-autoscreenshot,"[setup] Automatically starts to take screenshots.");
-availablevidmem, "[MEMORY] Available video memory (MB)");
-availablevidmem, "[MEMORY] Percentage of available video memory");
-backtraceTestCrashEnable, "[startup] Causes a random crash during startup.");
-backtraceTestCrashMax, "[startup] Maximum value for crash test counter (higher values result in later crashes, default is 1000)");
-backtraceTestCrashMin, "[startup] Minimum value for crash test counter (higher values result in later crashes, default is 1)");
-bankpipename,"[bank] alternate name of bank pipe");
-bb720pheight, "[grcore] back buffer height when running 720p");
-bb720pwidth, "[grcore] back buffer width when running 720p");
-benchmark,"Starts the benchmark test from the command line");
-benchmarkFrameTimes,"Optionally output the individual frame times from the benchmark");
-benchmarkIterations,"Specifies the number of iterations to run the benchmark for");
-benchmarknoaudio, "Disable audio processing for graphics benchmark purposes");
-benchmarkPass,"Specifies an individual benchmark scene test should be done, and which test that should be");
-bgscriptscloudfile, "Specifies cloud file");
-bgscriptsloadpack, "Specify a test BGScript pack to load, relative to platform:/data/bg/");
-bgscriptsnoCloud, "Don't request the BGScript Cloud file");
-bgscriptssimulateblock, "Ignore result of cloud request");
-bgscriptsusememberspace, "Specifies cloud file to use member space.");
-bgscriptswindow, "Makes a window for the BG Script system.");)
-bigframetime,"[setup] Draw frametime at twice size");
-blendoutdataenabled, "Enable blend out data capturing");
-BlockOnLostFocus, "[RenderThread] Block when game loses focus");
-blockuntilidle,"[grcore] Do a BlockUntilIdle after the Swap to avoid unexpected CPU stalls");
-borderless,"[grcore] Set main window to be borderless");
-breakonaddr,"[startup] Break on alloc address (in hex; stop when operator rage_new would have returned this address)");
-breakonalloc,"[startup] Break on alloc ordinal value - value in {braces} in debug output (use =0 first to stabilize allocations)");
-breakOnBoundsAdded, "Break when a bounds is added");
-breakOnBoundsRemoved, "Break when a bounds is removed");
-breakoncontext, "Break when a particular string appears in a context message");
-breakondeadlock, "[system] debugbreak when detecting critical section deadlock");
-breakonfile, "Break when a file containing the specified substring is opened");
-breakonname, "Break into the debugger whenever the specified name is added to a string map");
-breakpadMessagebox, "[breakpad] Show a messagebox when in the Breakpad crash handler, so a debugger can be attached.");
-breakpadUrl, "[startup] Override URL to upload Breakpad dumps to");
-budget, "[debug] Display budget");
-bugAsserts, "Log bugs to bugstar");
-bugstardescpedvar, "[debug] Prints local player ped variation data to description on new bug creation");
-bugstarloadingscreen, "[code] show bugstar loadingscreens");
-bugstarStreamingVideo, "[bugstar] Initialize bugstar console streaming video. If a parameter is specified it uses that as the url rather than the default");
-bugstarusername, "Bugstar user name used in loading screens");
-Builddate, "Specify the date the build was made." );
-buildDLCCacheData, "Build cache data for all SP & MP map data currently installed");
-buildlabel, "Specify the label that was fetched in Perforce used to build the code." );
-buildlaunchtime, "The time the game was launched." );
-buildversion, "Specify version(s) of what is running." );
-bypassSpeechStreamCheck, "Bypass Streaming Check For Speech");
-calculateAudioWorldSectors, "[Audio] Enabled audio world sectors offline computation.");
-cameraWidgets, "[camManager] Create camera widget bank on game launch");
-camsusegametimescale, "Apply the game time scale to the camera times");
-capturecard, "[debug] Capturecard is installed");
-capturemotiontree, "Enable motion tree capture from startup");
-capturemotiontreecount, "Number of motion tree frames to capture");
-carbones, "Verify all vehicle bone names at load time");
-carMult, "Multiplier for car counts in pop-cycle");
-cashIgnoreServerSync, "Ignore the server authorative values");
-cashNoTransferLimit, "Ignore the transfer limits");
-catalogCloudFile, "If present, setup the catalog fine name.");
-catalogNotEncrypted, "If present, game understands that catalog file is not encrypted on cloud.");
-catalogParseOpenDeleteItems, "If present, we will also parse Open/Delete Items.");
-catalogVersion,"catalog version to use");
-catchvehiclesremovedinview, "[vehiclepopulation] Catch Vehicles Removed In View");
-categorycontrolwidgets, "Add widget controls for every category");
-changeLocalCloudTime, "[stat_savemgr] Override local cloud save time.");
-changeLocalProfileTime, "[stat_savemgr] Override local profile stats flush time.");
-Channel_all,"[ Output Channels ] Set the minimum file log, tty, and popups level for 'Channel' and any subchannels (fatal, error, warning, display, debug1, debug2, debug3)");
-Channel_log,"[ Output Channels ] Set the minimum file log level for 'Channel' and any subchannels (fatal, error, warning, display, debug1, debug2, debug3)");
-Channel_popups,"[ Output Channels ] Set the minimum popups level for 'Channel' and any subchannels (fatal, error, warning, display, debug1, debug2, debug3)");
-Channel_rag,"[ Output Channels ] Create a rag output pane for this 'Channel'");
-Channel_tty,"[ Output Channels ] Set the minimum tty level for 'Channel' and any subchannels (fatal, error, warning, display, debug1, debug2, debug3)");
-cheapaudioeffects,"[RAGE Audio] Don't instantiate any effects).");
-cheapmode, "Only load the map - turn off all cars & peds - no water reflections - reflection slods=300 - far clip=1500");
-check_pop_zones, "[PopZones] check popzones for overlap");
-checkoverbudgetonly, "[profile] Only care about these systems when checking for execution time excesses");
-checksampleroverlap,"Check for sampler overlap; some false positives so off by default");
-checkUnusedFiles, "Record all open files so that RAG can display unused files");
-christmas, "set the xmas special trigger by default");
-cityDensity, "[QUALITY SETTINGS] Control city density (0.0 - 1.0)");
-cleaninstall, "Do not use hdd data even when it's newer.");
-clearhddcache, "[file] Force console disk cache to be cleared", "Disabled", "All", "");
-closeableWindow, "Have close button active on window");
-clothinfo, "show extra info at the cloth widget title");
-cloudAllowCheckMemberSpace, "Allow member space checks by default");
-cloudCacheAll, "If set, all cloud sourced files will be added to system cache");
-cloudCacheNone, "If set, no cloud sourced files will be added to system cache");
-cloudEnableAvailableCheck, "Enables / Disables the cloud available check");
-cloudForceAvailable, "If set, NetworkInterface::IsCloudAvailable is always true. Every day is cloud day.");
-cloudForceEnglishUGC, "Set UGC download requests to use English language");
-cloudForceGetCloud, "If set, we will always get the cloud content - regardless of what's in the cache. This will still be cached");
-cloudForceNotAvailable, "If set, NetworkInterface::IsCloudAvailable is always false.");
-cloudForceUseCache, "If set, we will always return what's in the cache without hitting the cloud (if cached file available - otherwise, cloud as normal)");
-debugLocationstart, "Start at this location (index of an element in common:/data/debugLocationList.xml from 1 to n");
-debugLocationStartName, "Start at this location (name of Item in common:/data/debugLocationList.xml), put quotes around location if it has spaces");
-debuglog, "file to write the debuglog to");
-debuglogmask, "enable slow debug logging");
