursor Position SHWCRSPOS_H=Toggles the visibility of the cursor position indicator at the top-right of Stand's in-game UI. CRSPOSIDIV=Cursor Position Includes Dividers ! Root as in the root of the command tree, which in this context is the text that reads "Stand 0.69 (Regular)" etc. RN=Root Name RN_RNDBOOL=Rep the team your Stand account was randomly assigned to. RN_100=For users of Stand 100(.x). RN_EA=For being a user before Stand 100. RN_U=For being an Ultimate Edition user. RN_EU=For wasting 100 euros on the early Ultimate/Toxic Edition. BKRST=Back Resets Cursor BKRST_H=Puts the cursor at the top of the list when back is pressed while there's nothing to go back to. BKCLS=Back Closes Menu BKCLS_H=Allows Stand's in-game UI to be closed by pressing back when there's nothing to go back to. INJOPEN2=Open After Injection PRFILVAL=Prefill Current Value For Command Box CMDTP_S=Sliders CMDTP_S_N=Number Sliders CMDTP_AV=Text Inputs SELDIV=Selectable Dividers SELNA=Selectable N/A Sliders RHTBNDVAL=Rightbound Value LANG=Language LANG_H=If you're unable to comprehend the language in which this text was written, change this maybe. LANG_H2=This translation is currently unmaintained. Get in touch if you think you could update it. STRMPRF=Stream-Proof Rendering STRMPRF_H=Prevents Stand being visible to streaming software, if it uses DirectX/game capture. ENTPREVS=Entity Previews DENTPREVS=Disable Entity Previews OPQ=Opaque ENTPREVROTSPD=Rotation Speed ADDPREVDISTP=Additional Character Distance ADDPREVDISTO=Additional Object Distance ADDPREVDISTV=Additional Vehicle Distance !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Stand > Settings !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CLRS=Colours KSPD=Key Repeat Interval KSPD_H=The interval at which your keyboard input is repeated while you're holding a key down. KHSPD=Key Long-Hold Repeat Interval KHSPD_H=The interval at which your keyboard input is repeated when you've held a key down for a while. TKSPD=Key Repeat Interval For Tabs WRPINTHLD=Interrupt Holding On Wrap-Around IPT=Input KSCHM=Keyboard Input Scheme PRSTS=Presets KSCHM_A=Flexible KSCHM_0=No Numpad KSCHM_1=Numpad KSCHM_1_E=Please first press any key on your numpad to prove that you have one. :? QWQCTX=Context Option Hotkeys MOUSE=Mouse Support MOUSE_H=Note that this does not work with the "Windows" input method due to it constantly centring your cursor. MOUSEFOCUS=Set Cursor Position On Non-Mouse Navigation MOVWTHMSE=Move With Mouse CTRLLRSPPRT=Controller Support CTRLLRSCHM=Controller Input Scheme HDENFO=Hide Information HDENFO_H=This can help you avoid showing sensitive information when screensharing Stand. RDCTD=[Hidden] HDENME=Hide Unspoofed Name HDENME_H=This refers to the name shown in the player information list and is unaffected by "Spoof Other Players' Names". HDERID=Hide Rockstar ID HDEIP=Hide IP Address HDEGIP=Hide GeoIP B_OC=Open/Close Menu B_OC_1=Open/Close Menu 1 B_OC_2=Open/Close Menu 2 B_RU=Previous Tab B_RD=Next Tab B_MU=Up B_MD=Down B_ML=Left B_MR=Right B_MC=Click B_MB=Back DISCRP=Discord Rich Presence CLRCMDS=Colour Commands PRVWCLRTXR=Preview Colour In Texture PRCWCLRLST=Preview Colour In List SFX=Sound Effects MNUNVRMD=Menu Navigation Reminders !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Stand > Settings > Session Joining !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SESSJNG=Session Joining SPCUCON=Speculative Connections SPCUCON_H=Attempts to speed up joining sessions via Stand by speculatively connecting to hosts and caching some data. AUTOCHNGTRGT=Automatically Change Targeting Mode AUTOCHNGTRGT_H=This only applies when joining sessions via Stand. Join methods without dialogs always do this. AUTOCHNGTRGT_T=Changed targeting mode to {}. AUTOCHNGTRGT_T_0=assisted aim AUTOCHNGTRGT_T_1=free aim REJBLK=Check If Join Will Succeed REJBLK_H=Aborts the join attempt if the host won't allow the join, e.g. because the session is full. REJBLK_T=The host does not seem to allow you to join right now. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Online > Tunables !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TNBL=Tunables TNBL_H=Allows you to enable some of the things Rockstar only enable for certain event weeks. NINSURPAY=Disable Insurance Payments NINSURPAY_H=Prevents you having to pay for insurance when destroying others' personal vehicles. TNBL_HLWN=Halloween Event TNBL_PYTE=Peyote Plants !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! World > Editor !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EDTR=Editor ROT_L=Rotate Left ROT_R=Rotate Right TOOLS=Tools TP2LKAT=Teleport To Where I'm Looking DELSPWD=Delete All Spawned FCSIMNU=Focus In Stand !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Asset Hashes !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AST=Asset Hashes ASTFIX=Fix Asset Hashes ASTFIX_H=Allows you to join sessions with modified assets, which would normally show an incompatible assets error. ASTCRC=Asset Checksum ASTSET=Set Asset Checksum ASTSET_H=Allows you to input a custom asset checksum (up to 8 hex digits) to restrict your matchmaking and sessions. ASTSET_T=Set your asset checksum to {}. ASTRST=Reset Asset Checksum OVRXTR=Override Extra Checksum XTRCRC=Extra Checksum XTRCRC_H=Allows you to input a custom extra checksum (up to 8 hex digits) to restrict your matchmaking and sessions. XTRCRC_PRSTS=Extra Checksum: Presets !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Custom DLCs !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CUSTDLC=Custom DLCs CUSTDLC_H=Allows you to load custom DLCs such as add-on vehicles with ease. ! Don't translate the folder names CUSTDLCS_OPNFLD=Opens the "Custom DLCs" folder, which you can treat like GTA's "dlcpacks" folder, except registering and loading DLCs here is as easy as one click. CUSTDLC_ETY=DLC has loaded, but no spawnable content was found. CUSTDLC_SPF=Spoof Models CUSTDLC_SPF_H=Spoofs models from custom DLCs to models that are actually in the game so that players without the custom DLC can still see something.