2020-03-11 22:42:09 +01:00
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
import os
import bpy
from bpy.app.handlers import persistent
# updater import, import safely
# Prevents popups for users with invalid python installs e.g. missing libraries
from .addon_updater import Updater as updater
except Exception as e:
class Singleton_updater_none(object):
def __init__(self):
self.addon = None
self.verbose = False
self.invalidupdater = True # used to distinguish bad install
self.error = None
self.error_msg = None
self.async_checking = None
def clear_state(self):
self.addon = None
self.verbose = False
self.invalidupdater = True
self.error = None
self.error_msg = None
self.async_checking = None
def run_update(self): pass
def check_for_update(self): pass
updater = Singleton_updater_none()
updater.error = "Error initializing updater module"
updater.error_msg = str(e)
# Must declare this before classes are loaded
# otherwise the bl_idname's will not match and have errors.
# Must be all lowercase and no spaces
updater.addon = "multiuser"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Blender version utils
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def make_annotations(cls):
"""Add annotation attribute to class fields to avoid Blender 2.8 warnings"""
if not hasattr(bpy.app, "version") or bpy.app.version < (2, 80):
return cls
bl_props = {k: v for k, v in cls.__dict__.items() if isinstance(v, tuple)}
if bl_props:
if '__annotations__' not in cls.__dict__:
setattr(cls, '__annotations__', {})
annotations = cls.__dict__['__annotations__']
for k, v in bl_props.items():
annotations[k] = v
delattr(cls, k)
return cls
def layout_split(layout, factor=0.0, align=False):
"""Intermediate method for pre and post blender 2.8 split UI function"""
if not hasattr(bpy.app, "version") or bpy.app.version < (2, 80):
return layout.split(percentage=factor, align=align)
return layout.split(factor=factor, align=align)
def get_user_preferences(context=None):
"""Intermediate method for pre and post blender 2.8 grabbing preferences"""
if not context:
context = bpy.context
prefs = None
if hasattr(context, "user_preferences"):
prefs = context.user_preferences.addons.get(__package__, None)
elif hasattr(context, "preferences"):
prefs = context.preferences.addons.get(__package__, None)
if prefs:
return prefs.preferences
# To make the addon stable and non-exception prone, return None
# raise Exception("Could not fetch user preferences")
return None
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Updater operators
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# simple popup for prompting checking for update & allow to install if available
class addon_updater_install_popup(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Check and install update if available"""
bl_label = "Update {x} addon".format(x=updater.addon)
bl_idname = updater.addon+".updater_install_popup"
bl_description = "Popup menu to check and display current updates available"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'INTERNAL'}
# if true, run clean install - ie remove all files before adding new
# equivalent to deleting the addon and reinstalling, except the
# updater folder/backup folder remains
clean_install = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
name="Clean install",
description="If enabled, completely clear the addon's folder before installing new update, creating a fresh install",
ignore_enum = bpy.props.EnumProperty(
name="Process update",
description="Decide to install, ignore, or defer new addon update",
("install", "Update Now", "Install update now"),
("ignore", "Ignore", "Ignore this update to prevent future popups"),
("defer", "Defer", "Defer choice till next blender session")
def check(self, context):
return True
def invoke(self, context, event):
return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
if updater.invalidupdater == True:
layout.label(text="Updater module error")
elif updater.update_ready == True:
col = layout.column()
col.scale_y = 0.7
col.label(text="Update {} ready!".format(str(updater.update_version)),
text="Choose 'Update Now' & press OK to install, ", icon="BLANK1")
col.label(text="or click outside window to defer", icon="BLANK1")
row = col.row()
row.prop(self, "ignore_enum", expand=True)
elif updater.update_ready == False:
col = layout.column()
col.scale_y = 0.7
col.label(text="No updates available")
col.label(text="Press okay to dismiss dialog")
# add option to force install
# case: updater.update_ready = None
# we have not yet checked for the update
layout.label(text="Check for update now?")
# potentially in future, could have UI for 'check to select old version'
# to revert back to.
def execute(self, context):
# in case of error importing updater
if updater.invalidupdater == True:
return {'CANCELLED'}
if updater.manual_only == True:
elif updater.update_ready == True:
# action based on enum selection
if self.ignore_enum == 'defer':
return {'FINISHED'}
elif self.ignore_enum == 'ignore':
return {'FINISHED'}
# else: "install update now!"
res = updater.run_update(
# should return 0, if not something happened
if updater.verbose:
if res == 0:
print("Updater returned successful")
print("Updater returned {}, error occurred".format(res))
elif updater.update_ready == None:
_ = updater.check_for_update(now=True)
# re-launch this dialog
atr = addon_updater_install_popup.bl_idname.split(".")