-debuglogslow, "enable slow debug logging");
-debugMemstats,"[memory] Print memory logging information to standard output.Supply an optional parameter to increase logging detail.");
-debugonfades, "[code] display debug info during fades");
-debugpatch, "Prints a message every time an item has been successfully patched and outputs a \"<filename>.patch.result\" file located next to the target file that can be used to verify the effect of the patch file.");
-debugpeddamagetargets, "[debug] Allocate a rendertarget from streaming memory for debugging ped damage");
-debugstart, "Start at this co-ordinates with specific camera orientation");
-debugTargetting, "debug targetting");
-debugTargettingLOS, "debug targetting LOS");
-debugtechniques,"[grcore] Enable loading of shader programs ending in _debug suffix");
-debugtextfixedwidth, "[debug] Use fixed-width font for EVERYTHING");
-debugtextfixedwidth,"[debug] Use fixed-width font for EVERYTHING");
-debugtrain, "Debug the distance and position of the closest train from the player.");
-debugUnmanagedRagdolls,"Collects callstacks of PrepareForActivation and SwitchToRagdoll calls on peds in order to identify the causes of unmanaged ragdolls");
-debugvehicle,"create vehicle bank by default");
-defaultCrowdPed,"define default crowd ped");
-defaultPed,"define default ped (used for '.' spawning");
-defaultVehicle,"define default vehicle (used for U/Shift+U)");
-defaultVehicleTrailer,"define default vehicle trailer (used for U/Shift+U)");
-demobuild, "makes modifications specifically for demo builds");
-detectPLMSupendHang, "[Hang Detection] Detects any PLM suspend timer failures (this will ONLY work when running the game with debug flag on Xbox One).");
-deviceResetLogPath, "Set a path to send the files too. Default is x:/");
-devkit, "let the game know it is running on a devkit");
-diagTerminateIgnoreDebugger, "Calls to diagTerminate will not trigger a __debugbreak.");
-dirtycloudreadtimeoutPeriod, "[stat_savemgr] Override local cloud save timeout time.");
-dirtyreadtimeoutPeriod, "[stat_savemgr] Override local profile stats flush timeout time.");
-disableambientaudio, "Disable the ambient audio system");
-disableAmbientSpeech, "Disable Ambient Speech");
-disableBokeh,"Disable Bokeh effects in DX11");
-disablebonder, "Disables the crashing that occurs when a plugin's bonder indicates its threshold has been crossed");
-disablebranchstripping,"[grcore] Disable runtime fragment program branch stripping");
-disableTodDebugModeDisplay, "Disables additional debug character for clock / weather");
-disableuncompresseddamage, "Disable use of uncompressed textures for MP peds");
-disableVehMods, "[vehicles] Disable vehicle mods (temp disabled as patch for BS#1017717, BS#1022990, etc.)");
-disablewheelintegrationtask, "Force wheel integration to happen on main thread.");
-disallowdebugpad, "Don't assume the next pad that has input is the debug pad.");
-disallowResizeWindow,"[grcore] Do Not allow the window to be rezised");
-disassemblefetch,"Disassemble fetch shaders to TTY");
-displayBinkCommands, "Display commands sent by the AsyncBink thread");
-displayBinkFloodDectect, "Display flood detection of the Bink command queue");
-displaycalibration, "[code] force enable display calibration on startup");
-displaycaps,"[grcore] Show display capabilities");
-displayDebugBarDisplayMemoryPeaks, "[debug] Display the script memory peaks RenderReleaseInfoToScreen()");
-displayDebugBarMemoryInKB, "[debug] Display the memory in KB instead of MB in RenderReleaseInfoToScreen()");
-displaykeyboardmode, "[debug] Don't display the current keyboard mode in RenderReleaseInfoToScreen()");
-displaylangselect, "[code] show display language select on startup");
-displayNetInfoOnBugCreation, "[debug] Enable display of net object info when a bug is created");
-displayobject, "[debug] Display object name");
-displayScriptedSpeechLine, "Debug draw the current playing scripted speech line.");
-displayScriptRequests, "[script_debug] print to the TTY whenever a script calls REQUEST_SCRIPT or SET_SCRIPT_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED");
-displaySpikes, "[profile] When set, over budget spikes will be displayed.");
-displayStats, "[MEMORY] Displays on screen memory statistics reports on resources");
-displaytrainandtrackdebug, "Enable display of train and track debugging.");
-displayvalidsfmethods, "Sets the default scaleform granularity");
-displayvectormap, "Enable display of the vector map");
-displayVidMem, "[debug] Display the amount of video memory in use and the total available");
-dont_load_script_data_from_mp_stats, "When the savegame file for an MP character is loaded, any script data within that file will be ignored");
-dont_save_script_data_to_mp_stats, "Skip the saving of any registered MP script save data to the savegame file for the current character");
-dontaddunlinkedfiles, "Don't add a streamable index for new files");
-dontCrashOnScriptValidation, "Don't crash game if invalid script is trying to trigger events");
-dontDelayFlipSwitch,"Don't delay flip : wait flip will be done at the end of the frame, like normal people do.");
-dontdisplayforplayer, "[debug] Don't display information for players in the ped debug visualiser");
-dontLoadDLCfromAudioFolder, "If set, any DLC audio data is still loaded from the DLC pack, even when using -audiofolder");
-dontPrintScriptDataFromLoadedMpSaveFile, "[GenericGameStorage] don't print the script values read from loaded MP save files");
-dontshowinvinciblebugger, "[debug] Don't show the invincible bugger message");
-dontshowrscnameintracker, "[streaming] Don't send the name of each resource to the memory tracker");
-dontwaitforbubblefences,"dont wait for bubble fences");
-dontwarnonmissingmodule, "[streaming] Don't print a warning if a streaming module is missing");
-doorExcessiveLogging, "Extra logging for doors");
-doSaveGameSpaceChecks,"do save game space checks at startup");
-doWarpAfterLoading, "[GenericGameStorage] Script is now in charge of setting the player's coords, loading the scene and fading in after a load. If something goes wrong (e.g. screen doesn't fade in) then try running with this param");
-downloadabletexturedebug,"Output debug info");
-DR_AllInsts, "Default to recording all instances rather than the focus inst");
-DR_AutoSaveOExcetion,"[game] Dump current event log to file on exception");
-DR_Autostart, "Automatically start recording");
-DR_LoadFilter, "Load a file describing the filters to switch on initially");
-DR_RecordForBug, "Attach any debug recording to the bug, param is filename to store tmp recording in");
-DR_TrackMode, "Set mode to start tracking at");
-drawablecontainersize,"[rmcore] Set maximum container size (in kilobytes, default is 64, 0 is same as -nodrawablecontainer)");
-DRAWLIST, "[DrawLists] Use drawlists to render");
-dsound, "[RAGE Audio] Use DirectSound WAVE_FORMAT_EX output, rather than XAudio2");
-dumpcollisionstats, "Enable dumping of physics collision statistics to network drive");
-dumpinfoonblockload, "[fwscene] Don't dump debug stats when a blockload occurs");
-dumpleaks,"[startup] Dump all leaks to specified filename (default is c:\\leaks.txt)");
-dumpPedInfoOnBugCreation, "[debug] Dump ped info when a bug is created");
-dumpplacestats, "[streaming] Dump timing stats for placing resources to TTY");
-dumpRenderTargetSizes, "Dump out the calculated and actual render target sizes");
-dumprpfinfo,"Dump RPF file info at mount time");
-dumptimebarsonlongmainthread, "[app] Dump timebars if the main thread takes a certain amount of time (optionally time in ms as argument)");
-dumpwaterquadstoepsfile, "dump water quads to eps file"); // useful for visualising water boundaries, use gsview etc.
