/* * $smu-mark$ * $name: main.c$ * $author: Salvatore Sanfilippo $ * $copyright: Copyright (C) 1999 by Salvatore Sanfilippo$ * $license: This software is under GPL version 2 of license$ * $date: Fri Nov 5 11:55:48 MET 1999$ * $rev: 8$ */ /* * hping official page at http://www.kyuzz.org/antirez * Covered by GPL version 2, Read the COPYING file for more information */ /* $Id: main.c,v 1.26 2003/08/07 23:55:55 antirez Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hping2.h" #if (!defined OSTYPE_LINUX) || (defined FORCE_LIBPCAP) #include #endif /* ! OSTYPE_LINUX || FORCE_LIBPCAP */ /* globals */ unsigned int tcp_th_flags = 0, linkhdr_size = -1, /* physical layer header size */ ip_tos = 0, set_seqnum = FALSE, tcp_seqnum = FALSE, set_ack, h_if_mtu, virtual_mtu = DEFAULT_VIRTUAL_MTU, ip_frag_offset = 0, signlen, lsr_length = 0, ssr_length = 0, tcp_ack; unsigned short int data_size = 0; float rtt_min = 0, rtt_max = 0, rtt_avg = 0; int sockpacket, sockraw, sent_pkt = 0, recv_pkt = 0, out_of_sequence_pkt = 0, sending_wait = DEFAULT_SENDINGWAIT, /* see DEFAULT_SENDINGWAIT */ opt_rawipmode = FALSE, opt_icmpmode = FALSE, opt_udpmode = FALSE, opt_scanmode = FALSE, opt_listenmode = FALSE, opt_waitinusec = FALSE, opt_numeric = FALSE, opt_gethost = TRUE, opt_quiet = FALSE, opt_relid = FALSE, opt_fragment = FALSE, opt_df = FALSE, opt_mf = FALSE, opt_debug = FALSE, opt_verbose = FALSE, opt_winid_order = FALSE, opt_keepstill = FALSE, opt_datafromfile= FALSE, opt_hexdump = FALSE, opt_contdump = FALSE, opt_sign = FALSE, opt_safe = FALSE, opt_end = FALSE, opt_traceroute = FALSE, opt_seqnum = FALSE, opt_incdport = FALSE, opt_force_incdport = FALSE, opt_icmptype = DEFAULT_ICMP_TYPE, opt_icmpcode = DEFAULT_ICMP_CODE, opt_rroute = FALSE, opt_tcpexitcode = FALSE, opt_badcksum = FALSE, opt_tr_keep_ttl = FALSE, opt_tcp_timestamp = FALSE, opt_tr_stop = FALSE, opt_tr_no_rtt = FALSE, opt_rand_dest = FALSE, opt_rand_source = FALSE, opt_lsrr = FALSE, opt_ssrr = FALSE, opt_cplt_rte = FALSE, opt_bps = 0, opt_pps = 0, tcp_exitcode = 0, src_ttl = DEFAULT_TTL, src_id = -1, /* random */ base_dst_port = DEFAULT_DPORT, dst_port = DEFAULT_DPORT, src_port, sequence = 0, initsport = DEFAULT_INITSPORT, src_winsize = DEFAULT_SRCWINSIZE, src_thoff = (TCPHDR_SIZE >> 2), count = DEFAULT_COUNT, ctrlzbind = DEFAULT_BIND, delaytable_index= 0, eof_reached = FALSE, icmp_ip_version = DEFAULT_ICMP_IP_VERSION, icmp_ip_ihl = DEFAULT_ICMP_IP_IHL, icmp_ip_tos = DEFAULT_ICMP_IP_TOS, icmp_ip_tot_len = DEFAULT_ICMP_IP_TOT_LEN, icmp_ip_id = DEFAULT_ICMP_IP_ID, icmp_ip_protocol= DEFAULT_ICMP_IP_PROTOCOL, icmp_ip_srcport = DEFAULT_DPORT, icmp_ip_dstport = DEFAULT_DPORT, opt_force_icmp = FALSE, icmp_cksum = DEFAULT_ICMP_CKSUM, raw_ip_protocol = DEFAULT_RAW_IP_PROTOCOL, opt_ipv6 = FALSE, opt_af = AF_INET, opt_flood = FALSE; char datafilename [1024], targetname [1024], targetstraddr [1024], ifname [1024] = {'\0'}, ifstraddr [1024], spoofaddr [1024], icmp_ip_srcip [1024], icmp_ip_dstip [1024], icmp_gwip [1024], sign [1024], rsign [1024], /* reverse sign (hping -> gniph) */ ip_opt [40], *opt_scanports = ""; unsigned char lsr [255] = {0}, ssr [255] = {0}; unsigned ip_optlen = 0; struct sockaddr_in icmp_ip_src, icmp_ip_dst, icmp_gw; struct SOCKADDR local, remote; struct itimerval usec_delay; volatile struct delaytable_element delaytable[TABLESIZE]; struct hcmphdr *hcmphdr_p; /* global pointer used by send_hcmp to transfer hcmp headers to data_handler */ #if (!defined OSTYPE_LINUX) || (defined FORCE_LIBPCAP) pcap_t *pcapfp; char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; struct pcap_pkthdr hdr; #endif /* ! OSTYPE_LINUX || FORCE_LIBPCAP */ /* main */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { char setflags[1024] = {'\0'}; int c, hdr_size; if (parse_options(argc, argv) == -1) { printf("hping6: missing host argument\n" "Try `hping6 --help' for more information.