2024-08-15 18:40:30 +08:00

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* Copyright (c) 2014, Oculus VR, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
/// \file CloudServer.h
/// \brief Stores client data, and allows cross-server communication to retrieve this data
/// \details TODO
#include "NativeFeatureIncludes.hpp"
#if _RAKNET_SUPPORT_CloudServer==1
#ifndef __CLOUD_SERVER_H
#define __CLOUD_SERVER_H
#include "PluginInterface2.hpp"
#include "RakMemoryOverride.hpp"
#include "NativeTypes.hpp"
#include "RakString.hpp"
#include "DS_Hash.hpp"
#include "CloudCommon.hpp"
#include "DS_OrderedList.hpp"
/// If the data is smaller than this value, an allocation is avoid. However, this value exists for every row
namespace RakNet
/// Forward declarations
class RakPeerInterface;
/// \brief Zero or more instances of CloudServerQueryFilter can be attached to CloudServer to restrict client queries
/// All attached instances of CloudServerQueryFilter on each corresponding operation, from all directly connected clients
/// If any attached instance returns false for a given operation, that operation is silently rejected
/// \ingroup CLOUD_GROUP
class RAK_DLL_EXPORT CloudServerQueryFilter
CloudServerQueryFilter() {}
virtual ~CloudServerQueryFilter() {}
/// Called when a local client wants to post data
/// \return true to allow, false to reject
virtual bool OnPostRequest(RakNetGUID clientGuid, SystemAddress clientAddress, CloudKey key, uint32_t dataLength, const char *data)=0;
/// Called when a local client wants to release data that it has previously uploaded
/// \return true to allow, false to reject
virtual bool OnReleaseRequest(RakNetGUID clientGuid, SystemAddress clientAddress, DataStructures::List<CloudKey> &cloudKeys)=0;
/// Called when a local client wants to query data
/// If you return false, the client will get no response at all
/// \return true to allow, false to reject
virtual bool OnGetRequest(RakNetGUID clientGuid, SystemAddress clientAddress, CloudQuery &query, DataStructures::List<RakNetGUID> &specificSystems)=0;
/// Called when a local client wants to stop getting updates for data
/// If you return false, the client will keep getting updates for that data
/// \return true to allow, false to reject
virtual bool OnUnsubscribeRequest(RakNetGUID clientGuid, SystemAddress clientAddress, DataStructures::List<CloudKey> &cloudKeys, DataStructures::List<RakNetGUID> &specificSystems)=0;
/// \brief Stores client data, and allows cross-server communication to retrieve this data
/// \ingroup CLOUD_GROUP
class RAK_DLL_EXPORT CloudServer : public PluginInterface2, CloudAllocator
// GetInstance() and DestroyInstance(instance*)
virtual ~CloudServer();
/// \brief Max bytes a client can upload
/// Data in excess of this value is silently ignored
/// defaults to 0 (unlimited)
/// \param[in] bytes Max bytes a client can upload. 0 means unlimited.
void SetMaxUploadBytesPerClient(uint64_t bytes);
/// \brief Max bytes returned by a download. If the number of bytes would exceed this amount, the returned list is truncated
/// However, if this would result in no rows downloaded, then one row will be returned.
/// \param[in] bytes Max bytes a client can download from a single Get(). 0 means unlimited.
void SetMaxBytesPerDownload(uint64_t bytes);
/// \brief Add a server, which is assumed to be connected in a fully connected mesh to all other servers and also running the CloudServer plugin
/// The other system must also call AddServer before getting the subscription data, or it will be rejected.
/// Sending a message telling the other system to call AddServer(), followed by calling AddServer() locally, would be sufficient for this to work.
/// \note This sends subscription data to the other system, using RELIABLE_ORDERED on channel 0
/// \param[in] systemIdentifier Identifier of the remote system
void AddServer(RakNetGUID systemIdentifier);
/// \brief Removes a server added through AddServer()
/// \param[in] systemIdentifier Identifier of the remote system
void RemoveServer(RakNetGUID systemIdentifier);
/// Return list of servers added with AddServer()
/// \param[out] remoteServers List of servers added
void GetRemoteServers(DataStructures::List<RakNetGUID> &remoteServersOut);
/// \brief Frees all memory. Does not remove query filters
void Clear(void);
/// \brief Report the specified SystemAddress to client queries, rather than what RakPeer reads.
