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* Copyright (c) 2014, Oculus VR, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
/// \file
/// \brief Forwards UDP datagrams. Independent of RakNet's protocol.
#include "NativeFeatureIncludes.hpp"
#if _RAKNET_SUPPORT_UDPForwarder==1
#include "Export.hpp"
#include "RakNetTypes.hpp"
#include "SocketIncludes.hpp"
#include "UDPProxyCommon.hpp"
#include "SimpleMutex.hpp"
#include "RakString.hpp"
#include "RakThread.hpp"
#include "DS_Queue.hpp"
#include "DS_OrderedList.hpp"
#include "LocklessTypes.hpp"
#include "DS_ThreadsafeAllocatingQueue.hpp"
namespace RakNet
enum UDPForwarderResult
/// \brief Forwards UDP datagrams. Independent of RakNet's protocol.
class RAK_DLL_EXPORT UDPForwarder
virtual ~UDPForwarder();
/// Starts the system.
/// Required to call before StartForwarding
void Startup(void);
/// Stops the system, and frees all sockets
void Shutdown(void);
/// Sets the maximum number of forwarding entries allowed
/// Set according to your available bandwidth and the estimated average bandwidth per forwarded address.
/// \param[in] maxEntries The maximum number of simultaneous forwarding entries. Defaults to 64 (32 connections)
void SetMaxForwardEntries(unsigned short maxEntries);
/// \return The \a maxEntries parameter passed to SetMaxForwardEntries(), or the default if it was never called
int GetMaxForwardEntries(void) const;
/// \return How many entries have been used
int GetUsedForwardEntries(void) const;
/// Forwards datagrams from source to destination, and vice-versa
/// Does nothing if this forward entry already exists via a previous call
/// \pre Call Startup()
/// \note RakNet's protocol will ensure a message is sent at least every 15 seconds, so if routing RakNet messages, it is a reasonable value for timeoutOnNoDataMS, plus an some extra seconds for latency
/// \param[in] source The source IP and port
/// \param[in] destination Where to forward to (and vice-versa)
/// \param[in] timeoutOnNoDataMS If no messages are forwarded for this many MS, then automatically remove this entry.
/// \param[in] forceHostAddress Force binding on a particular address. 0 to use any.
/// \param[in] socketFamily IP version: For IPV4, use AF_INET (default). For IPV6, use AF_INET6. To autoselect, use AF_UNSPEC.
/// \param[out] forwardingPort New opened port for forwarding
/// \param[out] forwardingSocket New opened socket for forwarding
/// \return UDPForwarderResult
UDPForwarderResult StartForwarding(
SystemAddress source, SystemAddress destination, RakNet::TimeMS timeoutOnNoDataMS,
const char *forceHostAddress, unsigned short socketFamily,
unsigned short *forwardingPort, __UDPSOCKET__ *forwardingSocket);
/// No longer forward datagrams from source to destination
/// \param[in] source The source IP and port
/// \param[in] destination Where to forward to
void StopForwarding(SystemAddress source, SystemAddress destination);
struct ForwardEntry
SystemAddress addr1Unconfirmed, addr2Unconfirmed, addr1Confirmed, addr2Confirmed;
RakNet::TimeMS timeLastDatagramForwarded;
__UDPSOCKET__ socket;
RakNet::TimeMS timeoutOnNoDataMS;
short socketFamily;
friend RAK_THREAD_DECLARATION(UpdateUDPForwarderGlobal);
void UpdateUDPForwarder(void);
void RecvFrom(RakNet::TimeMS curTime, ForwardEntry *forwardEntry);
struct StartForwardingInputStruct
SystemAddress source;
SystemAddress destination;
RakNet::TimeMS timeoutOnNoDataMS;
RakString forceHostAddress;
unsigned short socketFamily;
unsigned int inputId;
DataStructures::ThreadsafeAllocatingQueue<StartForwardingInputStruct> startForwardingInput;
struct StartForwardingOutputStruct
unsigned short forwardingPort;
__UDPSOCKET__ forwardingSocket;
UDPForwarderResult result;
unsigned int inputId;
DataStructures::Queue<StartForwardingOutputStruct> startForwardingOutput;
SimpleMutex startForwardingOutputMutex;
struct StopForwardingStruct
SystemAddress source;
SystemAddress destination;
DataStructures::ThreadsafeAllocatingQueue<StopForwardingStruct> stopForwardingCommands;
unsigned int nextInputId;
// New entries are added to forwardListNotUpdated
DataStructures::List<ForwardEntry*> forwardListNotUpdated;
// SimpleMutex forwardListNotUpdatedMutex;
unsigned short maxForwardEntries;
RakNet::LocklessUint32_t isRunning, threadRunning;
} // End namespace
#endif // #if _RAKNET_SUPPORT_UDPForwarder==1