\n"); exit(1); } /* reverse sign */ if (opt_sign || opt_listenmode) { char *src = sign+strlen(sign)-1; /* last char before '\0' */ char *dst = rsign; while(src>=sign) *dst++ = *src--; *dst = '\0'; if (opt_debug) printf("DEBUG: reverse sign: %s\n", rsign); } /* get target address before interface processing */ if (opt_ipv6) resolve6((struct sockaddr*)&remote, targetname); else if ((!opt_listenmode && !opt_safe) && !opt_rand_dest) resolve((struct sockaddr*)&remote, targetname); if (opt_rand_dest) { strlcpy(targetstraddr, targetname, sizeof(targetstraddr)); } else { inet_ntop(opt_af, ADDR(&remote), targetstraddr, sizeof(targetstraddr)); } /* get interface's name and address */ if ( get_if_name() == -1 ) { printf("[main] no such device\n"); exit(1); } if (opt_verbose || opt_debug) { printf("using %s, addr: %s, MTU: %d\n", ifname, ifstraddr, h_if_mtu); } /* open raw socket */ sockraw = open_sockraw(); if (sockraw == -1) { printf("[main] can't open raw socket\n"); exit(1); } /* set SO_BROADCAST option */ socket_broadcast(sockraw); /* set SO_IPHDRINCL option */ if(!opt_ipv6) socket_iphdrincl(sockraw); /* open sock packet or libpcap socket */ #if (defined OSTYPE_LINUX) && (!defined FORCE_LIBPCAP) sockpacket = open_sockpacket(); if (sockpacket == -1) { printf("[main] can't open packet socket\n"); exit(1); } #else if (open_pcap() == -1) { printf("[main] open_pcap failed\n"); exit(1); } #endif /* OSTYPE_LINUX && !FORCE_LIBPCAP */ /* get physical layer header size */ if (linkhdr_size == -1 && get_linkhdr_size(ifname) == -1) { printf("[main] physical layer header size unknown (try --lhs)\n"); exit(1); } if (spoofaddr[0] != '\0') { if(opt_ipv6) resolve6((struct sockaddr*)&local, spoofaddr); else resolve((struct sockaddr*)&local, spoofaddr); } if (icmp_ip_srcip[0] == '\0') resolve((struct sockaddr*)&icmp_ip_src, ""); else resolve((struct sockaddr*)&icmp_ip_src, icmp_ip_srcip); if (icmp_ip_dstip[0] == '\0') resolve((struct sockaddr*)&icmp_ip_dst, ""); else resolve((struct sockaddr*)&icmp_ip_dst, icmp_ip_dstip); if (icmp_gwip[0] == '\0') resolve((struct sockaddr*)&icmp_gw, ""); else resolve((struct sockaddr*)&icmp_gw, icmp_gwip); srand(time(NULL)); /* set initial source port */ if (initsport == -1) initsport = src_port = 1024 + (rand() % 2000); else src_port = initsport; for (c = 0; c < TABLESIZE; c++) delaytable[c].seq = -1; /* use SIGALRM to send packets like ping do */ Signal(SIGALRM, send_packet); /* binding */ if (ctrlzbind != BIND_NONE) Signal(SIGTSTP, inc_destparm); Signal(SIGINT, print_statistics); Signal(SIGTERM, print_statistics); /* if we are in listemode enter in listenmain() else */ /* print HPING... bla bla bla and enter in wait_packet() */ if (opt_listenmode) { fprintf(stderr, "hping6 listen mode\n"); /* memory protection */ if (memlockall() == -1) { perror("[main] memlockall()"); fprintf(stderr, "Warning: can't disable memory paging!\n"); } else if (opt_verbose || opt_debug) { printf("Memory paging disabled\n"); } listenmain(); /* UNREACHED */ } /* Scan mode */ if (opt_scanmode) { fprintf(stderr, "Scanning %s (%s), port %s\n", targetname, targetstraddr, opt_scanports); scanmain(); /* UNREACHED */ } if (opt_rawipmode) { strcat(setflags, "raw IP mode"); hdr_size = IPHDR_SIZE; } else if (opt_icmpmode) { strcat(setflags, "icmp mode"); hdr_size = IPHDR_SIZE + ICMPHDR_SIZE; } else if (opt_udpmode) { strcat(setflags, "udp mode"); hdr_size = IPHDR_SIZE + UDPHDR_SIZE; } else { if (tcp_th_flags & TH_RST) strcat(setflags, "R"); if (tcp_th_flags & TH_SYN) strcat(setflags, "S"); if (tcp_th_flags & TH_ACK) strcat(setflags, "A"); if (tcp_th_flags & TH_FIN) strcat(setflags, "F"); if (tcp_th_flags & TH_PUSH) strcat(setflags, "P"); if (tcp_th_flags & TH_URG) strcat(setflags, "U"); if (tcp_th_flags & TH_X) strcat(setflags, "X"); if (tcp_th_flags & TH_Y) strcat(setflags, "Y"); if (setflags[0] == '\0') strcat(setflags, "NO FLAGS are"); hdr_size = IPHDR_SIZE + TCPHDR_SIZE; } if(opt_ipv6) hdr_size += IP6HDR_SIZE - IPHDR_SIZE; printf("HPING %s (%s %s): %s set, %d headers + %d data bytes\n", targetname, ifname, targetstraddr, setflags, hdr_size, data_size); /* memory protection */ if (opt_datafromfile || opt_sign) { if (memlockall() == -1) { perror("[main] memlockall()"); fprintf(stderr, "Warning: can't disable memory paging!\n"); } else if (opt_verbose || opt_debug) { printf("Memory paging disabled\n"); } } /* start packet sending */ kill(getpid(), SIGALRM); /* flood mode? */ if (opt_flood) { fprintf(stderr, "hping in flood mode, no replies will be shown\n"); while (1) { send_packet(0); } } /* main loop */ while(1) wait_packet(); return 0; }