getattr(getattr(bpy.ops, atr[0]), atr[1])('INVOKE_DEFAULT')
if updater.verbose:
print("Doing nothing, not ready for update")
return {'FINISHED'}
# User preference check-now operator
class addon_updater_check_now(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_label = "Check now for "+updater.addon+" update"
bl_idname = updater.addon+".updater_check_now"
bl_description = "Check now for an update to the {x} addon".format(
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'INTERNAL'}
def execute(self, context):
if updater.invalidupdater == True:
return {'CANCELLED'}
if updater.async_checking == True and updater.error == None:
# Check already happened
# Used here to just avoid constant applying settings below
# Ignoring if error, to prevent being stuck on the error screen
return {'CANCELLED'}
# apply the UI settings
settings = get_user_preferences(context)
if not settings:
if updater.verbose:
print("Could not get {} preferences, update check skipped".format(
return {'CANCELLED'}
) # optional, if auto_check_update
# input is an optional callback function
# this function should take a bool input, if true: update ready
# if false, no update ready
return {'FINISHED'}
class addon_updater_update_now(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_label = "Update "+updater.addon+" addon now"
bl_idname = updater.addon+".updater_update_now"
bl_description = "Update to the latest version of the {x} addon".format(
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'INTERNAL'}
# if true, run clean install - ie remove all files before adding new
# equivalent to deleting the addon and reinstalling, except the
# updater folder/backup folder remains
clean_install = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
name="Clean install",
description="If enabled, completely clear the addon's folder before installing new update, creating a fresh install",
def execute(self, context):
# in case of error importing updater
if updater.invalidupdater == True:
return {'CANCELLED'}
if updater.manual_only == True:
if updater.update_ready == True:
# if it fails, offer to open the website instead
res = updater.run_update(
# should return 0, if not something happened
if updater.verbose:
if res == 0:
print("Updater returned successful")
print("Updater returned "+str(res)+", error occurred")
except Exception as e:
updater._error = "Error trying to run update"
updater._error_msg = str(e)
atr = addon_updater_install_manually.bl_idname.split(".")
getattr(getattr(bpy.ops, atr[0]), atr[1])('INVOKE_DEFAULT')
elif updater.update_ready == None:
(update_ready, version, link) = updater.check_for_update(now=True)
# re-launch this dialog
atr = addon_updater_install_popup.bl_idname.split(".")
getattr(getattr(bpy.ops, atr[0]), atr[1])('INVOKE_DEFAULT')
elif updater.update_ready == False:
self.report({'INFO'}, "Nothing to update")
{'ERROR'}, "Encountered problem while trying to update")
return {'FINISHED'}
class addon_updater_update_target(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_label = updater.addon+" version target"
bl_idname = updater.addon+".updater_update_target"
bl_description = "Install a targeted version of the {x} addon".format(
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'INTERNAL'}
def target_version(self, context):
# in case of error importing updater
if updater.invalidupdater == True:
ret = []
ret = []
i = 0
for tag in updater.tags:
ret.append((tag, tag, "Select to install "+tag))
i += 1
return ret
target = bpy.props.EnumProperty(
name="Target version to install",
description="Select the version to install",
# if true, run clean install - ie remove all files before adding new
# equivalent to deleting the addon and reinstalling, except the
# updater folder/backup folder remains
clean_install = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
name="Clean install",
description="If enabled, completely clear the addon's folder before installing new update, creating a fresh install",
def poll(cls, context):
if updater.invalidupdater == True:
return False
return updater.update_ready != None and len(updater.tags) > 0
def invoke(self, context, event):
return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
if updater.invalidupdater == True:
layout.label(text="Updater error")
split = layout_split(layout, factor=0.66)
subcol = split.column()
subcol.label(text="Select install version")
subcol = split.column()
subcol.prop(self, "target", text="")
def execute(self, context):
# in case of error importing updater
if updater.invalidupdater == True:
return {'CANCELLED'}
res = updater.run_update(
# should return 0, if not something happened
if res == 0:
if updater.verbose:
print("Updater returned successful")
if updater.verbose:
print("Updater returned "+str(res)+", error occurred")
return {'CANCELLED'}
return {'FINISHED'}
class addon_updater_install_manually(bpy.types.Operator):
"""As a fallback, direct the user to download the addon manually"""
bl_label = "Install update manually"
bl_idname = updater.addon+".updater_install_manually"
bl_description = "Proceed to manually install update"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'INTERNAL'}
error = bpy.props.StringProperty(
name="Error Occurred",
def invoke(self, context, event):
return context.window_manager.invoke_popup(self)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
if updater.invalidupdater == True:
layout.label(text="Updater error")
# use a "failed flag"? it shows this label if the case failed.
if self.error != "":
col = layout.column()
col.scale_y = 0.7
text="There was an issue trying to auto-install", icon="ERROR")
text="Press the download button below and install", icon="BLANK1")
col.label(text="the zip file like a normal addon.", icon="BLANK1")
col = layout.column()
col.scale_y = 0.7
col.label(text="Install the addon manually")
col.label(text="Press the download button below and install")
col.label(text="the zip file like a normal addon.")
