2020-06-23 00:15:25 +02:00

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.. _internet-guide:
Hosting on internet
.. warning::
Until now, those communications are not encrypted but are planned to be in a mid-term future (`Status <>`_).
This tutorial aims to guide you to host a collaborative Session on internet.
Hosting a session can be done is several ways:
- :ref:`host-blender`: hosting a session directly from the blender addon pannel.
- :ref:`host-dedicated`: hosting a session directly from the command line interface on a computer without blender.
.. _host-blender:
From blender
By default your router doesn't allow anyone to share you connection.
In order grant server access to people from internet you have tow main option:
* The :ref:`connection-sharing`: the easiest way.
* The :ref:`port-forwarding`: this one is the most unsecure, if you have no networking knowledge, you should definitively go to :ref:`connection-sharing`.
.. _connection-sharing:
Using a connection sharing solution
Many different third party software like `ZEROTIER <>`_ (Free) or `HAMACHI <>`_ (Free until 5 users) allow you to share your private network with other peole.
For the example I'm gonna use ZeroTier because its free and open soure.
1. Installation
Let's start by downloading and installing ZeroTier:
Once installed, launch it.
2. Network creation
Before trying to connect to any network we need to create one.
Only the host need to do this step.
To create a ZeroTier private network you need to create a ZeroTier account `on <>`_
(click on **login** then register on the bottom)
Once you account it activated, connect you to ` <>`_.
Head up to the **Network** section(highlighted in red in the image below).
.. figure:: img/hosting_guide_head_network.png
:align: center
ZeroTier user homepage
Hit 'Create a network' and go to the network settings.
.. figure:: img/hosting_guide_create_network.png
:align: center
Network page
Now that the network is created, let's quickly configure it.
.. _port-forwarding:
Using port-forwarding
2. **Not secure** but simple: Setup port forwarding for each ports (for example 5555,5556,5557 and 5558 in our case). You can follow this `guide <>`_ for example.
To know which port are used by the
Once you have setup the network, you can run **HOST** in order to start the server. Then other users could join your session in the regular way.
.. _host-dedicated:
From the dedicated server
.. code-block:: bash
docker run -it --rm \
-p 5555-5560:5555-5560 \
-e port=5555 \
-e password=admin \
-e timeout=1000 \
.. _port-setup:
Port setup (optionnal)
The multi-user network architecture is based on a clients-server model. The communication protocol use four ports to communicate with client:
* Commands: command transmission (such as **snapshots**, **change_rights**, etc.) [given port]
* Subscriber : pull data [Commands port + 1]
* Publisher : push data [Commands port + 2]
* TTL (time to leave) : used to ping each clients [Commands port + 3]
To know which ports will be used, you just have to read the port in your preference.
.. figure:: img/hosting_guide_port.png
:align: center
:alt: Port
Port in host settings
In the picture below we have setup our port to **5555** so it will be:
* Commands: 5555 (**5555**)
* Subscriber: 5556 (**5555** +1)
* Publisher: 5557 (**5555** +2)
* TTL: 5558 (**5555** +3)
Those four ports needs to be accessible from the client otherwise it wont work at all !