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doc: carry on hosting guide
2020-06-22 17:25:44 +02:00

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.. _internet-guide:
Hosting on internet
.. warning::
Until now, those communications are not encrypted but are planned to be in a mid-term future (`Status <>`_).
This tutorial aims to guide you to host a collaborative Session on internet.
Hosting a session can be done is several ways:
- :ref:`host-blender`: hosting a session directly from the blender addon pannel
- :ref:`host-dedicated`: using a the dedicated server from a command line interface
.. _host-blender:
From blender
By default your router doesn't allow anyone to share you connection.
In order grant server access to people from internet you have tow main option:
* The :ref:`connection-sharing`: the easiest way.
* The :ref:`port-forwarding`: this one is the most unsecure, if you have no networking knowledge, you should definitively go to :ref:`connection-sharing`.
.. _connection-sharing:
Using a connection sharing solution
Many different third party software like `ZEROTIER <>`_ (Free) or `HAMACHI <>`_ (Free until 5 users) allow you to share your private network with other peole.
For the example I'm gonna use ZeroTier because it (free and open soure).
.. _port-forwarding:
Using port-forwarding
2. **Not secure** but simple: Setup port forwarding for each ports (for example 5555,5556,5557 and 5558 in our case). You can follow this `guide <>`_ for example.
To know which port are used by the
Once you have setup the network, you can run **HOST** in order to start the server. Then other users could join your session in the regular way.
.. _host-dedicated:
From the dedicated server
.. code-block:: bash
docker run -it --rm \
-p 5555-5560:5555-5560 \
-e port=5555 \
-e password=admin \
-e timeout=1000 \
.. _port-setup:
Port setup (optionnal)
The multi-user network architecture is based on a clients-server model. The communication protocol use four ports to communicate with client:
* Commands: command transmission (such as **snapshots**, **change_rights**, etc.) [given port]
* Subscriber : pull data [Commands port + 1]
* Publisher : push data [Commands port + 2]
* TTL (time to leave) : used to ping each clients [Commands port + 3]
To know which ports will be used, you just have to read the port in your preference.
.. figure:: img/hosting_guide_port.png
:align: center
:alt: Port
Port in host settings
In the picture below we have setup our port to **5555** so it will be:
* Commands: 5555 (**5555**)
* Subscriber: 5556 (**5555** +1)
* Publisher: 5557 (**5555** +2)
* TTL: 5558 (**5555** +3)
Those four ports needs to be accessible from the client otherwise it wont work at all !