# if check hasn't happened, i.e. accidentally called this menu
# allow to check here
row = layout.row()
if updater.update_link != None:
text="Direct download").url = updater.update_link
text="(failed to retrieve direct download)")
row.enabled = False
if updater.website != None:
row = layout.row()
row.operator("wm.url_open", text="Open website").url =\
row = layout.row()
row.label(text="See source website to download the update")
def execute(self, context):
return {'FINISHED'}
class addon_updater_updated_successful(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Addon in place, popup telling user it completed or what went wrong"""
bl_label = "Installation Report"
bl_idname = updater.addon+".updater_update_successful"
bl_description = "Update installation response"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'INTERNAL', 'UNDO'}
error = bpy.props.StringProperty(
name="Error Occurred",
def invoke(self, context, event):
return context.window_manager.invoke_props_popup(self, event)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
if updater.invalidupdater == True:
layout.label(text="Updater error")
saved = updater.json
if self.error != "":
col = layout.column()
col.scale_y = 0.7
col.label(text="Error occurred, did not install", icon="ERROR")
if updater.error_msg:
msg = updater.error_msg
msg = self.error
col.label(text=str(msg), icon="BLANK1")
rw = col.row()
rw.scale_y = 2
text="Click for manual download.",
).url = updater.website
# manual download button here
elif updater.auto_reload_post_update == False:
# tell user to restart blender
if "just_restored" in saved and saved["just_restored"] == True:
col = layout.column()
col.scale_y = 0.7
col.label(text="Addon restored", icon="RECOVER_LAST")
col.label(text="Restart blender to reload.", icon="BLANK1")
col = layout.column()
col.scale_y = 0.7
col.label(text="Addon successfully installed",
col.label(text="Restart blender to reload.", icon="BLANK1")
# reload addon, but still recommend they restart blender
if "just_restored" in saved and saved["just_restored"] == True:
col = layout.column()
col.scale_y = 0.7
col.label(text="Addon restored", icon="RECOVER_LAST")
col.label(text="Consider restarting blender to fully reload.",
col = layout.column()
col.scale_y = 0.7
col.label(text="Addon successfully installed",
col.label(text="Consider restarting blender to fully reload.",
def execute(self, context):
return {'FINISHED'}
class addon_updater_restore_backup(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Restore addon from backup"""
bl_label = "Restore backup"
bl_idname = updater.addon+".updater_restore_backup"
bl_description = "Restore addon from backup"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'INTERNAL'}
def poll(cls, context):
return os.path.isdir(os.path.join(updater.stage_path, "backup"))
return False
def execute(self, context):
# in case of error importing updater
if updater.invalidupdater == True:
return {'CANCELLED'}
return {'FINISHED'}
class addon_updater_ignore(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Prevent future update notice popups"""
bl_label = "Ignore update"
bl_idname = updater.addon+".updater_ignore"
bl_description = "Ignore update to prevent future popups"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'INTERNAL'}
def poll(cls, context):
if updater.invalidupdater == True:
return False
elif updater.update_ready == True:
return True
return False
def execute(self, context):
# in case of error importing updater
if updater.invalidupdater == True:
return {'CANCELLED'}
self.report({"INFO"}, "Open addon preferences for updater options")
return {'FINISHED'}
class addon_updater_end_background(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Stop checking for update in the background"""
bl_label = "End background check"
bl_idname = updater.addon+".end_background_check"
bl_description = "Stop checking for update in the background"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'INTERNAL'}
# @classmethod
# def poll(cls, context):
# if updater.async_checking == True:
# return True
# else:
# return False
def execute(self, context):
# in case of error importing updater
if updater.invalidupdater == True:
return {'CANCELLED'}
return {'FINISHED'}
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Handler related, to create popups
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# global vars used to prevent duplicate popup handlers
ran_autocheck_install_popup = False
ran_update_sucess_popup = False
# global var for preventing successive calls
ran_background_check = False
def updater_run_success_popup_handler(scene):
global ran_update_sucess_popup
ran_update_sucess_popup = True
# in case of error importing updater
if updater.invalidupdater == True:
atr = addon_updater_updated_successful.bl_idname.split(".")
