Initial Commit

This commit is contained in:
Yimura 2021-02-08 22:44:51 +01:00
commit 184181e9f1
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 3D8FF4397E768682
11 changed files with 305 additions and 0 deletions

CAutomobile.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
class CAutomobile
char pad_0000[72]; //0x0000
class CVehicleDrawHandler* m_mods; //0x0048
char pad_0050[313]; //0x0050
uint8_t m_godmode; //0x0189
char pad_018A[406]; //0x018A
float m_boost; //0x0320
float m_rocket_recharge_speed; //0x0324
char pad_0328[1308]; //0x0328
float m_health; //0x0844
char pad_0848[192]; //0x0848
float m_health2; //0x0908
char pad_090C[44]; //0x090C
class CHandlingData* m_handling; //0x0938
char pad_0940[2]; //0x0940
uint8_t m_bulletproof_tyres; //0x0942
char pad_0943[685]; //0x0943
class WheelArray* m_wheels; //0x0BF0
char pad_0BF8[100]; //0x0BF8
float m_gravity; //0x0C5C
}; //Size: 0x0C60
static_assert(sizeof(CAutomobile) == 0xC60);

CHandlingData.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
class CHandlingData
char pad_0000[8]; //0x0000
uint32_t m_name_hash; //0x0008
float m_mass; //0x000C
float m_initial_drag_coeff; //0x0010
float m_downforce_modifier; //0x0014
float m_popup_light_rotation; //0x0018
char pad_001C[4]; //0x001C
rage::vector3 m_centre_of_mass; //0x0020
char pad_002C[4]; //0x002C
rage::vector3 m_inertia_multiplier; //0x0030
char pad_003C[4]; //0x003C
float m_buoyancy; //0x0040
float m_drive_bias_rear; //0x0044
float m_drive_bias_front; //0x0048
float m_acceleration; //0x004C
uint8_t m_initial_drive_gears; //0x0050
char pad_0051[3]; //0x0051
float m_drive_inertia; //0x0054
float m_upshift; //0x0058
float m_downshift; //0x005C
float m_initial_drive_force; //0x0060
float m_drive_max_flat_vel; //0x0064
float m_initial_drive_max_flat_vel; //0x0068
float m_brake_force; //0x006C
char pad_0070[4]; //0x0070
float m_brake_bias_front; //0x0074
float m_brake_bias_rear; //0x0078
float m_handbrake_force; //0x007C
float m_steering_lock; //0x0080
float m_steering_lock_ratio; //0x0084
float m_traction_curve_max; //0x0088
float m_traction_curve_lateral; //0x008C
float m_traction_curve_min; //0x0090
float m_traction_curve_ratio; //0x0094
float m_curve_lateral; //0x0098
float m_curve_lateral_ratio; //0x009C
float m_traction_spring_delta_max; //0x00A0
float m_traction_spring_delta_max_ratio; //0x00A4
float m_low_speed_traction_loss_mult; //0x00A8
float m_camber_stiffness; //0x00AC
float m_traction_bias_front; //0x00B0
float m_traction_bias_rear; //0x00B4
float m_traction_loss_mult; //0x00B8
float m_suspension_force; //0x00BC
float m_suspension_comp_damp; //0x00C0
float m_suspension_rebound_damp; //0x00C4
float m_suspension_upper_limit; //0x00C8
float m_suspension_lower_limit; //0x00CC
float m_suspension_raise; //0x00D0
float m_suspension_bias_front; //0x00D4
float m_suspension_bias_rear; //0x00D8
float m_anti_rollbar_force; //0x00DC
float m_anti_rollbar_bias_front; //0x00E0
float m_anti_rollbar_bias_rear; //0x00E4
float m_roll_centre_height_front; //0x00E8
float m_roll_centre_height_rear; //0x00EC
float m_collision_damage_mult; //0x00F0
float m_weapon_damamge_mult; //0x00F4
float m_deformation_mult; //0x00F8
float m_engine_damage_mult; //0x00FC
float m_petrol_tank_volume; //0x0100
float m_oil_volume; //0x0104
char pad_0108[4]; //0x0108
rage::vector3 m_seat_index_dist; //0x010C
uint32_t m_monetary_value; //0x0118
char pad_011C[8]; //0x011C
uint32_t m_str_model_flags; //0x0124
uint32_t m_str_handling_flags; //0x0128
uint32_t m_str_damage_flags; //0x012C
char pad_0130[12]; //0x0130
uint32_t m_ai_handling_hash; //0x013C
char pad_0140[208]; //0x0140
}; //Size: 0x0210
static_assert(sizeof(CHandlingData) == 0x210);