/// This is useful if you already know your public IP
/// This only applies to future updates, so call it before updating to apply to all queries
/// \param[in] forcedAddress The systmeAddress to return in queries. Use UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS (default) to use what RakPeer returns
void ForceExternalSystemAddress(SystemAddress forcedAddress);
/// \brief Adds a callback called on each query. If all filters returns true for an operation, the operation is allowed.
/// If the filter was already added, the function silently fails
/// \param[in] filter An externally allocated instance of CloudServerQueryFilter. The instance must remain valid until it is removed with RemoveQueryFilter() or RemoveAllQueryFilters()
void AddQueryFilter(CloudServerQueryFilter* filter);
/// \brief Removes a callback added with AddQueryFilter()
/// The instance is not deleted, only unreferenced. It is up to the user to delete the instance, if necessary
/// \param[in] filter An externally allocated instance of CloudServerQueryFilter. The instance must remain valid until it is removed with RemoveQueryFilter() or RemoveAllQueryFilters()
void RemoveQueryFilter(CloudServerQueryFilter* filter);
/// \brief Removes all instances of CloudServerQueryFilter added with AddQueryFilter().
/// The instances are not deleted, only unreferenced. It is up to the user to delete the instances, if necessary
void RemoveAllQueryFilters(void);
virtual void Update(void);
virtual PluginReceiveResult OnReceive(Packet *packet);
virtual void OnClosedConnection(const SystemAddress &systemAddress, RakNetGUID rakNetGUID, PI2_LostConnectionReason lostConnectionReason );
virtual void OnRakPeerShutdown(void);
virtual void OnPostRequest(Packet *packet);
virtual void OnReleaseRequest(Packet *packet);
virtual void OnGetRequest(Packet *packet);
virtual void OnUnsubscribeRequest(Packet *packet);
virtual void OnServerToServerGetRequest(Packet *packet);
virtual void OnServerToServerGetResponse(Packet *packet);
uint64_t maxUploadBytesPerClient, maxBytesPerDowload;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// For a given data key, quickly look up one or all systems that have uploaded
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct CloudData
CloudData() {}
~CloudData() {if (allocatedData) rakFree_Ex(allocatedData, _FILE_AND_LINE_);}
bool IsUnused(void) const {return isUploaded==false && specificSubscribers.Size()==0;}
void Clear(void) {if (dataPtr==allocatedData) rakFree_Ex(allocatedData, _FILE_AND_LINE_); allocatedData=0; dataPtr=0; dataLengthBytes=0; isUploaded=false;}
unsigned char stackData[CLOUD_SERVER_DATA_STACK_SIZE];
unsigned char *allocatedData; // Uses allocatedData instead of stackData if length of data exceeds CLOUD_SERVER_DATA_STACK_SIZE
unsigned char *dataPtr; // Points to either stackData or allocatedData
uint32_t dataLengthBytes;
bool isUploaded;
/// System address of server that is holding this data, and the client is connected to
SystemAddress serverSystemAddress;
/// System address of client that uploaded this data
SystemAddress clientSystemAddress;
/// RakNetGUID of server that is holding this data, and the client is connected to
RakNetGUID serverGUID;
/// RakNetGUID of client that uploaded this data
RakNetGUID clientGUID;
/// When the key data changes from this particular system, notify these subscribers
/// This list mutually exclusive with CloudDataList::nonSpecificSubscribers
DataStructures::OrderedList<RakNetGUID, RakNetGUID> specificSubscribers;
void WriteCloudQueryRowFromResultList(unsigned int i, DataStructures::List<CloudData*> &cloudDataResultList, DataStructures::List<CloudKey> &cloudKeyResultList, BitStream *bsOut);
void WriteCloudQueryRowFromResultList(DataStructures::List<CloudData*> &cloudDataResultList, DataStructures::List<CloudKey> &cloudKeyResultList, BitStream *bsOut);
