-absolutemodetimebars, "[profile] Start timebars off in absolute mode"); -actionscriptdebug, "calls SHOW_DEBUG when movies initialise"); -adapter,"[grcore] Use the specified screen adapter number (zero-based)"); -AdaptivedofReadback,"Disable adaptive dof"); -adDataLocalFile, "Local store advert data file"); -addGameplayLogOnBugCreation , "[debug] Enable automatic adding of gameplay logs when a bug is created"); -additionalBandwidthLogging, "[network] Log additional information about bandwidth usage"); -addsvframemarkers, "Add a SV marker for every time we switch to a new recorded frame"); -addTelemetryDebugTTY, "Output some data to the tty about where test metric data is sent from."); -aggressivecleanup, "Cleanup streamed objects at the first opportunity"); -aiWidgets,"[game] Create AI widget bank on game launch"); -allcutsceneaudio, "Allows the use of non-mastered cutscene audio"); -allowbackgroundinput, "[input] Force Accept keyboard and controller input when the process doesn't have focus."); -allowCutscenePeds,"[game] Allow cutscene peds to be created"); -allowgrowth, "[MEMORY] Allow video memory usage to grow beyond limits"); -allowResizeWindow,"[grcore] Allow the window to be rezised"); -altGameConfig, "Use alternative gameconfig xml"); -altLevelsXml, "use altLevels.xml for available level names, not level.xml"); -alwaysReloadPauseMenuXML, "Always Reload the Pause Menu XML when opening the menu"); -AMDContactHardeningShadows, "Use AMD contact hardening shadows"); -anguage, "Override system language (specify first letter, two-letter code, or full language name)"); -animpostfx_enable_metadata_preview, "When enabled, the AnimPostFX Manager will try to load from the export file instead of the platform data file."); -anisotropicQualityLevel, "[QUALITY SETTINGS] Set anisotropic Filter Quality Level (0-16)"); -applypreset, "Name of preset to apply"); -appname,"[bank] Visible name of the application."); -artdir, "Indicate where the art dir for the game is"); -asio, "[RAGE Audio] Use ASIO output, rather than XAudio2"); -asiobuffers, "[RAGE Audio] Number of 256-sample ASIO buffers to use"); -asiodeviceid, "[RAGE Audio] ASIO driver index to use"); -asiostartchannel, "[RAGE Audio] First ASIO output channel ID to use"); -askBeforeRestart, "Brings up a ready to restart message box before the game restarts."); -aspectratio,"Force a specific aspect ratio in format A:B"); -assertdynapooloverrun, "[atl] Assert if a dynapool switches to dynamic allocation"); -assertOnCanSaveFail, "[stat_savemgr] Enable asserts when saving during activity/transition."); -assertOnMissingSpeechContext,"Throw an assert if NewSay attempts to use a context that has no associated gameobject."); -assetsdir, "Indicate where the assets dir for the game is"); -ati,"[device_d3d] Sets ATI specific things"); -attachConsoleLogsToBugsInMP, "Attach console log file(s) in MP"); -audDisablePortalOcclusion, "Will disable portals for occlusion, and instead use probes / zones"); -audio, "[RAGE Audio] Enable audio."); -audiobuffers, "Set number of audio buffers, less is better for latency, more for lower end machines"); -audiodebugger, "[RAGE Audio] Connect to audiodebugger"); -audiodebuggerhost, "[RAGE Audio] Manually specify the remote audiodebugger host (defaults to rfs.dat IP)"); -audiodesigner, "Default audio designer command line; RAVE etc"); -audioDeviceCore,"Specify the core to run the audio on: 0->6. Default is 6. -1 means any core)"); -audiofolder, "Indicate where audio folder is"); -audiomem, "[Audio] write audio memory report"); -audioocclusion, "[RAGE Audio] Enable audio occlusion."); -audiooutputchannels, "[RAGE Audio] Number of output channels - 2 for stereo, 6 for 5.1"); -audiopack, "Indicate where audio packfile is"); -audiopacklist, "Override audio packlist location"); -audiotag, "Enable audio model tagging"); -audiotestslot,"[RAGE Audio] Allocates the wave slot called TEST"); -audiowidgets, "Turns on audio widgets by default"); -audNoUseStreamingBucketForSpeech, "Do not use the streaming bucket for scripted speech, and ambient speech triggered via script"); -audOcclusionBuildAssetsDir, "Specifies where the interior.pso.meta files live"); -audOcclusionBuildContinue, "Will continue an in progress audio occlusion build once the game has loaded"); -audOcclusionBuildEnabled, "Enable building occlusion"); -audOcclusionBuildList, "Build the list of interiors from the InteriorProxy pool and then stop"); -audOcclusionBuildStart, "Will kick off a new audio occlusion build once the game has loaded"); -audOcclusionBuildTempDir, "Specifies where the build tool temporary data lives which we read from in-game"); -audPhoneConvThroughPadSpeaker, "Play phone conversations through the ps4 controller speaker when in the car"); -AUTH_PASSWORD, "The Epic Games Launcher passes the exchange code via the -AUTH_PASSWORD= command line."); -AUTH_TYPE, "The Epic Games Launcher indicates usage of the exchange code via the -AUTH_TYPE=exchangeCode command line."); -autoaddPausemenuWidgets, "Automatically create the pausemenu widgets on startup"); -autocaptureCL, "Specify the CL used to generate this build"); -autocapturepath,"[system] Specify a path for the files stored by the automatic metrics capture"); -autodepthstencil, "[device_d3d] Automatically create depth/stencil buffers"); -automatedtest, "Tell us that an automated test is running"); -autoMemTrack, "Memvisualize, if running Automatically save a CSV Dump of all memory allocation after 60 frames of games."); -autopauseprofiler,"[profile] Pause the profiler automatically when the game is paused"); -autopausetimebars, "[profile] When game is paused also pause the timebars"); -autoreplaymarkup, "Enables Automatic Replay Marker Up"); -autoscreenshot,"[setup] Automatically starts to take screenshots."); -availablevidmem, "[MEMORY] Available video memory (MB)"); -availablevidmem, "[MEMORY] Percentage of available video memory"); -backtraceTestCrashEnable, "[startup] Causes a random crash during startup."); -backtraceTestCrashMax, "[startup] Maximum value for crash test counter (higher values result in later crashes, default is 1000)"); -backtraceTestCrashMin, "[startup] Minimum value for crash test counter (higher values result in later crashes, default is 1)"); -bankpipename,"[bank] alternate name of bank pipe"); -bb720pheight, "[grcore] back buffer height when running 720p"); -bb720pwidth, "[grcore] back buffer width when running 720p"); -benchmark,"Starts the benchmark test from the command line"); -benchmarkFrameTimes,"Optionally output the individual frame times from the benchmark"); -benchmarkIterations,"Specifies the number of iterations to run the benchmark for"); -benchmarknoaudio, "Disable audio processing for graphics benchmark purposes"); -benchmarkPass,"Specifies an individual benchmark scene test should be done, and which test that should be"); -bgscriptscloudfile, "Specifies cloud file"); -bgscriptsloadpack, "Specify a test BGScript pack to load, relative to platform:/data/bg/"); -bgscriptsnoCloud, "Don't request the BGScript Cloud file"); -bgscriptssimulateblock, "Ignore result of cloud request"); -bgscriptsusememberspace, "Specifies cloud file to use member space."); -bgscriptswindow, "Makes a window for the BG Script system.");) -bigframetime,"[setup] Draw frametime at twice size"); -blendoutdataenabled, "Enable blend out data capturing"); -BlockOnLostFocus, "[RenderThread] Block when game loses focus"); -blockuntilidle,"[grcore] Do a BlockUntilIdle after the Swap to avoid unexpected CPU stalls"); -borderless,"[grcore] Set main window to be borderless"); -breakonaddr,"[startup] Break on alloc address (in hex; stop when operator rage_new would have returned this address)"); -breakonalloc,"[startup] Break on alloc ordinal value - value in {braces} in debug output (use =0 first to stabilize allocations)"); -breakOnBoundsAdded, "Break when a bounds is added"); -breakOnBoundsRemoved, "Break when a bounds is removed"); -breakoncontext, "Break when a particular string appears in a context message"); -breakondeadlock, "[system] debugbreak when detecting critical section deadlock"); -breakonfile, "Break when a file containing the specified substring is opened"); -breakonname, "Break into the debugger whenever the specified name is added to a string map"); -breakpadMessagebox, "[breakpad] Show a messagebox when in the Breakpad crash handler, so a debugger can be attached."); -breakpadUrl, "[startup] Override URL to upload Breakpad dumps to"); -budget, "[debug] Display budget"); -bugAsserts, "Log bugs to bugstar"); -bugstardescpedvar, "[debug] Prints local player ped variation data to description on new bug creation"); -bugstarloadingscreen, "[code] show bugstar loadingscreens"); -bugstarStreamingVideo, "[bugstar] Initialize bugstar console streaming video. If a parameter is specified it uses that as the url rather than the default"); -bugstarusername, "Bugstar user name used in loading screens"); -Builddate, "Specify the date the build was made." ); -buildDLCCacheData, "Build cache data for all SP & MP map data currently installed"); -buildlabel, "Specify the label that was fetched in Perforce used to build the code." ); -buildlaunchtime, "The time the game was launched." ); -buildversion, "Specify version(s) of what is running." ); -bypassSpeechStreamCheck, "Bypass Streaming Check For Speech"); -calculateAudioWorldSectors, "[Audio] Enabled audio world sectors offline computation."); -cameraWidgets, "[camManager] Create camera widget bank on game launch"); -camsusegametimescale, "Apply the game time scale to the camera times"); -capturecard, "[debug] Capturecard is installed"); -capturemotiontree, "Enable motion tree capture from startup"); -capturemotiontreecount, "Number of motion tree frames to capture"); -carbones, "Verify all vehicle bone names at load time"); -carMult, "Multiplier for car counts in pop-cycle"); -cashIgnoreServerSync, "Ignore the server authorative values"); -cashNoTransferLimit, "Ignore the transfer limits"); -catalogCloudFile, "If present, setup the catalog fine name."); -catalogNotEncrypted, "If present, game understands that catalog file is not encrypted on cloud."); -catalogParseOpenDeleteItems, "If present, we will also parse Open/Delete Items."); -catalogVersion,"catalog version to use"); -catchvehiclesremovedinview, "[vehiclepopulation] Catch Vehicles Removed In View"); -categorycontrolwidgets, "Add widget controls for every category"); -CDVGeomTest,"CDVGeomTest"); -changeLocalCloudTime, "[stat_savemgr] Override local cloud save time."); -changeLocalProfileTime, "[stat_savemgr] Override local profile stats flush time."); -Channel_all,"[ Output Channels ] Set the minimum file log, tty, and popups level for 'Channel' and any subchannels (fatal, error, warning, display, debug1, debug2, debug3)"); -Channel_log,"[ Output Channels ] Set the minimum file log level for 'Channel' and any subchannels (fatal, error, warning, display, debug1, debug2, debug3)"); -Channel_popups,"[ Output Channels ] Set the minimum popups level for 'Channel' and any subchannels (fatal, error, warning, display, debug1, debug2, debug3)"); -Channel_rag,"[ Output Channels ] Create a rag output pane for this 'Channel'"); -Channel_tty,"[ Output Channels ] Set the minimum tty level for 'Channel' and any subchannels (fatal, error, warning, display, debug1, debug2, debug3)"); -cheapaudioeffects,"[RAGE Audio] Don't instantiate any effects)."); -cheapmode, "Only load the map - turn off all cars & peds - no water reflections - reflection slods=300 - far clip=1500"); -check_pop_zones, "[PopZones] check popzones for overlap"); -checkoverbudgetonly, "[profile] Only care about these systems when checking for execution time excesses"); -checksampleroverlap,"Check for sampler overlap; some false positives so off by default"); -checkUnusedFiles, "Record all open files so that RAG can display unused files"); -christmas, "set the xmas special trigger by default"); -cityDensity, "[QUALITY SETTINGS] Control city density (0.0 - 1.0)"); -cleaninstall, "Do not use hdd data even when it's newer."); -clearhddcache, "[file] Force console disk cache to be cleared", "Disabled", "All", ""); -closeableWindow, "Have close button active on window"); -clothinfo, "show extra info at the cloth widget title"); -cloudAllowCheckMemberSpace, "Allow member space checks by default"); -cloudCacheAll, "If set, all cloud sourced files will be added to system cache"); -cloudCacheNone, "If set, no cloud sourced files will be added to system cache"); -cloudEnableAvailableCheck, "Enables / Disables the cloud available check"); -cloudForceAvailable, "If set, NetworkInterface::IsCloudAvailable is always true. Every day is cloud day."); -cloudForceEnglishUGC, "Set UGC download requests to use English language"); -cloudForceGetCloud, "If set, we will always get the cloud content - regardless of what's in the cache. This will still be cached"); -cloudForceNotAvailable, "If set, NetworkInterface::IsCloudAvailable is always false."); -cloudForceUseCache, "If set, we will always return what's in the cache without hitting the cloud (if cached file available - otherwise, cloud as normal)"); -cloudhatdebug,"[debug] Output Ped cloud transition debug info"); -cloudkey, "Cloud key for encryption (base 64)"); -cloudNoAllocator, "Don't use an allocator to make cloud manager cloud requests"); -cloudOverrideAvailabilityResult, "Override the result of our cloud available check"); -cloudUseStreamingForPost, "Use streaming heap for cloud post requests"); -collapsechild,"[physics] phLevelNodeTree::m_nMaxObjectsInNodeToCollapseChild"); -colorexpbias,"Color exponent bias"); -commandRing,"[grcore] Set command ring buffer size, in kilobytes (default and max is 1024k)"); -commerceAlwaysShowUpsell, "[commerce] For products with an upsell, always run the upsell flow"); -commerceCloudFile, "If present, specifies cloud file"); -commerceIgnoreEnumeratedFlag, "[commerce] Add products whether they are enumerated or not"); -commerceLocalCatalogueFile, "Local catalogue file"); -common, "Indicate where common folder is"); -commonpack, "Indicate where common packfile is"); -CompanionNoSCNeeded, "Companion won't do filtering based on SocialClub ID"); -complexObjectDetailedLogging, "Enable detailed logging for Complex Object operations"); -computeStaticBankInfo,"[RAGE Audio] Calls ComputeContiguousSampleDataChunk and outputs results to specified file"); -console,"[setup] Enable console on release builds"); -consolepadreplaytoggle, "Enable recording/saving via the four back buttons of a pad on console"); -contacthardeningshadows, "Use NVIDIA contact hardening shadows"); -contacthardeningshadowspcfmode, "NVIDIA contact hardening shadows PCF mode - not specified = manual, 0 = hw, anything else = scale"); -convergence,"[grcore] Set convergence of 3D vision (default is 3.5)"); -conversationspew, "Ensable scripted conversation spew"); -CpuRainDisable, "Force disable CpuRainUpdate on multi GPU machines"); -CpuRainEnable,"Force enable CpuRainUpdate on single GPU machines"); -cpuWater, "Force CPU Water Update"); -createchild,"[physics] phLevelNodeTree::m_nMinObjectsInNodeToCreateChild"); -currenttxddebug, "Temporary debug param for SetCurrentTxd crash"); -customlog,"[profile] Load a custom set of timers and values to log from the specified file"); -cutscene_multihead,"[cutscene] Expand cutscenes on all of the screens in multi-head configuration"); -cutsceneaudioscrubbing, "[cutscene] Enable audio sync when jogging"); -cutscenecallstacklogging, "add call stacks set matrix, visibilty and deletion calls"); -cutsceneverboseexitstatelogging, "Enable verbose logging to help debug exit state issues."); -cutsDisplayBlockingBoundsLines, "[cutscene] Enable the display of blocking bounds lines." ); -cutsDisplayCameraLines, "[cutscene] Enable the display of camera lines." ); -cutsDisplayDebugLines, "[cutscene] Enable the display of debug lines." ); -cutsDisplayLightLines, "[cutscene] Enable the display of light lines." ); -cutsDisplayModelLines, "[cutscene] Enable the display of model lines." ); -cutsDisplayParticleEffectLines, "[cutscene] Enable the display of particle effect lines." ); -cutsDisplayRemovalBoundsLines, "[cutscene] Enable the display of removal bounds lines." ); -cutsDisplaySceneOrigin, "[cutscene] Enable the display of the scene origin." ); -cutsDisplayStatus, "[cutscene] Enable the onscreen Status Display." ); -cutsFaceDir, "[cutscene] Set to override the face directory in order to hot load in 'raw mode'.Good for a cutscene viewer." ); -cutsFaceZoomDist, "[cutscene] The default distance for the Camera Face Zoom." ); -cutsOffset, "[cutscene] Set to override offset the XYZ of cutscenes.Good for a cutscene viewer.Example: -cutsoffset=0,0,0" ); -cutsRotation, "[cutscene] Set to overide the rotation of cutscenes.Good for a cutscene viewer." ); -d3dfpu,"[grcore] Prevent D3D from messing with FPU state, leaving useful error conditions trappable (PC ONLY)."); -d3dmt,"[grcore] Allow D3D device to be initialized in multithreaded mode (PC ONLY)"); -d3dsinglestep,"[grcore] Set D3D_SingelStepper to true, force a BlockUntilIdle() after every D3D call (debug builds only)"); -datafilePrettyPrintLocal, "DATAFILE_SAVE_OFFLINE_UGC will pretty-print the JSON file"); -dbgfontscale, "[debug] Init the debug fontscale with a specific value"); -debugaircraftcarrier, "[debug] Debug aircraft carrier"); -debugassertson,"Enable DebugAssert's"); -debugCameraStreamingFocus, "Use the debug camera as the streaming focus, when active"); -debugCreateCameraObjectStack, "[camera] Collects callstacks of Create Camera Objects to help tracking down the cause of our object pool filling"); -debugdisplaystate, "[debug] Control what debug information to display! Use with a value (debugdisplaystate=off|standard|coords_only)."); -debugdoublekill, "[debug] Debug MP double kill"); -debugexplosion, "[debug] Debug explosion at the player location"); -debugexpr, "Enable expression debugging"); -debugFixedByNetwork, "Log local player fixed by network changes"); -debugGestures, "[game] Debug gestures"); -debugGesturesOnSelectedPed, "[game] Debug gestures on the selected ped"); -debugInfoBarPosition, "[debug] Y Position at which debug info bar should render"); -debugInputs, "Shows input values and disable state."); -debuglicenseplate, "[debug] Debug license plate retrieval from SCS license plate system"); -debugLocationstart, "Start at this location (index of an element in