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2024-08-15 18:40:30 +08:00
* Copyright (c) 2014, Oculus VR, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
/// \file
/// \brief Contains the NAT-punchthrough plugin for the server.
#include "NativeFeatureIncludes.hpp"
#if _RAKNET_SUPPORT_NatPunchthroughServer==1
#include "RakNetTypes.hpp"
#include "Export.hpp"
#include "PluginInterface2.hpp"
#include "PacketPriority.hpp"
#include "SocketIncludes.hpp"
#include "DS_OrderedList.hpp"
#include "RakString.hpp"
namespace RakNet
/// Forward declarations
class RakPeerInterface;
struct Packet;
#if _RAKNET_SUPPORT_PacketLogger==1
class PacketLogger;
/// \defgroup NAT_PUNCHTHROUGH_GROUP NatPunchthrough
/// \brief Connect systems despite both systems being behind a router
/// \details
/// \ingroup PLUGINS_GROUP
struct RAK_DLL_EXPORT NatPunchthroughServerDebugInterface
NatPunchthroughServerDebugInterface() {}
virtual ~NatPunchthroughServerDebugInterface() {}
virtual void OnServerMessage(const char *msg)=0;
struct RAK_DLL_EXPORT NatPunchthroughServerDebugInterface_Printf : public NatPunchthroughServerDebugInterface
virtual void OnServerMessage(const char *msg);
#if _RAKNET_SUPPORT_PacketLogger==1
struct RAK_DLL_EXPORT NatPunchthroughServerDebugInterface_PacketLogger : public NatPunchthroughServerDebugInterface
// Set to non-zero to write to the packetlogger!
PacketLogger *pl;
NatPunchthroughServerDebugInterface_PacketLogger() {pl=0;}
~NatPunchthroughServerDebugInterface_PacketLogger() {}
virtual void OnServerMessage(const char *msg);
/// \brief Server code for NATPunchthrough
/// \details Maintain connection to NatPunchthroughServer to process incoming connection attempts through NatPunchthroughClient<BR>
/// Server maintains two sockets clients can connect to so as to estimate the next port choice<BR>
/// Server tells other client about port estimate, current public port to the server, and a time to start connection attempts
/// \sa NatTypeDetectionClient
/// See also
class RAK_DLL_EXPORT NatPunchthroughServer : public PluginInterface2
// Constructor
// Destructor
virtual ~NatPunchthroughServer();
/// Sets a callback to be called with debug messages
/// \param[in] i Pointer to an interface. The pointer is stored, so don't delete it while in progress. Pass 0 to clear.
void SetDebugInterface(NatPunchthroughServerDebugInterface *i);
/// \internal For plugin handling
virtual void Update(void);
/// \internal For plugin handling
virtual PluginReceiveResult OnReceive(Packet *packet);
/// \internal For plugin handling
virtual void OnClosedConnection(const SystemAddress &systemAddress, RakNetGUID rakNetGUID, PI2_LostConnectionReason lostConnectionReason );
virtual void OnNewConnection(const SystemAddress &systemAddress, RakNetGUID rakNetGUID, bool isIncoming);
// Each connected user has a ready state. Ready means ready for nat punchthrough.
struct User;
struct ConnectionAttempt
ConnectionAttempt() {sender=0; recipient=0; startTime=0; attemptPhase=NAT_ATTEMPT_PHASE_NOT_STARTED;}
User *sender, *recipient;
uint16_t sessionId;
RakNet::Time startTime;
} attemptPhase;
struct User
RakNetGUID guid;
SystemAddress systemAddress;
unsigned short mostRecentPort;
bool isReady;
DataStructures::OrderedList<RakNetGUID,RakNetGUID> groupPunchthroughRequests;
DataStructures::List<ConnectionAttempt *> connectionAttempts;
bool HasConnectionAttemptToUser(User *user);
void DerefConnectionAttempt(ConnectionAttempt *ca);
void DeleteConnectionAttempt(ConnectionAttempt *ca);
void LogConnectionAttempts(RakNet::RakString &rs);
RakNet::Time lastUpdate;
static int NatPunchthroughUserComp( const RakNetGUID &key, User * const &data );
void OnNATPunchthroughRequest(Packet *packet);
DataStructures::OrderedList<RakNetGUID, User*, NatPunchthroughServer::NatPunchthroughUserComp> users;
void OnGetMostRecentPort(Packet *packet);
void OnClientReady(Packet *packet);
void SendTimestamps(void);
void StartPendingPunchthrough(void);
void StartPunchthroughForUser(User*user);
uint16_t sessionId;
NatPunchthroughServerDebugInterface *natPunchthroughServerDebugInterface;
SystemAddress boundAddresses[MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_INTERNAL_IDS];
unsigned char boundAddressCount;
} // namespace RakNet
#endif // _RAKNET_SUPPORT_*