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2024-08-15 18:40:30 +08:00
* Copyright (c) 2014, Oculus VR, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
/// \file
/// \brief Router2 plugin. Allows you to connect to a system by routing packets through another system that is connected to both you and the destination. Useful for getting around NATs.
#include "NativeFeatureIncludes.hpp"
#if _RAKNET_SUPPORT_Router2==1 && _RAKNET_SUPPORT_UDPForwarder==1
#ifndef __ROUTER_2_PLUGIN_H
#define __ROUTER_2_PLUGIN_H
#include "RakNetTypes.hpp"
#include "PluginInterface2.hpp"
#include "PacketPriority.hpp"
#include "Export.hpp"
#include "UDPForwarder.hpp"
#include "MessageIdentifiers.hpp"
#include "DS_List.hpp"
#include "SimpleMutex.hpp"
namespace RakNet
/// Forward declarations
class RakPeerInterface;
struct Router2DebugInterface
Router2DebugInterface() {}
virtual ~Router2DebugInterface() {}
virtual void ShowFailure(const char *message);
virtual void ShowDiagnostic(const char *message);
/// \defgroup ROUTER_2_GROUP Router2
/// \brief Part of the NAT punchthrough solution, allowing you to connect to systems by routing through a shared connection.
/// \details Router2 routes datagrams between two systems that are not directly connected by using the bandwidth of a third system, to which the other two systems were connected
/// It is of benefit when a fully connected mesh topology is desired, but could not be completely established due to routers and/or firewalls
/// As the system address of a remote system will be the system address of the intermediary, it is necessary to use the RakNetGUID object to refer to systems, including with other plugins
/// \ingroup PLUGINS_GROUP
/// \ingroup ROUTER_2_GROUP
/// \brief Class interface for the Router2 system
/// \details
class RAK_DLL_EXPORT Router2 : public PluginInterface2
// GetInstance() and DestroyInstance(instance*)
virtual ~Router2();
/// Sets the socket family to use, either IPV4 or IPV6
/// \param[in] socketFamily For IPV4, use AF_INET (default). For IPV6, use AF_INET6. To autoselect, use AF_UNSPEC.
void SetSocketFamily(unsigned short _socketFamily);
/// \brief Query all connected systems to connect through them to a third system.
/// System will return ID_ROUTER_2_FORWARDING_NO_PATH if unable to connect.
/// On ID_ROUTER_2_FORWARDING_ESTABLISHED, EstablishRouting as follows:
/// RakNet::BitStream bs(packet->data, packet->length, false);
/// bs.IgnoreBytes(sizeof(MessageID));
/// RakNetGUID endpointGuid;
/// bs.Read(endpointGuid);
/// unsigned short sourceToDestPort;
/// bs.Read(sourceToDestPort);
/// char ipAddressString[32];
/// packet->systemAddress.ToString(false, ipAddressString);
/// rakPeerInterface->EstablishRouting(ipAddressString, sourceToDestPort, 0,0);
/// \note The SystemAddress for a connection should not be used - always use RakNetGuid as the address can change at any time.
/// When the address changes, you will get ID_ROUTER_2_REROUTED
void EstablishRouting(RakNetGUID endpointGuid);
/// Set the maximum number of bidirectional connections this system will support
/// Defaults to 0
void SetMaximumForwardingRequests(int max);
/// For testing and debugging
void SetDebugInterface(Router2DebugInterface *_debugInterface);
/// Get the pointer passed to SetDebugInterface()
Router2DebugInterface *GetDebugInterface(void) const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Packet handling functions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual PluginReceiveResult OnReceive(Packet *packet);
virtual void Update(void);
virtual void OnClosedConnection(const SystemAddress &systemAddress, RakNetGUID rakNetGUID, PI2_LostConnectionReason lostConnectionReason );
virtual void OnFailedConnectionAttempt(Packet *packet, PI2_FailedConnectionAttemptReason failedConnectionAttemptReason);
virtual void OnRakPeerShutdown(void);
enum Router2RequestStates
struct ConnectionRequestSystem
RakNetGUID guid;
int pingToEndpoint;
unsigned short usedForwardingEntries;
struct ConnnectRequest
DataStructures::List<ConnectionRequestSystem> connectionRequestSystems;
SimpleMutex connectionRequestSystemsMutex;
Router2RequestStates requestState;
RakNet::TimeMS pingTimeout;
RakNetGUID endpointGuid;
RakNetGUID lastRequestedForwardingSystem;
bool returnConnectionLostOnFailure;
unsigned int GetGuidIndex(RakNetGUID guid);
unsigned int GetConnectionRequestIndex(RakNetGUID endpointGuid);
struct MiniPunchRequest
RakNetGUID endpointGuid;
SystemAddress endpointAddress;
bool gotReplyFromEndpoint;
RakNetGUID sourceGuid;
SystemAddress sourceAddress;
bool gotReplyFromSource;
RakNet::TimeMS timeout;
RakNet::TimeMS nextAction;
unsigned short forwardingPort;
__UDPSOCKET__ forwardingSocket;
struct ForwardedConnection
RakNetGUID endpointGuid;
RakNetGUID intermediaryGuid;
SystemAddress intermediaryAddress;
bool returnConnectionLostOnFailure;
bool weInitiatedForwarding;
bool UpdateForwarding(ConnnectRequest* connectionRequest);
void RemoveConnectionRequest(unsigned int connectionRequestIndex);
void RequestForwarding(ConnnectRequest* connectionRequest);
void OnQueryForwarding(Packet *packet);
void OnQueryForwardingReply(Packet *packet);
void OnRequestForwarding(Packet *packet);
void OnRerouted(Packet *packet);
void OnMiniPunchReply(Packet *packet);
void OnMiniPunchReplyBounce(Packet *packet);
bool OnForwardingSuccess(Packet *packet);
int GetLargestPingAmongConnectedSystems(void) const;
void ReturnToUser(MessageID messageId, RakNetGUID endpointGuid, const SystemAddress &systemAddress, bool wasGeneratedLocally);
bool ConnectInternal(RakNetGUID endpointGuid, bool returnConnectionLostOnFailure);
UDPForwarder *udpForwarder;
int maximumForwardingRequests;
SimpleMutex connectionRequestsMutex, miniPunchesInProgressMutex, forwardedConnectionListMutex;
DataStructures::List<ConnnectRequest*> connectionRequests;
DataStructures::List<MiniPunchRequest> miniPunchesInProgress;
// Forwarding we have initiated
DataStructures::List<ForwardedConnection> forwardedConnectionList;
void ClearConnectionRequests(void);
void ClearMinipunches(void);
void ClearForwardedConnections(void);
void ClearAll(void);
int ReturnFailureOnCannotForward(RakNetGUID sourceGuid, RakNetGUID endpointGuid);
void SendFailureOnCannotForward(RakNetGUID sourceGuid, RakNetGUID endpointGuid);
void SendForwardingSuccess(MessageID messageId, RakNetGUID sourceGuid, RakNetGUID endpointGuid, unsigned short sourceToDstPort);
void SendOOBFromRakNetPort(OutOfBandIdentifiers oob, BitStream *extraData, SystemAddress sa);
void SendOOBFromSpecifiedSocket(OutOfBandIdentifiers oob, SystemAddress sa, __UDPSOCKET__ socket);
void SendOOBMessages(MiniPunchRequest *mpr);
Router2DebugInterface *debugInterface;
unsigned short socketFamily;
#endif // _RAKNET_SUPPORT_*