maybegreat48 0132075d1c
Netsync stuff (#5)
* feat(metric): add rlMetric

* fix(metric): serializer fix

* feat(tls): add tlsContext

* feat(fwEntity): add entity classes

* fix: add import

* fix(vector): constexpr ctors

* feat(ped): add CPed

* feat(sync): add sync nodes

* feat(netsync): add netSyncDataNode::IsActive

* feat(netsync): first node

* fix: make GetData accessible

* fix: make netSyncDataNode an abstract class

* fix(netsync): the compiler is too smart for its own good

* feat(netsync): add CObjectCreationData

* feat(netsync): add CPlayerAppearanceData

* feat(netsync): CVehicleCreationData

* feat(netsync): add CPickupCreationData

* feat(netsync): add CPhysicalAttachData

* feat(netsync): add CVehicleProximityMigrationData

* feat(netsync): add CPedTaskTreeData

* feat(network): add CScriptedGameEvent

2023-10-09 15:01:36 +02:00

53 lines
1.7 KiB

#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include "../rage/joaat.hpp"
#pragma pack(push, 8)
namespace rage
class datBitBuffer;
class netLoggingInterface;
class scrThread;
class scriptIdBase
virtual ~scriptIdBase() = default;
// Assumes the script thread's identity.
virtual void FromThread(scrThread*) {};
// Returns whether the hash of the script id is valid.
virtual bool IsValid() { return false; };
// Gets the hash of the script id.
virtual joaat_t* GetHash(joaat_t* out) { return 0; };
// Gets an unknown value from the script id.
virtual std::uint32_t* GetInstanceHash(std::uint32_t* out) { return 0; };
// Serializes the script id from the buffer.
virtual void Deserialize(datBitBuffer* buffer) {};
// Serializes the script id to the buffer.
virtual void Serialize(datBitBuffer* buffer) {};
// Calculates bitbuffer size.
virtual std::uint32_t CalculateSize() { return 0; };
// Calls _0x40 and returns its value added to another value. (packed size?)
virtual std::uint32_t CalculateSize2() { return 0; };
// Gets the hash of the script id again.
virtual joaat_t GetHash2() { return 0; }
// Copies the information of other to this object.
virtual void FromScriptId(scriptIdBase* other) {}
// Returns whether the other script id is equal.
virtual bool operator==(scriptIdBase*) { return false; };
virtual bool SameScriptHash(scriptIdBase*) { return false; };
#pragma pack(pop)