-dx10,"[device_d3d] Force DirectX 10, if available");
-DX10,"[grcore] Force 10.0 feature set");
-dx10_1,"[device_d3d] Force DirectX 10.1, if available");
-DX10_1,"[grcore] Force 10.1 feature set");
-DX11,"[grcore] Force 11.0 feature set");
-DX11Use8BitTargets,"Use 8 bit targets in DX11.");
-dx9, "[device_d3d] Force DirectX 9");
-dynamicAddRemoveSpew, "Debug spew for game world Add/Remove for dynamic entities");
-dynamicIBufferSize,"Set the size of the dynamic index buffer");
-dynamicVBufferSize,"Set the size of the dynamic vertex buffer");
-earlyInvites, "Allows invites/jipping before the MP tutorial has been completed.");
-echoes, "[Audio] Enables local environment scanning and turns echoes on.");
-edgefixedpointpos, "[RAGE] a float representing the number of bits for the integer and fractional parts of a fixed point representation of the position attribute eg. 12.4 would be 12 bits for the integer and 4 bits for the fractional part");
-edgefixedpointposauto, "[RAGE] just specify the number of fractional bits. The integer bits are automatically calculated from the size of the geometry");
-edgegeom,"[grmodel] Use Edge geometry on PS3 (both by default, or =skinned or =unskinned)");
-edgenoindexcomp, "[RAGE] don't use index compression");
-edgeoutputfloat4pos, "[RAGE] output a float4 position from Edge instead of float3 by default");
-edgeoutputmask, "[RAGE] a bit mask containing which attributes we force through Edge");
-edgeRing,"[grcore] Set edge ring buffer size allocation per SPU in kilobytes (default 3072k)");
-edgeSpuCount,"[grcore] Set number of SPUs that can run EDGE (1-4, default 3)");
-edgeSpuPrio,"[grcore] Set priority of EDGE jobs on spu (1-15, default 6)");
-edgeType,"[grcore] Set edge ring buffer memory type (0=local or 1=main, default local)");
-editpreset, "Name of the preset to edit");
-ekgdefault, "Startup ekg with the page");
-ekgpage, "EKG to enable at boot time (primary)");
-ekgpage2, "EKG to enable at boot time (secondary)");
-emailasserts, "[diag] Email address to send all asserts to");
-emailassertsfrom, "[diag] Email address to send all asserts from");
-emailerpath, "[diag] Path to rageemailer.exe");
-emblemRequestCallstack, "Prints the callstack when an emblem is requested.");
-emergencystop, "Pause the game and streaming during an emergency");
-emulateoptical,"Emulate optical drive behavior (default is current platform, or use ps3 or xenon to override)");
-enable_debugger_detection_tests, "N/A");
-enable_light_edit, "Enable light editing, can specify a particular light index");
-isguest, "Fakes the Guest/Sponsored user state (XB1)");
-isrockstardev, "Set Is Rockstar Dev status");
-jobtimings,"[task] Spew job timings");
-jpegsavequality,"[setup] Set JPEG save quality (default 75, can be 60-100)");
-jpnbuild, "Overrides app content to return IsJapaneseBuild() == true");
-junccap, "Junction capture type ( simple or spin )" );
-junccosts, "Junction scene cost folder - place to save cost tracker logs");
-juncdst, "Junction destination csv filename" );
-juncend, "Junction # to end on" );
-juncprecapdelay, "Junction smoke - precapture delay in seconds");
-juncsettimeeachframe, "Junction smoke - sets the time every frame to 12:00");
-juncsettlespin, "Junction number of settle spins" );
-juncspinrate, "Junction smoke - rate of spin per frame in radians");
-juncsrc, "Junction source csv filename" );
-juncstart, "Junction # to start with" );
-juncstartupspin, "Junction number of startup spins" );
-kbAutoResolveConflicts, "Never display keybinding conflicts with a warning screen");
-kbDebugOnlySwitch, "[game] Toggle only between game and debug keyboard modes.");
-kbDontUseControlModeSwitch, "[game] Don't use a Control+Key press to toggle game modes.");
-kbgame, "[game] Start game in Game Keyboard Mode");
-kblevels, "[game] Start game in Level Keyboard Mode");
-kbmodebutton, "[game] Sets the button to be used for switching keyboard modes.");
-keyboardLocal, "[control] Sets the keyboard layout to the specified region.");
-lan, "[network] Use LAN sessions instead of online sessions");
-landingFullFallback, "Display a full fallback layout including the fixed columns");
-langfilesuffix, "[text] Suffix to append to the RPF filename of a language file, like '_rel'");
-lastgen,"render without new nextgen effects");
-lazydelete, "[MEMORY] Take your time deleting stuff");
-leaveDeadPed, "Leave dead ped behind when resurecting the local player");
-leavempforstore, "The store will cause the player to leave mp sessions.");
-level, "[gamelogic] level to start game in (alpine, underwater, desert, space, moon, codetest, testbed)");
-licensePlate, "Text for the license plate");
-LiveAreaContentType, "[LiveArea] The type of the content to be loaded.");
-LiveAreaLoadContent, "[LiveArea] The content id of the content to be loaded.");
-loadallsfmovies, "Loads each scaleform movie, one at a time");
-loadclipsetsfromxmlandsavepso, "Load the ClipSets from clipsets.xml and save to clipsets.pso");
-loadclothstate, "load cloth data when cloth is instanced");
-loadMapDLCOnStart, "Automatically loads both SP and MP map changes at startup");
-loadreleasepsos, "Load the release PSO versions of certain meta files, on non-disc builds");
-loadstats,"[memory] Enable hierarchical logging of load times.Supply an optional parameter to specify filename.");
-loadtestsounds, "Load test_sounds.dat");
-loadtimer,"[setup] Display a loading timer");
-loadwaterdat, "Use old water data");
-loat UNUSED_-tolerance), int maxIterations)
-loat UNUSED_-zVal),
-localbank,"[bank] Display local widgets instead of remote widgets.Optional parameters specify number of lines to show, draw scale (in percent), and base x and y");
-localconsole,"[setup] run with a local console.");
-localhost,"[startup] Specify local host of PC for rag connection (automatically set by psnrun.exe)");
-localnetlogs,"[network] Write network logs to local storage");
-lockableResourcedTextures, "Resourced textures are made lock/unlock-able.");
-lockableResourcedTexturesCount, "Number of lockable resourced textures accomodated.");
-lockragdolls, "[physics] Lock all peds to disallow ragdolls");
-lockscaleformtogameframe, "Lock the scaleform framerate to the game's framerate by default (some movies may override this)");
-lodScale,"[QUALITY SETTINGS] Set Lod Distance Level (0.0-1.0f)");
-logactionscriptrefs, "Logs any actionscript refs that get added to movies");
-logallocstack,"[startup] Log all memory allocation stack tracebacks (requires -logmemory)");
-logArrayHandlerBatching, "Adds logging for array handler update batching");
-logClearCarFromArea, "[GameWorld] print the reason for a clear_area failing to remove a vehicle");
-logClearCarFromAreaOutOfRange, "[GameWorld] enable the print that gets output if a clear_area fails to remove a vehicle due to the vehicle being out of range");
-logcreatedpeds, "[pedpopulation] Log created peds");
-logcreatedvehicles, "[vehiclepopulation] Log created vehicles");
-mirdebugcrack,"mirdebugcrack"); // load special crack texture
-mirdebugnoheap_360,"mirdebugnoheap_360"); // allocate mirror reflection target separately, so it can be viewed from rag
-mirdebugnoheap_ps3,"mirdebugnoheap_ps3"); // allocate mirror reflection target separately, so it can be viewed from rag
-mirrorusegbuf1_360,"mirrorusegbuf1_360"); // allocate mirror reflection target from gbuffer1 (as it used to be), instead of gbuffer23
-missingfilesarefatal,"[system] If set, any file open failure is considered a fatal abort.");
-missiongroup, "[commands_debug] Start mission group parameter for the autoflow automated test script");
-missionname, "The name of the mission you wish to have invoked when the game boots.");
-missionnum, "The number of the mission you wish to have invoked when the game boots.");