common:/data/debugLocationList.xml from 1 to n"); -debugLocationStartName, "Start at this location (name of Item in common:/data/debugLocationList.xml), put quotes around location if it has spaces"); -debuglog, "file to write the debuglog to"); -debuglogmask, "enable slow debug logging"); -debuglogslow, "enable slow debug logging"); -debugMemstats,"[memory] Print memory logging information to standard output.Supply an optional parameter to increase logging detail."); -debugonfades, "[code] display debug info during fades"); -debugpatch, "Prints a message every time an item has been successfully patched and outputs a \".patch.result\" file located next to the target file that can be used to verify the effect of the patch file."); -debugpeddamagetargets, "[debug] Allocate a rendertarget from streaming memory for debugging ped damage"); -debugradiotest, "[debug] Debug radio test"); -debugrespawninvincibility, "[debug] Debug MP respawn invincibility"); -debugrespot, "[debug] Debug MP vehicle respotting code"); -debugRuntime,"[grcore] Enable DX11 Debug Runtime."); -debugSaveMigrationCommands, "Debug save migration commands."); -debugshaders,"[grcore] Enable CG shader debugging"); -debugshaders,"[grcore] Enable D3D shader debugging"); -debugstart, "Start at this co-ordinates with specific camera orientation"); -debugTargetting, "debug targetting"); -debugTargettingLOS, "debug targetting LOS"); -debugtechniques,"[grcore] Enable loading of shader programs ending in _debug suffix"); -debugtextfixedwidth, "[debug] Use fixed-width font for EVERYTHING"); -debugtextfixedwidth,"[debug] Use fixed-width font for EVERYTHING"); -debugtrain, "Debug the distance and position of the closest train from the player."); -debugUnmanagedRagdolls,"Collects callstacks of PrepareForActivation and SwitchToRagdoll calls on peds in order to identify the causes of unmanaged ragdolls"); -debugvehicle,"create vehicle bank by default"); -defaultCrowdPed,"define default crowd ped"); -defaultPed,"define default ped (used for '.' spawning"); -defaultVehicle,"define default vehicle (used for U/Shift+U)"); -defaultVehicleTrailer,"define default vehicle trailer (used for U/Shift+U)"); -defragcheck,"Enable expensive defrag runtime checks")); -defragorama,"Defragment like crazy to exercise the system and make it fail sooner"); -delayDLCLoad, "Don't automatically load DLC"); -deleteIncompatibleReplayClips, "[REPLAY] deletes incompatible replay clips"); -demobuild, "makes modifications specifically for demo builds"); -detectPLMSupendHang, "[Hang Detection] Detects any PLM suspend timer failures (this will ONLY work when running the game with debug flag on Xbox One)."); -deviceResetLogPath, "Set a path to send the files too. Default is x:/"); -devkit, "let the game know it is running on a devkit"); -diagTerminateIgnoreDebugger, "Calls to diagTerminate will not trigger a __debugbreak."); -dirtycloudreadtimeoutPeriod, "[stat_savemgr] Override local cloud save timeout time."); -dirtyreadtimeoutPeriod, "[stat_savemgr] Override local profile stats flush timeout time."); -disableambientaudio, "Disable the ambient audio system"); -disableAmbientSpeech, "Disable Ambient Speech"); -disableBokeh,"Disable Bokeh effects in DX11"); -disablebonder, "Disables the crashing that occurs when a plugin's bonder indicates its threshold has been crossed"); -disablebranchstripping,"[grcore] Disable runtime fragment program branch stripping"); -disablecacheloader,"Disable cached bounds files"); -disableclouds, "[sagrender] Disable the awesome new clouds :("); -disablecompatpackcheck, "Disables compatibility pack configuration check for MP (non FINAL only)"); -disableConvInterrupt, "Disable scripted conversation interrupts."); -disableCooldownTimer, "[MEMORY] Disable over memory budget cool down timer"); -disableDatafileIndexFixing, "[scriptcommands] Prevent natives that take a datafile index from setting it to 0 if it is invalid"); -disableDebugPadButtons, "[RAGE] disable the debug buttons on a gamepad to emulate final."); -disableDecodeVerify,"MP4 Decoder: Disable verify key"); -disabledevprivacycheck, "If present the dev-only privacy check is disabled"); -disabledevspintcheck, "If present the dev-only sp-int check is disabled"); -disableDLCcacheLoader, "Disables DLC cache file load/save, main game cache load/save will remain active"); -disableEncodeVerify,"MP4 Encoder: Disable verify key"); -disableEntitlementCheck, "Disables entitlement check on PS4"); -disableExportWatermark, "Disable rendering of the R* Editor Watermark"); -disableExtraCloudContent, "Disables extra cloud content for !final builds"); -disableExtraMem, "Disable streamer from going over video memory budget"); -disableFix7458166, "Restore ClearClothController to original place for B*7458166"); -disableFix7459244, "Disable nullptr checks for B*7459244"); -disableframemarkers, "[PROFILE] Disable frame encapsulating user markers, make Razor dump all per frame timings into one large bucket"); -disableGiveMeCheckerTexture,"Disable fake checkerboard texture."); -disablegranular, "Disable the granular engine system"); -disableGrassComputeShader, "Disable running the compute shader on the grass (renders all visible grass batches with no fading)"); -disableHeadBlendCompress, "Disable head blend manager compression (ignoring the blend results)"); -disableHurtCombat, "Disable Ped Hurt Combat mode including bleed out"); -disableHyperthreading, "Don't count hyperthreaded cores as real ones to create tasks on"); -disableLeavePed, "[network] Disable leave ped behind when a player leaves the session"); -disablemessagelogs, "disable message logging"); -disableMoverCapsuleRadiusChanges, "Don't allow the mover capsule to change size.Keep at standing radius."); -disableNewLocomotionTask, "Disable new locomotion task"); -disableObjectIDCheck, "[network] Disable the object ID free list check"); -disableOverridingFixedItems, "Disallow cloud data overriding the fixed column items"); -disableOverwatch, "Disable Overwatch"); -disablepackordercheck, "Disables compatibility packs order check"); -disablePreferredProcessor,"Allow us to tell the OS which is the preferred processor per-thread"); -disableRagdollPoolsSp, "Disable ragdoll pooling in single player by default"); -disableReplayTwoPhaseSystem, "Enable the replay two phase recording"); -disablerfscaching, "[file] Don't use the directory caching with SysTrayRFS"); -disableRiverFlowReadback, "Disable river flow read back"); -disableSpaceBugScreenshots, "[debug] Prevents screenshots being added to bugs created using the Space bar"); -disableSPMigration, "Enable SP migration flow if no local saves are available"); -disableStatObfuscation, "Disable memory obfuscarion for stats"); -disableTimeSkipBreak, "Disable time skip detection"); -disabletmloadoptionscheck,"[startup] Disable PS3 TM Load Options check"); -disableTodDebugModeDisplay, "Disables additional debug character for clock / weather"); -disableuncompresseddamage, "Disable use of uncompressed textures for MP peds"); -disableVehMods, "[vehicles] Disable vehicle mods (temp disabled as patch for BS#1017717, BS#1022990, etc.)"); -disablewheelintegrationtask, "Force wheel integration to happen on main thread."); -disallowdebugpad, "Don't assume the next pad that has input is the debug pad."); -disallowResizeWindow,"[grcore] Do Not allow the window to be rezised"); -disassemblefetch,"Disassemble fetch shaders to TTY"); -displayBinkCommands, "Display commands sent by the AsyncBink thread"); -displayBinkFloodDectect, "Display flood detection of the Bink command queue"); -displaycalibration, "[code] force enable display calibration on startup"); -displaycaps,"[grcore] Show display capabilities"); -displayDebugBarDisplayMemoryPeaks, "[debug] Display the script memory peaks RenderReleaseInfoToScreen()"); -displayDebugBarMemoryInKB, "[debug] Display the memory in KB instead of MB in RenderReleaseInfoToScreen()"); -displaykeyboardmode, "[debug] Don't display the current keyboard mode in RenderReleaseInfoToScreen()"); -displaylangselect, "[code] show display language select on startup"); -displayNetInfoOnBugCreation, "[debug] Enable display of net object info when a bug is created"); -displayobject, "[debug] Display object name"); -displayScriptedSpeechLine, "Debug draw the current playing scripted speech line."); -displayScriptRequests, "[script_debug] print to the TTY whenever a script calls REQUEST_SCRIPT or SET_SCRIPT_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED"); -displaySpikes, "[profile] When set, over budget spikes will be displayed."); -displayStats, "[MEMORY] Displays on screen memory statistics reports on resources"); -displaytrainandtrackdebug, "Enable display of train and track debugging."); -displayvalidsfmethods, "Sets the default scaleform granularity"); -displayvectormap, "Enable display of the vector map"); -displayVidMem, "[debug] Display the amount of video memory in use and the total available"); -dont_load_script_data_from_mp_stats, "When the savegame file for an MP character is loaded, any script data within that file will be ignored"); -dont_save_script_data_to_mp_stats, "Skip the saving of any registered MP script save data to the savegame file for the current character"); -dontaddunlinkedfiles, "Don't add a streamable index for new files"); -dontCrashOnScriptValidation, "Don't crash game if invalid script is trying to trigger events"); -dontDelayFlipSwitch,"Don't delay flip : wait flip will be done at the end of the frame, like normal people do."); -dontdisplayforplayer, "[debug] Don't display information for players in the ped debug visualiser"); -dontLoadDLCfromAudioFolder, "If set, any DLC audio data is still loaded from the DLC pack, even when using -audiofolder"); -dontPrintScriptDataFromLoadedMpSaveFile, "[GenericGameStorage] don't print the script values read from loaded MP save files"); -dontshowinvinciblebugger, "[debug] Don't show the invincible bugger message"); -dontshowrscnameintracker, "[streaming] Don't send the name of each resource to the memory tracker"); -dontwaitforbubblefences,"dont wait for bubble fences"); -dontwarnonmissingmodule, "[streaming] Don't print a warning if a streaming module is missing"); -doorExcessiveLogging, "Extra logging for doors"); -doSaveGameSpaceChecks,"do save game space checks at startup"); -doWarpAfterLoading, "[GenericGameStorage] Script is now in charge of setting the player's coords, loading the scene and fading in after a load. If something goes wrong (e.g. screen doesn't fade in) then try running with this param"); -downloadabletexturedebug,"Output debug info"); -DR_AllInsts, "Default to recording all instances rather than the focus inst"); -DR_AutoSaveOExcetion,"[game] Dump current event log to file on exception"); -DR_Autostart, "Automatically start recording"); -DR_LoadFilter, "Load a file describing the filters to switch on initially"); -DR_RecordForBug, "Attach any debug recording to the bug, param is filename to store tmp recording in"); -DR_TrackMode, "Set mode to start tracking at"); -drawablecontainersize,"[rmcore] Set maximum container size (in kilobytes, default is 64, 0 is same as -nodrawablecontainer)"); -DRAWLIST, "[DrawLists] Use drawlists to render"); -dsound, "[RAGE Audio] Use DirectSound WAVE_FORMAT_EX output, rather than XAudio2"); -dumpcollisionstats, "Enable dumping of physics collision statistics to network drive"); -dumpinfoonblockload, "[fwscene] Don't dump debug stats when a blockload occurs"); -dumpleaks,"[startup] Dump all leaks to specified filename (default is c:\\leaks.txt)"); -dumpPedInfoOnBugCreation, "[debug] Dump ped info when a bug is created"); -dumpplacestats, "[streaming] Dump timing stats for placing resources to TTY"); -dumpRenderTargetSizes, "Dump out the calculated and actual render target sizes"); -dumprpfinfo,"Dump RPF file info at mount time"); -dumptimebarsonlongmainthread, "[app] Dump timebars if the main thread takes a certain amount of time (optionally time in ms as argument)"); -dumpwaterquadstoepsfile, "dump water quads to eps file"); // useful for visualising water boundaries, use gsview etc. -dx10,"[device_d3d] Force DirectX 10, if available"); -DX10,"[grcore] Force 10.0 feature set"); -dx10_1,"[device_d3d] Force DirectX 10.1, if available"); -DX10_1,"[grcore] Force 10.1 feature set"); -DX11,"[grcore] Force 11.0 feature set"); -dx11shadowres,""); -DX11Use8BitTargets,"Use 8 bit targets in DX11."); -dx9, "[device_d3d] Force DirectX 9"); -dynamicAddRemoveSpew, "Debug spew for game world Add/Remove for dynamic entities"); -dynamicIBufferSize,"Set the size of the dynamic index buffer"); -dynamicVBufferSize,"Set the size of the dynamic vertex buffer"); -earlyInvites, "Allows invites/jipping before the MP tutorial has been completed."); -echoes, "[Audio] Enables local environment scanning and turns echoes on."); -edgefixedpointpos, "[RAGE] a float representing the number of bits for the integer and fractional parts of a fixed point representation of the position attribute eg. 12.4 would be 12 bits for the integer and 4 bits for the fractional part"); -edgefixedpointposauto, "[RAGE] just specify the number of fractional bits. The integer bits are automatically calculated from the size of the geometry"); -edgegeom,"[grmodel] Use Edge geometry on PS3 (both by default, or =skinned or =unskinned)"); -edgenoindexcomp, "[RAGE] don't use index compression"); -edgeoutputfloat4pos, "[RAGE] output a float4 position from Edge instead of float3 by default"); -edgeoutputmask, "[RAGE] a bit mask containing which attributes we force through Edge"); -edgeRing,"[grcore] Set edge ring buffer size allocation per SPU in kilobytes (default 3072k)"); -edgeSpuCount,"[grcore] Set number of SPUs that can run EDGE (1-4, default 3)"); -edgeSpuPrio,"[grcore] Set priority of EDGE jobs on spu (1-15, default 6)"); -edgeType,"[grcore] Set edge ring buffer memory type (0=local or 1=main, default local)"); -editpreset, "Name of the preset to edit"); -ekgdefault, "Startup ekg with the page"); -ekgpage, "EKG to enable at boot time (primary)"); -ekgpage2, "EKG to enable at boot time (secondary)"); -emailasserts, "[diag] Email address to send all asserts to"); -emailassertsfrom, "[diag] Email address to send all asserts from"); -emailerpath, "[diag] Path to rageemailer.exe"); -emblemRequestCallstack, "Prints the callstack when an emblem is requested."); -emergencystop, "Pause the game and streaming during an emergency"); -emulateoptical,"Emulate optical drive behavior (default is current platform, or use ps3 or xenon to override)"); -enable_debugger_detection_tests, "N/A"); -enable_light_edit, "Enable light editing, can specify a particular light index"); -enable_light_FalloffScaling, "Enable TC modifier falloff scaling"); -enableActionModeHeadLookAt, "Enable head look at, at target during action mode"); -enableBoundByGPUFlip, "PC-only: Enable us to be bound by the time spent in Present() - otherwise this is rolled into Render Thread"); -enableCloudTestWidgets, "Force cloud/manifest check results through widgets"); -enableCNCResponsivenessChanges, "[CNC] Enable CNC responsiveness changes for player."); -enableConvInterrupt, "Enable scripted conversation interrupts."); -EnableCutSceneGameDataTuning, "Enables loading and saving of cutscene tune files, light filesfrom the cutscene tune directory"); -enablecutscenelightauthoring, "[cutscene] All authoring of cutscene lights such that the data can be saved out"); -EnableCutsceneTuning,"Enables loading and saving of cutscene tune files, light filesfrom the cutscene tune directory"); -enableFarGamerTagDistance, "Makes gamer tags work at superfar distances."); -enablefatalreaderror,"Enable fatal read errors (use -toggleN=enablefatalreaderror)"); -enableflush, "Enable F5 Flush for all game modes"); -enableGpuTraceCapture,"Enable Razor GPU Trace Capture"); -enableJPNButtonSwap, "Enable button swap when language is set to japanese"); -enableLocalMPSaveCache, "[stat_savemgr] Enable local cache of multiplayer savegames."); -enableMapCCS, "Automatically loads specified CCS at session init"); -enablemptrain, "Enable the train in MP."); -enablemptrainpassengers, "Enable train passengers in MP."); -enablenetlogs, "[network] enables network logging"); -enableRagdollPoolsMp, "Enable ragdoll pooling in multi player by default"); -enableSaveMigration, "[network] Enable Single Player savegame migration even if the Tunable is not set"); -EnableShadowCache); // TEMP for 32 bit hires CMs -enableSPMapCCS, "Automatically loads specified SP map CCS at session init"); -enableStreetLightsTC,"Enable loading of street lights TC"); -EnableSubtitleTuning,"Allows subtitles to be hotloaded from the assets folder"); -enabletakeovers, "Enable vterritory takeovers during multiplayer"); -enableVisibilityDetailedSpew, "Enable Visibility Detailed Spew"); -enableVisibilityFlagTracking, "Enable Visibility Flag Tracking"); -enableVisibilityObsessiveSpew, "Enable Visibility Obsessive Spew"); -enableXInputEmulation, "[input] Enables XInput emulation from DirectInput devices."); -EpicDevToolHost, "Specifies the hostname and port of the Epic dev auth tool. E.g."); -EpicDevToolTokenName, "Specifies the name of the token configured in the Epic dev auth tool."); -ex, "End x world coordinate." ); -exitaftercachesave, "Cause the game to terminate immediately after the cache file has been generated"); -expandtolightbounds, "expand object bounds to attached lights bound"); -experimentalmodules, "[AMP] Enable experimental modules"); -ExportSavegameToLocalPC, "[savegame_export] Instead of uploading the savegame to the cloud, we'll save it to the X: drive on the local PC"); -ExportScriptStaticBounds, "enable script-managed static bounds export, used for heightmap tool"); -extraampchunks, "[AMP] Load additional data chunks, comma delimited"); -extracloudmanifest, "specify path to local ExtracontentManager cloud manifest file wich will be used instead of real one"); -extracontent, "Extra content development path"); -extraReuse, "[worldpopulation] Skip HasBeenSeen Checks for reusing peds and vehicles"); -extraStreamingIndices, "[DrawLists] allocate extra streaming indices"); -extravidmem, "[MEMORY] Set amount of extra video memmory to report in MB"); -ey, "End y world coordinate." ); -facebookvehiclesdriven, "[stat_savemgr] Setup the number of vehicles driven."); -failmpload, "[stat_savemgr] Make any savegame fail to load."); -failmploadalways, "[stat_savemgr] Make any savegame fail to