2024-08-15 18:40:30 +08:00

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* Copyright (c) 2014, Oculus VR, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#include "RakNetTypes.hpp"
#include "RakNetDefines.hpp"
#include "Export.hpp"
#include "SocketIncludes.hpp"
#include "RakAssert.hpp"
#include "SocketDefines.hpp"
#include "MTUSize.hpp"
namespace RakNet
struct RAK_DLL_EXPORT RakNetSocket
// void Accept(
// struct sockaddr *addr,
// int *addrlen);
inline int Connect(
const struct sockaddr *name,
int namelen) {return connect__(s,name,namelen);}
static RakNetSocket* Create
#ifdef __native_client__
(_PP_Instance_ _chromeInstance);
(int af,
int type,
int protocol);
int Bind(
const struct sockaddr *addr,
int namelen);
inline int GetSockName(
struct sockaddr *name,
socklen_t * namelen) {return getsockname__(s,name,namelen);}
inline int GetSockOpt (
int level,
int optname,
char * optval,
socklen_t *optlen) {return getsockopt__(s,level,optname,optval,optlen);}
int IOCTLSocket(
long cmd,
unsigned long *argp);
int Listen (
int backlog);
inline int Recv(
char * buf,
int len,
int flags) {return recv__(s,buf,len,flags);}
inline int RecvFrom(
char * buf,
int len,
int flags,
struct sockaddr * from,
socklen_t * fromlen) {return recvfrom__(s,buf,len,flags,from,fromlen);}
// inline int Select(
// int nfds,
// fd_set *readfds,
// fd_set *writefds,
// fd_set *exceptfds,
// struct timeval *timeout) {return select__(nfds,readfds,writefds,exceptfds,timeout);}
inline int Send(
const char * buf,
int len,
int flags) {return send__(s,buf,len,flags);}
inline int SendTo(
const char * buf,
int len,
int flags,
const struct sockaddr *to,
int tolen) {return sendto__(s,buf,len,flags,to,tolen);}
#ifdef _WIN32
#elif defined(_PS3) || defined(__PS3__) || defined(SN_TARGET_PS3) || defined(_PS4) || defined(SN_TARGET_PSP2)
inline int Fcntl(int cmd, int arg) {return fcntl(s,cmd,arg);}
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WINDOWS_STORE_RT)
inline int _WSASendTo(
LPWSABUF lpBuffers,
DWORD dwBufferCount,
LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesSent,
DWORD dwFlags,
const struct sockaddr FAR * lpTo,
int iTolen,
{ return WSASendTo(s,lpBuffers,dwBufferCount,lpNumberOfBytesSent,dwFlags,lpTo,iTolen,lpOverlapped,lpCompletionRoutine);}
int SetSockOpt(
int level,
int optname,
const char * optval,
int optlen);
int Shutdown(
int how);
inline void SetRemotePortRakNetWasStartedOn(unsigned short i) {remotePortRakNetWasStartedOn_PS3_PSP2=i;}
inline void SetUserConnectionSocketIndex(unsigned int i) {userConnectionSocketIndex=i;}
inline void SetBoundAddress(SystemAddress i) {boundAddress=i;}
inline void SetSocketFamily(unsigned short i) {socketFamily=i;}
inline void SetBlockingSocket(bool i) {blockingSocket=i;}
inline void SetExtraSocketOptions(unsigned int i) {extraSocketOptions=i;}
inline void SetChromeInstance(_PP_Instance_ i) {chromeInstance=i;}
inline void SetBoundAddressToLoopback(unsigned char ipVersion) {boundAddress.SetToLoopback(ipVersion);}
inline SystemAddress GetBoundAddress(void) const {return boundAddress;}
inline unsigned short GetRemotePortRakNetWasStartedOn(void) const {return remotePortRakNetWasStartedOn_PS3_PSP2;}
inline bool GetBlockingSocket(void) {return blockingSocket;}
inline unsigned int GetExtraSocketOptions(void) const {return extraSocketOptions;}
inline unsigned short GetSocketFamily(void) const {return socketFamily;}
inline _PP_Instance_ GetChromeInstance(void) const {return chromeInstance;}
inline unsigned int GetUserConnectionSocketIndex(void) const {
RakAssert(userConnectionSocketIndex!=(unsigned int)-1);
return userConnectionSocketIndex;}
#ifdef __native_client__
// Flag indicating if a SendTo is currently in progress
bool sendInProgress;
// Data for next queued packet to send, if nextSendSize > 0
char nextSendBuffer[MAXIMUM_MTU_SIZE];
// Size of next queued packet to send, or 0 if no queued packet
int nextSendSize;
// Destination address of queued packet
PP_NetAddress_Private nextSendAddr;
#if defined (_WIN32) && defined(USE_WAIT_FOR_MULTIPLE_EVENTS)
void* recvEvent;
#if defined(_PS3) || defined(__PS3__) || defined(SN_TARGET_PS3) || defined(_PS4) || defined(SN_TARGET_PSP2)
/// PS3: Set for the PS3, when using signaling.
/// PS3: Connect with the port returned by signaling. Set this to whatever port RakNet was actually started on
/// PSP2: Set non-zero to use SCE_NET_SOCK_DGRAM_P2P. This should be done for ad-hoc or with
unsigned short remotePortRakNetWasStartedOn_PS3_PSP2;
unsigned int userConnectionSocketIndex;
SystemAddress boundAddress;
unsigned short socketFamily;
bool blockingSocket;
unsigned int extraSocketOptions;
_PP_Instance_ chromeInstance;
} // namespace RakNet