static int KeyDataPtrComp( const RakNetGUID &key, CloudData* const &data );
struct CloudDataList
bool IsUnused(void) const {return keyData.Size()==0 && nonSpecificSubscribers.Size()==0;}
bool IsNotUploaded(void) const {return uploaderCount==0;}
bool RemoveSubscriber(RakNetGUID g) {
bool objectExists;
unsigned int index;
index = nonSpecificSubscribers.GetIndexFromKey(g, &objectExists);
if (objectExists)
return true;
return false;
unsigned int uploaderCount, subscriberCount;
CloudKey key;
// Data uploaded from or subscribed to for various systems
DataStructures::OrderedList<RakNetGUID, CloudData*, CloudServer::KeyDataPtrComp> keyData;
/// When the key data changes from any system, notify these subscribers
/// This list mutually exclusive with CloudData::specificSubscribers
DataStructures::OrderedList<RakNetGUID, RakNetGUID> nonSpecificSubscribers;
static int KeyDataListComp( const CloudKey &key, CloudDataList * const &data );
DataStructures::OrderedList<CloudKey, CloudDataList*, CloudServer::KeyDataListComp> dataRepository;
struct KeySubscriberID
CloudKey key;
DataStructures::OrderedList<RakNetGUID, RakNetGUID> specificSystemsSubscribedTo;
static int KeySubscriberIDComp(const CloudKey &key, KeySubscriberID * const &data );
// Remote systems
struct RemoteCloudClient
bool IsUnused(void) const {return uploadedKeys.Size()==0 && subscribedKeys.Size()==0;}
DataStructures::OrderedList<CloudKey,CloudKey,CloudKeyComp> uploadedKeys;
DataStructures::OrderedList<CloudKey,KeySubscriberID*,CloudServer::KeySubscriberIDComp> subscribedKeys;
uint64_t uploadedBytes;
DataStructures::Hash<RakNetGUID, RemoteCloudClient*, 2048, RakNetGUID::ToUint32> remoteSystems;
// For a given user, release all subscribed and uploaded keys
void ReleaseSystem(RakNetGUID clientAddress );
// For a given user, release a set of keys
void ReleaseKeys(RakNetGUID clientAddress, DataStructures::List<CloudKey> &keys );
void NotifyClientSubscribersOfDataChange( CloudData *cloudData, CloudKey &key, DataStructures::OrderedList<RakNetGUID, RakNetGUID> &subscribers, bool wasUpdated );
void NotifyClientSubscribersOfDataChange( CloudQueryRow *row, DataStructures::OrderedList<RakNetGUID, RakNetGUID> &subscribers, bool wasUpdated );
void NotifyServerSubscribersOfDataChange( CloudData *cloudData, CloudKey &key, bool wasUpdated );
struct RemoteServer
RakNetGUID serverAddress;
// This server needs to know about these keys when they are updated or deleted
DataStructures::OrderedList<CloudKey,CloudKey,CloudKeyComp> subscribedKeys;
// This server has uploaded these keys, and needs to know about Get() requests
DataStructures::OrderedList<CloudKey,CloudKey,CloudKeyComp> uploadedKeys;
// Just for processing
bool workingFlag;
// If false, we don't know what keys they have yet, so send everything
bool gotSubscribedAndUploadedKeys;
static int RemoteServerComp(const RakNetGUID &key, RemoteServer* const &data );
DataStructures::OrderedList<RakNetGUID, RemoteServer*, CloudServer::RemoteServerComp> remoteServers;
struct BufferedGetResponseFromServer
void Clear(CloudAllocator *allocator);
RakNetGUID serverAddress;
CloudQueryResult queryResult;
bool gotResult;
struct CloudQueryWithAddresses
// Inputs
CloudQuery cloudQuery;
DataStructures::List<RakNetGUID> specificSystems;
void Serialize(bool writeToBitstream, BitStream *bitStream);
static int BufferedGetResponseFromServerComp(const RakNetGUID &key, BufferedGetResponseFromServer* const &data );
struct GetRequest
void Clear(CloudAllocator *allocator);
bool AllRemoteServersHaveResponded(void) const;
CloudQueryWithAddresses cloudQueryWithAddresses;
// When request started. If takes too long for a response from another system, can abort remaining systems
RakNet::Time requestStartTime;
// Assigned by server that gets the request to identify response. See nextGetRequestId
uint32_t requestId;
RakNetGUID requestingClient;