load."); -fairhddscheduler, "[streaming] Improve scheduling on HDD-based files"); -fakeModdedContent, "[REPLAY] fakes that clips have modded content"); -fakesoundschema, "[RAGE Audio] fake the sound schema version"); -fastCompression,"[rscbuilder] Use fast zlib compression, even on Xenon"); -fastscriptcore,"Enable use of fast script core"); -fbcount,"[grcore] Number of front buffers (default = 2, max 8)"); -featurelevel, "Force a certain shader model in technique remapping code (1000, 1010, 1100)"); -fiddler, "Enable fiddler HTTP captures"); -fiddlerwebsocket, "[rline] Enable fiddler Websocket captures. Also enables HTTP captures as side effect", "Disabled", "All", ""); -fileloader_tty_windows,"Create RAG windows for Fileloader related TTY."); -fileMountWidgets, "Add Data File Mount widgets to the bank"); -fillDownload0, "[REPLAY] Pretend PS4 Filestore on download0 is full"); -filmeffect, "Enable the film effect shader"); -fixedDevPlayback, "Playback the replay in fixed time to help with Asserts throwing off time"); -fixedframetime, "Force each frame to advance by a fixed number of milliseconds (specified in fps)"); -fixedheightdebugfont, "[debug] Use the same height for all debug text, proportional and fixed-width"); -focusPedDisplayIn2D,"[AI] Display focus ped in 2d"); -focusTargetDebugMode,"[AI] Render focus ped debug in screen space at side of screen"); -fogVolumes, "[QUALITY SETTINGS] Enable lights volumetric effects in foggy weather"); -fontlib, "[text] font library to use (ppefigs, japanese, korrean, russian, trad_chinese, efigs)"); -force720,"[grcore] In the case of a i, Force 720p over other resolutions if the TV supports it"); -forceadpcm, "Use mp3 files for PS4"); -forcebootcd,"[startup] Force booting from cd"); -forceboothdd,"[startup] Force booting from HDD"); -forceboothddloose,"[startup] Force booting from HDD with loose files"); -forcecacheloaderencryption,"Cache data is encrypted"); -forceCatalogCacheSave, "If present, we will force saving of the catalog cache."); -forceCESP, "[stat_savemgr] Simulate that the local player previously purchased Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack"); -forceclothweight, "overwrite all cloth weight"); -forcedfps, "Force simulated fps to the number of frames, will dilute time "); -forceEnableCNCResponsivenessChanges, "[CNC] Force enable CNC responsiveness changes for player, even if not in CNC mode."); -forceexceptions, "[startup] Force exceptions even when we think a debugger is present"); -forcefailedresources, "[MEMORY] Fail all allocations to see that we remain stable"); -ForceFakeGestures, "Allow fake speech gestures.."); -forcekeyboardhook, "[startup] Force disabling the Windows key with a low-level keyboard hook, even with debugger attached."); -forceNoCESP, "[stat_savemgr] Simulate that the local player did not previously purchase Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack"); -forceRagdollLOD, "Force all ragdolls to run the given LOD"); -forceremoval, "forces removal of movies even if it has dangling refs"); -forceRenewBugstarRequests, "Forces retrieving requests from bugstar rather than using cached files"); -forceResolution, "Force the window to not adjust to the monitor size"); -forceSPMigration, "Show SP migration flow even if the player has local saves"); -forcetrimmedcutscenes, "Force cutscene audio to use trimmed audio files (i.e. final disc versions)"); -forcetwopasstrees,"force two pass tree rendering"); -forgePlayedWithData, "Fills the PlayedWith player collection with artificial data, to ease testing"); -FOV, "Oculus FOV"); -fps, "Display frame rate, even in Release builds"); -fpsborder, "[debug] Draw a colored border representing FPS threshold in RenderReleaseInfoToScreen()"); -FPSCam, "Enable FPSCam"); -fpsCaptureUseUserFolder, "Force the output folder for the metrics xml files to be the user one"); -fpz,"[grcore] Enable floating-point depth buffers"); -fragdebug,"[fragment] Print debugging information to the terminal about fragments"); -fragdebug2,"[fragment] Print debugging information to the terminal about fragments"); -FragGlobalMaxDrawingDistance,"[fragment] force the global max drawing distance to the passed in value"); -fragtuning, "Load fragment tuning"); -frameLimit, "[grcore] number of vertical synchronizations to limit game to"); -framelockinwindow,"[grcore] Force framelock to work even in a window (works best with 60Hz monitor refresh)"); -FrameQueueLimit, "Maxiumum number of frames that can be queued up"); -frameticker,"[setup] [TOGGLE] Display update, draw, and intra-frame ticker."); -frametickerScale,"[setup] Set the vertical scale for the frame ticker."); -frametime,"[setup] [TOGGLE] Display update, draw, and intra-frame time."); -friendslistcaching, "Uses caching to populate friends list stats"); -friendslistcachingverbose, "Verbose logging for friends list caching"); -frontendMpForceIntro, "Force the simple screen"); -fullscreen,"[grcore] Force fullscreen mode"); -fullspeechPVG, "Force all peds to have a full speech PVG"); -fullweathernames, "[code] display full weather names"); -fxaa, "[QUALITY SETTINGS] Set FXAA quality (0-3)"); -fxaaMode,"0: Off, 1: Default, 2: HQ FXAA"); -gameheight,"Set height of game's backbuffer/gbuffer"); -gametimercutscenes, "Cutscenes will be driven by the fwTimer - only use for debugging"); -gamewidth,"Set width of game's backbuffer/gbuffer)"); -gameWindowFocusLock, "Don't allow other programs to take away the window focus"); -gcmWatchdog,"[grcore] Force gcm watchdog thread to run even when debugger is detected."); -gen9BootFlow, "[startup] Enable Gen9 Boot Flow")); -generateIsland, "[paths] generating nodes for heist island"); -geoLocCountry, "Set a custom result for the geo location country"); -geoLocFakeIp, "Set a fake IP to use for geoloc"); -glhaltonerror,"[grcore] Halt on GL/Cg errors (PS3)"); -globalLOD, "[LodScale] Override global root LOD scale"); -GPUCount,"[grcore] Manual override GPU Count"); -gpuDebugger, "[grcore] enable GPU debugger"); -gpuWater, "Force GPU Water Update"); -graphicsSettings, "Set all settings to the value specified"); -grassandplants,"Detail level for the plants rendering (0=low, 1=medium, 2=high)"); -grassDisableRenderGeometry, "Disables the rendering of the grass geometry only (still runs the CS computation)"); -grassInstanceCBSize, "Size of the instanced constant buffer for grass" ); -grassQuality,"[QUALITY SETTINGS] Set grass quality (0-3)"); -grid_end_x, "[commands_debug] End x coordinate of grid visitor script"); -grid_end_y, "[commands_debug] End y coordinate of grid visitor script"); -grid_size, "[commands_debug] Size of the grid cell"); -grid_start_x, "[commands_debug] Start x coordinate of grid visitor script"); -grid_start_y, "[commands_debug] Start y coordinate of grid visitor script"); -GridX, "Number of monitors wide you want to emulate"); -GridY, "Number of monitors high you want to emulate"); -halfpop, "Half population density" ); -hangdetecttimeout, "Number of seconds until hang detection kicks in"); -hangingcabletest, "hangingcabletest"); -hdao_quality,"Which HDAO quality level to use(0 = low, 1 = med, 2 = high)."); -hddfreespace, "Fake the amount of free space available on the hard disk"); -hdr,"[device_d3d] Set the whole rendering pipeline to 10-bit on 360 and 16-bit on PC"); -hdr,"[grcore] Set backbuffer to full 16bit float."); -HDStreamingInFlight, "[QUALITY SETTINGS] Enable HD streaming while in flight"); -headblendcheck, "Renders debug text above non finalized blend peds"); -headblenddebug, "Debug for head blend memory overwrites"); -headphones, "[Audio] Mix for headphones."); -heatmap_memory_test, "[commands_debug](script)"); -heatmap_reverse, "[commands_debug](script)"); -height, "[grcore] Screen height"); -height,"[grcore] Set height of main render window (default is 480)"); -hexdumpgcm,"Enable hex dumps of gcm command lists (use -toggleN=hexdumpgcm)"); -hideRockstarDevs, "If present then log player card stats output."); -hidewidgets,"[bank] Hides bank widgets"); -hidewindow, "[grcore] the main window is created hidden"); -highColorPrecision, "Switch RGB11F to RGBAF16 format for PC"); -httpNumThreads, "[diag] the max number of threads to listed for rest requests on (default: 4)"); -httpoutput, "display what is posted to and returned by http query"); -httpPort, "[diag] The port(s) that the debug web server listens on (default: 7890)"); -httpThrottle, "[diag] Throttle the rest responses. Simple use is \"-httpThrottle=*=10k\" See the civentweb user manual for more options"); -HUD_LAYOUT, "HUD Layout X,Y,Width,Height"); -icusername, "The Epic Games Launcher passes in the user's epic user name. Used in offline mode only."); -ignoreDeployedPacks, "Ignore deployed packs"); -ignoreDifferentVideoCard, "Don't reset settings with a new card"); -ignoreFocus, "[RAGE] pad does not require focus to function"); -ignoreGfxLimit, "Allows graphics/video settings to be applied even if they go over the card memory limits"); -ignorePacks, "Ignores a given set of packs based on their nameHash from setup2, delimit with ;"); -ignorePrecalculatedBankInfo,"[RAGE Audio] Ignore the precalculated bank info file"); -ignoreprofile, "Ignore the current profile settings"); -ignoreprofilesetting, "Ignore an individual profile settings"); -imposterDivisions,"Number of tree imposter divisons"); -inflateimaphigh, "Load high detail IMAPs for larger range"); -inflateimaplow, "Load low detail IMAPs for larger range"); -inflateimapmedium, "Load medium detail IMAPs for larger range"); -inGameAudioWorldSectors, "[Audio] Enabled audio world sectors online info."); -initclothuserdata, "init cloth user data when cloth is instanced"); -installstat, "Output some network stats during install"); -instancedveg, "enable instanced vegetation"); -instancePriority, "[game Entity] force the instance priority level"); -instancepriority, "Override the instance priority for MP games"); -interiordrivemode, "[scene] Throttle interior streaming when moving fast"); -internationalKeyboardMode, "[input] Use international keyboard mode that loads the US keyboard."); -inventoryFile, "If present, setup the inventory fine name."); -inventoryForceApplyData, "Force application of the data from the server"); -inventoryNotEncrypted, "If present, game understands that inventory file is not encrypted."); -invincible, "Make player invincible"); -inviteAssumeSend, "[live] On PS3 - will halt at the XMB when sending invites"); -isablecategorytelemetry, "RAGE Audio - disable RAVE category telemetry")); -isguest, "Fakes the Guest/Sponsored user state (XB1)"); -isrockstardev, "Set Is Rockstar Dev status"); -jobtimings,"[task] Spew job timings"); -jpegsavequality,"[setup] Set JPEG save quality (default 75, can be 60-100)"); -jpnbuild, "Overrides app content to return IsJapaneseBuild() == true"); -junccap, "Junction capture type ( simple or spin )" ); -junccosts, "Junction scene cost folder - place to save cost tracker logs"); -juncdst, "Junction destination csv filename" ); -juncend, "Junction # to end on" ); -juncprecapdelay, "Junction smoke - precapture delay in seconds"); -juncsettimeeachframe, "Junction smoke - sets the time every frame to 12:00"); -juncsettlespin, "Junction number of settle spins" ); -juncspinrate, "Junction smoke - rate of spin per frame in radians"); -juncsrc, "Junction source csv filename" ); -juncstart, "Junction # to start with" ); -juncstartupspin, "Junction number of startup spins" ); -kbAutoResolveConflicts, "Never display keybinding conflicts with a warning screen"); -kbDebugOnlySwitch, "[game] Toggle only between game and debug keyboard modes."); -kbDontUseControlModeSwitch, "[game] Don't use a Control+Key press to toggle game modes."); -kbgame, "[game] Start game in Game Keyboard Mode"); -kblevels, "[game] Start game in Level Keyboard Mode"); -kbmodebutton, "[game] Sets the button to be used for switching keyboard modes."); -keyboardLocal, "[control] Sets the keyboard layout to the specified region."); -lan, "[network] Use LAN sessions instead of online sessions"); -landingFullFallback, "Display a full fallback layout including the fixed columns"); -langfilesuffix, "[text] Suffix to append to the RPF filename of a language file, like '_rel'"); -lastgen,"render without new nextgen effects"); -lazydelete, "[MEMORY] Take your time deleting stuff"); -leaveDeadPed, "Leave dead ped behind when resurecting the local player"); -leavempforstore, "The store will cause the player to leave mp sessions."); -level, "[gamelogic] level to start game in (alpine, underwater, desert, space, moon, codetest, testbed)"); -licensePlate, "Text for the license plate"); -LiveAreaContentType, "[LiveArea] The type of the content to be loaded."); -LiveAreaLoadContent, "[LiveArea] The content id of the content to be loaded."); -loadallsfmovies, "Loads each scaleform movie, one at a time"); -loadclipsetsfromxmlandsavepso, "Load the ClipSets from clipsets.xml and save to clipsets.pso"); -loadclothstate, "load cloth data when cloth is instanced"); -loadMapDLCOnStart, "Automatically loads both SP and MP map changes at startup"); -loadreleasepsos, "Load the release PSO versions of certain meta files, on non-disc builds"); -loadstats,"[memory] Enable hierarchical logging of load times.Supply an optional parameter to specify filename."); -loadtestsounds, "Load test_sounds.dat"); -loadtimer,"[setup] Display a loading timer"); -loadwaterdat, "Use old water data"); -loat UNUSED_-tolerance), int maxIterations) -loat UNUSED_-zVal), -localbank,"[bank] Display local widgets instead of remote widgets.Optional parameters specify number of lines to show, draw scale (in percent), and base x and y"); -localconsole,"[setup] run with a local console."); -localhost,"[startup] Specify local host of PC for rag connection (automatically set by psnrun.exe)"); -localnetlogs,"[network] Write network logs to local storage"); -lockableResourcedTextures, "Resourced textures are made lock/unlock-able."); -lockableResourcedTexturesCount, "Number of lockable resourced textures accomodated."); -lockragdolls, "[physics] Lock all peds to disallow ragdolls"); -lockscaleformtogameframe, "Lock the scaleform framerate to the game's framerate by default (some movies may override this)"); -lodScale,"[QUALITY SETTINGS] Set Lod Distance Level (0.0-1.0f)"); -logactionscriptrefs, "Logs any actionscript refs that get added to movies"); -logallocstack,"[startup] Log all memory allocation stack tracebacks (requires -logmemory)"); -logArrayHandlerBatching, "Adds logging for array handler update batching"); -logClearCarFromArea, "[GameWorld] print the reason for a clear_area failing to remove a vehicle"); -logClearCarFromAreaOutOfRange, "[GameWorld] enable the print that gets output if a clear_area fails to remove a vehicle due to the vehicle being out of range"); -logcreatedpeds, "[pedpopulation] Log created peds"); -logcreatedvehicles, "[vehiclepopulation] Log created vehicles"); -logdestroyedpeds, "[pedpopulation] Log destroyed peds"); -logdestroyedvehicles, "[vehiclepopulation] Log destroyed vehicles"); -logExtendedScaleformOutput, "Logs Scaleform output that may produce too much spam for any standard debug channel"); -logfile, "[profile] Sets the name of the logfile (defaults to profiler_log.csv)"); -logmemory,"[startup] Log all memory allocation and deallocations to file (default is c:\\logmemory.csv)"); -logonlyscriptnetregfailures, "[network] will log only script network registration failures"); -logPlayerHealth, "[code] Logs player health to log files"); -logstarvationdata, "[network] logs extended data about starving network objects"); -logstreaming,"[Streamer] Log all file access to a file (with names and offsets)"); -logtimestamps,"[diag] Output the timestamp with each line when logging to a file"); -logusedragdolls, "Logs the maximum number of NM agents, rage ragdolls and anim fallbacks the get used."); -longLifeCommandLists,"Deferred command lists last over multiple frames. Helps debugging in PIX"); -map, "[game] Map file used when loading game"); -mapCentersOnClick, "If the map centers on a single click and waypoints on a double"); -mapMoverOnlyInMultiplayer, "Use to only use MOVER map collision when in multiplayer games; MOVER will be set to collide with weapon shapetests."); -maponly, "Only load the map - turn off all cars & peds"); -maponlyextra, "Only load the map - turn off all cars & peds"); -mapStaysOnWaypoints, "Whether the Pause Map moves on waypoints"); -marketing, "Marketing memory size"); -maxbigconstraints, "[physics] Override the maximum number of big constraints."); -maxcollisionpairs, "[physics] Override the maximum number of broadphase pairs."); -maxcompositemanifolds, "[physics] Override the maximum number of composite manifolds."); -maxconstraints, "[physics] Override the maximum number of constraints."); -maxcontacts, "[physics] Override the maximum number of contacts."); -maxexternvelmanifolds, "[physics] Override the maximum number of extern velocity manifolds."); -maxfps, "Maximum frames per second"); -maxframetime, "Maximum size of one frame in seconds"); -maxhighprioritymanifolds, "[physics] Override the maximum number of high-priority manifolds."); -maximizableWindow, "Have maximize button active on window"); -maxinstbehaviors, "[physics] Override the maximum number of inst behaviors."); -maxlittleconstraints, "[physics] Override the maximmum number of little constraints."); -MaxLODScale, "[QUALITY SETTINGS] Maximum lod scale (0.0-1.0)"); -maxloginstances, "[network] limits the number of instances of a individual log file that can be generated before old files are overwritten"); -maxmanagedcolliders, "[physics] Override the maximum number of managed colliders."); -maxmanifolds, "[physics] Override the maximum number of manifolds."); -maxmiplevels, "[RAGE] the maximum number of mips to load for any given image"); -maxmipsize, "[RAGE] the maximum dimension of mips to load for any given image"); -maxPeds, "[pedpopulation] Maximum ped population"); -maxphysicalglassshards, "The maximum number of physical glass shards that can exist at a given time."); -MaxPower, "Maximum Rating Considered High End"); -maxsleepislands, "[physics] Override the maximum number of sleep islands."); -maxtexturesize, "[setup] (DEV only) Sets the maximum size for a texture"); -maxthreads, "[grcore] Maximum amount of threads to use in game"); -maxVehicles, "[vehiclepopulation] Maximum vehicle population"); -MemoryUsage, "Display memory