264 lines
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264 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2014, Oculus VR, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
/// \file
/// \brief A simple TCP based server allowing sends and receives. Can be connected by any TCP client, including telnet.
#include "NativeFeatureIncludes.hpp"
#if _RAKNET_SUPPORT_TCPInterface==1
#include "RakMemoryOverride.hpp"
#include "DS_List.hpp"
#include "RakNetTypes.hpp"
#include "Export.hpp"
#include "RakThread.hpp"
#include "DS_Queue.hpp"
#include "SimpleMutex.hpp"
#include "RakNetDefines.hpp"
#include "SocketIncludes.hpp"
#include "DS_ByteQueue.hpp"
#include "DS_ThreadsafeAllocatingQueue.hpp"
#include "LocklessTypes.hpp"
#include "PluginInterface2.hpp"
#include <include/openssl/crypto.hpp>
#include <include/openssl/x509.hpp>
#include <include/openssl/pem.hpp>
#include <include/openssl/ssl.hpp>
#include <include/openssl/err.hpp>
namespace RakNet
/// Forward declarations
struct RemoteClient;
/// \internal
/// \brief As the name says, a simple multithreaded TCP server. Used by TelnetTransport
class RAK_DLL_EXPORT TCPInterface
// GetInstance() and DestroyInstance(instance*)
virtual ~TCPInterface();
// TODO - add socketdescriptor
/// Starts the TCP server on the indicated port
/// \param[in] port Which port to listen on.
/// \param[in] maxIncomingConnections Max incoming connections we will accept
/// \param[in] maxConnections Max total connections, which should be >= maxIncomingConnections
/// \param[in] threadPriority Passed to the thread creation routine. Use THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL for Windows. For Linux based systems, you MUST pass something reasonable based on the thread priorities for your application.
/// \param[in] socketFamily IP version: For IPV4, use AF_INET (default). For IPV6, use AF_INET6. To autoselect, use AF_UNSPEC.
bool Start(unsigned short port, unsigned short maxIncomingConnections, unsigned short maxConnections=0, int _threadPriority=-99999, unsigned short socketFamily=AF_INET, const char *bindAddress=0);
/// Stops the TCP server
void Stop(void);
/// Connect to the specified host on the specified port
SystemAddress Connect(const char* host, unsigned short remotePort, bool block=true, unsigned short socketFamily=AF_INET, const char *bindAddress=0);
/// Start SSL on an existing connection, notified with HasCompletedConnectionAttempt
void StartSSLClient(SystemAddress systemAddress);
/// Was SSL started on this socket?
bool IsSSLActive(SystemAddress systemAddress);
/// Sends a byte stream
virtual void Send( const char *data, unsigned int length, const SystemAddress &systemAddress, bool broadcast );
// Sends a concatenated list of byte streams
virtual bool SendList( const char **data, const unsigned int *lengths, const int numParameters, const SystemAddress &systemAddress, bool broadcast );
// Get how many bytes are waiting to be sent. If too many, you may want to skip sending
unsigned int GetOutgoingDataBufferSize(SystemAddress systemAddress) const;
/// Returns if Receive() will return data
/// Do not use on PacketizedTCP
virtual bool ReceiveHasPackets( void );
/// Returns data received
virtual Packet* Receive( void );
/// Disconnects a player/address
void CloseConnection( SystemAddress systemAddress );
/// Deallocates a packet returned by Receive
void DeallocatePacket( Packet *packet );
/// Fills the array remoteSystems with the SystemAddress of all the systems we are connected to
/// \param[out] remoteSystems An array of SystemAddress structures to be filled with the SystemAddresss of the systems we are connected to. Pass 0 to remoteSystems to only get the number of systems we are connected to
/// \param[in, out] numberOfSystems As input, the size of remoteSystems array. As output, the number of elements put into the array
void GetConnectionList( SystemAddress *remoteSystems, unsigned short *numberOfSystems ) const;
/// Returns just the number of connections we have
unsigned short GetConnectionCount(void) const;
/// Has a previous call to connect succeeded?
/// \return UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS = no. Anything else means yes.
SystemAddress HasCompletedConnectionAttempt(void);
/// Has a previous call to connect failed?
/// \return UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS = no. Anything else means yes.