getattr(getattr(bpy.ops, atr[0]), atr[1])('INVOKE_DEFAULT')
def updater_run_install_popup_handler(scene):
global ran_autocheck_install_popup
ran_autocheck_install_popup = True
# in case of error importing updater
if updater.invalidupdater == True:
if "ignore" in updater.json and updater.json["ignore"] == True:
return # don't do popup if ignore pressed
# elif type(updater.update_version) != type((0,0,0)):
# # likely was from master or another branch, shouldn't trigger popup
# updater.json_reset_restore()
# return
elif "version_text" in updater.json and "version" in updater.json["version_text"]:
version = updater.json["version_text"]["version"]
ver_tuple = updater.version_tuple_from_text(version)
if ver_tuple < updater.current_version:
# user probably manually installed to get the up to date addon
# in here. Clear out the update flag using this function
if updater.verbose:
print("{} updater: appears user updated, clearing flag".format(
atr = addon_updater_install_popup.bl_idname.split(".")
getattr(getattr(bpy.ops, atr[0]), atr[1])('INVOKE_DEFAULT')
def background_update_callback(update_ready):
"""Passed into the updater, background thread updater"""
global ran_autocheck_install_popup
# in case of error importing updater
if updater.invalidupdater == True:
if updater.showpopups == False:
if update_ready != True:
if updater_run_install_popup_handler not in \
bpy.app.handlers.scene_update_post and \
ran_autocheck_install_popup == False:
ran_autocheck_install_popup = True
def post_update_callback(module_name, res=None):
"""Callback for once the run_update function has completed
Only makes sense to use this if "auto_reload_post_update" == False,
i.e. don't auto-restart the addon
module_name: returns the module name from updater, but unused here
res: If an error occurred, this is the detail string
# in case of error importing updater
if updater.invalidupdater == True:
if res == None:
# this is the same code as in conditional at the end of the register function
# ie if "auto_reload_post_update" == True, comment out this code
if updater.verbose:
print("{} updater: Running post update callback".format(updater.addon))
# bpy.app.handlers.scene_update_post.append(updater_run_success_popup_handler)
atr = addon_updater_updated_successful.bl_idname.split(".")
getattr(getattr(bpy.ops, atr[0]), atr[1])('INVOKE_DEFAULT')
global ran_update_sucess_popup
ran_update_sucess_popup = True
# some kind of error occurred and it was unable to install,
# offer manual download instead
atr = addon_updater_updated_successful.bl_idname.split(".")
getattr(getattr(bpy.ops, atr[0]), atr[1])('INVOKE_DEFAULT', error=res)
def ui_refresh(update_status):
# find a way to just re-draw self?
# callback intended for trigger by async thread
for windowManager in bpy.data.window_managers:
for window in windowManager.windows:
for area in window.screen.areas:
def check_for_update_background():
"""Function for asynchronous background check.
*Could* be called on register, but would be bad practice.
if updater.invalidupdater == True:
global ran_background_check
if ran_background_check == True:
# Global var ensures check only happens once
elif updater.update_ready != None or updater.async_checking == True:
# Check already happened
# Used here to just avoid constant applying settings below
# apply the UI settings
settings = get_user_preferences(bpy.context)
if not settings:
) # optional, if auto_check_update
# input is an optional callback function
# this function should take a bool input, if true: update ready
# if false, no update ready
if updater.verbose:
print("{} updater: Running background check for update".format(
ran_background_check = True
def check_for_update_nonthreaded(self, context):
"""Can be placed in front of other operators to launch when pressed"""
if updater.invalidupdater == True:
# only check if it's ready, ie after the time interval specified
# should be the async wrapper call here
settings = get_user_preferences(bpy.context)
if not settings:
if updater.verbose:
print("Could not get {} preferences, update check skipped".format(
) # optional, if auto_check_update
(update_ready, version, link) = updater.check_for_update(now=False)
if update_ready == True:
atr = addon_updater_install_popup.bl_idname.split(".")