usage"); -memrestrict, "[MEMORY] Set the restriction the amount of available memory for managed resources"); -memstats,"[memory] Enable hierarchical logging of memory usage.Supply an optional parameter to specify filename."); -memvisualize, "Enable MemVisualize"); -messageBoxTimeout, "[logging] Enable message box timeout that chooses default option once timer expires: supports =0 to =15"); -metricallowlogleveldevoff, "[telemetry] Use this command to turn on metrics on channel LOGLEVEL_DEBUG_NEVER"); -midiinputdevice, "[RAGE Audio] MIDI device id to use for input"); -midnight, "Run automatic stats tools at midnight." ); -minAgeRating, "Overrides minimum age rating for the game"); -minframetime, "Maximum size of one frame in seconds"); -MinHeight, "Lowest Allowed Resolution (Height)"); -minimalpredictionlogging, "minimal prediction logging"); -minimap3d, "[code] 3D minimap"); -minimapRound, "[code] Round 2D minimap"); -minimizableWindow, "Have minimize button active on window"); -minimizeLostFocus, "minimize when fullscreen loses focus"); -minmiplevels, "[RAGE] the minimum number of mips to load for any given image"); -minmipsize, "[RAGE] the minimum dimension of mips to load for any given image"); -minPeds, "[pedpopulation] Minimum ped population"); -MinPower, "Minimum Rating Considered Low End"); -minspecaudio, "Force minspec audio processing"); -minVehicles, "[vehiclepopulation] Minimum vehicle population"); -MinWidth, "Lowest Allowed Resolution (Width)"); -mirdebugcrack,"mirdebugcrack"); // load special crack texture -mirdebugnoheap_360,"mirdebugnoheap_360"); // allocate mirror reflection target separately, so it can be viewed from rag -mirdebugnoheap_ps3,"mirdebugnoheap_ps3"); // allocate mirror reflection target separately, so it can be viewed from rag -mirrorusegbuf1_360,"mirrorusegbuf1_360"); // allocate mirror reflection target from gbuffer1 (as it used to be), instead of gbuffer23 -missingfilesarefatal,"[system] If set, any file open failure is considered a fatal abort."); -missiongroup, "[commands_debug] Start mission group parameter for the autoflow automated test script"); -missionname, "The name of the mission you wish to have invoked when the game boots."); -missionnum, "The number of the mission you wish to have invoked when the game boots."); -mmfNoDeleteCorruptFiles, "Allow corrupt video files to remain on disk so they can be reviewed for bugs"); -modelnamesincapture,"show model names in GPAD/PIX"); -monitor,"[grcore] Use the specified monitor number (zero-based)"); -monoRuntime,"[grcore] (Default=1 for non-final) 0: No debugging, 1: Profiling support, for example for PIX captures, 2: Profiling support plus parameter validation, 3: Profiling support, parameter validation, and Debug compilation (supporting asserts, RIPs, and so on)."); -MotionBlurStrength, "[QUALITY SETTINGS] Overall Motion blur strength (0.0-1.0)"); -mouse_sensitivity_override, "Mouse sensitivity override"); -mouseDebugCamera, "Enable mouse control of the debug cameras"); -mouseexclusive, "Game uses mouse exclusively."); -movedebug, "Enable node 2 def map"); -mpactivechar, "[stat_savemgr] Override active character."); -mpactiveslots, "[stat_savemgr] Override numver of active slots."); -mpSavegameUseSc, "[stat_savemgr] Use Social Club savegames for multiplayer."); -mrt,"[grcore] Use a Multiple-Render Target to encode HDR"); -MSAA,"[GRAPHICS] Anti-aliasing (MSAA_NONE, MSAA_2, MSAA_4, MSAA_8)"); -MSAA,"[grcore] Anti-aliasing (MSAA_NONE, MSAA_2xMS, MSAA_Centered4xMS, MSAA_Rotated4xMS)"); -mtphys, "[physics] Use multithreaded physics simulation, even though this build is not optimized."); -multiFragment,"[grcore] Number of AA fragments (1, 2, 4, or 8)"); -multiFragment,"[grcore] Number of color/depth fragments (1,2,4, or 8)"); -multiHeadSupport, "Multi Head Support"); -multiSample,"[grcore] Number of AA samples (1, 2, 4, 8, or 16)"); -multiSample,"[grcore] Number of multisamples (1, 2, 4, or 8)"); -multiSample,"[grcore] Number of multisamples (1, 2, or 4)"); -multiSampleQuality,"[grcore] Quality level of multisamples - Video card dependent"); -mute, "[RAGE Audio] Mutes audio."); -muteoutput, "Start with output muted"); -nableCrashpad, "[startup] Enable Breakpad (defaults to disabled on Master builds, use this to turn it on)"); -namedrtdebug,"Output debug info"); -nameheapshift,"Specify name heap shift (default=0, 64k max size, can be up to 3 for 512k max size)"); -nativetrace, "Set per-native trace action in a semicolon-delimited list. Actions are: log,stack,assert. E.g. -nativetrace=SET_SLEEP_MODE_ACTIVE=log;IS_STRING_NULL=assert"); -netArraySizeAssert, "If set, the array manager asserts when the size of an array exceeds that which can fit in a single update message"); -netAutoActionPlatformInvites, "[Invite] Auto-accept platform invites"); -netAutoForceHost,"[session] If present, does not look for a game and goes straight to hosting one."); -netAutoForceJoin,"[session] If present, keeps matchmaking until a game is available."); -netAutoJoin,"[session] If present, joins a game straight away."); -netAutoMultiplayerLaunch, "[network] If present the game will automatically launch into the multiplayer game-mode."); -netAutoMultiplayerMenu, "[network] If present the game will automatically launch into the multiplayer menu."); -netBadQosThresholdMs, "If a connection quality is poor for this amount of time, we start reporting a bad connection quality"); -netBindPoseClones, "[network] Perform a bind pose analysis of the clone peds in a network game"); -netBindPoseCops, "[network] Perform a bind pose analysis of the cop peds in a network game"); -netBindPoseNonCops,"[network] Perform a bind pose analysis of the non cop peds in a network game"); -netBindPoseOwners, "[network] Perform a bind pose analysis of the owner peds in a network game"); -netBubbleAlwaysCheckIfRequired,"[session] If present, enforces that hosts always check if bubbles are required"); -netBypassMultiplayerAccessChecks, "[network] Bypass soft network access blockers"); -netClockAlwaysBlend, "[network] If present the game will always blend back to global from an override."); -netCommerceUseCurrencyCode, "[commerce] Always replace display price with the currency string"); -netCompliance); // Force XR/TRC compliance on non-final builds -netCompliance, "Enables compliance mode (compliance friendly error handling / messaging"); -netCxnEstablishmentStackTraces, "Enables stack traces for connection establishment functions"); -netCxnLockHoldThreshold, "Sets threshold at which we'll log that we held onto the connection manager lock"); -netCxnLockLongHoldThreshold, "Sets threshold at which we log 'True' for a *long* hold - this is just for searching purposes"); -netCxnLockLongWaitThreshold, "Sets threshold at which we log 'True' for a *long* wait - this is just for searching purposes"); -netCxnLockOnlyOutsideLock, "Sets whether we only consider the outside lock"); -netCxnLockPrintMainStackTrace, "Sets whether we print our main thread stack for a long hold"); -netCxnLockWaitThreshold, "Sets threshold at which we'll log that we waited for the connection manager lock"); -netdebugdesiredvelocity, "[network] Enable debugging of desired velocities"); -netdebugdisplay, "[network] Display network object debug information"); -netdebugdisplayconfigurationdetails, "[network] Display network configuration details"); -netdebugdisplayghostinfo,"[network] Allow display of ghost info for targetted types"); -netdebugdisplaypredictioninfo,"[network] Allow display of prediction info for targetted types"); -netdebugdisplaytargetobjects,"[network] Allow display of target object data"); -netdebugdisplaytargetpeds,"[network] Allow display of target ped data"); -netdebugdisplaytargetplayers,"[network] Allow display of target player data"); -netdebugdisplaytargetvehicles,"[network] Allow display of target vehicle data"); -netdebugdisplayvisibilityinfo,"[network] Allow display of visibility info for targetted types"); -netDebugLastDamage, "Debug last damage done to physical entities."); -netdebugnetworkentityareaworldstate, "[network] Enable visual debugging of network entity area world state"); -netDebugTaskLogging, "[network] Activate the task logging on specific tasks for network debugging"); -netdebugupdatelevels, "[network] Include update level information with the prediction logs"); -netDisableAcquireCritSecForFullMainUpdate, "When updating main, disable acquiring connection manager critical section for full update"); -netDisableBrowserSafeRegion, "Disables safe region for web browser on PlayStation."); -netDisableLoggingStallTracking, "[network] Disables functionality to track logging stalls"); -netDisableMissionCreators, "[network] Disable access to the mission creators"); -netDisableWebApiInvites, "Disables web api invites"); -netEnableEvaluateBenefits, "Enables evaluation of membership benefits"); -netEnableScMembershipServerTasks, "Enables membership ROS tasks to request data from the server"); -netEndpointCxnlessMs, "Set default connection-less timeout for endpoints"); -netEndpointInactivityMs, "Set default inactivity timeout for endpoints"); -netEndpointRemovalDisabled, "Set whether endpoints are removed on inactivity"); -netExcessiveAlphaLogging, "Prints logging when the network code sets the alpha"); -netfakebandwidthlimitdown, "Set initial value for the fake download bandwidth limit in bytes per second. E.g. -netfakebandwidthlimitup=1024"); -netfakebandwidthlimitup, "Set initial value for the fake upload bandwidth limit in bytes per second. E.g. -netfakebandwidthlimitup=1024"); -netfakedrop, "Enable dropping of packets and set the percentage (0-100) of inbound packets to drop. E.g. to drop 10% of packets: -netfakedrop=10"); -netFakeGamerName, "Specify a fake name to use for the local player"); -netfakelatency, "Enable fake latency and set how many milliseconds of latency to add to inbound packets. E.g. -netfakelatency=200. Specify a range to enable variable latency and packet reordering. E.g. -netfakelatency=100-400"); -netForceActiveCharacter, "Force whether we have an active character or not"); -netForceActiveCharacterIndex, "Force the active character index"); -netForceBackCompatAsPS5, "[network] Force acting as playing on PS5 with back compat", "Disabled", "PS4", ""); -netForceBadSport, "[stat_savemgr] Force local player to be a bad sport."); -netforcebandwidthtest, "[network] Force the test to run on each call", "Disabled", "All", ""); -netForceCheater, "[network] Force local player cheater setting (0 or 1)"); -netForceCompletedIntro, "Force whether we have completed the MP intro"); -netForceReadyToCheckStats, "Force setting of whether stats can be checked"); -netforceuserelay, "Force the packet relay to be used"); -netFromLiveArea, "[network] Forces -FromLiveArea"); -netFunctionProfilerAsserts, "[network] Asserts when function profiler exceeds supplied times"); -netFunctionProfilerDisabled, "[network] Disables netFunctionProfiler"); -netFunctionProfilerThreshold, "[network] Only outputs function that took more than supplied ms"); -netGameTransactionHostName,"host name to use for connecting to game server"); -netgametransactionsNonce, "Nonce");); -netGameTransactionsNoRateLimit, "Ignore rate limit values."); ) -netGameTransactionsNoToken, "Don't use the access tokens"); -netGameTransactionsServerApp, "Server app to use"); -netGameTransactionTitleName,"title name to use for connecting to game server"); -netGameTransactionTitleVersion,"title version to use for connecting to game server"); -netHasActivePlusEvent, "[net_live] PS4 only - Adds active PS+ event (bypassing need for event in event schedule)"); -netHasScMembership, "If present, specifies whether we have SC membership or not"); -nethttpallownonhttps, "[http] Allow non-HTTPS requests", "Disabled", "All", "All"); -nethttpdump, "If present HTTP requests/responses (for everything except Bugstar) will be dumped to debug output"); -nethttpdumpbinary, "If present HTTP requests/responses will dump binary content"); -nethttpdumpbugstar, "If present, HTTP requests/responses for Bugstar will be dumped to debug output"); -nethttpnoxhttp, "If present don't use IXHR2 on Xbox One"); -nethttpproxy, "Address of proxy to use for HTTP requests: .Port is optional."); -netHttpRequestTrackerDisable, "Disable the HTTP request tracker altogether."); -netHttpRequestTrackerDisplayOnScreenMessage, "[network] The HTTP request tracker will display a message on screen if there is a burst."); -netHttpRequestTrackerRules,"Specify rules .xml file for HTTP request tracker. -netHttpRequestTrackerRules=rules.xml"); -nethttprules, "Enable http interception and specify rules xml file. -nethttprules=rules.xml"); -nethttpserveraddr, "Address of server to use for HTTP requests: .Port is optional."); -nethttpsnoproxy, "Ignore proxy for HTTPS requests"); -nethttpstunnel, "[http] Use the proxy address to tunnel HTTPS requests"); -nethttptimeout, "HTTP request timeout in seconds.Overrides application defined timeout."); -nethttpuseragent, "HTTP user agent string."); -neticefailbasedonnatcombo, "Force a NAT traversal failure based on NAT type combination (i.e. strict-strict, strict-moderate will fail)"); -neticefailgamers, "Force a NAT traversal failure based on a comma-separated list of gamerhandles (eg. -neticefailgamers=\"SC 280471,SC 280921\")"); -neticefailprobability, "Force a NAT traversal failure based on a [0%, 100%] probability (eg. -neticefailprobability=50)"); -neticeforcedelay, "Delays NAT traversal for a specified number of milliseconds to simulate long-running NAT traversals (eg. -neticeforcedelay=10000, or a random delay in a range, eg. -neticeforcedelay=1000-8000"); -neticeforcefail, "Don't start NAT traversal, instead force a failure after a specified number of milliseconds (eg. -neticeforcefail=1000)"); -neticeforcesymmetricsocket, "Always use the symmetric socket for all NAT traversals"); -netIceIgnoreDirectMsgs, "Ignores ICE messages that are received from non-relayed addresses"); -netIceIgnoreIndirectMsgs, "Ignores ICE messages that are received via relay server"); -neticenodirectoffers, "Only send indirect (relay assisted) offers"); -netIceQuickConnectTimeoutMs, "Sets the QuickConnect timeout in milliseconds."); -neticesenddebuginfo, "Tell the remote peer to send debug info to the local peer after each NAT traversal"); -neticesucceedgamers, "Force a NAT traversal failure to gamers NOT listed in a comma-separated list of gamerhandles (eg. -neticesucceedgamers=\"SC 280471,SC 280921\")"); -neticesymsocketlocal, "Map the symmetric socket to the local LAN address"); -neticetestwrongrelayaddr, "Pretends we don't have the remote peer's correct relay address, so we need to discover it during NAT traversal"); -netInvitePlatformCheckStats, "[Invite] Whether we check stats or not when processing platform invites"); -netInviteScriptHandleNoPrivilege, "[Invite] Let script handle no privilege"); -netkxignoredirectmsgs, "for testing purposes only - ignore key exchange messages received via direct addresses"); -netkxignoreindirectmsgs, "for testing purposes only - ignore key exchange messages received via relay server addresses"); -netlogprefix, "[network] specifies a prefix applied to the log file, can be used when running multiple instances of a game from the same PC"); -netlogtelemetry, "Logs out telemetry content"); -netMatchmakingAlwaysRunSorting,"[session] If present, will run sorting even with one session"); -netMatchmakingCrewID,"[session] If present, sets the crew ID used for crew matchmaking"); -netMatchmakingDisableDumpTelemetry,"[session] If present, disable dumping telemetry to logging"); -netMatchmakingForceAim , "Force matchmaking aiming to the following: "); -netMatchmakingForceLanguage, "Force matchmaking language to the following: "); -netMatchMakingForceRegion, "Force matchmaking region to the following: "); -netMatchmakingMaxTelemetry,"[session] If present, max out the telemetry to test"); -netMatchmakingTotalCrewCount,"[session] If present, sets the total number of players in our crew"); -netMemAllocatorLogging, "[network] Outputs a log containing the stream of allocations and deallocations. " -netMembershipRefreshOnBackgroundExecutionExit, "[net_live] PS5 Only - Refresh membership status after exiting background execution"); -netMpAccessCode, "[network] Override multiplayer access code", "Default multiplayer access behaviour", "All", ""); -netMpAccessCodeNotReady, "[network] Force the access code check to be flagged as not ready", "Default multiplayer access behaviour", "All", ""); -netMpAccessCodeReady, "[network] Force the access code check to be flagged as ready", "Default multiplayer access behaviour", "All", ""); -netMpSkipCloudFileRequirements, "[session] If present, skips need for tunables or background scripts"); -netnattype, "Bypasses NAT type detection and sets the local NAT type. Example -netnattype=Open, -netnattype=Moderate, -netnattype=Strict, -netnattype=Unknown, -netnattype=Random"); -netNoClanEmblems, "Disables the clan emblem system"); -netnocxnrouting, "Disables all connection routing (including peer relaying and rerouting broken direct connections to the relay server)."); -netnopcp, "Don't use PCP or NAT-PMP protocols"); -netnopeerrelay, "Don't relay packets through other peers"); -netNoScAuth, "Disables ScAuth signup and account linking"); -netnoupnp, "Don't use UPnP"); -netObjectIdMinTimeBetweenRequests, "[network] Object Id minimum time between Id requests"); -netObjectIdNumIdsToRequest, "[network] Object Id number of Ids that we request when "); -netObjectIdObjectIdReleaseThreshold, "[network] Object Id release threshold"); -netObjectIdRequestIdThreshold, "[network] Object Id request Id release threshold"); -netpeerid, "Sets the local peer's peer ID to the specified value. E.g. -netpeerid=0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"); -netpeerrelaymaxhops, "Sets the maximum number of hops a packet can take through a p2p relay route"); -netpeerrelaymaxrelayedcxns, "Roughly sets the maximum number of connections the local peer can relay simultaneously. See documentation for SetMaxRelayedCxns()."); -netPlayerDisableLeakPrevention, "[net] Disables non-physical player leak prevention"); -netPlusCustomUpsellEnabled, "[net_live] PS4 only - When PS+ event is active and enabled - enables custom upsell"); -netPlusEventEnabled, "[net_live] PS4 only - Enables PS+ event (bypassing need for tunable)"); -netPlusEventPromotionEndGraceMs, "[net_live] PS4 only - When PS+ event is active and enabled - grace period to exit RDO when promotion ends"); -netPlusPromotionEnabled, "[net_live] PS4 only - When PS+ event is active and enabled - enables PS+ promotion"); -netPresenceDisablePresenceDebug, "[Presence] Disables that we can process server only messages in BANK builds"); -netpresenceignorepongs, "Ignores pongs from the presence server to help test fault tolerance."); -netpresencesecure, "Determine whether to use secure protocol when communicating with the presence server."); -netpresenceserveraddr, "Sets the full address the of presence server: or ."); -netpresenceserverdisable, "Disables discovery of the presence server"); -netPrivilegesAgeRestricted, "[network] Force privilege setting for age restriction", "Default communication privilege setting", "All", ""); -netPrivilegesMultiplayer, "[network] Force privilege setting for multiplayer", "Default multiplayer privilege setting", "All", ""); -netPrivilegesRos, "[network] Force privilege setting for Rockstar services", "Default communication privilege setting", "All", ""); -netPrivilegesSocialNetworkSharing, "[network] Force privilege setting for social network sharing", "Default communication privilege setting", "All", ""); -netPrivilegesTextCommunication, "[network] Force privilege setting for text communication", "Default communication privilege setting", "All", ""); -netPrivilegesUserContent, "[network] Force privilege setting for user content", "Default UGC privilege setting", "All", ""); -netPrivilegesVoiceCommunication, "[network] Force privilege setting for voice communication", "Default communication privilege setting", "All", ""); -netrealworld, "Allows networking systems to enable simulation of real world networking conditions.", "Disabled", "All", "All"); -netrelaychangeaddr, "Change relay servers periodically. Tests relayed p2p connections when our relay address changes."); -netrelaydisable, "Disables discovery of the relay server"); -netrelayignorep2pterminus, "Ignores P2P terminus packets that are received from the relay server."); -netrelayignorepongs, "Ignores pongs from the relay server to help test fault tolerance."); -netrelaynocrypto, "Disables mixing of relay packets with random byte - all packets are secured using P2PCrypt"); -netrelaypinginterval, "Number of seconds between pinging the relay server."); -netrelaysecure, "Determine whether to use secure protocol when communicating with the relay."); -netrelayserveraddr, "Sets the full address of the relay server: ."); -netremoteloggingEnableUpload, "[network] Allow uploading remote logs to the cloud."); -netremoteloggingLocalLog, "[network] Specify a local path to post remote logs to."); -netremoteloggingNoCompression, "[network] Do not compress remote logs before sending them."); -netremoteloggingUseEncryption, "[network] Encrypt remote logs before sending them."); -netRequireSpPrologue, "[network] Force a setting for requiring the SP prologue"); -netScAddUnconsumedStipend, "If present, adds an unconsumed stipend benefit"); -netScAuthNoExit, "Disable exiting the ScAuth flow through BACK button, requires browser javascript exit"); -netScIgnoreFirstServiceResult, "If present, adds an unconsumed stipend benefit"); -netScMembershipAllowExpire, "If present, determines whether SC membership can expire mid-session"); -netScMembershipExpiryPosix, "If present, specifies expiry of SC membership"); -netScMembershipStartPosix, "If present, specifies start of SC membership"); -netscriptdisplay, "[network] Display network script object debug information"); -netScriptHandleNewGameFlow, "[network] Script pick up the new game flow when delayed / postponed"); -netSendStallTelemetry, "[network] Only outputs function that took more than supplied ms"); -netSessionAllAdminInvitesTreatedAsDev,"[session] If present, set all admin invite dev setting"); -netSessionAllowAdminInvitesToSolo,"[session] If present, allow admin invites to solo"); -netSessionAverageRTT, "Override average RTT value"); -netSessionBailAtHost,"[session] If present, we will simulate a bail when failing when call to host is made"); -netSessionBailAtJoin,"[session] If present, we will simulate a bail when failing when call to join is made"); -netSessionBailAttr,"[session] If present, we will simulate a bail when failing during change attribute process"); -netSessionBailFinding,"[session] If present, we will simulate a bail when failing during find game process"); -netSessionBailHosting,"[session] If present, we will simulate a bail when failing during host game process"); -netSessionBailJoining,"[session] If present, we will simulate a bail when failing during join game process"); -netSessionBailJoinTimeout,"[session] If present, we will simulate a bail when failing during join game process via timeout"); -netSessionBailMigrate,"[session] If present, we will simulate a bail when migrating"); -netSessionCheckPartyForActivity,"[session] If present, prompts players to select how to proceed with respect to parties on starting activities"); -netSessionDisableImmediateLaunch,"[session] If present, disables immediate launch"); -netSessionDisablePeerComplainer,"[session] If present, disables peer complainer"); -netSessionDisablePlatformMM,"[session] If present, disables platform matchmaking in quickmatch"); -netSessionDisableSocialMM,"[session] If present, disables social matchmaking in quickmatch"); -netSessionEnableActivityMatchmakingActivityIsland,"[session] If present, enables activity island filtering on job queries"); -netSessionEnableActivityMatchmakingAnyJobQueries,"[session] If present, enables augmenting job searches with any job of specified type"); -netSessionEnableActivityMatchmakingContentFilter,"[session] If present, enables content filtering on job queries"); -netSessionEnableActivityMatchmakingInProgressQueries,"[session] If present, enables augmenting job searches with in progress jobs"); -netSessionEnableLanguageBias,"[session] If present, will enable languagw biased matchmaking for non-final"); -netSessionEnableLaunchComplaints,"[session] If present, enable client complaints during activity launch"); -netSessionEnableRegionBias,"[session] If present, will enable region biased matchmaking for non-final"); -netSessionEnableRTT, "Enable RTT matchmaking"); -netSessionForceHost,"[session] If present, will always host when calling FindSessions"); -netSessionHostProbabilityEnable,"[session] If present, disables probability MM"); -netSessionHostProbabilityMax,"[session] If present, sets the maximum probability matchmaking attempts to X"); -netSessionHostProbabilityScale,"[session] If present, sets the scaling value (per MM) of the host probability"); -netSessionHostProbabilityStart,"[session] If present, sets the starting value of the host probability"); -netSessionIgnoreAim,"[session] If present, will ignore aim preference matchmaking value"); -netSessionIgnoreAll,"[session] If present, will ignore data hash, cheater and aim preferences matchmaking"); -netSessionIgnoreAssets, "Ignore asset differences"); -netSessionIgnoreCheater,"[session] If present, will ignore cheater matchmaking value"); -netSessionIgnoreDataHash,"[session] If present, will ignore data hash matchmaking value"); -netSessionIgnoreECHash, "Ignore the CExtraContentManager::GetCRC data hash"); -netSessionIgnoreReputation, "Ignore Xbox One reputation setting"); -netSessionIgnoreTimeout,"[session] If present, will ignore time out matchmaking value. Not included in -All"); -netSessionIgnoreVersion,"[session] If present, will ignore time out matchmaking version"); -netSessionMaxPlayers,"[session] If present, sets the maximum number of players in a single session"); -netSessionMaxPlayersActivity,"[session] If present, sets the maximum number of players in an activity"); -netSessionMaxPlayersFreemode,"[session] If present, sets the maximum number of freemode players in a single session"); -netSessionMaxPlayersSCTV,"[session] If present, sets the maximum number of SCTV players in a single session"); -netSessionNoAdminInvitesTreatedAsDev, "[session] If present, set no admin invite dev setting"); -netSessionNoGamerBlacklisting,"[session] If present, prevents gamers from being blacklisted"); -netSessionNoSessionBlacklisting,"[session] If present, prevents sessions from being blacklisted"); -netSessionNoTransitionQuickmatch, "[session] If present, transition quickmatch does not host"); -netSessionOpenNetworkOnQuickmatch,"[session] If present, opens the network when we quickmatch"); -netSessionRejectJoin,"[session] If present, will always reject join attempts"); -netSessionShowStateChanges,"[session] If present, show session state changes on screen"); -netSessionStateTimeout,"[session] If present, sets the join state timeout to X"); -netSessionUniqueCrewLimit,"[session] If present, sets the maximum number of unique crews in a session"); -netSessionUniqueCrewLimitTransition,"[session] If present, sets the maximum number of unique crews in a transition session"); -netshoplatency, "[net_shopping] Set latency on network shopping transactions."); -netshoptransactiondebug, "[net_shopping] if present extra debug info is rendered."); -netshoptransactionnull, "[net_shopping] use the null transaction."); -netSignOutStartNewGame, "[game] Start a new game instead of running the landing page flow"); -netsoaktest, "Runs an automated test of the network game using the specified script"); -netsoaktestparams, "Specifies a comma separated list of parameter for the soak test script"); -netSpPrologueComplete, "[network] Force that the SP prologue is complete"); -netssldump, "Output additional debugging information about SSL connections. Set -netssldump=verbose to dump send/receive buffers as well."); -netStartPos, "[network] Set the player start position."); -netSuppressGameTraffic, "[netPlayerMgrBase] If present, we won't send any game traffic"); -netTaskMotionPedDebug, "[network] Print out all task motion ped syncing to the TTY"); -netTeam, "[network] Set the player's team."); -netTelemetryConfig, "[telemetry] Loads the telemetry from a file", "", "All", ""); -netTelemetryDisableDumpOnExportFail, "[telemetry] Disables dumping of metrics which export fails on"); -netTelemetryDump, "[telemetry] If present, dumps all telemetry to logging"); -netTelemetryForceOff, "[telemetry] Forces telemetry metrics to be disabled even if the config file says otherwise", "", "All", ""); -netTelemetryForceOn, "[telemetry] Forces telemetry metrics to be enabled even if the config file says otherwise", "", "All", ""); -netTelemetryForceOnKeepsProbability, "[telemetry] When set ForceOn maintains the probability. By default ForceOn assumes the probability will be 1.0", "Disabled", "All", ""); -netTelemetryForceProbability, "[telemetry] Enforces a specific probability value for all metrics", "Disabled", "All", ""); -netTelemetryGroupForceOff, "[telemetry] Forces telemetry metrics of a certain group to be disabled even if the config file says otherwise", "", "All", ""); -netTelemetryGroupForceOn, "[telemetry] Forces telemetry metrics of a certain group to be enabled even if the config file says otherwise", "", "All", ""); -netTelemetrySubmissionIntervalSec, "[telemetry] Overwrite the default submission interval", "Disabled", "All", ""); -netTestTunableConnectionMgrHeapSwap, "Tests swapping out the heap at the point of loading tunables"); -netTextMessageEnableFilter, "[network] Whether text message filtering is enabled"); -netupnpcleanup, "Clean up old UPnP entries before adding a port mapping"); -netUseStagingEnv, "Enables the Social Club staging environment"); -netVerboseCanActionProfileChange, "[live] Verbose logging of whether or not we can action a profile change"); -netXblSessionTemplateName, "[net_live] Xbox Only - Session template name"); -netXblUseConnectivityForLinkConnected, "[network] Whether we use the network connectivity to drive whether we consider the cable connected"); -nmtuning, "Enable tuning of naturalmotion parameters"); -no_3GB, "[MEMORY] Disable 32bit OS with /3GB"); -no_screen_watermark,"Disable screen watermark"); -noAbortingFailedConv, "Do not abort conversations that fail to load."); -noactionscriptclassoverride, "Don't override any actionscript classes with C++ implementations"); -noAdaptivedof,"Disable adaptive dof"); -noaero, "[startup] Disable Windows' Aero theme"); -noambient, "[population] Disable ambient events by code and script"); -noarea51, "[streaming] Disable AREA 51"); -NoArenaBallBlenderData, "Don't use custom Arena Ball blender data."); -noassertfocus,"[logging] Do not make asserts steal the window focus"); -noassertonlargevirtchunks, "[streaming] Don't assert if we try to load assets with large virtual chunks"); -noaudio, "[RAGE Audio] Disable audio (prevent sound creation)."); -noaudiogap, "[RAGE Audio] Disable warning on long audio frame gaps"); -noaudiohardware,"RAGE Audio - Don't initialise any audio hardware for output"); -noaudioocclusion, "[RAGE Audio] Disable audio occlusion."); -noaudiothread, "[RAGE Audio] Do not create an audio thread.Also disables audio."); -noautoload, "[app] Don't attempt to autoload the most recent saved game on the loading screens"); -noautorestarthud, "[code] do not restart the hud"); -nobandwidthlogging, "disable bandwidth logging"); -nobandwidththrottling, "[network] No bandwidth throttling"); -noBGScripts, "Disables BG Scripts from updating/running."); -noBkgInput, "[input] Normally __DEV PC builds will get keyboard input even when the window is in the background. Use this to disable background key presses."); -noBlockOnLostFocus,"[grcore] Don't block the window update when it loses focus."); -nobuttons, "[code] disable buttons in text"); -nocache, "[MEMORY] Do not cache resources"); -nocacheloaderencryption,"Cache data is encrypted"); -nocacherpf, "Never evict RPF files"); -nocachetimestamps,"Skip the timestmap check for cache validation"); -nocamber, "[paths] don't calculate camber (tilt) values during build process."); -nocars, "[vehiclepopulation] Don't create any random vehs"); -nocarsexceptcops, "[vehiclepopulation] Don't create any random vehs except cops"); -nocatalog, "Don't fail catalog retrieve issues"); -nocatalogcache, "If present, we will dont parse catalog cache."); -noclothmtinstance, "don't do multithreaded instancing"); -noclothupdate, "disable cloth update, cloth is still created"); -nocompressionsave, "Don't try to compress the savegame files when saving/loading"); -nocompressucode,"Disable microcode compression")); -nocreatorcheck, "[GenericGameStorage] Skips the playeriscreator check when loading XBox360 save games"); -nocredentialsometimes, "[net_profile_stats] Simulate profile stats credentials failure."); -nocutarrowkeys, "[cutscene] Enable keyboard arrow keys for cutscene playback control"); -nocutsceneauthorization, "[cutscene] Ignore the script authorized list"); -nocuttext, "[cutscene] Don't display debug text during cutscenes"); -nod3dfpu,"[grcore] Allow D3D to mess with FPU state even in __DEV builds (PC ONLY)"); -nodeadpedremoval, "Disable automatic removal of dead peds left behind."); -nodebugloadingscreen, "[code] disable debug loadingscreens"); -nodebugpack, "Disable use of xxx_debug.rpf packfiles in packaged non-final builds"); -nodebugtxt, "[debug] Don't display debug text on screen"); -nodecallods, "never use decal lods (i.e. dynamic decals)"); -nodecals, "disables decals"); -nodefrag, "Turn off defragmentation"); -nodepth, "[grcore] disable creation of a depth buffer by rage"); -nodisappearwhendead, "[fragment] Disable fragments from disappearing when dead (for debugging)"); -nodisplaycalibration, "[code] force disable display calibration on startup"); -nodisplayconvergence, "[debug] Don't display the current convergence in RenderReleaseInfoToScreen()"); -nodisplayframecount, "[debug] Don't display the current frame count in RenderReleaseInfoToScreen()"); -NoDPIAdjust, "[graphics] Ignore the windows DPI values and compute from raw pixel dimensions"); -nodrawablecontainer,"[rmcore] Disable containers for drawables (so large objects will load, but won't render on SPU)"); -nodynamicmixer, "[RAGE Audio] bypass dynamic mixer initialisation"); -noencryptsave, "Don't encrypt save game files"); -noentitlements, "Disable entitlements for Master builds"); -noentitlements, "Disable entitlents for non-Final builds"); -noentitydescsoa, "Don't use SoA data structure for map entity descriptors"); -noFastClearColor, "[grcore] disable CMASK meta-buffer setup (RT clears are slower)"); -noFastClearDepth,"[grcore] disable HTILE meta-buffer setup (helps debugging with Razor GPU)"); -noFastKickoffs,"Disable the D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_FAST_KICKOFFS device flag"); -noFatalAssertOnVehicleScopeDistance, "[vehiclepopulation] Disable the fatal assert on netobjvehicle scope for debug purposes"); -noFetchRemapping,"Disable semantic remap table for the fetch shader"); -noflushsometimes, "[net_profile_stats] Simulate profile stats flush failure."); -nofraglatching,"[fragment] don't allow anything to latch (car doors)"); -nofragsimplification,"[fragment] Don't allow articulated fragment objects to become rigid"); -nofriends, "Cause the friends list initialization task to fail."); -nogameaudio, "[Audio] Disable game audio engine init for offline tools (may not work in-game)"); -noGcmWatchdog,"[grcore] Disable gcm watchdog thread (useful for automation)."); -noGPUTimers, "Disable GPU timers for PC"); -nographics,"[setup] Disable graphics window (for automation)."); -nohairshadows, "Disables hair rendering in shadow pass"); -noHangDetectThread, "disable the hang detect thread"); -NoHDGarage, "Dont Allow extra vehicle HD in MP garages"); -noheadblend, "Disables ped head blend system"); -nohelptextpause, "[code] update help text when paused"); -nohttpsometimes, "Debug setting to cause http to intermittently fail.