MMqd a86eb99df7 # Moon
* Added a realistically lit moon influenced by the sun, resulting in different moon phases, including Earth blocking moon (new moon phase, and blood moon).
* Moving camera very high on the Y axis, or changing the `Height` parameter brings the moon closer

# Misc
* Added support for moon and ground texture, accurate textures included.
* Moving the camera on the X and Z axis (very far) changes the sky and ground texture position.
* Cloud coverage now affects the brightness of the sky and sun.

# Regression
* Issues with cloud alpha at edges at high sun brightness, currently cutting out the sun from the clouds
2023-06-30 17:38:17 -04:00

23 lines
595 B

extends Label
func _ready():
$"/root/Main/Camera3D".position.y = (
pow($"%HeightSlider".value, 4.0)
- $"/root/Main/WorldEnvironment".environment.sky.sky_material.get_shader_parameter("Height")
+ 1.0
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
set_text("FPS: " + str(Engine.get_frames_per_second()))
get_node("/root/Main/Moon Holder/Moon").transform.rotated(Vector3.UP, delta)
func _on_height_slider_value_changed(value):
$"/root/Main/Camera3D".position.y = (
pow(value, 4.0)
- $"/root/Main/WorldEnvironment".environment.sky.sky_material.get_shader_parameter("Height")
+ 1.0