DataStructures::OrderedList<RakNetGUID, BufferedGetResponseFromServer*, CloudServer::BufferedGetResponseFromServerComp> remoteServerResponses;
static int GetRequestComp(const uint32_t &key, GetRequest* const &data );
DataStructures::OrderedList<uint32_t, GetRequest*, CloudServer::GetRequestComp> getRequests;
RakNet::Time nextGetRequestsCheck;
uint32_t nextGetRequestId;
void ProcessAndTransmitGetRequest(GetRequest *getRequest);
void ProcessCloudQueryWithAddresses(
CloudServer::CloudQueryWithAddresses &cloudQueryWithAddresses,
DataStructures::List<CloudData*> &cloudDataResultList,
DataStructures::List<CloudKey> &cloudKeyResultList
void SendUploadedAndSubscribedKeysToServer( RakNetGUID systemAddress );
void SendUploadedKeyToServers( CloudKey &cloudKey );
void SendSubscribedKeyToServers( CloudKey &cloudKey );
void RemoveUploadedKeyFromServers( CloudKey &cloudKey );
void RemoveSubscribedKeyFromServers( CloudKey &cloudKey );
void OnSendUploadedAndSubscribedKeysToServer( Packet *packet );
void OnSendUploadedKeyToServers( Packet *packet );
void OnSendSubscribedKeyToServers( Packet *packet );
void OnRemoveUploadedKeyFromServers( Packet *packet );
void OnRemoveSubscribedKeyFromServers( Packet *packet );
void OnServerDataChanged( Packet *packet );
void GetServersWithUploadedKeys(
DataStructures::List<CloudKey> &keys,
DataStructures::List<RemoteServer*> &remoteServersWithData
CloudServer::CloudDataList *GetOrAllocateCloudDataList(CloudKey key, bool *dataRepositoryExists, unsigned int &dataRepositoryIndex);
void UnsubscribeFromKey(RemoteCloudClient *remoteCloudClient, RakNetGUID remoteCloudClientGuid, unsigned int keySubscriberIndex, CloudKey &cloudKey, DataStructures::List<RakNetGUID> &specificSystems);
void RemoveSpecificSubscriber(RakNetGUID specificSubscriber, CloudDataList *cloudDataList, RakNetGUID remoteCloudClientGuid);
DataStructures::List<CloudServerQueryFilter*> queryFilters;
SystemAddress forceAddress;
} // namespace RakNet
// Key subscription
// A given system can subscribe to one or more keys.
// The subscription can be further be defined as only subscribing to keys uploaded by or changed by a given system.
// It is possible to subscribe to keys not yet uploaded, or uploaded to another system
// Operations:
// 1. SubscribeToKey() - Get() operation with subscription
// A. Add to key subscription list for the client, which contains a keyId / specificUploaderList pair
// B. Send to remote servers that for this key, they should send us updates
// C. (Done, get operation returns current values)
// 2. UpdateData() - Post() operation
// A. Find all subscribers to this data, for the uploading system.
// B. Send them the uploaded data
// C. Find all servers that subscribe to this data
// D. Send them the uploaded data
// 3. DeleteData() - Release() operation
// A. Find all subscribers to this data, for the deleting system.
// B. Inform them of the deletion
// C. Find all servers that subscribe to this data
// D. Inform them of the deletion
// 4. Unsubscribe()
// A. Find this subscriber, and remove their subscription
// B. If no one else is subscribing to this key for any system, notify remote servers we no longer need subscription updates
// Internal operations:
// 1. Find if any connected client has subscribed to a given key
// A. This is used add and remove our subscription for this key to remote servers
// 2. For a given key and updating address, find all connected clients that care
// A. First find connected clients that have subscribed to this key, regardless of address
// B. Then find connected clients that have subscribed to this key for this particular address
// 3. Find all remote servers that have subscribed to a given key
// A. This is so when the key is updated or deleted, we know who to send it to
// 4. For a given client (such as on disconnect), remove all records of their subscriptions
#endif // _RAKNET_SUPPORT_*