-mmfNoDeleteCorruptFiles, "Allow corrupt video files to remain on disk so they can be reviewed for bugs");
-modelnamesincapture,"show model names in GPAD/PIX");
-monitor,"[grcore] Use the specified monitor number (zero-based)");
-monoRuntime,"[grcore] (Default=1 for non-final) 0: No debugging, 1: Profiling support, for example for PIX captures, 2: Profiling support plus parameter validation, 3: Profiling support, parameter validation, and Debug compilation (supporting asserts, RIPs, and so on).");
-mtphys, "[physics] Use multithreaded physics simulation, even though this build is not optimized.");
-multiFragment,"[grcore] Number of AA fragments (1, 2, 4, or 8)");
-multiFragment,"[grcore] Number of color/depth fragments (1,2,4, or 8)");
-multiHeadSupport, "Multi Head Support");
-multiSample,"[grcore] Number of AA samples (1, 2, 4, 8, or 16)");
-multiSample,"[grcore] Number of multisamples (1, 2, 4, or 8)");
-multiSample,"[grcore] Number of multisamples (1, 2, or 4)");
-multiSampleQuality,"[grcore] Quality level of multisamples - Video card dependent");
-mute, "[RAGE Audio] Mutes audio.");
-muteoutput, "Start with output muted");
-nableCrashpad, "[startup] Enable Breakpad (defaults to disabled on Master builds, use this to turn it on)");
-namedrtdebug,"Output debug info");
-nameheapshift,"Specify name heap shift (default=0, 64k max size, can be up to 3 for 512k max size)");
-nativetrace, "Set per-native trace action in a semicolon-delimited list. Actions are: log,stack,assert. E.g. -nativetrace=SET_SLEEP_MODE_ACTIVE=log;IS_STRING_NULL=assert");
-netArraySizeAssert, "If set, the array manager asserts when the size of an array exceeds that which can fit in a single update message");
-netdebugdisplayghostinfo,"[network] Allow display of ghost info for targetted types");
-netdebugdisplaypredictioninfo,"[network] Allow display of prediction info for targetted types");
-netdebugdisplaytargetobjects,"[network] Allow display of target object data");
-netdebugdisplaytargetpeds,"[network] Allow display of target ped data");
-netdebugdisplaytargetplayers,"[network] Allow display of target player data");
-netdebugdisplaytargetvehicles,"[network] Allow display of target vehicle data");
-netdebugdisplayvisibilityinfo,"[network] Allow display of visibility info for targetted types");
-netDebugLastDamage, "Debug last damage done to physical entities.");
-netdebugnetworkentityareaworldstate, "[network] Enable visual debugging of network entity area world state");
-netDebugTaskLogging, "[network] Activate the task logging on specific tasks for network debugging");
-netdebugupdatelevels, "[network] Include update level information with the prediction logs");
-netDisableAcquireCritSecForFullMainUpdate, "When updating main, disable acquiring connection manager critical section for full update");
-netDisableBrowserSafeRegion, "Disables safe region for web browser on PlayStation.");
-netDisableLoggingStallTracking, "[network] Disables functionality to track logging stalls");
-netDisableMissionCreators, "[network] Disable access to the mission creators");
-netDisableWebApiInvites, "Disables web api invites");
-netEnableEvaluateBenefits, "Enables evaluation of membership benefits");
-netEnableScMembershipServerTasks, "Enables membership ROS tasks to request data from the server");
-netEndpointCxnlessMs, "Set default connection-less timeout for endpoints");
-netEndpointInactivityMs, "Set default inactivity timeout for endpoints");
-netEndpointRemovalDisabled, "Set whether endpoints are removed on inactivity");
-netExcessiveAlphaLogging, "Prints logging when the network code sets the alpha");
-netfakebandwidthlimitdown, "Set initial value for the fake download bandwidth limit in bytes per second. E.g. -netfakebandwidthlimitup=1024");
-netfakebandwidthlimitup, "Set initial value for the fake upload bandwidth limit in bytes per second. E.g. -netfakebandwidthlimitup=1024");
-netfakedrop, "Enable dropping of packets and set the percentage (0-100) of inbound packets to drop. E.g. to drop 10% of packets: -netfakedrop=10");
-netFakeGamerName, "Specify a fake name to use for the local player");
-netfakelatency, "Enable fake latency and set how many milliseconds of latency to add to inbound packets. E.g. -netfakelatency=200. Specify a range to enable variable latency and packet reordering. E.g. -netfakelatency=100-400");
-netForceActiveCharacter, "Force whether we have an active character or not");
-netForceActiveCharacterIndex, "Force the active character index");
-netForceBackCompatAsPS5, "[network] Force acting as playing on PS5 with back compat", "Disabled", "PS4", "");
-netForceBadSport, "[stat_savemgr] Force local player to be a bad sport.");
-netforcebandwidthtest, "[network] Force the test to run on each call", "Disabled", "All", "");
-netForceCheater, "[network] Force local player cheater setting (0 or 1)");
-netForceCompletedIntro, "Force whether we have completed the MP intro");
-netForceReadyToCheckStats, "Force setting of whether stats can be checked");
-netforceuserelay, "Force the packet relay to be used");
-nethttpdump, "If present HTTP requests/responses (for everything except Bugstar) will be dumped to debug output");
-nethttpdumpbinary, "If present HTTP requests/responses will dump binary content");
-nethttpdumpbugstar, "If present, HTTP requests/responses for Bugstar will be dumped to debug output");
-nethttpnoxhttp, "If present don't use IXHR2 on Xbox One");
-nethttpproxy, "Address of proxy to use for HTTP requests: <x.x.x.x:port>.Port is optional.");
-netHttpRequestTrackerDisable, "Disable the HTTP request tracker altogether.");
-netHttpRequestTrackerDisplayOnScreenMessage, "[network] The HTTP request tracker will display a message on screen if there is a burst.");
-netHttpRequestTrackerRules,"Specify rules .xml file for HTTP request tracker. -netHttpRequestTrackerRules=rules.xml");
-nethttprules, "Enable http interception and specify rules xml file. -nethttprules=rules.xml");
-nethttpserveraddr, "Address of server to use for HTTP requests: <x.x.x.x:port>.Port is optional.");
-nethttpsnoproxy, "Ignore proxy for HTTPS requests");
-nethttpstunnel, "[http] Use the proxy address to tunnel HTTPS requests");
-nethttptimeout, "HTTP request timeout in seconds.Overrides application defined timeout.");
-nethttpuseragent, "HTTP user agent string.");
-neticefailbasedonnatcombo, "Force a NAT traversal failure based on NAT type combination (i.e. strict-strict, strict-moderate will fail)");
-neticefailgamers, "Force a NAT traversal failure based on a comma-separated list of gamerhandles (eg. -neticefailgamers=\"SC 280471,SC 280921\")");
-neticefailprobability, "Force a NAT traversal failure based on a [0%, 100%] probability (eg. -neticefailprobability=50)");
-neticeforcedelay, "Delays NAT traversal for a specified number of milliseconds to simulate long-running NAT traversals (eg. -neticeforcedelay=10000, or a random delay in a range, eg. -neticeforcedelay=1000-8000");
-neticeforcefail, "Don't start NAT traversal, instead force a failure after a specified number of milliseconds (eg. -neticeforcefail=1000)");
-neticeforcesymmetricsocket, "Always use the symmetric socket for all NAT traversals");
-netIceIgnoreDirectMsgs, "Ignores ICE messages that are received from non-relayed addresses");
-netIceIgnoreIndirectMsgs, "Ignores ICE messages that are received via relay server");
-netIceQuickConnectTimeoutMs, "Sets the QuickConnect timeout in milliseconds.");
-neticesenddebuginfo, "Tell the remote peer to send debug info to the local peer after each NAT traversal");
-neticesucceedgamers, "Force a NAT traversal failure to gamers NOT listed in a comma-separated list of gamerhandles (eg. -neticesucceedgamers=\"SC 280471,SC 280921\")");
-neticesymsocketlocal, "Map the symmetric socket to the local LAN address");
