feat: ground work on user repr

This commit is contained in:
Swann 2019-08-13 22:09:36 +02:00
parent 2bb3939629
commit 26fde5da43
2 changed files with 37 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -96,3 +96,5 @@ class DrawClients(Draw):
[debug.draw_point(location=operators.client.get(u).buffer['location']) for u in users if operators.client.get(u)]

View File

@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ import blf
import gpu
import mathutils
import math
from bpy_extras import view3d_utils
from gpu_extras.batch import batch_for_shader
@ -93,7 +96,9 @@ class User():
def update_location(self):
current_coords = get_client_view_rect()
area, region, rv3d = view3d_find()
current_coords = construct_camera(area)[0]
if current_coords:
self.location = current_coords
@ -251,6 +256,36 @@ class DrawFactory(object):
except Exception as e:
print("2D EXCEPTION")
def construct_camera(area):
Construct the camera frustum as a box
r3dv = area.spaces[0]
box = [[0, 0, 0] for i in range(8)]
aspx = area.width
aspy = area.height
ratiox = min(aspx / aspy, 1.0)
ratioy = min(aspy / aspx, 1.0)
angleofview = 2.0 * \
math.atan(36 / (2.0 * r3dv.lens))
oppositeclipsta = math.tan(angleofview / 2.0) * r3dv.clip_start
oppositeclipend = math.tan(angleofview / 2.0) * r3dv.clip_end
box[2][0] = box[1][0] = -oppositeclipsta * ratiox
box[0][0] = box[3][0] = -oppositeclipend * ratiox
box[5][0] = box[6][0] = +oppositeclipsta * ratiox
box[4][0] = box[7][0] = +oppositeclipend * ratiox
box[1][1] = box[5][1] = -oppositeclipsta * ratioy
box[0][1] = box[4][1] = -oppositeclipend * ratioy
box[2][1] = box[6][1] = +oppositeclipsta * ratioy
box[3][1] = box[7][1] = +oppositeclipend * ratioy
box[0][2] = box[3][2] = box[4][2] = box[7][2] = -r3dv.clip_end
box[1][2] = box[2][2] = box[5][2] = box[6][2] = -r3dv.clip_start
return [r3dv.view_matrix @ mathutils.Vector(i) for i in box]
def register():
global renderer