CPed.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
class CPed
char pad_0000[32]; //0x0000
class CPedModelInfo* m_ped_model_info; //0x0020
uint8_t m_entity_type; //0x0028
char pad_0029[3]; //0x0029
uint8_t m_invisible; //0x002C
char pad_002D[1]; //0x002D
uint8_t m_freeze_momentum; //0x002E
char pad_002F[97]; //0x002F
rage::vector3 m_position; //0x0090
char pad_009C[237]; //0x009C
uint8_t m_godmode; //0x0189
char pad_018A[246]; //0x018A
float m_health; //0x0280
char pad_0284[28]; //0x0284
float m_maxhealth; //0x02A0
char pad_02A4[124]; //0x02A4
rage::vector3 m_velocity; //0x0320
char pad_032C[2564]; //0x032C
class CAutomobile* m_vehicle; //0x0D30
char pad_0D38[896]; //0x0D38
uint8_t m_ragdoll; //0x10B8
char pad_10B9[15]; //0x10B9
class CPlayerInfo* m_player_info; //0x10C8
char pad_10D0[8]; //0x10D0
class CPedWeaponManager* m_weapon_manager; //0x10D8
char pad_10E0[919]; //0x10E0
uint8_t m_in_vehicle; //0x1477
char pad_1478[104]; //0x1478
float m_armor; //0x14E0
}; //Size: 0x14E4
static_assert(sizeof(CPed) == 0x14E4);

CPedFactory.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
class CPedFactory
char pad_0000[8]; //0x0000
class CPed* m_local_ped; //0x0008
}; //Size: 0x0010
static_assert(sizeof(CPedFactory) == 0x10);

CPedModelInfo.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
class CPedModelInfo
char pad_0000[24]; //0x0000
uint32_t m_model_hash; //0x0018
}; //Size: 0x001C
static_assert(sizeof(CPedModelInfo) == 0x1C);

CPedWeaponManager.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
class CPedWeaponManager
char pad_0000[32]; //0x0000
class CWeaponInfo* m_weapon_info; //0x0020
}; //Size: 0x0028
static_assert(sizeof(CPedWeaponManager) == 0x28);

CPlayerInfo.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
class CPlayerInfo
char pad_0000[52]; //0x0000
uint32_t m_internal_ip; //0x0034
uint16_t m_internal_port; //0x0038
char pad_003A[2]; //0x003A
uint32_t m_relay_ip; //0x003C
uint16_t m_relay_port; //0x0040
char pad_0042[2]; //0x0042
uint32_t m_external_ip; //0x0044
uint16_t m_external_port; //0x0048
char pad_004A[38]; //0x004A
uint64_t m_rockstar_id; //0x0070
char pad_0078[12]; //0x0078
char m_name[20]; //0x0084
char pad_0098[180]; //0x0098
float m_swim_speed; //0x014C
float m_run_speed; //0x0150
char pad_0154[81]; //0x0154
bool m_is_rockstar_dev; //0x01A5
char pad_01A6[1]; //0x01A6
bool m_is_cheater; //0x01A7
char pad_01A8[11]; //0x01A8
bool m_is_online; //0x01B3
char pad_01B4[20]; //0x01B4
class CPed* m_ped; //0x01C8
char pad_01D0[40]; //0x01D0
uint32_t m_frame_flags; //0x01F8
char pad_01FC[28]; //0x01FC
uint32_t m_player_controls; //0x0218
char pad_021C[1588]; //0x021C
uint32_t m_npc_ignore; //0x0850
char pad_0854[12]; //0x0854
bool m_is_wanted; //0x0860
char pad_0861[3]; //0x0861
int8_t m_wanted_level_display; //0x0864
char pad_0865[3]; //0x0865
int8_t m_wanted_level; //0x0868
char pad_0869[1131]; //0x0869
float m_stamina; //0x0CD4
float m_max_stamina; //0x0CD8
}; //Size: 0x0CDC
static_assert(sizeof(CPlayerInfo) == 0xCDC);

