# Installation Hit download as zip button in the git repo. Copy the contents of **_addons/ShaderLib_** into the same folder in your project. No activation needed. Custom visual shader nodes work the same way as standard visual shader nodes. If you don't immediatly see new nodes under **_Addons_** category, simply reload your project. # Uninstallation Delete the contents of **_addons/ShaderLib_** folder from your project. Make sure to delete it using the Godot editor instead of your default file system program. # Special Note Even if you don't use visual shader, you can still use this addon for writing your custom shaders. For example if you want to rotate UV in your **_.gdshader_** file, you can use `rotate_uv()` of this addon using `#include` keyword as following. `#include "res://addons/ShaderLib/UV/RotateUV.gdshaderinc"` # Available Nodes

Artistic nodes


  Contrast node

  Hue node

  Replace Color node

  Saturation node

  White Balance node


  Color Mask node

Geometry nodes

 Mesh node

Maths nodes


  SmoothMax node

  SmoothMin node



   Chebyshev Distance node

   Manhattan Distance node

  Project node

  Project On Plane node

  Vector Transform node


  Noise Sine Wave node

  Sawtooth Wave node

  Square Wave node

  Triangle Wave node

Procedural nodes

 Checker Board node


  Koch Fractal node


  Gradient Noise node

  Gyroid Noise node

  Pseudo Random Noise node

  Simple Noise node

  Voronoi node


  Ellipse node

  Polygon node

  Rectangle node

  Rounded Polygon node

  Rounded Rectangle node

Ray marching nodes

 Ray March node

UV nodes

 Flipbook node

 Parallax Mapping node

 Radial Shear node

 Rotate node

 Spherize node

 Swirl node

 Tiling and Offset node

 Twirl node