Copy the contents of **_addons/ShaderLib_** into the same folder in your project. No activation needed. Custom visual shader nodes work the same way as standard visual shader nodes.
Delete the contents of **_addons/ShaderLib_** folder from your project. Make sure to delete it using the Godot editor instead of your default file system program.
Creates a flipbook, or texture sheet animation, of the UVs supplied to input UV. The amount of tiles on the sheet are defined by the values of the inputs **_rows_** and **_columns_**.
This node can be used to create a texture animation functionality, commonly used for particle effects and sprites, by supplying Time to the input Tile and outputting to the UV input slot of a Texture Sampler.
|uv|vec2|UV|Input UV value|
|rows|int|none|Amount of horizontal tiles in texture sheet|
|columns|int|none|Amount of vertical tiles in texture sheet|
|start frame|int|none|Start tile index texture sheet|
Tiles and offsets the value of input UV by the inputs **_tiling_** and **_offset_** respectively. This is commonly used for detail maps and scrolling textures over TIME.
|uv|vec2|UV|Input UV value|
|tiling|vec2|none|Amount of tiling to apply per channel|
|offset|vec2|none|Amount of offset to apply per channel|