CVehicleDrawHandler.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
class CVehicleDrawHandler
char pad_0000[904]; //0x0000
uint8_t m_primary_color; //0x0388
char pad_0389[3]; //0x0389
uint8_t m_pearlescent; //0x038C
char pad_038D[3]; //0x038D
uint8_t m_secondary_color; //0x0390
char pad_0391[15]; //0x0391
uint8_t m_neon_light_blue; //0x03A0
uint8_t m_neon_light_green; //0x03A1
uint8_t m_neon_light_red; //0x03A2
char pad_03A3[15]; //0x03A3
uint8_t m_spoiler; //0x03B2
uint8_t m_bumper_front; //0x03B3
uint8_t m_bumper_rear; //0x03B4
uint8_t m_sideskirts; //0x03B5
uint8_t m_exhaust; //0x03B6
uint8_t m_frame; //0x03B7
uint8_t m_grille; //0x03B8
uint8_t m_hoods; //0x03B9
uint8_t m_fenders; //0x03BA
uint8_t m_bullbars; //0x03BB
uint8_t m_roof; //0x03BC
char pad_03BD[3]; //0x03BD
uint8_t m_ornaments; //0x03C0
char pad_03C1[1]; //0x03C1
uint8_t m_dial_design; //0x03C2
uint8_t m_sunstrips; //0x03C3
uint8_t m_seats; //0x03C4
uint8_t m_steering_wheels; //0x03C5
uint8_t m_column_shifter_levers; //0x03C6
char pad_03C7[2]; //0x03C7
uint8_t m_truck_beds; //0x03C9
char pad_03CA[4]; //0x03CA
uint8_t m_roll_cages; //0x03CE
uint8_t m_skid_plate; //0x03CF
uint8_t m_secondary_ligt_surrounds; //0x03D0
uint8_t m_hood_accessories; //0x03D1
uint8_t m_doors; //0x03D2
uint8_t m_snorkel; //0x03D3
uint8_t m_livery; //0x03D4
char pad_03D5[1]; //0x03D5
uint8_t m_engine; //0x03D6
uint8_t m_brakes; //0x03D7
uint8_t m_transmission; //0x03D8
uint8_t m_horn; //0x03D9
uint8_t m_suspension; //0x03DA
uint8_t m_armor; //0x03DB
char pad_03DC[1]; //0x03DC
uint8_t m_turbo; //0x03DD
char pad_03DE[3]; //0x03DE
uint8_t m_xenon; //0x03E1
uint8_t m_tire_design; //0x03E2
char pad_03E3[16]; //0x03E3
uint8_t m_truck_bed; //0x03F3
char pad_03F4[5]; //0x03F4
uint8_t m_wheel_color; //0x03F9
char pad_03FA[5]; //0x03FA
uint8_t m_window; //0x03FF
char pad_0400[2]; //0x0400
uint8_t m_neon_left; //0x0402
uint8_t m_neon_right; //0x0403
uint8_t m_neon_front; //0x0404
uint8_t m_neon_back; //0x0405
char pad_0406[142]; //0x0406
}; //Size: 0x0494
static_assert(sizeof(CVehicleDrawHandler) == 0x494);

CWeaponInfo.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
class CWeaponInfo
char pad_0000[16]; //0x0000
uint32_t m_model_hash; //0x0010
}; //Size: 0x0014
static_assert(sizeof(CWeaponInfo) == 0x14);

CWheel.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
class WheelArray
class CWheel* m_wheel1; //0x0000
class CWheel* m_wheel2; //0x0008
class CWheel* m_wheel3; //0x0010
class CWheel* m_wheel4; //0x0018
char pad_0020[88]; //0x0020
}; //Size: 0x0078
static_assert(sizeof(WheelArray) == 0x78);
class CWheel
char pad_0000[8]; //0x0000
float m_camber; //0x0008
float m_camber_inverted; //0x000C
char pad_0010[552]; //0x0010
}; //Size: 0x0238
static_assert(sizeof(CWheel) == 0x238);

9 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# GTA V Classes
This repository contains a few classes that I've reverse engineered.
They are in no way complete but contain some basics to get you started...
## Disclaimer
This code is provided purely for educational purposes, if there are objections please open an issue stating your reasoning.