SystemAddress HasFailedConnectionAttempt(void);
/// Queued events of new incoming connections
SystemAddress HasNewIncomingConnection(void);
/// Queued events of lost connections
SystemAddress HasLostConnection(void);
/// Return an allocated but empty packet, for custom use
Packet* AllocatePacket(unsigned dataSize);
// Push a packet back to the queue
virtual void PushBackPacket( Packet *packet, bool pushAtHead );
/// Returns if Start() was called successfully
bool WasStarted(void) const;
void AttachPlugin( PluginInterface2 *plugin );
void DetachPlugin( PluginInterface2 *plugin );
Packet* ReceiveInt( void );
#if defined(WINDOWS_STORE_RT)
bool CreateListenSocket_WinStore8(unsigned short port, unsigned short maxIncomingConnections, unsigned short socketFamily, const char *hostAddress);
bool CreateListenSocket(unsigned short port, unsigned short maxIncomingConnections, unsigned short socketFamily, const char *hostAddress);
// Plugins
DataStructures::List<PluginInterface2*> messageHandlerList;
RakNet::LocklessUint32_t isStarted, threadRunning;
__TCPSOCKET__ listenSocket;
DataStructures::Queue<Packet*> headPush, tailPush;
RemoteClient* remoteClients;
int remoteClientsLength;
// Assuming remoteClients is only used by one thread!
// DataStructures::List<RemoteClient*> remoteClients;
// Use this thread-safe queue to add to remoteClients
// DataStructures::Queue<RemoteClient*> remoteClientsInsertionQueue;
// SimpleMutex remoteClientsInsertionQueueMutex;
struct OutgoingMessage
unsigned char* data;
SystemAddress systemAddress;
bool broadcast;
unsigned int length;
// DataStructures::SingleProducerConsumer<OutgoingMessage> outgoingMessages;
// DataStructures::SingleProducerConsumer<Packet> incomingMessages;
// DataStructures::SingleProducerConsumer<SystemAddress> newIncomingConnections, lostConnections, requestedCloseConnections;
// DataStructures::SingleProducerConsumer<RemoteClient*> newRemoteClients;
// DataStructures::ThreadsafeAllocatingQueue<OutgoingMessage> outgoingMessages;
DataStructures::ThreadsafeAllocatingQueue<Packet> incomingMessages;
DataStructures::ThreadsafeAllocatingQueue<SystemAddress> newIncomingConnections, lostConnections, requestedCloseConnections;
DataStructures::ThreadsafeAllocatingQueue<RemoteClient*> newRemoteClients;
SimpleMutex completedConnectionAttemptMutex, failedConnectionAttemptMutex;
DataStructures::Queue<SystemAddress> completedConnectionAttempts, failedConnectionAttempts;
int threadPriority;
DataStructures::List<__TCPSOCKET__> blockingSocketList;
SimpleMutex blockingSocketListMutex;
friend RAK_THREAD_DECLARATION(UpdateTCPInterfaceLoop);
friend RAK_THREAD_DECLARATION(ConnectionAttemptLoop);
// void DeleteRemoteClient(RemoteClient *remoteClient, fd_set *exceptionFD);
// void InsertRemoteClient(RemoteClient* remoteClient);
__TCPSOCKET__ SocketConnect(const char* host, unsigned short remotePort, unsigned short socketFamily, const char *bindAddress);
struct ThisPtrPlusSysAddr
TCPInterface *tcpInterface;
SystemAddress systemAddress;
bool useSSL;
char bindAddress[64];
unsigned short socketFamily;
SSL_CTX* ctx;
DataStructures::ThreadsafeAllocatingQueue<SystemAddress> startSSL;
DataStructures::List<SystemAddress> activeSSLConnections;
SimpleMutex sharedSslMutex;
/// Stores information about a remote client.
struct RemoteClient
RemoteClient() {
#if !defined(WINDOWS_STORE_RT)
__TCPSOCKET__ socket;
SystemAddress systemAddress;
DataStructures::ByteQueue outgoingData;
bool isActive;
SimpleMutex outgoingDataMutex;
SimpleMutex isActiveMutex;
SSL* ssl;
bool InitSSL(SSL_CTX* ctx, SSL_METHOD *meth);
void DisconnectSSL(void);
void FreeSSL(void);
int Send(const char *data, unsigned int length);
int Recv(char *data, const int dataSize);
int Send(const char *data, unsigned int length);
int Recv(char *data, const int dataSize);
void Reset(void)
void SetActive(bool a);
void SendOrBuffer(const char **data, const unsigned int *lengths, const int numParameters);
} // namespace RakNet
#endif // _RAKNET_SUPPORT_*