-neticetestwrongrelayaddr, "Pretends we don't have the remote peer's correct relay address, so we need to discover it during NAT traversal");
-netInvitePlatformCheckStats, "[Invite] Whether we check stats or not when processing platform invites");
-netInviteScriptHandleNoPrivilege, "[Invite] Let script handle no privilege");
-netkxignoredirectmsgs, "for testing purposes only - ignore key exchange messages received via direct addresses");
-netkxignoreindirectmsgs, "for testing purposes only - ignore key exchange messages received via relay server addresses");
-netlogprefix, "[network] specifies a prefix applied to the log file, can be used when running multiple instances of a game from the same PC");
-netlogtelemetry, "Logs out telemetry content");
-netMatchmakingAlwaysRunSorting,"[session] If present, will run sorting even with one session");
-netMatchmakingCrewID,"[session] If present, sets the crew ID used for crew matchmaking");
-netMatchmakingDisableDumpTelemetry,"[session] If present, disable dumping telemetry to logging");
-netMatchmakingForceAim , "Force matchmaking aiming to the following: ");
-netMatchmakingForceLanguage, "Force matchmaking language to the following: ");
-netMatchMakingForceRegion, "Force matchmaking region to the following: ");
-netMatchmakingMaxTelemetry,"[session] If present, max out the telemetry to test");
-netMatchmakingTotalCrewCount,"[session] If present, sets the total number of players in our crew");
-netMemAllocatorLogging, "[network] Outputs a log containing the stream of allocations and deallocations. "
-netMembershipRefreshOnBackgroundExecutionExit, "[net_live] PS5 Only - Refresh membership status after exiting background execution");
-netMpAccessCodeNotReady, "[network] Force the access code check to be flagged as not ready", "Default multiplayer access behaviour", "All", "");
-netMpAccessCodeReady, "[network] Force the access code check to be flagged as ready", "Default multiplayer access behaviour", "All", "");
-netMpSkipCloudFileRequirements, "[session] If present, skips need for tunables or background scripts");
-netnattype, "Bypasses NAT type detection and sets the local NAT type. Example -netnattype=Open, -netnattype=Moderate, -netnattype=Strict, -netnattype=Unknown, -netnattype=Random");
-netNoClanEmblems, "Disables the clan emblem system");
-netnocxnrouting, "Disables all connection routing (including peer relaying and rerouting broken direct connections to the relay server).");
-netnopcp, "Don't use PCP or NAT-PMP protocols");
-netnopeerrelay, "Don't relay packets through other peers");
-netNoScAuth, "Disables ScAuth signup and account linking");
-netnoupnp, "Don't use UPnP");
-netObjectIdMinTimeBetweenRequests, "[network] Object Id minimum time between Id requests");
-netObjectIdNumIdsToRequest, "[network] Object Id number of Ids that we request when ");
-netObjectIdObjectIdReleaseThreshold, "[network] Object Id release threshold");
-netObjectIdRequestIdThreshold, "[network] Object Id request Id release threshold");
-netpeerid, "Sets the local peer's peer ID to the specified value. E.g. -netpeerid=0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA");
-netpeerrelaymaxhops, "Sets the maximum number of hops a packet can take through a p2p relay route");
-netpeerrelaymaxrelayedcxns, "Roughly sets the maximum number of connections the local peer can relay simultaneously. See documentation for SetMaxRelayedCxns().");
-netPlayerDisableLeakPrevention, "[net] Disables non-physical player leak prevention");
-netPlusCustomUpsellEnabled, "[net_live] PS4 only - When PS+ event is active and enabled - enables custom upsell");
-netPlusEventEnabled, "[net_live] PS4 only - Enables PS+ event (bypassing need for tunable)");
-netPlusEventPromotionEndGraceMs, "[net_live] PS4 only - When PS+ event is active and enabled - grace period to exit RDO when promotion ends");
-netPlusPromotionEnabled, "[net_live] PS4 only - When PS+ event is active and enabled - enables PS+ promotion");
-netPresenceDisablePresenceDebug, "[Presence] Disables that we can process server only messages in BANK builds");
-netpresenceignorepongs, "Ignores pongs from the presence server to help test fault tolerance.");
-netpresencesecure, "Determine whether to use secure protocol when communicating with the presence server.");
-netpresenceserveraddr, "Sets the full address the of presence server: <x.x.x.x:port> or <hostname:port>.");
-netpresenceserverdisable, "Disables discovery of the presence server");
-netPrivilegesAgeRestricted, "[network] Force privilege setting for age restriction", "Default communication privilege setting", "All", "");
-netPrivilegesMultiplayer, "[network] Force privilege setting for multiplayer", "Default multiplayer privilege setting", "All", "");
-netPrivilegesRos, "[network] Force privilege setting for Rockstar services", "Default communication privilege setting", "All", "");
-netPrivilegesSocialNetworkSharing, "[network] Force privilege setting for social network sharing", "Default communication privilege setting", "All", "");
-netPrivilegesTextCommunication, "[network] Force privilege setting for text communication", "Default communication privilege setting", "All", "");
-netPrivilegesUserContent, "[network] Force privilege setting for user content", "Default UGC privilege setting", "All", "");
-netPrivilegesVoiceCommunication, "[network] Force privilege setting for voice communication", "Default communication privilege setting", "All", "");
-netrealworld, "Allows networking systems to enable simulation of real world networking conditions.", "Disabled", "All", "All");
-netSessionIgnoreCheater,"[session] If present, will ignore cheater matchmaking value");
-netSessionIgnoreDataHash,"[session] If present, will ignore data hash matchmaking value");
-netSessionIgnoreECHash, "Ignore the CExtraContentManager::GetCRC data hash");
-netSessionIgnoreReputation, "Ignore Xbox One reputation setting");
-netSessionIgnoreTimeout,"[session] If present, will ignore time out matchmaking value. Not included in -All");
-netSessionIgnoreVersion,"[session] If present, will ignore time out matchmaking version");
-netSessionMaxPlayers,"[session] If present, sets the maximum number of players in a single session");
-netSessionMaxPlayersActivity,"[session] If present, sets the maximum number of players in an activity");
-netSessionMaxPlayersFreemode,"[session] If present, sets the maximum number of freemode players in a single session");
-netSessionMaxPlayersSCTV,"[session] If present, sets the maximum number of SCTV players in a single session");
-netSessionNoAdminInvitesTreatedAsDev, "[session] If present, set no admin invite dev setting");
-netSessionNoGamerBlacklisting,"[session] If present, prevents gamers from being blacklisted");
-netSessionNoSessionBlacklisting,"[session] If present, prevents sessions from being blacklisted");
-netSessionNoTransitionQuickmatch, "[session] If present, transition quickmatch does not host");
-netSessionOpenNetworkOnQuickmatch,"[session] If present, opens the network when we quickmatch");
-netSessionRejectJoin,"[session] If present, will always reject join attempts");
-netSessionShowStateChanges,"[session] If present, show session state changes on screen");
-netSessionStateTimeout,"[session] If present, sets the join state timeout to X");
-netSessionUniqueCrewLimit,"[session] If present, sets the maximum number of unique crews in a session");
-netSessionUniqueCrewLimitTransition,"[session] If present, sets the maximum number of unique crews in a transition session");
-netshoplatency, "[net_shopping] Set latency on network shopping transactions.");
-netshoptransactiondebug, "[net_shopping] if present extra debug info is rendered.");
-netshoptransactionnull, "[net_shopping] use the null transaction.");
-netSignOutStartNewGame, "[game] Start a new game instead of running the landing page flow");