-nohttpsometimes="); -nohud, "[code] hide hud"); -nohwtnl,"[grcore] Disable hardware transform & light"); -noInGameDOF, "Disable In-game DOF effects"); -noinstall, "Don't install streaming IMGs to PS3 HDD");) -noinstancedveg, "disable instanced vegatation"); -noInternationalKeyboardMode, "[input] Do not use international keyboard mode that loads the US keyboard."); -nokeyboardhook, "[startup] Don't disable the Windows key with a low-level keyboard hook."); -noKeyboardMouseControls,"[control] Stops PC controls from being loaded."); -nolazystateblock,"Do not ignore redundant state block sets on main processor"); -noloadingtune, "Disables playing of music during game load"); -noloadreleasepsos, "Load the original XML versions of certain meta files, on disc builds"); -nolodlights, "disable lod lights"); -noLogMinimapTransitions, "[code] For debugging transitions between the styles of minimap, bigmap etc etc and track it to ensure it completes"); -noloudhailereffect, "Disable loudhailer effect for remote players"); -nolwlights, "Specify to switch off lightweight shader swapping"); -noMarshalInput, "Disables marshalled RGSC SDK input"); -nomemrestrict, "[MEMORY] Do not restrict the amount of available memory for managed resources"); -nomenumusic, "Disable menu music"); -nominidump, "Do not run a mini dump."); -nominimap, "[code] hide minimap"); -nominspecaudio, "Force normal audio processing regardless of CPU"); -nomirrors,""); // temp hack to disable mirror reflection, this "fixes" GPU deadlock BS#741936 -nomirrors_360,""); -nomousepointer,"[setup] Never draw the mouse pointer."); -nomploadsometimes, "[stat_savemgr] Simulate load fail."); -nompsavegame, "[stat_savemgr] Disable all savegames for multiplayer."); -nompsavesometimes, "[stat_savemgr] Simulate save fail."); -nompvehicles, "[network] Don't switch to the lower-LOD vehicles in MP"); -nomsgs, "[debug] Don't output log messages to the console"); -nomtclipdictplace, "Place clip dictionary resources on a separate thread"); -nomtphys, "[physics] Don't use multithreaded physics simulation."); -nomtplacement, "[streaming] Enable placing select resources on a separate thread"); -noncompressedpeddamagedebug,"[debug] Output Ped debuging info for non compressed ped damage/decorations"); -noneblockingnetlogs,"[network] Prevent network logs from ever blocking the game update"); -nonetlogs, "[network] disables network logging"); -nonetwork, "[network] No network"); -nonewscenestreamer, "[scene] Disable new scene streamer that has per-device quotas"); -nonpupdate,"Disable NP update"); -noocclusion, "disable occluder imap data"); -noocclusiondebugdraw, "Disable occlusion debug draw"); -nooutput, "[startup] Disable all output even in __DEV builds"); -noOverlapLipsyncAdjustment, "Do not adjust conversation overlap times for lipsync predelay."); -noparticleshadows, "Disables particle shadows"); -nopedmetadata, "Disables ped meta data loading."); -nopedphyssinglestep, "Don't try to do CPed::ProcessPhysics() just once per frame per ped, do it once per physics step."); -nopeds, "[population] Dont create any random peds"); -nopedspringsinglestep, "Don't try to do CPed::ProcessPedStanding() just once per frame per ped, do it once per physics step."); -noplaceholderdialogue, "Disable placeholder dialogue"); -noPlayer, "[PlayerPed] Game never creates the player."); -nopopups,"[diag] Disable all use of popups (optional: add =abort, =retry, or =ignore, default is ignore)"); -noprecache, "[MEMORY] Do not precache resources"); -noPrintCommandLine, "[bank] suppresses the command line TTY message" ); -noprofile,"[profile] Disable profiler module"); -noprofilesignin, "[code] Don't check for a profile signin at game startup"); -noprofilestats, "[] Disable Profile Stats"); -noptfx, "disables particle effects"); -noquitonassert,"[diag] Don't allow asserts to quit the program"); -noquits,"[diag] Disable any attempt to quit (dangerous!)"); -noragdolls, "[physics] do not allow any ragdolls"); -noRecordingFrameLock, "Disable the recording frame lock"); -noRefocusWindow, "Don't refocus the window when it loses focus"); -noreplaysrl, "Disable srl clip processing stage"); -noResidentPauseMenu, "Pause menu will not be kept around after unloading"); -norestrictedaudio, "lets the user record restricted audio to video streams in BANK builds"); -noReuseInMP, "[worldpopulation] Disable Ped/Vehicle Reuse in MP"); -norlupdate,"Disable all RL net update"); -normalaiminglodscale, "[LodScale] Permit normal camera fov driven LOD scale when aiming"); -noRTA, "Disables the Realtime Activity Service"); -norumble, "[RAGE] disable rumble"); -noSavegameCloud, "[savegame_cloud] Disable cloud saves for savegame."); -noscaleformamp, "Disable scaleform AMP server"); -noscaleformprealloc, "Don't preallocate memory for scaleform movies"); -noscevent, "Ignore downloading the event data"); -noSCFeed, "Disable SC Feeds"); -noSCNews, "Disable SC News"); -noscripttimestamps,"Disable timestamps on script TTY output"); -nosessioncleanup, "Does not attempt session cleanup on startup."); -noshaderpatching,"[grcore] Tell D3D to assert out if it finds avoidable shader patching."); -nosignincheck, "[savegame_new_game_checks] Don't ask the player to sign in or select a device at the start of the game"); -nosixaxis,"Disable use of PS3 orientation sensors"); -nosleep, "[peds] Dont let any peds' physics go to sleep"); -nosnap, "[paths] don't snap nodes to collision during build process."); -noSocialClub, "Disables loading of the Social Club DLL."); -nosoftshadows, "Disables soft shadows"); -nosortnodes, "[paths] don't sort nodes during build process, only for debugging -buildpaths as this will really fuck up in-game algorithms."); -nospuaudio, "[RAGE Audio] Disable updates on SPU"); -nosrl, "disable SRLs"); -nostacktrace, "Stack trace kills PC performance when abused"); -noStartupBink,"Skip Bink intro movie (PC PIX has an issue with it right now)"); -NoStaticIntCols, "disable using static bounds for interior collisions"); -noStencil, "[grcore] disable stencil buffers (so depth captures look right in Razor GPU)"); -nostoryModeEntitlement, "Simulate story mode being unavailable without checking user entitlements"); -nosynchronizesometimes, "[net_profile_stats] Simulate profile stats synchronize failure."); -notextures, "[grcore] force all CreateTexture calls to return empty texture"); -NoThreadedLoad, "Disable DX11 threaded loading of shaders"); -notimefix, "[TIME] Disable Time Fix"); -notimeouts); //Disable timeouts for network sessions -notimeouts, "[network] Disable timeouts for network sessions"); -notimeslicepedanimfps, "Disable FPS adjustments for timesliced animation updates."); -notimeslicepedanims, "Disable timesliced animation updates."); -notimeslicepeds, "Disable timesliced AI updates."); -notopmostasserts,"[diag] Do not make asserts top-most."); -noupdate, "Disable use of development update folder"); -novblank,"[grcore] Disable wait for vblank"); -novehicledamage, "No vehicle deformation."); -novehicledirt, "Don't display vehicle dirt"); -novehs, "[vehiclepopulation] Don't create any random vehs"); -novehsexcepttrains, "[vehiclepopulation] Don't create any random vehs except trains"); -noVendorAPI, "[grcore] Don't use vendor API"); -novfx, "disables all visual effects"); -noWaitOnGpu,"Wait for the GPU to finish each frame (slows down max fps we're able to render at"); -nowarnings, "[debug] Don't output warnings to the console"); -nowarnonexcessivedraw, "[debug] Don't display on-screen message if there is too much debug drawing"); -noWarpCameraPosSet, "Disable setting the Camera position when using debug warp functionality"); -noWarpTimeOfDaySet, "Disable setting Time Of Day when using debug warp functionality"); -nowater, "Disable water code"); -noWaterUpdate, "Update the water on a per-frame basis"); -nowaveslots,"[RAGE Audio] Don't allocate any wave slots"); -noweaponecho, "disables gun reports"); -noweaponwheel, "[code] dont use weapon wheel"); -nozlib,"Don't compress scripts with zlib"); -nozonedassets, "Disable zoned / mem resident props by region"); -npAutoAllowPermissions, "Automatically set all NP permissions to true (without issuing checks)"); -npDisablePermissionRetry, "Disables permission retry"); -npfaultrules, "Enable NP Fault Tolerance and specify a rules file. -npfaultrules=npfaults.xml"); -npForceAllowPermissions, "Forces all NP permissions to return true"); -npInvitationId, "Creates a serviceEvent on boot with the given invitation ID"); -npMaxAvailabilityWait, "Overrides the maximum amount of time (milliseconds) to wait for the NP availability check request to finish before aborting it"); -npSessionId, "Creates a serviceEvent on boot with the given Session ID"); -npTarget, "Sets the NP target for boot invitation/session events"); -nullDriver,"[grcore] Initialise device with the NULL driver"); -nullhardware,"[setup] Use D3D null hardware (only on Xenon)."); -numasioinputs, "[RAGE Audio] Number of ASIO input channels to initialise"); -numCores, "Tasks will only be allocated to the first 'n' cores"); -numTaskSchedulers, "Set the number of task scheduler threads"); -nvstereo,"[grcore] enable/disable 3D stereo for NVIDIA"); -occlusion, "Enable occlusion"); -occlusiondebugdraw, "Enable occlusion debug draw"); -ocketport, "[network] 8-bit network port on which to communicate"); -Oculus, "Enable Oculus"); -onFootCinematic, "[camCinematicDirector] Allow on foot cinematic"); -OnlyCenterMultiMonitor,"Only allow the multimonitor system if it's on the centered monitor"); -onlydisplayforfocusped, "[AI] only display for focus ped"); -OnlyMatchingMultiMonitor,"Only allow the windowed multimonitor resolution if all monitors are the same dimenions"); -output,"[startup] Enable all output even in !__DEV builds"); -output_registered_script_save_data, "Output to the TTY the script save data as it is registered"); -outputCloudFiles, "Write cloud files to PC harddisk for debugging"); -outputMonitor,"[grcore] Use the specified monitor output of the selected adapter number (zero-based)"); -override_script, "[FileLoader] Use this file instead of script.rpf. The replacement .rpf has to be in the same folder as the original script.rpf. You don't need to specify the .rpf extension"); -override_script_dlc, "[FileLoader] Use this file instead of script_RELEASE.rpf in DLC packs. The replacement .rpf has to be in the same folder as the original script_RELEASE.rpf. You don't need to specify the .rpf extension"); -overrideCreditsDisplay, "Override the credits menu item being displayed (-1 : none, 0 : credits / legal, 1 : credits, 2 : legal"); -overrideNearClip, "[game] Use overriden near clip setting"); -overridePlayerAge, "Overrides local player age (for testing game rating)"); -overrideSpawnPoints, "[network] Do not use spawn points in network sessions"); -overridetime,"override time with this value (Same as using the Clock Widget"); -padConnected,"Always pretend a pad is connected (to avoid warning screens)"); -parkedVehiclesUpperLimit, "[vehiclepopulation] Set the upper limit used by parked vehicle generation algorithm"); -parsercatalog, "[startup] Creates a catalog of all auto-registered parsable classes at startup"); -particleQuality,"[QUALITY SETTINGS] Set particle quality (0-2)"); -particleShadows, "[QUALITY SETTINGS] Enable particle shadows"); -path,"[RAGE] Set default asset path root"); -pauseonassert, "Pauses the game when an assert happens"); -pcTiledLighting, "Enables tiled lighting (PC defaults to non-tiled)"); -pcTiledPostFx, "Use tiling for PostFX shading"); -pedAmbient, "Ambient Peds"); -peddamagedebug,"[debug] Output Ped debuging info for compressed decorations"); -peddebugvisualiser, "[debug] Default value for ped debug visualiser"); -pedheadshotdebug,"Output debug info"); -pedInVehicles, "Peds in vehicles"); -pedLodBias,"[QUALITY SETTINGS] Set Pedestrians Lod Distance Bias (0.0-1.0f)"); -pedMemoryMultiplier, "Ped memory multiplier"); -pedMult, "Multiplier for ped counts in pop-cycle"); -pedOnFoot, "Peds on foot"); -pedpiccampos,"[debug] ped pics : camera position"); -pedpiccrowdSize,"[debug] ped pics : crowd dimensions"); -pedpicdisttocrowd,"[debug] ped pics : dist to ped crowd created"); -pedpicfov,"[debug] ped pics : field fo view"); -pedpicgroupuniformdistribution,"[debug] ped pics : density / distribution of crowd."); -pedpicheading,"[debug] ped pics : heading of camera"); -pedpichour,"[debug] ped pics : hour of day"); -pedpicmaxcaptures,"[debug] ped pics : max picture captures to try, -1 is unlimited."); -pedpicminute,"[debug] ped pics : minute of day"); -pedpicpitch,"[debug] ped pics : pitch of camera"); -pedpicroll,"[debug] ped pics : roll of camera"); -pedpicsecond,"[debug] ped pics : second of day"); -pedpicstartidx,"[debug] ped pics : start index to capture."); -pedreuse, "[pedpopulation] Turn on ped reuse"); -pedreusedebug, "[pedpopulation] Turn on ped reuse debug spheres"); -pedsanywhere, "[population] Create random regardless of navmesh ped densities"); -pedstreamingcheck, "Renders debug text above peds with outstanding stream requests"); -pedVariety, "[QUALITY SETTINGS] Control ped variety (0.0 - 1.0)"); -pedWidgets,"[game] Create ped widget bank on game launch"); -percentageForStreamer, "[MEMORY] Percentage of memory available for streamer"); -perfhud,"[grcore] Add support for running under nVidia's PerfHud utility (PC ONLY"); -pfdraw, "Memory reserved for RAGE profile draw, i.e. items controlled within the widget bank \"rage - Profile Draw\""); -pfDrawDefaultSyncPoint, "Set the pfDraw render synchronisation point (see PHYSICS_RENDER_UPDATE_SYNC_POINT_STRINGS for options). Defaults to NONE"); -pfdrawon, "[profile] Enable top-level profile draw group"); -pgolitetrace, "Trace main/render threads during automated metrics captures"); -phoneConversationHistoryTest, "Run the phone conversation history test."); -phscratchpad, "Size of physics scratchpad (bytes)"); -physicsrigsatload, "Load human physics rigs directly from XML files.Only used for local testing new rigs."); -physicsupdates, "Number of times physics is updated per frame"); -physicsWidgets,"[game] Create physics widget bank on game launch"); -picuserid, "The Epic Games Launcher passes in the user's epic user id. Used in offline mode only."); -pixannotation,"[grcore] Enable Pix annotation via the PIXBegin()/PIXEnd() macros"); -pixDebug, "Enable extra PIX debug info."); -pixsntuner,"Enable PIX captures while SN Tuner is running (normally only GPAD)"); -platform, "Indicate where platform folder is"); -platformpack, "Indicate where platform packfile is"); -playercoords,"[game] Player start coords"); -playerheading,"[game] Player start heading"); -playgoemu, "Emulation of PlayGo through private http server"); -playgotest, "Triggers the PlayGo script for debug and testing"); -portaltrackerdebugmodel, "Debug spew for portal tracking of all entities with given modelname"); -portaltrackerPositionHistory, "Enable Position history for portal tracked Peds and Vehicle"); -portaltrackertracecamera, "Enable callstack trace tracking for vehicles"); -portaltrackertracepeds, "Enable callstack trace tracking for peds"); -portaltrackertracevehicles, "Enable callstack trace tracking for vehicles"); -postFX, "[QUALITY SETTINGS] Set postFX quality (0-3)"); -postfxusesFP16, "Force FP16 render targets for postfx"); -powerconsole,"[setup] allows the ability to use powershell console."); -predictionLogging, "enable prediction logging"); -presentThreshold,"The immediate threshold for presenting, as a percentage (from 0 to 100) of screen coverage in scanlines."); -presevnt_disable, "Disable sending and receiving events"); -presevnt_onefriend, "The one and only friend to send events to"); -presevnt_sendtoself, "Send the events to self"); -preventScriptMigration, "[network] Prevent the scripts from forcing script entities to only migrate to script participants"); -previewcoords, "Where to put the preview tag (=x,y)"); -previewdebug, "[streaming] Spew debug info to analyze the preview folder"); -previewfolder, "Enable streaming from the preview folder"); -previewmode, "Default mode for Preview display (summary/patched/all/nada"); -printlargesounds, "[RAGE Audio] warn when playing large sound hierarchies"); -PrintShaderCacheEntries, "Print shader cache entries"); -processinstance, "[startup] When running multiple instances of the process at once, specify a unique instance number to assign to each instance (i.e. -processinstance=2"); -profileGenerationOverride, "[net_profile_stats] override the profile level stat for the generation, 0 : none, 7 gen7, 8 gen8, 9 gen9"); -profilerrag,"[profile] Enable Rag Profiler Plugin"); -propasserts, "Assert on prop checks"); -props,"[fragment] Force all container-based fragment types to be of the same type"); -propsysfont,"[setup] Use a proportional system font."); -PS4BackwardsCompatibility, "Force acting as playing on PS5 with back compat", "Disabled", "PS4", ""); -psoMismatchIsFatal, "Crash when we find a PSO mismatch"); -psoNoDebugStrings, "[parser] Skip registration of all the debug strings"); -ptfxassetoverride, "sets the override particle asset"); -ptfxdebugdraw, "enables the rmptfx debug drawing by default"); -ptfxloadall, "loads all ptfx assets"); -ptfxloadmost, "loads most ptfx assets - skips any rayfire and script assets"); -ptfxloadxml, "RMPTFX should load xml data"); -ptfxnodownsampling, "disable the downsampled particles"); -ptfxonlyplaythis, "plays only the particle effect specified"); -ptfxperformancetest, "enables particle performace test case - no particle effects will play apart from those created by a debug button"); -ptfxtimebar, "display the ptfx timebar along with all the others"); -qsssao_res,"Which QS-SSAO res to use(0 = low, 1 = med, 2 = high)."); -radiohudwidgets, "Activates radio hud widgets"); -radtelemetry, "[profile] Enable RAD Telemetry on startup"); -rag,"[bank] Connect to RAG (a main application)."); -rag_renderer,"rag_renderer"); -rag_timecycle,"rag_timecycle"); -ragAddr,"[bank] Connect with Rag on a specific IP address." ); -ragConnectTimeout,"[bank] Number of seconds before giving up on trying to connect to RAG.