getattr(getattr(bpy.ops, atr[0]), atr[1])('INVOKE_DEFAULT')
if updater.verbose:
print("No update ready")
self.report({'INFO'}, "No update ready")
def showReloadPopup():
"""For use in register only, to show popup after re-enabling the addon
Must be enabled by developer
if updater.invalidupdater == True:
saved_state = updater.json
global ran_update_sucess_popup
a = saved_state != None
b = "just_updated" in saved_state
c = saved_state["just_updated"]
if a and b and c:
updater.json_reset_postupdate() # so this only runs once
# no handlers in this case
if updater.auto_reload_post_update == False:
if updater_run_success_popup_handler not in \
bpy.app.handlers.scene_update_post \
and ran_update_sucess_popup == False:
ran_update_sucess_popup = True
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Example UI integrations
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def update_notice_box_ui(self, context):
""" Panel - Update Available for placement at end/beginning of panel
After a check for update has occurred, this function will draw a box
saying an update is ready, and give a button for: update now, open website,
or ignore popup. Ideal to be placed at the end / beginning of a panel
if updater.invalidupdater == True:
saved_state = updater.json
if updater.auto_reload_post_update == False:
if "just_updated" in saved_state and saved_state["just_updated"] == True:
layout = self.layout
box = layout.box()
col = box.column()
col.scale_y = 0.7
col.label(text="Restart blender", icon="ERROR")
col.label(text="to complete update")
# if user pressed ignore, don't draw the box
if "ignore" in updater.json and updater.json["ignore"] == True:
if updater.update_ready != True:
layout = self.layout
box = layout.box()
col = box.column(align=True)
col.label(text="Update ready!", icon="ERROR")
row = col.row(align=True)
split = row.split(align=True)
colL = split.column(align=True)
colL.scale_y = 1.5
colL.operator(addon_updater_ignore.bl_idname, icon="X", text="Ignore")
colR = split.column(align=True)
colR.scale_y = 1.5
if updater.manual_only == False:
text="Update", icon="LOOP_FORWARDS")
col.operator("wm.url_open", text="Open website").url = updater.website
#col.operator("wm.url_open",text="Direct download").url=updater.update_link
text="Install manually")
#col.operator("wm.url_open",text="Direct download").url=updater.update_link
col.operator("wm.url_open", text="Get it now").url = updater.website
def update_settings_ui(self, context, element=None):
"""Preferences - for drawing with full width inside user preferences
Create a function that can be run inside user preferences panel for prefs UI
Place inside UI draw using: addon_updater_ops.updaterSettingsUI(self, context)
or by: addon_updater_ops.updaterSettingsUI(context)
# element is a UI element, such as layout, a row, column, or box
if element == None:
element = self.layout
box = element.box()
# in case of error importing updater
if updater.invalidupdater == True:
box.label(text="Error initializing updater code:")
settings = get_user_preferences(context)
if not settings:
box.label(text="Error getting updater preferences", icon='ERROR')
# auto-update settings
box.label(text="Updater Settings")
row = box.row()
# special case to tell user to restart blender, if set that way
if updater.auto_reload_post_update == False:
saved_state = updater.json
if "just_updated" in saved_state and saved_state["just_updated"] == True:
row.label(text="Restart blender to complete update", icon="ERROR")
split = layout_split(row, factor=0.3)
subcol = split.column()
subcol.prop(settings, "auto_check_update")
subcol = split.column()
if settings.auto_check_update == False:
subcol.enabled = False
subrow = subcol.row()
subrow.label(text="Interval between checks")
subrow = subcol.row(align=True)
checkcol = subrow.column(align=True)
checkcol.prop(settings, "updater_intrval_months")
checkcol = subrow.column(align=True)
checkcol.prop(settings, "updater_intrval_days")
checkcol = subrow.column(align=True)
checkcol.prop(settings, "updater_intrval_hours")
checkcol = subrow.column(align=True)
checkcol.prop(settings, "updater_intrval_minutes")
# checking / managing updates
row = box.row()
col = row.column()
if updater.error != None:
subcol = col.row(align=True)
subcol.scale_y = 1
split = subcol.split(align=True)
split.scale_y = 2
if "ssl" in updater.error_msg.lower():
split.enabled = True
split.enabled = False
split = subcol.split(align=True)
split.scale_y = 2
text="", icon="FILE_REFRESH")
elif updater.update_ready == None and updater.async_checking == False:
col.scale_y = 2
elif updater.update_ready == None: # async is running
subcol = col.row(align=True)
subcol.scale_y = 1
split = subcol.split(align=True)
split.enabled = False
split.scale_y = 2
split = subcol.split(align=True)
split.scale_y = 2
text="", icon="X")
elif updater.include_branches == True and \
len(updater.tags) == len(updater.include_branch_list) and \
updater.manual_only == False:
# no releases found, but still show the appropriate branch
subcol = col.row(align=True)
subcol.scale_y = 1
split = subcol.split(align=True)
split.scale_y = 2
text="Update directly to "+str(updater.include_branch_list[0]))
split = subcol.split(align=True)
split.scale_y = 2
text="", icon="FILE_REFRESH")
elif updater.update_ready == True and updater.manual_only == False:
subcol = col.row(align=True)
subcol.scale_y = 1
split = subcol.split(align=True)
split.scale_y = 2
text="Update now to "+str(updater.update_version))
split = subcol.split(align=True)
split.scale_y = 2
text="", icon="FILE_REFRESH")
elif updater.update_ready == True and updater.manual_only == True:
col.scale_y = 2
text="Download "+str(updater.update_version)).url = updater.website
else: # i.e. that updater.update_ready == False
subcol = col.row(align=True)
subcol.scale_y = 1
split = subcol.split(align=True)
split.enabled = False
split.scale_y = 2
text="Addon is up to date")
split = subcol.split(align=True)
split.scale_y = 2
text="", icon="FILE_REFRESH")
if updater.manual_only == False:
col = row.column(align=True)
# col.operator(addon_updater_update_target.bl_idname,
if updater.include_branches == True and len(updater.include_branch_list) > 0:
branch = updater.include_branch_list[0]
text="Install latest {} / old version".format(branch))
text="Reinstall / install old version")
lastdate = "none found"
backuppath = os.path.join(updater.stage_path, "backup")
if "backup_date" in updater.json and os.path.isdir(backuppath):
if updater.json["backup_date"] == "":
lastdate = "Date not found"
lastdate = updater.json["backup_date"]
backuptext = "Restore addon backup ({})".format(lastdate)
col.operator(addon_updater_restore_backup.bl_idname, text=backuptext)
row = box.row()
row.scale_y = 0.7
lastcheck = updater.json["last_check"]
if updater.error != None and updater.error_msg != None:
elif lastcheck != "" and lastcheck != None:
lastcheck = lastcheck[0: lastcheck.index(".")]
