# Ray March node A simple ray marcher for primitive shapes.
**Controls** |Name|Options|Description| |---|---|---| |SDF (Signed Distance Function)|SDBox, SDSphere, SDCapsule, SDCylinder, SDTorus|Signed Distance Functions for the shape to draw.| **Inputs** |Name|Type|Binding|Description| |---|---|---|---| |signed distance|float|none|Signed distance calculated from Signed Distance Functions (SDFs)| |ray origin|vec3|none|Ray origin| |ray direction|vec3|none|Normalized ray direction| |max steps|int|none|Maximum number of steps for ray marching| |max distance|float|none|Maximum distance to march along the ray direction| |distance threshold|float|none|Threshold to check against signed distance to determine the ray intersection point.| **SDFs Inputs** |Name|Type|Availability|Description| |---|---|---|---| |cube pos|vec3|SDBox|Position offset of the box shape| |cube eulers|vec3|SDBox|Rotation of the box shape in Degrees| |cube scale|vec3|SDBox|Scale of the box shape| |sphere pos|vec3|SDSphere|Position offset of the sphere shape| |sphere eulers|vec3|SDSphere|Rotation of the box sphere in Degrees| |sphere scale|vec3|SDSphere|Scale of the sphere shape| |capsule pos|vec3|SDCapsule|Position offset of the capsule shape| |capsule eulers|vec3|SDCapsule|Rotation of the capsule shape in Degrees| |capsule height|float|SDCapsule|Height of the capsule shape| |capsule radius|float|SDCapsule|Radius of the capsule shape| |cylinder pos|vec3|SDCylinder|Position offset of the cylinder shape| |cylinder eulers|vec3|SDCylinder|Rotation of the cylinder shape in Degrees| |cylinder height|float|SDCylinder|Height of the cylinder shape| |cylinder radius|float|SDCylinder|Radius of the cylinder shape| |torus pos|vec3|SDTorus|Position offset of the torus shape| |torus eulers|vec3|SDTorus|Rotation of the torus shape in Degrees| |torus small radius|float|SDTorus|Small radius of the torus shape| |torus big radius|float|SDTorus|Big radius of the torus shape| **Outputs** |Name|Type|Binding|Description| |---|---|---|---| |distance|float|None|Ray intersection distance|


This node is only simple ray marching example, the true power of raymarching can only be achieved by custom SDFs. At the moment I am unable to inject the custom code via visual shaders, so I have provided the custom template at the following location. If you want to know more about raymarching check out this playlist.

The default location can be found at
`res://addons/ShaderLib/RayMarching/RayMarchCustomTemplate.gdshaderinc` You can copy the code from `RayMarchCustomTemplate.gdshaderinc` and then create a Global Expression node and paste it in your visual shader.

![Global Expression Node](GlobalExpression.jpg)

Lastly you also need to create an Expression node, define required input and output parameters and call the custom ray marching function as below.

![Expression Node](Expression.jpg)