-netsoaktest, "Runs an automated test of the network game using the specified script");
-netsoaktestparams, "Specifies a comma separated list of parameter for the soak test script");
-netSpPrologueComplete, "[network] Force that the SP prologue is complete");
-netssldump, "Output additional debugging information about SSL connections. Set -netssldump=verbose to dump send/receive buffers as well.");
-netStartPos, "[network] Set the player start position.");
-netSuppressGameTraffic, "[netPlayerMgrBase] If present, we won't send any game traffic");
-netTaskMotionPedDebug, "[network] Print out all task motion ped syncing to the TTY");
-netTeam, "[network] Set the player's team.");
-netTelemetryConfig, "[telemetry] Loads the telemetry from a file", "", "All", "");
-netTelemetryDisableDumpOnExportFail, "[telemetry] Disables dumping of metrics which export fails on");
-netTelemetryDump, "[telemetry] If present, dumps all telemetry to logging");
-netTelemetryForceOff, "[telemetry] Forces telemetry metrics to be disabled even if the config file says otherwise", "", "All", "");
-netTelemetryForceOn, "[telemetry] Forces telemetry metrics to be enabled even if the config file says otherwise", "", "All", "");
-netTelemetryForceOnKeepsProbability, "[telemetry] When set ForceOn maintains the probability. By default ForceOn assumes the probability will be 1.0", "Disabled", "All", "");
-netTelemetryForceProbability, "[telemetry] Enforces a specific probability value for all metrics", "Disabled", "All", "");
-netTelemetryGroupForceOff, "[telemetry] Forces telemetry metrics of a certain group to be disabled even if the config file says otherwise", "", "All", "");
-netTelemetryGroupForceOn, "[telemetry] Forces telemetry metrics of a certain group to be enabled even if the config file says otherwise", "", "All", "");
-netTelemetrySubmissionIntervalSec, "[telemetry] Overwrite the default submission interval", "Disabled", "All", "");
-netTestTunableConnectionMgrHeapSwap, "Tests swapping out the heap at the point of loading tunables");
-netTextMessageEnableFilter, "[network] Whether text message filtering is enabled");
-netupnpcleanup, "Clean up old UPnP entries before adding a port mapping");
-netUseStagingEnv, "Enables the Social Club staging environment");
-netVerboseCanActionProfileChange, "[live] Verbose logging of whether or not we can action a profile change");
-netXblSessionTemplateName, "[net_live] Xbox Only - Session template name");
-netXblUseConnectivityForLinkConnected, "[network] Whether we use the network connectivity to drive whether we consider the cable connected");
-nmtuning, "Enable tuning of naturalmotion parameters");
-no_3GB, "[MEMORY] Disable 32bit OS with /3GB");
-no_screen_watermark,"Disable screen watermark");
-noAbortingFailedConv, "Do not abort conversations that fail to load.");
-noactionscriptclassoverride, "Don't override any actionscript classes with C++ implementations");
-nobandwidththrottling, "[network] No bandwidth throttling");
-noBGScripts, "Disables BG Scripts from updating/running.");
-noBkgInput, "[input] Normally __DEV PC builds will get keyboard input even when the window is in the background. Use this to disable background key presses.");
-noBlockOnLostFocus,"[grcore] Don't block the window update when it loses focus.");
-nobuttons, "[code] disable buttons in text");
-nocache, "[MEMORY] Do not cache resources");
-nocacheloaderencryption,"Cache data is encrypted");
-nocacherpf, "Never evict RPF files");
-nocachetimestamps,"Skip the timestmap check for cache validation");
-nocamber, "[paths] don't calculate camber (tilt) values during build process.");
-nocars, "[vehiclepopulation] Don't create any random vehs");
-nocarsexceptcops, "[vehiclepopulation] Don't create any random vehs except cops");
-npfaultrules, "Enable NP Fault Tolerance and specify a rules file. -npfaultrules=npfaults.xml");
-npForceAllowPermissions, "Forces all NP permissions to return true");
-npInvitationId, "Creates a serviceEvent on boot with the given invitation ID");
-npMaxAvailabilityWait, "Overrides the maximum amount of time (milliseconds) to wait for the NP availability check request to finish before aborting it");
-npSessionId, "Creates a serviceEvent on boot with the given Session ID");
-npTarget, "Sets the NP target for boot invitation/session events");
-nullDriver,"[grcore] Initialise device with the NULL driver");
-nullhardware,"[setup] Use D3D null hardware (only on Xenon).");
-numasioinputs, "[RAGE Audio] Number of ASIO input channels to initialise");
-numCores, "Tasks will only be allocated to the first 'n' cores");
-numTaskSchedulers, "Set the number of task scheduler threads");
-nvstereo,"[grcore] enable/disable 3D stereo for NVIDIA");
-ocketport, "[network] 8-bit network port on which to communicate");
-Oculus, "Enable Oculus");
-onFootCinematic, "[camCinematicDirector] Allow on foot cinematic");
-OnlyCenterMultiMonitor,"Only allow the multimonitor system if it's on the centered monitor");
-onlydisplayforfocusped, "[AI] only display for focus ped");
-OnlyMatchingMultiMonitor,"Only allow the windowed multimonitor resolution if all monitors are the same dimenions");
-output,"[startup] Enable all output even in !__DEV builds");
-output_registered_script_save_data, "Output to the TTY the script save data as it is registered");
-outputCloudFiles, "Write cloud files to PC harddisk for debugging");
-outputMonitor,"[grcore] Use the specified monitor output of the selected adapter number (zero-based)");
-override_script, "[FileLoader] Use this file instead of script.rpf. The replacement .rpf has to be in the same folder as the original script.rpf. You don't need to specify the .rpf extension");
-override_script_dlc, "[FileLoader] Use this file instead of script_RELEASE.rpf in DLC packs. The replacement .rpf has to be in the same folder as the original script_RELEASE.rpf. You don't need to specify the .rpf extension");
-overrideCreditsDisplay, "Override the credits menu item being displayed (-1 : none, 0 : credits / legal, 1 : credits, 2 : legal");
-overrideNearClip, "[game] Use overriden near clip setting");
-overridePlayerAge, "Overrides local player age (for testing game rating)");
-overrideSpawnPoints, "[network] Do not use spawn points in network sessions");
-overridetime,"override time with this value (Same as using the Clock Widget");
-padConnected,"Always pretend a pad is connected (to avoid warning screens)");
-parkedVehiclesUpperLimit, "[vehiclepopulation] Set the upper limit used by parked vehicle generation algorithm");
-parsercatalog, "[startup] Creates a catalog of all auto-registered parsable classes at startup");
-particleQuality,"[QUALITY SETTINGS] Set particle quality (0-2)");
-processinstance, "[startup] When running multiple instances of the process at once, specify a unique instance number to assign to each instance (i.e. -processinstance=2");
-profileGenerationOverride, "[net_profile_stats] override the profile level stat for the generation, 0 : none, 7 gen7, 8 gen8, 9 gen9");
-props,"[fragment] Force all container-based fragment types to be of the same type");
-propsysfont,"[setup] Use a proportional system font.");
-PS4BackwardsCompatibility, "Force acting as playing on PS5 with back compat", "Disabled", "PS4", "");
-psoMismatchIsFatal, "Crash when we find a PSO mismatch");
-psoNoDebugStrings, "[parser] Skip registration of all the debug strings");
-ptfxassetoverride, "sets the override particle asset");
-ptfxdebugdraw, "enables the rmptfx debug drawing by default");
-ptfxloadall, "loads all ptfx assets");
-ptfxloadmost, "loads most ptfx assets - skips any rayfire and script assets");
-ptfxloadxml, "RMPTFX should load xml data");
-ptfxnodownsampling, "disable the downsampled particles");
-ptfxonlyplaythis, "plays only the particle effect specified");
