# Godot-Shader-Lib Visual shader node library for Godot engine. Adds various extra nodes to use in built-in visual shader editor. ## Installation Copy the contents of **_addons/ShaderLib_** into the same folder in your project. No activation needed. Custom visual shader nodes work the same way as standard visual shader nodes. ## Uninstallation Delete the contents of **_addons/ShaderLib_** folder from your project. Make sure to delete it using the Godot editor instead of your default file system program. ## Nodes documentation ### UV nodes ___ #### Flipbook node Creates a flipbook, or texture sheet animation, of the UVs supplied to input UV. The amount of tiles on the sheet are defined by the values of the inputs **_rows_** and **_columns_**. This node can be used to create a texture animation functionality, commonly used for particle effects and sprites, by supplying Time to the input Tile and outputting to the UV input slot of a Texture Sampler. **Inputs** |Name|Type|Binding|Description| |---|---|---|---| |uv|vec2|UV|Input UV value| |rows|int|none|Amount of horizontal tiles in texture sheet| |columns|int|none|Amount of vertical tiles in texture sheet| |start frame|int|none|Start tile index texture sheet| |end frame|int|none|End tile index texture sheet| |anim speed|float|none|Animation speed| **Outputs** |Name|Type|Binding|Description| |---|---|---|---| |uv|vec2|None|Output UV value| ___ #### Radial Shear node Applies a radial shear warping effect similar to a wave to the value of input UV. **Inputs** |Name|Type|Binding|Description| |---|---|---|---| |uv|vec2|UV|Input UV value| |center|vec2|none|Center reference point| |strength|float|none|Strength of the effect| |offset|vec2|none|Individual channel offsets| **Outputs** |Name|Type|Binding|Description| |---|---|---|---| |uv|vec2|None|Output UV value| ___ #### Rotate node Rotates value of input UV around a reference point defined by input **_center_** by the amount of input **_rotation_**. **Inputs** |Name|Type|Binding|Description| |---|---|---|---| |uv|vec2|UV|Input UV value| |center|vec2|none|Center reference point| |rotation|float|none|Rotation amount in radians| |use degrees|bool|none|Use degrees instead of radians for **_rotation_** amount| **Outputs** |Name|Type|Binding|Description| |---|---|---|---| |uv|vec2|None|Output UV value| ___ #### Spherize node Applies a spherical warping effect similar to a fisheye camera lens to the value of input UV. **Inputs** |Name|Type|Binding|Description| |---|---|---|---| |uv|vec2|UV|Input UV value| |center|vec2|none|Center reference point| |strength|float|none|Strength of the effect| |offset|vec2|none|Individual channel offsets| **Outputs** |Name|Type|Binding|Description| |---|---|---|---| |uv|vec2|None|Output UV value| ___