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* Copyright (c) 2014, Oculus VR, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
/// \file
/// \brief A RakNet plugin performing networking to communicate with UDPProxyServer. It allows UDPProxyServer to control our instance of UDPForwarder.
#include "NativeFeatureIncludes.hpp"
#if _RAKNET_SUPPORT_UDPProxyServer==1 && _RAKNET_SUPPORT_UDPForwarder==1
#include "Export.hpp"
#include "RakNetTypes.hpp"
#include "PluginInterface2.hpp"
#include "UDPForwarder.hpp"
#include "RakString.hpp"
namespace RakNet
class UDPProxyServer;
/// Callback to handle results of calling UDPProxyServer::LoginToCoordinator()
/// \ingroup UDP_PROXY_GROUP
struct UDPProxyServerResultHandler
UDPProxyServerResultHandler() {}
virtual ~UDPProxyServerResultHandler() {}
/// Called when our login succeeds
/// \param[out] usedPassword The password we passed to UDPProxyServer::LoginToCoordinator()
/// \param[out] proxyServer The plugin calling this callback
virtual void OnLoginSuccess(RakNet::RakString usedPassword, RakNet::UDPProxyServer *proxyServerPlugin)=0;
/// We are already logged in.
/// This login failed, but the system is operational as if it succeeded
/// \param[out] usedPassword The password we passed to UDPProxyServer::LoginToCoordinator()
/// \param[out] proxyServer The plugin calling this callback
virtual void OnAlreadyLoggedIn(RakNet::RakString usedPassword, RakNet::UDPProxyServer *proxyServerPlugin)=0;
/// The coordinator operator forgot to call UDPProxyCoordinator::SetRemoteLoginPassword()
/// \param[out] usedPassword The password we passed to UDPProxyServer::LoginToCoordinator()
/// \param[out] proxyServer The plugin calling this callback
virtual void OnNoPasswordSet(RakNet::RakString usedPassword, RakNet::UDPProxyServer *proxyServerPlugin)=0;
/// The coordinator operator set a different password in UDPProxyCoordinator::SetRemoteLoginPassword() than what we passed
/// \param[out] usedPassword The password we passed to UDPProxyServer::LoginToCoordinator()
/// \param[out] proxyServer The plugin calling this callback
virtual void OnWrongPassword(RakNet::RakString usedPassword, RakNet::UDPProxyServer *proxyServerPlugin)=0;
/// \brief UDPProxyServer to control our instance of UDPForwarder
/// \details When NAT Punchthrough fails, it is possible to use a non-NAT system to forward messages from us to the recipient, and vice-versa.<BR>
/// The class to forward messages is UDPForwarder, and it is triggered over the network via the UDPProxyServer plugin.<BR>
/// The UDPProxyServer connects to UDPProxyServer to get a list of servers running UDPProxyServer, and the coordinator will relay our forwarding request.
/// \ingroup UDP_PROXY_GROUP
class RAK_DLL_EXPORT UDPProxyServer : public PluginInterface2
// GetInstance() and DestroyInstance(instance*)
/// Sets the socket family to use, either IPV4 or IPV6
/// \param[in] socketFamily For IPV4, use AF_INET (default). For IPV6, use AF_INET6. To autoselect, use AF_UNSPEC.
void SetSocketFamily(unsigned short _socketFamily);
/// Receives the results of calling LoginToCoordinator()
/// Set before calling LoginToCoordinator or you won't know what happened
/// \param[in] resultHandler
void SetResultHandler(UDPProxyServerResultHandler *rh);
/// Before the coordinator will register the UDPProxyServer, you must login
/// \pre Must be connected to the coordinator
/// \pre Coordinator must have set a password with UDPProxyCoordinator::SetRemoteLoginPassword()
/// \returns false if already logged in, or logging in. Returns true otherwise
bool LoginToCoordinator(RakNet::RakString password, SystemAddress coordinatorAddress);
/// \brief The server IP reported to the client is the IP address from the server to the coordinator.
/// If the server and coordinator are on the same LAN, you need to call SetServerPublicIP() to tell the client what address to connect to
/// \param[in] ip IP address to report in UDPProxyClientResultHandler::OnForwardingSuccess() and UDPProxyClientResultHandler::OnForwardingNotification() as proxyIPAddress
void SetServerPublicIP(RakString ip);
/// Operative class that performs the forwarding
/// Exposed so you can call UDPForwarder::SetMaxForwardEntries() if you want to change away from the default
/// UDPForwarder::Startup(), UDPForwarder::Shutdown(), and UDPForwarder::Update() are called automatically by the plugin
UDPForwarder udpForwarder;
virtual void OnAttach(void);
virtual void OnDetach(void);
/// \internal
virtual void Update(void);
virtual PluginReceiveResult OnReceive(Packet *packet);
virtual void OnClosedConnection(const SystemAddress &systemAddress, RakNetGUID rakNetGUID, PI2_LostConnectionReason lostConnectionReason );
virtual void OnRakPeerStartup(void);
virtual void OnRakPeerShutdown(void);
void OnForwardingRequestFromCoordinatorToServer(Packet *packet);
DataStructures::OrderedList<SystemAddress, SystemAddress> loggingInCoordinators;
DataStructures::OrderedList<SystemAddress, SystemAddress> loggedInCoordinators;
UDPProxyServerResultHandler *resultHandler;
unsigned short socketFamily;
RakString serverPublicIp;
} // End namespace
#endif // _RAKNET_SUPPORT_*