=========== Quick start guide =========== *All settings are located under: `View3D -> Sidebar -> Multiuser panel`* Session setup ============= This section describe how to create or join a collaborative session. --------------------- 1. User information's --------------------- .. image:: img/quickstart_user_infos.png - **name**: username. - **color**: color used to represent the user into other user workspace. ---------- 2. Network ---------- .. note:: If you host a session over internet, special network configuration is needed. Hosting and connection are done from this panel. +-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | Host | Join | +===================================+=====================================+ |.. image:: img/quickstart_host.png | .. image:: img/quickstart_join.png | +-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | | Start empty: Cleanup the file | | IP: server ip | | | before hosting | | Port: server port | +-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | **HOST**: Host a session | **CONNECT**: Join a session | +-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ **Port configuration:** For now, a session use 4 ports to run. If 5555 is given in host settings, it will use 5555, 5556 (5555+1), 5557 (5555+2), 5558 (5555+3). --------------------- 2.1 Advanced settings --------------------- This section contains optionnal settings to configure the session behavior. .. image:: img/quickstart_advanced.png **Synchronise render settings** (only host) enable replication of EEVEE and CYCLES render settings to match render between clients. **Right strategy** (only host) enable you to choose between a strict and a relaxed pattern: - **Strict**: Host is the king, by default the host own each properties, only him can grant modification rights. - **Common**: Each properties are under common rights by default, on selection, a property is only modifiable by the owner. On each strategy, when a user is the owner he can choose to pass his rights to someone else. **Properties frequency gird** allow to set a custom replication frequency for each type of data-block: - **Refresh**: pushed data update rate (in second) - **Apply**: pulled data update rate (in second) .. note:: Per-data type settings will soon be revamped for simplification purposes Session Management ================== This section describe tools available during a collaborative session. --------------- Connected users --------------- .. image:: img/quickstart_users.png This panel displays all connected users information's, including yours. By selecting a user in the list you'll have access to different **actions**: - The **camera button** allow you to snap on the user viewpoint. - The **time button** allow you to snap on the user time. - The **cross button** [**host only**] allow the admin to kick users ------------------- Presence show flags ------------------- .. image:: img/quickstart_presence.png This pannel allow you to tweak users overlay in the viewport: - **Show selected objects**: display other users current selection - **Show users**: display users current viewpoint - **Show different scenes**: display users on other scenes --------------------- Replicated properties --------------------- .. image:: img/quickstart_properties.png The **replicated properties** panel shows all replicated properties status and associated actions. Since the replication architecture is based on commit/push/pull mechanisms, a replicated properties can be pushed/pull or even committed manually from this panel. +---------------------------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | icon | Action | Description | +=======================================+===================+====================================================================================+ | .. image:: img/quickstart_push.png | **Push** | push data-block to other clients | +---------------------------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | .. image:: img/quickstart_pull.png | **Pull** | pull last version into blender | +---------------------------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | .. image:: img/quickstart_refresh.png | **Reset** | Reset local change to the server version | +---------------------------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | .. image:: img/quickstart_unlock.png | **Lock/Unlock** | If locked, does nothing. If unlocked, grant modification rights to another user. | +---------------------------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | .. image:: img/quickstart_remove.png | **Delete** | Remove the data-block from network replication | +---------------------------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+