(default is infinite)"); -ragEventQBufferSize, "[bank] The size of the event queue for receiving keyboard and mouse input from Rag.The default is 256*ioEventQueue::COMMAND_SIZE (1280 bytes).A larger size will allow mouse input to be handled better in low framerate situations." ); -rageversion,"[startup] Display rage version this was compiled against, and then exit."); -ragnotty,"[bank] Don't send logging output to RAG."); -ragPS3TargetAddr,"[bank] Instruct Rag which PS3 Target to communicate with.Use the name of your Target as it appears in the Target Manager."); -ragUseOwnWindow, "[device_d3d] Displays the game in its own window rather than inside rag"); -ragUseOwnWindow, "[grcore] Displays the game in its own window rather than inside rag"); -ragviewer,"[bank] Connect to RAG (a rage viewer)."); -randomseed);// this is used by rage now as well, may as well share -randomseed, "Used a fixed seed value for all random number streams"); -randSpawnMax,"max world coords to test player teleport"); -randSpawnMin,"min world coords to test player teleport"); -ratedframerate, "[profile] The framerate we're currently supporting"); -rave, "[RAGE Audio] Connect to RAVE for the specified metadata types; comma delimited (eg -rave=Sounds,Curves,Weapons"); -ravehost, "[RAGE Audio] Manually specify the remote RAVE host (defaults to rfs.dat IP)"); -raveskipchunks, "[RAGE Audio] Don't request the specified chunks from RAVE; comma delimited (eg -raveskipchunks=BASE,SinglePlayer to request only DLC"); -raveSkipReleasedDlcChunks, "[RAGE Audio] Automatically skips a hard coded list of metadata chunks"); -rawCameraMetadata, "[camFactory] Load the raw XML camera metadata from the assets folder if no alternative path specified"); -rawcutsceneauthorizeddata, "[cutscene] Ignore the script preappoval list"); -rdrDebugCamera, "Enable RDR debug camera"); -rdrreportaudio, "turns on testing of RDR report system"); -readonly, "Don't send changes back to RAVE"); -recordbandwidth, "[network] Record bandwidth"); -recordstartuprequests, "Record all requests during startup and save them to a file"); -reddotsight,"[setup] Change the mouse pointer into a red dot."); -redirectTTY, "Redirect TTY output to the specified TCP IP:port"); -refdebugnoheap_360,"refdebugnoheap_360"); // allocate reflection target separately, so it can be viewed from rag -reflectionBlur, "[QUALITY SETTINGS] Enable reflection map blur"); -reflectionMSAA,"[QUALITY SETTINGS] Set reflection MSAA level (0, 2, 4, or 8)"); -reflectionQuality,"[QUALITY SETTINGS] Set reflection quality (0-3)"); -refreshrate,"[grcore] Set refresh rate of main render window"); -regenfragdistricts,"[fragment] Regenerate paging data for fragment types, and all districs that have fragment objects"); -regenfrags,"[fragment] Regenerate paging data for fragment types"); -regenmodel,"[grmodel] Force model resources to be regenerated (default is to perform an out-of-date check)"); -RegrefValidation, "Enable debug regref validation code"); -reinstall, "Force a reinstall of streaming IMGs to PS3 HDD");) -reloadpackfilesonrestart, "[streaming] Reload all packfiles when restarting the game"); -remotebank,"[bank] Attempt to connect to remote bank server."); -remoteInput, "[RAGE] Listen to packets from a RemoteInputServer"); -remoteXInput, "[RAGE] [Deprecated] Listen to packets from xinputserver"); -removetopmips, "[RAGE] don't load top level mips for any given image"); -renderAlphaShadows,"Render alpha objects into the alpha shadow buffer"); -renderdoc, "Enable RenderDoc frame capturing"); -renderdoc_log, "Set name of RenderDocCapture"); -renderdoc_overlay, "Enable RenderDoc overlay and F11 to do a capture"); -rendergfxdebug, "temp render gfx crash debug"); -rendertargetlog, "[grcore] the name of the render target log (dumping is enabled via the render target widget)"); -rendertargetpoollog, "[grcore] the name of the render target pool log (dumping is enabled via the render target widget)"); -replayDebugClipPrefix, "[Replay] Name to prefix to a clip to differentiate from other peoples clips"); -replayFilesDumpDir, "[Replay] Folder where the replays clips/projects will be dumped once there's loaded"); -replayFilesWorkingDir, "[Replay] Use this folder instead of the one used by default for saving/loading replay files"); -replayRecordingIgnoreLostFocus, "[Replay] Don't disable recording when focus is lost"); -replayRecordingStopOnCameraDisabled, "[Replay] Stop recording if the camera is disabled."); -replayTCrecordOutput,"TTY output for replay TC recording"); -reserve, "[MEMORY] Amount of memory to set aside for other applications"); -reservedApp, "[MEMORY] Amount of memory to leave available within application space"); -resetSteamAchievements, "Resets your achievement progress on Steam"); -restoreContextState,"Don't restore the context state after executing a command list (default=true), false is quicker"); -revealmap, "[code] reveal map on boot"); -rfschunksize, "[file] Size of chunk to use when transfering data, in bytes"); -rfsport,"[startup] Specify non-default port for rfs usage."); -rfsRemoteTty, "Send TTY to systray as well")); -rglLanguage, "Language from the Rockstar Games Launcher"); -rgpu,"Insert Razor GPU labels (slow, but what you want when debugging graphics)"); -rlConductorForceGeo, "Specifies the country code to use to force the conductor to route to a specific geo"); -rldisabledsecurityflags, "Security flags to disable (0 for none or 65535 to disable all"); -rldisablessl, "If present, SSL will be disabled by default"); -rlDumpUgc, "Dumps all UGC downloads to disk"); -rlenablesslbydefault, "If present, SSL will be enabled by default - temporary command line until all services are available via ssl"); -rlEnvironment, "Set the environment to use (dev, stage-dev, cert, stage-cert ...)"); -rlIgnoreForcedEnvironment, "[rline] Escapes RL_FORCE_*_ENVIRONMENT and uses environment as supplied by platform"); -rlineSparseAllocator, "[network] Use a sparse allocator for rline"); -rlnpinvitedelayms, "Sets a delay in milliseconds"); -rlnpjoinsession, "Fake a bootable invite to a session id i.e. -rlnpjoinsession=ABCDE-FGHIJ-KLMNO"); -rlnpjoinsessiontarget, "Sets the target for an fake bootable invite/session -rlnpjoinsessiontarget=58592752597"); -rlnpjointarget, "Fake a bootable invite event from a PSN Account ID i.e. -rlnpjointarget=58592752597"); -rlNpPlusAuthorised, "Overrides result from the NP call to check plus / premium"); -rlnpuseoldinvites, "If present use the old NP invite technique (not the gui)"); -rlProfileStatsFlushErrorDelaySecs, "Delay range after an attempt to write stats fails"); -rlRosCredMaxDelaySecs, "Maximum delay before a cred refresh"); -rlRosCredMinDelaySecs, "Minimum delay before a cred refresh"); -rlRosCredPrefetchSecs, "Secs before current cred expiration to start refresh"); -rlrosdomainenv, "Overrides ROS environment string used in domain names (ci-rage,rage,dev,load,qa,cert,prod)"); -rlRosForceUseAccountIds, "If present, client will always use account Ids"); -rlRosUseNp3, "Use rlRosCreateTicketNp3Task instead of rlRosCreateTicketNp4Task (will disable use of account Ids)"); -rlservicehosts, "JSON array of host/endpoint pairs:[{\"h\":\"dev.telemetry.rockstargames.com\",\"e\":\"*/telemetry.asmx/submitcompressed\"}]"); -rlServiceTokenForceTTL, "Force service token ttl"); -rlsslnocert, "If present, the server's certificate won't be verified, and SSLv23 will be used instead of tlsv1.2"); -rlsslservices, "Comma-delimited list of services that should use ssl: \"*/profilestats.asmx/*,\"*/leaderboards.asmx/*\""); -rlTaskAllowAddFailures, "Allow DoAddTask to fail"); -rlWebApiCheckHeap, "Runs high watermark checks on the WebAPI heap every frame"); -rlXblLbResetNum,"Number of LBs to reset in Init(), including the start ID"); -rlXblLbResetStartId,"ID of first LB to reset in Init()"); -rlxhttpallowrejectedcert, "If present allow XHTTP to use non-authorized SSL certificates"); -rlxlspclusterfilter, "Must match the \"cluster\" element of the SG userdata string.Used primarily to limit SG selection to a single cluster for local debugging."); -rlxlspdiscoverytimeout, "Server discover timeout in seconds.Overrides the application defined timeout"); -rmptfx_tty_windows, "Create RAG windows for rmptfx related TTY"); -rmptfxpath, "RMPTFX asset path"); -rockstartargetmanager,"[startup] Indicates RTM is being used.Additional configuration parameters passed through in string.Format is semicolon separated key value pairs.Supported key value pairs: pdb=path;tty=ipaddr:port"); -rockyFrameLimit, "[Rocky] Sets maximum number of frames in a capture (default no limit)"); -rockyMemory, "[Rocky] Size of memory allocated for Rocky Profiler (MB)"); -rockyON, "[Rocky] Turns on Rocky automatically at startup"); -rockyOutputFile, "[Rocky] Output name for the Rocky Capture"); -rockyOutputFolder, "[Rocky] Output folder for the Rocky Capture"); -rockyPort, "[Rocky] Bind port to use for profiler connections (default 31313)"); -rockyPwd, "[Rocky] Root password from the target device"); -rockySamplingFrequency, "[Rocky] Overrides Rocky auto-sampling frequency (1000 by default)"); -rockyScriptSamplingFrequency, "[Rocky] Sets Rocky script sampling frequency (5000 by default)"); -rockySingleThreadUpdate, "[Rocky] Forces single-threaded update"); -rockySmoketest, "[Rocky] Enables automation mode"); -rockyTelemetryKeywords, "[Rocky] Adds specified keywords to the Rocky telemetry"); -rockyTelemetryStartup, "[Rocky] Turns on Rocky telemetry at startup"); -rockyThreads, "[Rocky] List of thread names to activate"); -rockyZip, "[Rocky] Turns on compression for Rocky captures"); -rootdir, "Indicate where the root dir for the game is"); -RSCDebugLevel,"set the rscbuilder debug spew level"); -rscmodel,"[grmodel] Sets size of resource model heap; parameter is heap size in kilobytes, default is 512."); -rse_allowOtherUserFiles, "Allow the use of other user files in the R* Editor"); -RT, "[RenderThread] Use render thread"); -runjuncmem, "Automatically start junction memory statistics tool." ); -runmem, "Automatically start memory statistics tool." ); -runperf, "Automatically start performance statistics tool." ); -runscript, "[commands_debug] Force this script to load and run after the main script has started"); -rx, "Sector X coordinate to resume." ); -ry, "Sector Y coordinate to resume." ); -safemode,"Start settings at minimum but don't save it"); -samplingMode, "[QUALITY SETTINGS] Down/Super Sampling mode (0-9)"); -sanitycheck,"[memory] Perform a sanity check before every C++ allocation (slow but effective for tracking memory stomps)"); -sanitycheckfree,"[memory] Perform a sanity check before every C++ deallocation (slow but effective for tracking memory stomps)"); -sanitycheckmoney, "[stat_money] Sanity check money."); -sanityCheckRlHeap, "Run a sanity check on the rline heap"); -sanitycheckupdate,"[setup] Sanity check game heap at end of every update."); -savealloctrace,"[rscbuilder] Save a memory allocation trace with each resource heap."); -saveclothstate, "save cloth data when cloth is instanced"); -savegameFolder, "[GenericGameStorage] On PS3, set the savegame folder to allow the European exe to load US saves (or vice versa)"); -savegameMigrationLoadLocalTextFile, "Instead of downloading a file containing the localized text for savegame migration, load a local copy of that file"); -saveLoadedCacheDataToTextFile, "Save the loaded cache data to a text file so that it's easier to read and filecompare. Pass a string containing the absolute path to a folder where the text file should be saved to"); -SavemigrationMPAccountsOverride, "Save migration multiplayer accounts overrider (0:Zero Accounts, 1:One Account 2:Two Accounts 3:Account Unavaliable 4:Account Error 5:Error)"); -SavemigrationMPEnabledOverride, "Enable | Disable the multiplayer save migration"); -SavemigrationMPMigrationOverride, "Save migration multiplayer migration override (0:NONE, 1:INPROGRESS, 2:FINISHED 3:CANCELED 4:ROLLEDBACK 5:ERROR)"); -SavemigrationMPStatusOverride,"Save migration multiplayer status override (0:NONE, 1:INPROGRESS, 2:FINISHED 3:CANCELED 4:ROLLEDBACK 5:ERROR)"); -sc_IvePlayedAllMissions, "[network] Fakes the user having a record for UGC"); -sc_UseBasketSystem, "[net_shopping] if not present the game will do NULL transactions."); -scaleform_alwayssmooth, "Always use smooth (linear) sampling for scaleform textures"); -scaleform_compactfonts, "Compacts the font library on load."); -scaleform_maxslotheight, "Set the font cache max slot height to X"); -scaleformdebugfont, "Use Scaleform to render debug text"); -scCloudLanding, "Specify the file to use"); -scDebugFeed, "Load the feed from the text file."); -scDebugFeedHeist, "Load the heist feed from the text file."); -scDebugFeedLanding, "Load the landing page from the text file."); -scDebugFeedPriority, "Load the priority feed from the text file."); -scDebugFeedSeries, "Load the series feed from the text file."); -scDll, "Allows an override of the SC DLL flavor (debug, release, none)"); -scemail, "the email to use to sign-in to the social club. Currently only works when -scnoui is specified."); -sceneShadows, "Enables shadows from scene lights. 0=none, 1=both, 2=spots only, 3=points only"); -sceventlocalpath, "Local path to download the schedule from"); -sceventremotename, "change the name on the cloud to check"); -scFakeEulaVersion, "Fakes the eula version to test the eula being out of date."); -scFakeLocalEulaVersion, "Fakes the local eula version to test the eula being out of date."); -scFakeLocalPPVersion, "Fakes the local PP version to test the eula being out of date."); -scFakeLocalTOSVersion, "Fakes the local TOS version to test the eula being out of date."); -scFakePPVersion, "Fakes the PP version to test the eula being out of date."); -scFakeTOSVersion, "Fakes the TOS version to test the eula being out of date."); -scFeedForce4K, "Download high resolution images"); -SCFeedForceOfflineTiles, "Set this to always use the offline tile data"); -scFeedFromCloud, "Read all feed data from a cloud file"); -SCFeedHideDevTiles, "Set this to hide dev tiles which would be shown on dev builds"); -scFeedNoReorder, "Dont reorder the post to better fit the UI columns"); -scFeedShowAllCharacters, "Shows all strings as they are even if the char is missing in the font"); -sclaunchermode, "Puts the Social Club DLL into launcher mode."); -scLegalFileMissing, "simulates missing legal file"); -scnewsall, "Ignore the expiry and unlock time of the news stories"); -scnewslang, "force the news to use the giving lang code"); -scnewslocal, "Read a local news file"); -scnewsskipdelaysec, "Enforce a skip delay time"); -scnewsstorylocal, "Read a local news story file path"); -scNoAutologin, "Disable Social Club autologin"); -scnoui, "can be used with -scemail and -scpassword to sign into the social club without a UI"); -scOfflineOnly, "Forces the Social Club UI to load the offline website only."); -scpassword, "the password to use to sign-in to the social club. Currently only works when -scnoui is specified."); -scprioritynews, "Force priority news on or off"); -scratchpadsizekb, "[physics] Override the scratchpad size of physics."); -screenshotpng,"Take screenshots in PNG format instead of JPG"); -script_masks, "[script_debug] outputs a message whenever a script calls a mask command"); -scriptCodeDev, "[network] Disable certain game features for code development"); -scriptdebugger, "[script_debug] Activate script debugger"); -scriptdebugger_files, "[script_debug] comma-separated list of script files (without the .sc extension) that you want to debug"); -scriptInstructionLimit, "[script] set the maximum number of instructions per frame to something other than the default of 1,000,000"); -scriptLogMemoryPeaks, "[MEMORY] Log the memory peaks for the scripts physical and virtual usage."); -scriptprofiling,"Enable script profiling (counters reset every 250 updates by default)"); -scriptproject,"[scripting] specify root script path for sco objects (if using the option to compile scripts to an output directory based on project config)"); -scriptProtectGlobals, "[script] protects scripts global memory outide of the script update process"); -scriptSoundsDebug, "Ensable scripted sounds on screen debug"); -scriptStreamSpew, "Ensable scripted stream spew"); -scripttestname, "The name of the script test you wish to have invoked when the game boots."); -sc_DisableForbiddenVehicleRemoval, "This parameter allows DLC and Other Cars without getting removed."); -Sectordimx, "Sector x dimension." ); -sectordimy, "Sector y dimension." ); -sectortools, "Start game with the Sector Tools enabled." ); -sectortools_entities, "Sector tools entity restriction file"); -sectortools_input, "Sector tools input file"); -sectortools_output, "Sector tools output file"); -separation,"[grcore] Set separation of 3D vision (default is 20)"); -SetBugstarProduct, "Force use of specified bugstar database"); -setGamma, "Allow to force a specific gamma setting on boot."); -setHwndMain,"[grcore] override the window that DirectX will render to"); -setMaterialDensityScale, "Scale the density of all materials defined in materials.dat by this value."); -setRecordingFramerate, "Set the recording framerate"); -setSystemProcessorAffinity,"Set a global system affinity for all threads"); -settingsFile, "Custom settings file"); -setUAVNull,"Set unused UAV slots to NULL"); -setWindowPosition, "[graphics] Set Window Position"); -sf_assertOnDisplayDataSlot, "Will assert if scaleform is told to display data slot without clearing it first"); -sfgranularity, "Sets the default scaleform granularity"); -shaderQuality, "[QUALITY SETTINGS] Set shader quality (0-2)"); -shadowAircraftWeight, "[QUALITY SETTINGS] ** shadow something something **"); -shadowDisableScreenSizeCheck, "[QUALITY SETTINGS] Disable screen size check when rendering shadows"); -shadowDistance, "[QUALITY SETTINGS] Shadow distance scaler (1.0 - 4.0)"); -shadowLongShadows, "[QUALITY SETTINGS] Enable shadow rendering for dusk and dawn"); -shadowQuality,"[QUALITY SETTINGS] Set shadow quality (0-3)"); -shadowSoftness, "Selects between linear, rpdb, box 4x4, soft 16, NVIDIA PCSS and AMD ContactLess (0-5)"); -shadowSplitZEnd, "[QUALITY SETTINGS] ** shadow something something **"); -shadowSplitZStart, "[QUALITY SETTINGS] ** shadow something something **"); -sharecachedata,"Cache data is being served by a single machine to multiple 'clients'"); -showDebugPadValues, "Shows the debug pad values."); -showdetailtimebars, "[profile] Include the minor timebars"); -showEditorMemory, "Show memory used by the Editor Movie"); -showProfileBypass, "[save] Shows Asserts whenever the profile/social club is bypassed."); -showsfperformance, "Shows scaleform performance info on startup"); -showsrlpass, "Shows the SRL preprocess step"); -silentspeech, "Allow silent speech assets to trigger."); -simplemapdata, ""); // for heightmap/navmesh tools, we don't need map data contents beyond just the entities -simplepfx,"Use simplified postfx shader"); -simulatedFailStatusCode, "If we trigger a debug failure through a simulated fail, use this error code"); -simulateGen9BootFlow, "[game] Simulate how the boot flow behaves")); -singlequeue,"[Streamer] Force a single streaming work queue (should be slower, but guarantees requests always arrive in order issued)"); -singleThreaded, "[grcore] Create