Copy the contents of **_addons/ShaderLib_** into the same folder in your project. No activation needed. Custom visual shader nodes work the same way as standard visual shader nodes.
Delete the contents of **_addons/ShaderLib_** folder from your project. Make sure to delete it using the Godot editor instead of your default file system program.
Returns the sine of the value of input <b><i>in</i></b>. For variance, psuedo-random noise is added to the amplitude of the sine wave, within a range determined by input <b><i>min max</i></b>.
|in|Dynamic vector|none|Input value|
|min max|vec2|none|Minimum and Maximum values for noise intensity|
|out|Dynamic vector|None|Output value|
<summary><h3>Sawtooth Wave node</h3></summary>
Returns a sawtooth wave from the value of input <b><i>in</i></b>. Resulting output values will be between -1 and 1.
|in|Dynamic vector|none|Input value|
|out|Dynamic vector|None|Output value|
<summary><h3>Square Wave node</h3></summary>
Returns a square wave from the value of input <b><i>in</i></b>. Resulting output values will be between -1 and 1.
|in|Dynamic vector|none|Input value|
|out|Dynamic vector|None|Output value|
<summary><h3>Triangle Wave node</h3></summary>
Returns a triangle wave from the value of input <b><i>in</i></b>. Resulting output values will be between -1 and 1.
Generates a Voronoi or Worley noise based on input UV. Voronoi noise is generated by calculating distances between a pixel and a lattice of points. By offsetting these points by a pseudo-random number, controlled by <b><i>angle offset</i></b>, a cluster of cells can be generated.
Generates an ellipse shape based on input UV at the size specified by inputs <b><i>width</i></b> and <b><i>height</i></b>. The generated shape can be offset or tiled by connecting a <b><i>TilingAndOffset</i></b> node. Note that in order to preserve the ability to offset the shape within the UV space the shape will not automatically repeat if tiled. To achieve a repeating dot effect first connect your <b><i>TilingAndOffset</i></b> output through a <b><i>Fract</i></b> node.
Generates a regular polygon shape based on input UV at the size specified by inputs <b><i>width</i></b> and <b><i>height</i></b>. The polygon's amount of sides is determined by input <b><i>sides</i></b>. The generated shape can be offset or tiled by connecting a <b><i>TilingAndOffset</i></b> node. Note that in order to preserve the ability to offset the shape within the UV space the shape will not automatically repeat if tiled. To achieve a repeating polygon effect first connect your <b><i>TilingAndOffset</i></b> output through a <b><i>Fract</i></b> node.
Generates a rectangle shape based on input UV at the size specified by inputs <b><i>width</i></b> and <b><i>height</i></b>. The generated shape can be offset or tiled by connecting a <b><i>TilingAndOffset</i></b> node. Note that in order to preserve the ability to offset the shape within the UV space the shape will not automatically repeat if tiled. To achieve a repeating rectangle effect first connect your <b><i>TilingAndOffset</i></b> output through a <b><i>Fract</i></b> node.
Generates a rounded polygon shape based on input UV at the size specified by inputs <b><i>width</i></b> and <b><i>height</i></b>. The polygon's amount of sides is determined by input <b><i>sides</i></b>. The radius of each corner is defined by input <b><i>roundnesss</i></b>. The generated shape can be offset or tiled by connecting a <b><i>TilingAndOffset</i></b> node. Note that in order to preserve the ability to offset the shape within the UV space the shape will not automatically repeat if tiled. To achieve a repeating rounded polygon effect first connect your <b><i>TilingAndOffset</i></b> output through a <b><i>Fract</i></b> node.
Generates a rounded rectangle shape based on input UV at the size specified by inputs <b><i>width</i></b> and <b><i>height</i></b>. The radius of each corner is defined by input <b><i>radius</i></b>. The generated shape can be offset or tiled by connecting a <b><i>TilingAndOffset</i></b> node. Note that in order to preserve the ability to offset the shape within the UV space the shape will not automatically repeat if tiled. To achieve a repeating rounded rectangle effect first connect your <b><i>TilingAndOffset</i></b> output through a <b><i>Fract</i></b> node.
Default value for uv input will be vec2(0, 0) for shader modes <i>PARTICLES</i>, <i>SKY</i> and <i>FOG</i> to avoid errors becouse UV variable is not available for these modes.
Creates a flipbook, or texture sheet animation, of the UVs supplied to input UV. The amount of tiles on the sheet are defined by the values of the inputs <b><i>rows</i></b> and <b><i>columns</i></b>.
This node can be used to create a texture animation functionality, commonly used for particle effects and sprites. Animation frames will go from top left to bottom right.<br><br><i>This node is only available in shader modes SPATIAL and CANVAS ITEM.</i>
The Parallax Mapping node lets you create a parallax effect that displaces a Material's UVs to create the illusion of depth inside a Material.<br><br><i>This node is only available in shader modes SPATIAL and CANVAS ITEM.</i>
|height map|sampler2D|none|Height map texture|
|amplitude|float|none|amplitude or depth of the effect|
Applies a swirl warping effect similar to a black hole to the value of input UV. Very similar to <b><i>Twirl node</b></i>, key difference is it uses the inverse of vector length (One minus).
Tiles and offsets the value of input UV by the inputs <b><i>tiling</i></b> and <b><i>offset</i></b> respectively. This is commonly used for detail maps and scrolling textures over TIME.
Applies a twirl warping effect similar to a black hole to the value of input UV. Very similar to <b><i>Swirl node</b></i>, key difference is it uses the length of a vector.