import bpy import bgl import blf import gpu import mathutils from bpy_extras import view3d_utils from gpu_extras.batch import batch_for_shader def view3d_find(): for area in[0].windows[0].screen.areas: if area.type == 'VIEW_3D': v3d = area.spaces[0] rv3d = v3d.region_3d for region in area.regions: if region.type == 'WINDOW': return area, region, rv3d return None, None, None def get_target(region, rv3d, coord): target = [0, 0, 0] if coord and region and rv3d: view_vector = view3d_utils.region_2d_to_vector_3d(region, rv3d, coord) ray_origin = view3d_utils.region_2d_to_origin_3d(region, rv3d, coord) target = ray_origin + view_vector return [target.x, target.y, target.z] def get_client_view_rect(): area, region, rv3d = view3d_find() v1 = [0, 0, 0] v2 = [0, 0, 0] v3 = [0, 0, 0] v4 = [0, 0, 0] if area and region and rv3d: width = region.width height = region.height v1 = get_target(region, rv3d, (0, 0)) v3 = get_target(region, rv3d, (0, height)) v2 = get_target(region, rv3d, (width, height)) v4 = get_target(region, rv3d, (width, 0)) coords = [v1, v2, v3, v4] indices = ( (1, 3), (2, 1), (3, 0), (2, 0) ) return coords def get_client_2d(coords): area, region, rv3d = view3d_find() if area and region and rv3d: return view3d_utils.location_3d_to_region_2d(region, rv3d, coords) else: return (0,0) class HUD(object): def __init__(self, client_instance = None): self.d3d_items = {} self.d2d_items = {} self.draw3d_handle = None self.draw2d_handle = None self.draw_event = None self.coords = None self.active_object = None if client_instance: self.client = client_instance self.draw_clients() self.register_handlers() def register_handlers(self): self.draw3d_handle = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add( self.draw3d_callback, (), 'WINDOW', 'POST_VIEW') self.draw2d_handle = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add( self.draw2d_callback, (), 'WINDOW', 'POST_PIXEL') def unregister_handlers(self): if self.draw2d_handle: bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove( self.draw2d_handle, "WINDOW") self.draw2d_handle = None if self.draw3d_handle: bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove( self.draw3d_handle, "WINDOW") self.draw3d_handle = None self.d3d_items.clear() self.d2d_items.clear() def draw_selected_object(self): clients = self.client.get("Client") for client in clients: name = client[0].split('/')[1] local_username = bpy.context.scene.session_settings.username if name != local_username and client[1]['active_objects']: for select_ob in client[1]['active_objects']: indices = ( (0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (0, 3), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7), (4, 7), (0, 4), (1, 5), (2, 6), (3, 7) ) if select_ob in ob =[select_ob] else: return bbox_corners = [ob.matrix_world @ mathutils.Vector(corner) for corner in ob.bound_box] coords = [(point.x, point.y, point.z) for point in bbox_corners] shader = gpu.shader.from_builtin('3D_UNIFORM_COLOR') color = client[1]['color'] batch = batch_for_shader( shader, 'LINES', {"pos": coords}, indices=indices) self.d3d_items["{}/{}".format(client[0],select_ob)]=(shader, batch, color) def draw_clients(self): clients = self.client.get("Client") for client in clients: name = client[0].split('/')[1] local_username = bpy.context.scene.session_settings.username if name != local_username: try: indices = ( (1, 3), (2, 1), (3, 0), (2, 0) ) shader = gpu.shader.from_builtin('3D_UNIFORM_COLOR') position = client[1]['location'] color = client[1]['color'] batch = batch_for_shader( shader, 'LINES', {"pos": position}, indices=indices) self.d3d_items[client[0]]=(shader, batch, color) self.d2d_items[client[0]]=(position[1], name,color) except Exception as e: print("Draw client exception {}".format(e)) def draw3d_callback(self): bgl.glLineWidth(3) try: for shader, batch, color in self.d3d_items.values(): shader.bind() shader.uniform_float("color", color) batch.draw(shader) except Exception as e: print("3D Exception") def draw2d_callback(self): for position, font, color in self.d2d_items.values(): try: coords = get_client_2d(position) if coords: blf.position(0, coords[0], coords[1]+10, 0) blf.size(0, 10, 72) blf.color(0, color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]) blf.draw(0, font) except Exception as e: print("2D EXCEPTION") def draw(self): if self.client: # Draw clients self.draw_clients() self.draw_selected_object()