the device as a single threaded device"); -singleThreadedTaskManager, "Task schedudler/manager will dispatch tasks on the local thread"); -skip_telemetry_samples, "[commands_debug] Size of the grid cell (script)"); -SkipCheckingForPreviouslyUploadedSavegame, "[savegame_export] when uploading a Single Player savegame, don't first check if a savegame has already been uploaded"); -skipLandingPage, "Skip over the Landing Page"); -sleepbuffersizekb, "[physics] Override the sleep buffer size."); -slowstreaming,"[Streamer] Artificially slow all streaming down; lower is slower (1=glacial, 13=blu-ray, 14=xbox dvd)"); -smash_tty_windows, "Create RAG windows for smashable related TTY"); -smokeDuration, "Duration of smoke test to run "); -smoketest, "Set up a stress-test situation to see if the game survives!Use with a value (smoketest=n|name) or on its own to select the first." ); -smoketestwantedlevel, "Set wanted level when initializing the smoketest." ); -smoothframerate, "Smooth the FPS display"); -smtpserver, "[diag] SMTP server to use when emailing"); -socketbaseport,"[bank] the base socket port for RAG viewers"); -sortonhdd, "[streaming] Enable LSN sort on HDD"); -sparseboth,"[system] Alternate between left- and right- aligned memory allocations"); -sparseleft,"[system] Left-align sparse allocations to catch underruns instead of overruns"); -speechasserts, "Enable asserts due to NULL SpeechContext"); -spewDirtySavegameStats, "[stat_savemgr] Maintain a Count of dirty savegame stats between saves."); -spewGameplayDebugOnBugCreation , "[debug] Enable gameplay debug spew to gameplay log when a bug is created"); -spewheistvalues, "Ignore an individual profile settings"); -spewplayercard, "If present then log player card stats output."); -spewtriggerscriptevent, "The name of the script test you wish to have invoked when the game boots."); -spikeFrameCount, "[profile] Under which number of frame is a timebar change considered a spike."); -srgb, "[grcore] enable automatic SRGB conversion for the front/backbuffers"); -SSA, "[QUALITY SETTINGS] Enable SSA"); -SSAO,"[QUALITY SETTINGS] Set SSAO quality (0-2)"); -ssao_preset,"Which SSAO preset to use(0 - 5)."); -ssao_res,"Which SSAO res to use(0 = low, 1 = med, 2 = high)."); -stalls, "Monitor stalls greater than param value"); -stallThreshold, "Delay we have to wait until POSSIBLE STALL message is displayed"); -startAutoGPUCapture,"start automated metrics capture"); // deprecated -startAutoMetricsCapture,"start automated metrics capture"); -startupscript, "[script] load and run this script in place of startup.sc"); -statsDumpPCSettingsFile, "Write PC settings file locally"); -statsip, "Pass PS3 IP for stats hack." ); -stealextramemory, "Steal some extra memory"); -steamControllerSettingsFile, "[control] The settings file for the steam controller."); -steamjvp, "Steam JVP connect string containing session info. Format: -steamjvp={sessioninfo}"); -steamLanguage, "Force the Steam GetCurrentGameLanguage response"); -stopForUrgentSpeech, "Stop scripted speech early for urgent speech."); -stopLoadingScreensEarly, "[gamesessionstatemachine] Don't wait for script to stop the loading screens"); -storeInitialProductId, "Initial Item to Highlight in the Store"); -StraightIntoCreator, "[network] If present the game will automatically launch into the multiplayer game in creator."); -StraightIntoFreemode, "[network] If present the game will automatically launch into the multiplayer game in freemode."); -streamcheck,"streamcheck")); // this would be slow to use all the time, so this is commandline-only -streamingbuild, "Run as if the game was streaming via big picture or NVidia Shield"); -streamingcleanupsim, "Use the simulation step in the new streaming system" ); -streamingdrivemode, "[scene] Prefer streaming LODs when moving fast"); -streamingekg, "[streaming] hook in the streaming graph"); -streamingreadahead, "[scene] Factor by which the focal point is moved forward"); -streamingvisualize, "[streaming] Connect to the StreamingVisualize client on startup"); -SuperMaxPower, "Super Maximum Rating Considered Ultrahigh End"); -supportwatson,"[system] Use settings that don't cause problems for watson"); -suppressPauseTextMP, "Suppresses the pause text that appears onscreen when someone pauses the game in MP"); -suppressWaveSlotSizeErrors,"[RAGE Audio] Suppress on-screen waveslot size errors"); -supressspamming, "Try to hide spamming that originates from script"); -sx, "Start x world coordinate." ); -sy, "Start y world coordinate." ); -symfilepath, "Tell the game where to find the symbol file"); -synthcoretest, "[RAGE Audio] Run synthCore asset tests"); -synthname, "Name of synth object to edit"); -takehometest, "Switches on features for the take home test."); -telemetrybasefilename, "Base name of telemetry submission file."); -telemetrychanneldevcaptureloglevel, "[telemetry] Setup telemetry channel dev capture log level."); -telemetryclipsplayed, "Activate clips played metrics."); -telemetrycoordsdistance, "Set the distance to previous coords we send the coordinates packet."); -telemetrycoordsinterval, "Set the interval we send the coordinates packet."); -telemetryFlushCallstack, "Prints the callstack when a telemetry flush is requested."); -telemetryLandingNavAll, "Let through all landing nav metrics"); -telemetrynodebug, "Do not allow any debug metrics."); -telemetryplaytest, "Id for uniquely identifying stats for companywide playtests."); -telemetrywritefile, "If present then log local telemetry file."); -temppeddebug, "prints some temporary ped debug output"); -tessellation,"[QUALITY SETTINGS] Set tessellation on or off (0-3)"); -testBreakpadOnStartup, "[startup] Always trigger a Breakpad dump on startup"); -testCashPackSaveFail, "[stat_money] Using this command you can Turn on Profile stats Write Fails using Nick's Tool."); -testCashPackSaveFailRuleName, "[stat_money] Using this command you can Turn on Profile stats Write Fails using Nick's Tool, Specify the rule name."); -testDeviceReset, "have device reset called periodically without having to resize the window"); -TestHarnessCruiseSpeed,"[AI] Test harness Cruise speed"); -TestHarnessMissionIndex,"[AI] Test harness mission index"); -TestHarnessStartcoords,"[AI] Test harness start coords"); -TestHarnessTargetcoords,"[AI] Test harness Target coords"); -TestHarnessTask,"[AI] Test harness task index"); -testscissor,"test flag"); -testunusednatives,"Omit unused commands for testing (only makes sense with release scripts, use -override_script=script_rel)"); -textureQuality,"[QUALITY SETTINGS] Set texture quality (0-2)"); -texturesinsystemmemory,"[grcore] Force all PS3 textures to be in system memory"); -ticketExpirationSec, "Set a custom ticket expiration time (in seconds)"); -tiled_classification_only, "Enable only classification and not rendering"); -tiled_debug, "Enable tiled lighting debug"); -tiled_tile_index, "Set tile index"); -timecycle_tty_windows, "Create RAG windows for timecycle related TTY"); -timeout, "[network] Sets the timeout period to a number of seconds"); -timescale, "time step scale value"); -tintdisable,"Disable tint tech (may produce flashing visuals, etc.)."); -toggle0,"[input] Connect toggle0 (DSW4 or Shift-F9) to named parameter"); -toggle1,"[input] Connect toggle1 (DSW5 or Shift-F10) to named parameter"); -toggle2,"[input] Connect toggle2 (DSW6 or Shift-F11) to named parameter"); -toggle3,"[input] Connect toggle3 (DSW7 or Shift-F12) to named parameter"); -tooldir, "Indicate where the tools dir for the game is"); -topmost,"[grcore] Force window to be on top"); -touchDebug, "Set this to enable the touchpad based debug inputs for focusing on peds and pausing the game."); -touchDebugDisableConflictingInputs, "Disables conflicting inputs on d-pad, so that stuff doesnt trigger while trying to use touch debug"); -touchDebugDisableTwoTouchCommands, "Set this if you want to disable the two-touch d-pad commands."); -touchDebugTapTapTapOhWhyHasTheGamePaused, "Set this if you want to disable the touch with one finger and double tap pause part of it."); -trace,"[profile] Enable profile trace"); -tracecommandpackets, "[RAGE Audio] Trace mixer command packets"); -traceframe, "Frame to do a trace on"); -tracegcm,"[profile] Enable GCM trace"); -traceidle,"[profile] Enable CELL PPU scheduler trace to monitor thread idle time (slows down update considerably!)"); -tracesize, "Size of the trace buffer (360 only)"); -tracespurs,"[profile] Enable CELL SPURS trace"); -TracingStatAll,"Enable All Tracing stats"); -TracingStatMemorySizes,"Enable Memory Size Tracing stats"); -TracingStatPerformance,"Enable Performance Tracing stats"); -TracingStats,"Switch the entire Tracing stat system on/off"); -trackerrag,"[diag] Log all memory tracking activity to a rag plugin.Add 'true' as a parameter to enable detailed deallocation tracking."); -trackerreport, "[GAME] Filename for the initial memory track"); -trackMissingDialogue, "Output info on missing scripted speech lines to a timestamp-named CSV file."); -trackMissingDialogueMP, "Output info on missing scripted speech lines to a timestamp-named CSV file (including MP)."); -trackPlayerTeleport, "Adds information about player teleports to the TTY"); -trackrefcount, "Param for tracking dependency reference count problems for specific assets"); -trackrefcountkind, "Ref count kind to track (0-3), used with -trackrefcount"); -triggeredaudio, "[RAGE Audio - PS3] Trigger audio updates at fixed points in the frame (for profiling)"); -ttyframeprefix, "Include a time and frame count on the TTY"); -tunableCloudFile, "If present, specifies cloud tunable path"); -tunableCloudNotEncrypted, "If present, game understands that tunable file is not encrypted on cloud"); -tunableLoadLocal, "If present, loads the tunables from the local file"); -tunableLocalFile, "If present, specifies local tunable path"); -tunableMemberFile, "If present, specifies cloud member tunable path"); -tunerannotation,"[grcore] Enable Tuner annotation"); -txaa, "[QUALITY SETTINGS] Enable NVIDIA TXAA"); -txaaDevMode,"0-11 see header file"); -txaaEnable,"Enable TXAA [0,1]"); -ucodeRing,"[grcore] Set ucode cache size, in kilobytes (default 512k)"); -ucodeType,"[grcore] Set ucode cache memory type (0=local or 1=main, default local)"); -uilanguage,"Set language game uses"); -uiSuppressWarningCallstack, "[UI] Suppress the callstack printed when requesting a warning screen"); -ultraShadows, "[QUALITY SETTINGS] Enable extra-large shadow resolution"); -unattended, "[startup] Don't pop up blocking screens in the game (signin, display calibration, controller disconnected, etc)"); -uncompressed,"[rscbuilder] Disable resource heap compression (on by default now)"); -uncompressedresources,"Emit uncompressed resources (like for viseme compiler, use with caution)"); -unmanaged, "[grcore] Set resource managed to self-managed"); // Use unmanaged resource pool -update, "Override development update folder"); -updatepedmetadata, "Temp command to update the inclusion/exclusion format in ped meta data"); -use_slishadowcopy,"use copysubresourceregion or shader copy tech for copying shadowmap"); -use16BitShadowBuffer, "Use 16, rather than 16 bit shadow buffer"); -use32BitShadowBuffer, "Use 32, rather than 24 bit shadow buffer"); -UseAutoSettings,"Use automatic generated settings"); -usecompatpacks, "mount all available compatibility packs"); -useConsoleSettings, "Use the console-level graphics settings"); -usecontroller, "Forces a specific controler to be used."); -useCustomProfileID, "[Replay] Force the profile ID to a certain value (Durango and Orbis only)"); -usedate, "Specify the date to use as opposed to the system date. For use as the network folder to dump stats." ); -useDebugCloudPatch, "Use debug suffix for the cloud patch"); -useDebugShaders, "Force the usage of debug shaders for easier pixel debugging"); -UseDefaultResReflection, "Use default size reflection resolution"); -usefatcuts, "[FileLoader] Use the fat cutscenes"); -useFinalShaders, "Enable the use of FINAL shaders"); -useFPIdleMovementOnClones, "Run combined on foot / aiming movement for 1st person idle movement on remote players"); -useInstancedShadows, "Enables instanced cascade shadows pass"); -UseKeyFrameCloudLight,"Use the cloud keyframe light info for sun/moon light, instead of reading it from the timecycle values"); -useManualLoadMenuToExportSavegame, "The Manual Load menu in the pause menu will export the savegame (for gen9 migration) instead of loading it and starting a new session"); -useManualSaveMenuToImportSavegame, "The Manual Save menu in the pause menu will import the savegame (for gen9 migration) instead of saving the state of the current single player session"); -useMarketplace, "[live] Activate marketplace."); -useMaximumSettings,"Set all but resolution to the max"); -useMinimumSettings,"Reset settings to the minimum"); -useNewStagingUrl, "[savegame_queued_operations] ignore the staging url returned by the UGC upload"); -useOptimizedShaders, "Enable the use of Optimized shaders"); -usepackfiles, "Use RPF pack files"); -usePerfAPI, "Use the realtime perf API"); -useRawKeyboard, "[input] Use raw input for keyboard."); -userdir, "Indictate where the user folder is"); -useRobotSpeechForAllLines, "If not set, robot speech will only be used for non-placeholder conversations"); -useshortuvs, "[RAGE] use 16 bit integer UV's"); -useSimplerShadowFiltering, "use two taps filtering for shadow reveal"); -useSourceShaders, "Force the usage of .hlsl files for easier graphics debugging"); -UseStaging, "Buffers use staging for updating"); -usestandarddevenv, "[rline] Escapes RL_FORCE_*_ENVIRONMENT and uses environment as supplied by platform"); -useSystemThreadManagement,"OS Determines thread affinity"); -useterraintessellation,"Turns on terrain tessellation."); -UseVarReflection, "Use High resolution size reflection resolution"); -usevsoutput,"[diag] Use Visual-Studio style output (with file/line numbers)"); -usewhitemissingtexture,"Sets the missing texture to be white."); -useWindowsKeyboard, "[Input] Use windows messages for keyboard."); -validateallreferences,"Validate all known defrag references during defrag"); -validateclips, "Validate clips in ASSERT builds when loaded for possible errors"); -validateclipsets, "Set to validate ClipSets on fwClipSetManager init"); -validateCreateData, "Will validate JSON data we upload via create"); -validateGfx, "[grcore] validate the submit calls (really slow)"); -vehicleLodBias,"[QUALITY SETTINGS] Set Vehicles Lod Distance Bias (0.0-1.0f)"); -vehicleoverride, "[vehiclepopulation] Override all vehicle archetypes with the one specified"); -vehiclesAmbientDensityMultiplier, "[vehiclepopulation] Set the ambient cars spawning density"); -vehiclesLowPrioParkedDensityMultiplier, "[vehiclepopulation] Set the low priority parked cars spawning density"); -vehiclesMemoryMultiplier, "[vehiclepopulation] The scale factor to multiple the vehicle memory pool by"); -vehiclesParkedDensityMultiplier, "[vehiclepopulation] Set the parked cars spawning density"); -vehiclesUpperLimit, "[vehiclepopulation] Set the upper limit used by vehicle generation algorithm"); -vehiclesUpperLimitMP, "[vehiclepopulation] Set the MP upper limit used by vehicle generation algorithm"); -vehicleVariety, "[QUALITY SETTINGS] Control vehicle variety (0.0 - 1.0"); -verifyfreelist,"[memory] Perform a sanity check of the free list"); -vertexopt,"Enable vertex cache optimization at load time."); -verticaltiling, "use vertical tiling split"); -vfx_tty_windows, "Create RAG windows for vfx related TTY"); -vgasserts,""); // suppress certain asserts unless we specifically want them -vgxi, "extra indices for vehicle glass system"); -vgxv, "extra vertices for vehicle glass system"); -videoOutputDir, "Indicate where to place recorded videos"); -visualiseplayer,"[AI] only display for player and visualise in vehicles"); -VisualMipMap, "Visualize Mip Map Layers"); -voicecapture, "[RAGE Audio] Allocate memory for virtual voice capture"); -voiceDisabled, "[network] Disables voice chat in network games"); -voiceForceHeadset, "[network] Will return true to external systems that we have a headset"); -voiceIgnoreHardware, "[network] Don't filter voice chat based on connection (or otherwise) microphones, etc. "); -voiceOverrideActive, "[network] Voice is always active"); -voiceOverrideAllRestrictions, "[network] No restrictions on voice chat"); -voiceOverrideTeamChat, "[network] Don't filter voice chat based on teams"); -waitforpipe,"[bank] keep trying to connect to the pipe"); -warnabove,"[startup] Warn about any allocations at or above this size (in kilobytes)"); -warnonbadrefs, "[RAGE Audio] Output warnings when object references cannot be resolved"); -warpingInterval, "Set up time between warps for smoketest=warping (default 60 seconds)"); -waterQuality,"[QUALITY SETTINGS] Set water quality (0-1)"); -waveSlotsSpew, "Ensable scripted conversation spew"); -webapicapture, "Capture responses from PSN Web API to output folder e.g. -webapicapture=C:\\WebApiOutput\\"); -webapioutput, "Output the full response from the PSN Web API"); -webserverOn, "[diag] Enable the REST interface web server"); -width, "[grcore] Screen width"); -width,"[grcore] Set width of main render window (default is 640)"); -windowed,"[grcore] Force windowed mode"); -WindowedMultiMonitor,"Allow windowed mode resolution spanning multiple monitors"); -wipeSteamSaves, "Erases all steam cloud saves"); -wipidbg,"wipidbg"); // wireframe picker interface debugging, it doesn't always behave right when you toggle wireframe while using the picker .. -writemixeroutput, "RAGE Audio - Write raw mixer output to specified file"); -xboxSecureNetworking, "If present use xbox secure networking ***RFS WON'T WORK***"); -xuid, "If present, the Xuid will be used to create the ticket"); -youtubeLinkUrl, "Override the servers link URL with our own."); -ytNoQuotaChannel, "Forces a quota error for requesting Channel Info"); -ytNoQuotaDailyChannel, "Forces a daily limit error for Channel Info"); -ytNoQuotaDailyResume, "Forces a daily limit error for Video Resumable"); -ytNoQuotaDailyUpload, "Forces a daily limit error for Video Uploads"); -ytNoQuotaDailyVideo, "Forces a daily limit error for Video Info"); -ytNoQuotaResume, "Forces a quota error for Video Resumable"); -ytNoQuotaUpload, "Forces a quota error for Video Uploads"); -ytNoQuotaVideo, "Forces a quota error for requesting Video Info");