row.label(text="Last update check: " + lastcheck)
row.label(text="Last update check: Never")
def update_settings_ui_condensed(self, context, element=None):
"""Preferences - Condensed drawing within preferences
Alternate draw for user preferences or other places, does not draw a box
# element is a UI element, such as layout, a row, column, or box
if element == None:
element = self.layout
row = element.row()
# in case of error importing updater
if updater.invalidupdater == True:
row.label(text="Error initializing updater code:")
settings = get_user_preferences(context)
if not settings:
row.label(text="Error getting updater preferences", icon='ERROR')
# special case to tell user to restart blender, if set that way
if updater.auto_reload_post_update == False:
saved_state = updater.json
if "just_updated" in saved_state and saved_state["just_updated"] == True:
row.label(text="Restart blender to complete update", icon="ERROR")
col = row.column()
if updater.error != None:
subcol = col.row(align=True)
subcol.scale_y = 1
split = subcol.split(align=True)
split.scale_y = 2
if "ssl" in updater.error_msg.lower():
split.enabled = True
split.enabled = False
split = subcol.split(align=True)
split.scale_y = 2
text="", icon="FILE_REFRESH")
elif updater.update_ready == None and updater.async_checking == False:
col.scale_y = 2
elif updater.update_ready == None: # async is running
subcol = col.row(align=True)
subcol.scale_y = 1
split = subcol.split(align=True)
split.enabled = False
split.scale_y = 2
split = subcol.split(align=True)
split.scale_y = 2
text="", icon="X")
elif updater.include_branches == True and \
len(updater.tags) == len(updater.include_branch_list) and \
updater.manual_only == False:
# no releases found, but still show the appropriate branch
subcol = col.row(align=True)
subcol.scale_y = 1
split = subcol.split(align=True)
split.scale_y = 2
text="Update directly to "+str(updater.include_branch_list[0]))
split = subcol.split(align=True)
split.scale_y = 2
text="", icon="FILE_REFRESH")
elif updater.update_ready == True and updater.manual_only == False:
subcol = col.row(align=True)
subcol.scale_y = 1
split = subcol.split(align=True)
split.scale_y = 2
text="Update now to "+str(updater.update_version))
split = subcol.split(align=True)
split.scale_y = 2
text="", icon="FILE_REFRESH")
elif updater.update_ready == True and updater.manual_only == True:
col.scale_y = 2
text="Download "+str(updater.update_version)).url = updater.website
else: # i.e. that updater.update_ready == False
subcol = col.row(align=True)
subcol.scale_y = 1
split = subcol.split(align=True)
split.enabled = False
split.scale_y = 2
text="Addon is up to date")
split = subcol.split(align=True)
split.scale_y = 2
text="", icon="FILE_REFRESH")
row = element.row()
row.prop(settings, "auto_check_update")
row = element.row()
row.scale_y = 0.7
lastcheck = updater.json["last_check"]
if updater.error != None and updater.error_msg != None:
elif lastcheck != "" and lastcheck != None:
lastcheck = lastcheck[0: lastcheck.index(".")]
