Florian Eckert c128728811
procd: move service command to procd
The service command belongs to the procd and does not belong in the
shinit. In the course of the move, the script was also checked with
shellcheck and cleaned up.

Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert <fe@dev.tdt.de>
(cherry picked from commit b9017384cae7bbc47186fdf35a80207844876a0d)
2022-11-13 14:24:29 +08:00

54 lines
1.4 KiB

[ -e /tmp/.failsafe ] && export FAILSAFE=1
[ -f /etc/banner ] && cat /etc/banner
[ -n "$FAILSAFE" ] && cat /etc/banner.failsafe
grep -Fsq '/ overlay ro,' /proc/mounts && {
echo 'Your JFFS2-partition seems full and overlayfs is mounted read-only.'
echo 'Please try to remove files from /overlay/upper/... and reboot!'
export PATH="%PATH%"
export HOME=$(grep -e "^${USER:-root}:" /etc/passwd | cut -d ":" -f 6)
export HOME=${HOME:-/root}
export PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '
export ENV=/etc/shinit
case "$TERM" in
export PS1='\[\e]0;\u@\h: \w\a\]'$PS1
[ -x /bin/more ] || alias more='less'
[ -x /usr/bin/vim ] && alias vi='vim' || alias vim='vi'
alias l='ls -lF'
alias la='ls -a'
alias ll='ls -alF'
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
[ -z "$KSH_VERSION" -o \! -s /etc/mkshrc ] || . /etc/mkshrc
[ -x /usr/bin/arp -o -x /sbin/arp ] || arp() { cat /proc/net/arp; }
[ -x /usr/bin/ldd ] || ldd() { LD_TRACE_LOADED_OBJECTS=1 $*; }
[ -n "$FAILSAFE" ] || {
for FILE in /etc/profile.d/*.sh; do
[ -e "$FILE" ] && . "$FILE"
unset FILE
if ( grep -qs '^root::' /etc/shadow && \
[ -z "$FAILSAFE" ] )
cat << EOF
=== WARNING! =====================================
There is no root password defined on this device!
Use the "passwd" command to set up a new password
in order to prevent unauthorized SSH logins.