Reece Watson 3b7e132126
feat(Classes): Updated CBaseModelInfo, CPlayerGameStateDataNode and fwEntity (#24)
* Fixed eModelType enum value names
* CBaseModelInfo: Changed min/max dimension types from fvector3 to fvector4
* CBaseModelInfo: Adjusted to actual size
* Added datBase, fwRefAwareBase, fwRefAwareBaseImpl, fwExtensibleBase, fwExtension, fwExtensionContainer and pgBase classes
* CPlayerGameStateDataNode: Updated fields and resized to actual size
* CVehicleModelInfo: Resized because of modified CBaseModelInfo
2022-08-20 19:17:32 +02:00

14 lines
212 B

#pragma once
#include "datBase.hpp"
#include "fwRefAwareBaseImpl.hpp"
namespace rage
class fwRefAwareBase : public fwRefAwareBaseImpl<datBase>
static_assert(sizeof(fwRefAwareBase) == 0x10);