row.label(text="Last check: " + lastcheck)
row.label(text="Last check: Never")
def skip_tag_function(self, tag):
"""A global function for tag skipping
A way to filter which tags are displayed,
e.g. to limit downgrading too far
input is a tag text, e.g. "v1.2.3"
output is True for skipping this tag number,
False if the tag is allowed (default for all)
Note: here, "self" is the acting updater shared class instance
# in case of error importing updater
if self.invalidupdater == True:
return False
# ---- write any custom code here, return true to disallow version ---- #
# # Filter out e.g. if 'beta' is in name of release
# if 'beta' in tag.lower():
# return True
# ---- write any custom code above, return true to disallow version --- #
if self.include_branches == True:
for branch in self.include_branch_list:
if tag["name"].lower() == branch:
return False
# function converting string to tuple, ignoring e.g. leading 'v'
tupled = self.version_tuple_from_text(tag["name"])
if type(tupled) != type((1, 2, 3)):
return True
# select the min tag version - change tuple accordingly
if self.version_min_update != None:
if tupled < self.version_min_update:
return True # skip if current version below this
# select the max tag version
if self.version_max_update != None:
if tupled >= self.version_max_update:
return True # skip if current version at or above this
# in all other cases, allow showing the tag for updating/reverting
return False
def select_link_function(self, tag):
"""Only customize if trying to leverage "attachments" in *GitHub* releases
A way to select from one or multiple attached donwloadable files from the
server, instead of downloading the default release/tag source code
# -- Default, universal case (and is the only option for GitLab/Bitbucket)
link = tag["zipball_url"]
# -- Example: select the first (or only) asset instead source code --
# if "assets" in tag and "browser_download_url" in tag["assets"][0]:
# link = tag["assets"][0]["browser_download_url"]
# -- Example: select asset based on OS, where multiple builds exist --
# # not tested/no error checking, modify to fit your own needs!
# # assume each release has three attached builds:
# # release_windows.zip, release_OSX.zip, release_linux.zip
# # This also would logically not be used with "branches" enabled
# if platform.system() == "Darwin": # ie OSX
# link = [asset for asset in tag["assets"] if 'OSX' in asset][0]
# elif platform.system() == "Windows":
# link = [asset for asset in tag["assets"] if 'windows' in asset][0]
# elif platform.system() == "Linux":
# link = [asset for asset in tag["assets"] if 'linux' in asset][0]
return link
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Register, should be run in the register module itself
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
classes = (
def register(bl_info):
"""Registering the operators in this module"""
# safer failure in case of issue loading module
if updater.error:
print("Exiting updater registration, " + updater.error)
updater.clear_state() # clear internal vars, avoids reloading oddities
# confirm your updater "engine" (Github is default if not specified)
updater.engine = "GitLab"
# If using private repository, indicate the token here
# Must be set after assigning the engine.
# **WARNING** Depending on the engine, this token can act like a password!!
# Only provide a token if the project is *non-public*, see readme for
# other considerations and suggestions from a security standpoint
updater.private_token = None # "tokenstring"
# choose your own username, must match website (not needed for GitLab)
updater.user = "slumber"
# choose your own repository, must match git name
updater.repo = "10515801"
# updater.addon = # define at top of module, MUST be done first
# Website for manual addon download, optional but recommended to set
updater.website = "https://gitlab.com/slumber/multi-user/"
# Addon subfolder path
# "sample/path/to/addon"
# default is "" or None, meaning root
updater.subfolder_path = "multi-user"
# used to check/compare versions
updater.current_version = bl_info["version"]
# Optional, to hard-set update frequency, use this here - however,
# this demo has this set via UI properties.
# updater.set_check_interval(
# enable=False,months=0,days=0,hours=0,minutes=2)
# Optional, consider turning off for production or allow as an option
# This will print out additional debugging info to the console
updater.verbose = True # make False for production default
# Optional, customize where the addon updater processing subfolder is,
# essentially a staging folder used by the updater on its own
# Needs to be within the same folder as the addon itself
# Need to supply a full, absolute path to folder
# updater.updater_path = # set path of updater folder, by default:
# /addons/{__package__}/{__package__}_updater
# auto create a backup of the addon when installing other versions
updater.backup_current = True # True by default
# Sample ignore patterns for when creating backup of current during update
updater.backup_ignore_patterns = ["__pycache__"]
# Alternate example patterns
# updater.backup_ignore_patterns = [".git", "__pycache__", "*.bat", ".gitignore", "*.exe"]
# Patterns for files to actively overwrite if found in new update
# file and are also found in the currently installed addon. Note that
# by default (ie if set to []), updates are installed in the same way as blender:
# .py files are replaced, but other file types (e.g. json, txt, blend)
# will NOT be overwritten if already present in current install. Thus
# if you want to automatically update resources/non py files, add them
# as a part of the pattern list below so they will always be overwritten by an
# update. If a pattern file is not found in new update, no action is taken
# This does NOT detele anything, only defines what is allowed to be overwritten
updater.overwrite_patterns = ["*.png", "*.jpg", "README.md", "LICENSE.txt"]