-ptfxperformancetest, "enables particle performace test case - no particle effects will play apart from those created by a debug button");
-ptfxtimebar, "display the ptfx timebar along with all the others");
-qsssao_res,"Which QS-SSAO res to use(0 = low, 1 = med, 2 = high).");
-radiohudwidgets, "Activates radio hud widgets");
-radtelemetry, "[profile] Enable RAD Telemetry on startup");
-rag,"[bank] Connect to RAG (a main application).");
-ragAddr,"[bank] Connect with Rag on a specific IP address." );
-ragConnectTimeout,"[bank] Number of seconds before giving up on trying to connect to RAG.(default is infinite)");
-ragEventQBufferSize, "[bank] The size of the event queue for receiving keyboard and mouse input from Rag.The default is 256*ioEventQueue::COMMAND_SIZE (1280 bytes).A larger size will allow mouse input to be handled better in low framerate situations." );
-rageversion,"[startup] Display rage version this was compiled against, and then exit.");
-ragnotty,"[bank] Don't send logging output to RAG.");
-ragPS3TargetAddr,"[bank] Instruct Rag which PS3 Target to communicate with.Use the name of your Target as it appears in the Target Manager.");
-ragUseOwnWindow, "[device_d3d] Displays the game in its own window rather than inside rag");
-ragUseOwnWindow, "[grcore] Displays the game in its own window rather than inside rag");
-ragviewer,"[bank] Connect to RAG (a rage viewer).");
-randomseed);// this is used by rage now as well, may as well share
-randomseed, "Used a fixed seed value for all random number streams");
-randSpawnMax,"max world coords to test player teleport");
-randSpawnMin,"min world coords to test player teleport");
-ratedframerate, "[profile] The framerate we're currently supporting");
-rave, "[RAGE Audio] Connect to RAVE for the specified metadata types; comma delimited (eg -rave=Sounds,Curves,Weapons");
-ravehost, "[RAGE Audio] Manually specify the remote RAVE host (defaults to rfs.dat IP)");
-raveskipchunks, "[RAGE Audio] Don't request the specified chunks from RAVE; comma delimited (eg -raveskipchunks=BASE,SinglePlayer to request only DLC");
-raveSkipReleasedDlcChunks, "[RAGE Audio] Automatically skips a hard coded list of metadata chunks");
-rawCameraMetadata, "[camFactory] Load the raw XML camera metadata from the assets folder if no alternative path specified");
-rawcutsceneauthorizeddata, "[cutscene] Ignore the script preappoval list");
-rdrDebugCamera, "Enable RDR debug camera");
-rdrreportaudio, "turns on testing of RDR report system");
-readonly, "Don't send changes back to RAVE");
-recordbandwidth, "[network] Record bandwidth");
-recordstartuprequests, "Record all requests during startup and save them to a file");
-reddotsight,"[setup] Change the mouse pointer into a red dot.");
-redirectTTY, "Redirect TTY output to the specified TCP IP:port");
-refdebugnoheap_360,"refdebugnoheap_360"); // allocate reflection target separately, so it can be viewed from rag
-reinstall, "Force a reinstall of streaming IMGs to PS3 HDD");)
-reloadpackfilesonrestart, "[streaming] Reload all packfiles when restarting the game");
-remotebank,"[bank] Attempt to connect to remote bank server.");
-remoteInput, "[RAGE] Listen to packets from a RemoteInputServer");
-remoteXInput, "[RAGE] [Deprecated] Listen to packets from xinputserver");
-removetopmips, "[RAGE] don't load top level mips for any given image");
-renderAlphaShadows,"Render alpha objects into the alpha shadow buffer");
-renderdoc, "Enable RenderDoc frame capturing");
-renderdoc_log, "Set name of RenderDocCapture");
-renderdoc_overlay, "Enable RenderDoc overlay and F11 to do a capture");
-rendergfxdebug, "temp render gfx crash debug");
-rendertargetlog, "[grcore] the name of the render target log (dumping is enabled via the render target widget)");
-rendertargetpoollog, "[grcore] the name of the render target pool log (dumping is enabled via the render target widget)");
-replayDebugClipPrefix, "[Replay] Name to prefix to a clip to differentiate from other peoples clips");
-replayFilesDumpDir, "[Replay] Folder where the replays clips/projects will be dumped once there's loaded");
-replayFilesWorkingDir, "[Replay] Use this folder instead of the one used by default for saving/loading replay files");
-replayRecordingIgnoreLostFocus, "[Replay] Don't disable recording when focus is lost");
-replayRecordingStopOnCameraDisabled, "[Replay] Stop recording if the camera is disabled.");
-replayTCrecordOutput,"TTY output for replay TC recording");
-reserve, "[MEMORY] Amount of memory to set aside for other applications");
-reservedApp, "[MEMORY] Amount of memory to leave available within application space");
-resetSteamAchievements, "Resets your achievement progress on Steam");
-restoreContextState,"Don't restore the context state after executing a command list (default=true), false is quicker");
-revealmap, "[code] reveal map on boot");
-rfschunksize, "[file] Size of chunk to use when transfering data, in bytes");
-rfsport,"[startup] Specify non-default port for rfs usage.");
-rfsRemoteTty, "Send TTY to systray as well"));
-rglLanguage, "Language from the Rockstar Games Launcher");
-rgpu,"Insert Razor GPU labels (slow, but what you want when debugging graphics)");
-rlConductorForceGeo, "Specifies the country code to use to force the conductor to route to a specific geo");
-rldisabledsecurityflags, "Security flags to disable (0 for none or 65535 to disable all");
-rldisablessl, "If present, SSL will be disabled by default");
-rlDumpUgc, "Dumps all UGC downloads to disk");
-rlenablesslbydefault, "If present, SSL will be enabled by default - temporary command line until all services are available via ssl");
-rlEnvironment, "Set the environment to use (dev, stage-dev, cert, stage-cert ...)");
-rlIgnoreForcedEnvironment, "[rline] Escapes RL_FORCE_*_ENVIRONMENT and uses environment as supplied by platform");
-rlineSparseAllocator, "[network] Use a sparse allocator for rline");
-rlnpinvitedelayms, "Sets a delay in milliseconds");
-rlnpjoinsession, "Fake a bootable invite to a session id i.e. -rlnpjoinsession=ABCDE-FGHIJ-KLMNO");
-rlnpjoinsessiontarget, "Sets the target for an fake bootable invite/session -rlnpjoinsessiontarget=58592752597");
-rlnpjointarget, "Fake a bootable invite event from a PSN Account ID i.e. -rlnpjointarget=58592752597");
-rlNpPlusAuthorised, "Overrides result from the NP call to check plus / premium");
-rlnpuseoldinvites, "If present use the old NP invite technique (not the gui)");
-rlProfileStatsFlushErrorDelaySecs, "Delay range after an attempt to write stats fails");
-rlRosCredMaxDelaySecs, "Maximum delay before a cred refresh");
-rlRosCredMinDelaySecs, "Minimum delay before a cred refresh");
-rlRosCredPrefetchSecs, "Secs before current cred expiration to start refresh");
-rlrosdomainenv, "Overrides ROS environment string used in domain names (ci-rage,rage,dev,load,qa,cert,prod)");
-rlRosForceUseAccountIds, "If present, client will always use account Ids");
-rlRosUseNp3, "Use rlRosCreateTicketNp3Task instead of rlRosCreateTicketNp4Task (will disable use of account Ids)");
-rlservicehosts, "JSON array of host/endpoint pairs:[{\"h\":\"dev.telemetry.rockstargames.com\",\"e\":\"*/telemetry.asmx/submitcompressed\"}]");
-rlServiceTokenForceTTL, "Force service token ttl");
-rlsslnocert, "If present, the server's certificate won't be verified, and SSLv23 will be used instead of tlsv1.2");
-rlsslservices, "Comma-delimited list of services that should use ssl: \"*/profilestats.asmx/*,\"*/leaderboards.asmx/*\"");
-rlTaskAllowAddFailures, "Allow DoAddTask to fail");
-rlWebApiCheckHeap, "Runs high watermark checks on the WebAPI heap every frame");
-rlXblLbResetNum,"Number of LBs to reset in Init(), including the start ID");
-rlXblLbResetStartId,"ID of first LB to reset in Init()");
