@tool class_name VisualShaderNodeWhiteBalance extends VisualShaderNodeCustom func _get_name() -> String: return "WhiteBalance" func _get_category() -> String: return "Artistic/Adjustment" func _get_description() -> String: return "Adjusts the temperature and tint of input \"in\" by the amount of inputs \"temperature\" and \"tint\" respectively." func _get_return_icon_type() -> PortType: return PORT_TYPE_VECTOR_3D func _get_input_port_count() -> int: return 3 func _get_input_port_name(port: int) -> String: match port: 0: return "in" 1: return "temperature" _: return "tint" func _get_input_port_type(port: int) -> PortType: match port: 0: return PORT_TYPE_VECTOR_3D _: return PORT_TYPE_SCALAR func _get_input_port_default_value(port: int) -> Variant: match port: 1, 2: return 0.0 _: return Vector3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) func _get_output_port_count() -> int: return 1 func _get_output_port_name(port: int) -> String: return "out" func _get_output_port_type(port: int) -> PortType: return PORT_TYPE_VECTOR_3D func _get_global_code(mode: Shader.Mode) -> String: var code: String = preload("WhiteBalance.gdshaderinc").code return code func _get_code(input_vars: Array[String], output_vars: Array[String], mode: Shader.Mode, type: VisualShader.Type) -> String: var input: String = "vec3(1.0)" if input_vars[0]: input = input_vars[0] var temperature: String = input_vars[1] var tint: String = input_vars[2] return output_vars[0] + " = white_balance(%s, %s, %s);" % [input, temperature, tint]