# updater.overwrite_patterns = []
# other examples:
# ["*"] means ALL files/folders will be overwritten by update, was the behavior pre updater v1.0.4
# [] or ["*.py","*.pyc"] matches default blender behavior, ie same effect if user installs update manually without deleting the existing addon first
# e.g. if existing install and update both have a resource.blend file, the existing installed one will remain
# ["some.py"] means if some.py is found in addon update, it will overwrite any existing some.py in current addon install, if any
# ["*.json"] means all json files found in addon update will overwrite those of same name in current install
# ["*.png","README.md","LICENSE.txt"] means the readme, license, and all pngs will be overwritten by update
# Patterns for files to actively remove prior to running update
# Useful if wanting to remove old code due to changes in filenames
# that otherwise would accumulate. Note: this runs after taking
# a backup (if enabled) but before placing in new update. If the same
# file name removed exists in the update, then it acts as if pattern
# is placed in the overwrite_patterns property. Note this is effectively
# ignored if clean=True in the run_update method
updater.remove_pre_update_patterns = ["*.py", "*.pyc"]
# Note setting ["*"] here is equivalent to always running updates with
# clean = True in the run_update method, ie the equivalent of a fresh,
# new install. This would also delete any resources or user-made/modified
# files setting ["__pycache__"] ensures the pycache folder is always removed
# The configuration of ["*.py","*.pyc"] is a safe option as this
# will ensure no old python files/caches remain in event different addon
# versions have different filenames or structures
# Allow branches like 'master' as an option to update to, regardless
# of release or version.
# Default behavior: releases will still be used for auto check (popup),
# but the user has the option from user preferences to directly
# update to the master branch or any other branches specified using
# the "install {branch}/older version" operator.
updater.include_branches = True
2020-03-12 11:57:54 +01:00
# (GitHub/Gitlab only) This options allows the user to use releases over tags for data,
2020-03-11 22:42:09 +01:00
# which enables pulling down release logs/notes, as well as specify installs from
# release-attached zips (instead of just the auto-packaged code generated with
# a release/tag). Setting has no impact on BitBucket or GitLab repos
2020-03-12 11:57:54 +01:00
updater.use_releases = True
2020-03-11 22:42:09 +01:00
# note: Releases always have a tag, but a tag may not always be a release
# Therefore, setting True above will filter out any non-annoted tags
# note 2: Using this option will also display the release name instead of
# just the tag name, bear this in mind given the skip_tag_function filtering above
# if using "include_branches",
# updater.include_branch_list defaults to ['master'] branch if set to none
# example targeting another multiple branches allowed to pull from
# updater.include_branch_list = ['master', 'dev'] # example with two branches
# None is the equivalent to setting ['master']
updater.include_branch_list = None
# Only allow manual install, thus prompting the user to open
# the addon's web page to download, specifically: updater.website
# Useful if only wanting to get notification of updates but not
# directly install.
updater.manual_only = False
# Used for development only, "pretend" to install an update to test
# reloading conditions
updater.fake_install = False # Set to true to test callback/reloading
# Show popups, ie if auto-check for update is enabled or a previous
# check for update in user preferences found a new version, show a popup
# (at most once per blender session, and it provides an option to ignore
# for future sessions); default behavior is set to True
updater.showpopups = True
# note: if set to false, there will still be an "update ready" box drawn
# using the `update_notice_box_ui` panel function.
# Override with a custom function on what tags
# to skip showing for updater; see code for function above.
# Set the min and max versions allowed to install.
# Optional, default None
# min install (>=) will install this and higher
updater.version_min_update = (0, 0, 1)
# updater.version_min_update = None # if not wanting to define a min
# max install (<) will install strictly anything lower
# updater.version_max_update = (9,9,9)
updater.version_max_update = None # set to None if not wanting to set max
# Function defined above, customize as appropriate per repository
updater.skip_tag = skip_tag_function # min and max used in this function
# Function defined above, customize as appropriate per repository; not required
updater.select_link = select_link_function
# The register line items for all operators/panels
# If using bpy.utils.register_module(__name__) to register elsewhere
# in the addon, delete these lines (also from unregister)
for cls in classes:
# apply annotations to remove Blender 2.8 warnings, no effect on 2.7
# comment out this line if using bpy.utils.register_module(__name__)
# special situation: we just updated the addon, show a popup
# to tell the user it worked
# should be enclosed in try/catch in case other issues arise
def unregister():
for cls in reversed(classes):
# comment out this line if using bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__)
# clear global vars since they may persist if not restarting blender
updater.clear_state() # clear internal vars, avoids reloading oddities
global ran_autocheck_install_popup
ran_autocheck_install_popup = False
global ran_update_sucess_popup
ran_update_sucess_popup = False
global ran_background_check
ran_background_check = False