-rlxhttpallowrejectedcert, "If present allow XHTTP to use non-authorized SSL certificates");
-rlxlspclusterfilter, "Must match the \"cluster\" element of the SG userdata string.Used primarily to limit SG selection to a single cluster for local debugging.");
-rlxlspdiscoverytimeout, "Server discover timeout in seconds.Overrides the application defined timeout");
-rmptfx_tty_windows, "Create RAG windows for rmptfx related TTY");
-rmptfxpath, "RMPTFX asset path");
-rockstartargetmanager,"[startup] Indicates RTM is being used.Additional configuration parameters passed through in string.Format is semicolon separated key value pairs.Supported key value pairs: pdb=path;tty=ipaddr:port");
-rockyFrameLimit, "[Rocky] Sets maximum number of frames in a capture (default no limit)");
-rockyMemory, "[Rocky] Size of memory allocated for Rocky Profiler (MB)");
-rockyON, "[Rocky] Turns on Rocky automatically at startup");
-rockyOutputFile, "[Rocky] Output name for the Rocky Capture");
-rockyOutputFolder, "[Rocky] Output folder for the Rocky Capture");
-rockyPort, "[Rocky] Bind port to use for profiler connections (default 31313)");
-rockyPwd, "[Rocky] Root password from the target device");
-rockySamplingFrequency, "[Rocky] Overrides Rocky auto-sampling frequency (1000 by default)");
-rockyScriptSamplingFrequency, "[Rocky] Sets Rocky script sampling frequency (5000 by default)");
-sanityCheckRlHeap, "Run a sanity check on the rline heap");
-sanitycheckupdate,"[setup] Sanity check game heap at end of every update.");
-savealloctrace,"[rscbuilder] Save a memory allocation trace with each resource heap.");
-saveclothstate, "save cloth data when cloth is instanced");
-savegameFolder, "[GenericGameStorage] On PS3, set the savegame folder to allow the European exe to load US saves (or vice versa)");
-savegameMigrationLoadLocalTextFile, "Instead of downloading a file containing the localized text for savegame migration, load a local copy of that file");
-saveLoadedCacheDataToTextFile, "Save the loaded cache data to a text file so that it's easier to read and filecompare. Pass a string containing the absolute path to a folder where the text file should be saved to");
-scriptdebugger_files, "[script_debug] comma-separated list of script files (without the .sc extension) that you want to debug");
-scriptInstructionLimit, "[script] set the maximum number of instructions per frame to something other than the default of 1,000,000");
-scriptLogMemoryPeaks, "[MEMORY] Log the memory peaks for the scripts physical and virtual usage.");
-scriptprofiling,"Enable script profiling (counters reset every 250 updates by default)");
-scriptproject,"[scripting] specify root script path for sco objects (if using the option to compile scripts to an output directory based on project config)");
-scriptProtectGlobals, "[script] protects scripts global memory outide of the script update process");
-scriptSoundsDebug, "Ensable scripted sounds on screen debug");
-sharecachedata,"Cache data is being served by a single machine to multiple 'clients'");
-showDebugPadValues, "Shows the debug pad values.");
-showdetailtimebars, "[profile] Include the minor timebars");
-showEditorMemory, "Show memory used by the Editor Movie");
-showProfileBypass, "[save] Shows Asserts whenever the profile/social club is bypassed.");
-showsfperformance, "Shows scaleform performance info on startup");
-showsrlpass, "Shows the SRL preprocess step");
-silentspeech, "Allow silent speech assets to trigger.");
-simplemapdata, ""); // for heightmap/navmesh tools, we don't need map data contents beyond just the entities
-simplepfx,"Use simplified postfx shader");
-simulatedFailStatusCode, "If we trigger a debug failure through a simulated fail, use this error code");
-simulateGen9BootFlow, "[game] Simulate how the boot flow behaves"));
-singlequeue,"[Streamer] Force a single streaming work queue (should be slower, but guarantees requests always arrive in order issued)");
-singleThreaded, "[grcore] Create the device as a single threaded device");
-singleThreadedTaskManager, "Task schedudler/manager will dispatch tasks on the local thread");
-skip_telemetry_samples, "[commands_debug] Size of the grid cell (script)");
-SkipCheckingForPreviouslyUploadedSavegame, "[savegame_export] when uploading a Single Player savegame, don't first check if a savegame has already been uploaded");
-skipLandingPage, "Skip over the Landing Page");
-sleepbuffersizekb, "[physics] Override the sleep buffer size.");
-slowstreaming,"[Streamer] Artificially slow all streaming down; lower is slower (1=glacial, 13=blu-ray, 14=xbox dvd)");
-smash_tty_windows, "Create RAG windows for smashable related TTY");
-smokeDuration, "Duration of smoke test to run ");
-smoketest, "Set up a stress-test situation to see if the game survives!Use with a value (smoketest=n|name) or on its own to select the first." );
-smoketestwantedlevel, "Set wanted level when initializing the smoketest." );
-smoothframerate, "Smooth the FPS display");
-smtpserver, "[diag] SMTP server to use when emailing");
-socketbaseport,"[bank] the base socket port for RAG viewers");
-sortonhdd, "[streaming] Enable LSN sort on HDD");
-sparseboth,"[system] Alternate between left- and right- aligned memory allocations");
-sparseleft,"[system] Left-align sparse allocations to catch underruns instead of overruns");
-speechasserts, "Enable asserts due to NULL SpeechContext");
-spewDirtySavegameStats, "[stat_savemgr] Maintain a Count of dirty savegame stats between saves.");
-spewGameplayDebugOnBugCreation , "[debug] Enable gameplay debug spew to gameplay log when a bug is created");
-spewheistvalues, "Ignore an individual profile settings");
-spewplayercard, "If present then log player card stats output.");
-spewtriggerscriptevent, "The name of the script test you wish to have invoked when the game boots.");
-spikeFrameCount, "[profile] Under which number of frame is a timebar change considered a spike.");
-srgb, "[grcore] enable automatic SRGB conversion for the front/backbuffers");
-SSAO,"[QUALITY SETTINGS] Set SSAO quality (0-2)");
-ssao_preset,"Which SSAO preset to use(0 - 5).");
-ssao_res,"Which SSAO res to use(0 = low, 1 = med, 2 = high).");
-stalls, "Monitor stalls greater than param value");
-stallThreshold, "Delay we have to wait until POSSIBLE STALL message is displayed");
-UseKeyFrameCloudLight,"Use the cloud keyframe light info for sun/moon light, instead of reading it from the timecycle values");
-useManualLoadMenuToExportSavegame, "The Manual Load menu in the pause menu will export the savegame (for gen9 migration) instead of loading it and starting a new session");
-useManualSaveMenuToImportSavegame, "The Manual Save menu in the pause menu will import the savegame (for gen9 migration) instead of saving the state of the current single player session");
-useMarketplace, "[live] Activate marketplace.");
-useMaximumSettings,"Set all but resolution to the max");
-useMinimumSettings,"Reset settings to the minimum");
-useNewStagingUrl, "[savegame_queued_operations] ignore the staging url returned by the UGC upload");
-useOptimizedShaders, "Enable the use of Optimized shaders");
-usepackfiles, "Use RPF pack files");
-usePerfAPI, "Use the realtime perf API");
-useRawKeyboard, "[input] Use raw input for keyboard.");
-userdir, "Indictate where the user folder is");
-useRobotSpeechForAllLines, "If not set, robot speech will only be used for non-placeholder conversations");
-useshortuvs, "[RAGE] use 16 bit integer UV's");
-useSimplerShadowFiltering, "use two taps filtering for shadow reveal");
-useSourceShaders, "Force the usage of .hlsl files for easier graphics debugging");
-UseStaging, "Buffers use staging for updating");
-usestandarddevenv, "[rline] Escapes RL_FORCE_*_ENVIRONMENT and uses environment as supplied by platform");